
Chapter Five - The Third Goodbye

I woke up the next day, Lucy was still asleep so I got up and went to the bathroom... I don't miss the nappies one bit, in fact I thank heavens I don't have to use them for so long.

When I finished I saw the shower, I hadn't tried to bathe myself before, not because I didn't want to but because Lucy wouldn't let me. But as she was still sleeping and I wasn't going to wake her up I decided that this could be my first time, couldn't it? I turned on the water, waited for it to come out as warm as possible, and got in. I missed bathing alone, but after this I guess I'll miss not playing in the tub, well that's just growing up. I finished my shower quickly and went to my room, got out some clothes and put on a rather childish outfit... but then I was 3 years old and a week old, what else could I do. A blue dress, with white polka dots and patent leather shoes.

I combed my hair and put a ribbon in my hair, in my other life I had always put ribbons in my hair, it was that or a scarf that ended with a nice knot above my frame, this gave the impression of mini ears, or so I had been told. I finished my outfit and went to brush my teeth, I climbed up a small bench, or something like that, to be at the height of the sink. When I finished I looked at myself in the mirror, my eyes as the beautiful 10-year-old Pietro had said were a deep blue color, but they turned a little grey in one part of the eye, and around the pupil, there were green colors similar to Emma's eyes. I looked carefully at my eyes and noticed that the left eye had a very marked difference between blue and lead.

'Partial heterochromia' - I thought.

I looked again in the mirror, the left one had lead on the top and the rest was blue, it was quite pretty. I thought about that time I dreamt I had a different color eye than the other one, this was the closest I could get. I came out of the bathroom, carried the suitcase with my little strength in front of the door, and looked at what else was in the bedroom. Next to where the suitcase was before, was the bag that seemed to accompany me all my short life, I tried to pick it up but it was heavy so I dragged it towards the door.

My duty done, I went to wake Lucy. She looked tired, had dark circles under her eyes, and I could have sworn she was fighting the pain.

- "It's time to wake up" - I told her as she opened her eyes - "It's all ready, even I'm ready" - I smiled at her.

- "I noticed, little one..." - She started coughing heavily, I helped her to go to the bathroom and while she was getting ready, I tried to prepare breakfast. My attempt at breakfast was based on heating water and pouring a bowl of cereal and milk.

Lucy came out ready and looked at me for a while, got the water out, and ate her breakfast. When we finished I went to brush my teeth and my grandmother followed behind me. As I brushed my teeth a song came to my mind, the Colgate commercial I used to watch when I was little. I started laughing and almost got stuck with the toothpaste, we both finished and left the bathroom.

I was about to grab my teddy and wait to go to the hospital, but I started to notice a look on her face. I turned around and found Lucy looking at me, I didn't know what was going on. She came up to me and said we had to go somewhere before we went to the hospital, I looked at her funny but I followed her with Benjamin in my hands. She took the keys and put the camera in her bag.

We went to a park, we had a lot of fun, we ate and went on different rides that I could go on when I was 3 years old. We took a lot of pictures which we created instantly. While we waited for them to be ready, I ate ice cream and looked at it slowly, trying to keep it in my memory as it was. Clearly, this was a farewell outing, I didn't cry or say anything. We went to pick up the photos and I asked Lucy to buy me an album. When I got home after the outing, I put all the photos I had so far in the album they had bought me. When I finished I noticed that Lucy had gone to bed, she was exhausted. I left her alone and cried as much as I couldn't cry all day. I put on my pajamas and fell asleep next to her. Tomorrow would be a pretty special day.

The day started, we went with Lucy to the hospital and they admitted her, I stayed as long as I could with her until I realized something important... who I was going to stay with, I had no more family and I wasn't going to leave my grandmother alone.

I escaped to see Dr. Mike, I found him and I spoke to him as civilly as I could, like an adult... an adult that I clearly wasn't, I managed to get them to let me stay with Lucy until everything was over. Then they would call the social workers to see my situation, an orphan, I would probably go to a foster home or something like that. I'd probably end up in an orphanage, and they wouldn't adopt me because I was already a little bit grown up... Well, it's not like I want to be adopted either. I feel like my life is like Thor, my whole family will end up dead.

I went to Lucy's thinking that right now Thor has all his family and friends alive. But, I was going to lose someone else in my life.

In a few weeks what was supposed to happen happened, Lucy died and I was alone again. I said a few words to her before she died "Ohana means family. Family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten". That film was being released in June 2002, but it didn't matter to her what I said a few sentences before the premiere. She just said it and received her grandmother's last smile. When she died she found out that she had an inheritance, but it wouldn't be hers until she came of age. She left all her things with the social worker.

She would be taken to an orphanage in New York, but before agreeing to go she asked them to take her to her grandmother's funeral, she would be buried in the same place where her parents were... or rather where there was an empty grave, she doubted that with the missile they had found the bodies, and she also doubted the supposed autopsy that was carried out. Surely everything had been done in a way that would not show that they had been killed.

Eli, clutching her stuffed animal tightly, headed for her grandmother's burial site. A young lady was leading her to where she was, but she already knew the way, she had gone before with Lucy... to visit her parents. She went straight to where it would be, finished the ceremony, and left with the lady who seemed to be in charge of her, she was taking her to her new home.

She tried to talk to her on the way, but she didn't get anything, not even an answer. Only when she arrived she said goodbye and went inside where an elderly lady was waiting for her. "Congratulations, Elizabeth, you are in your new home."

She went in, the lady explained everything and left me in a room where there were many girls, she found it ironic that they only explained to her how it worked being only 3 years old but she did not care about anything else, she saw the scene in front of her this reminded her of a movie? but she didn't know which one.

The days went by.

The months.

The years.

Elizabeth was a 6-year-old girl, who had not been adopted, perhaps because she didn't want to be, or because the new caretaker of the home benefited from what she received "monthly" for her care. Little did she care, she didn't speak to the other girls since they tried to take Benjamin away from her and she hit them. That was what she cherished most, that and her photo album where in the last picture she took with her grandmother there was a message she wrote shortly before she died.

"I am very sorry I can no longer be with you in your life, I love you very much.

Don't forget me. Neither me nor your parents, behave well and continue to be the intelligent girl who captivates them all.


Grandma Lucy".

Time went by until the day came when she was sent to sell biscuits. She would go alone because no one wanted to be her companion. It reminded her of "Despicable Me" only she didn't have any sisters... at least not in this life.

She sighed heavily and went on with her work.

She crossed streets and started selling the biscuits, got to know the streets of New York a little, and saw two 10-year-old brothers. Then she remembered where she was, she remembered the twins.

In this world, she could help people. She could try to make sure no one lost their family members like she had. She could do many things.

Elizabeth began with her new life plan "help the avengers and prevent deaths" who was better than her to help, she already knew what was going to happen and although her age was difficult to be taken into account she had some time until the biggest thing happened.

In 2005, the plan began "Elizabeth will save the world.... well, she will help to save the world".

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Positions are paid.

Translator: Translate Spanish, Portuguese, and French. To English.

Proofreader: Those in charge of reviewing and correcting the translation (grammar, punctuation, etc.).

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