
Episode 28: The King Is Waiting For You

And the main reason he chose to let them stay here in a place that is under him, is because he wished to see firsthand just how strong they could be.

Once they fully recover and they returned to their peak, what else will they show him?

"They are my savior, that fact will never change," he added looking sharply at the people around him.

He can assume that Astral has no desire on becoming knights, maybe they even hated it.

'They hated being treated like heroes even though they are very strong. They became more open when we started treating them like normal seniors.'

"That is why you are reprimanded by the king for not bringing any escorts with you. You could have brought me and Owen with you when you decided to check the Dark Forest, your highness," the yellow haired guy exasperatedly said.

"Nicholas is right, your highness," the man with sky blue hair, named Owen, followed.

Julian turned to them when he can no longer see the silhouettes of the group.

"Isn't that why I was chewed out by my father early the next day after my return?" he shook his head.

"But you all should test their capabilities first before judging them. I am not someone who would bring here a group just because they saved me. You do understand that I am not that type of person. I brought them here because of what I saw in them," he reminded the two of them and the rest of knights who are with them.

It is actually both a warning and a reminder that they shouldn't look down on others just because they are strong themselves and the others looked like they are weak.

The knights pursed their lips and looked at the path the five just took.

Just what is in them that they gained the recognition of the crown prince in such a short span of time?

Meanwhile, the said group have been walking around the palace grounds for a good while now.

And no, they are not lost.

Guards are guiding them from the gate.

It is more like they were being led by these guards to a path that takes much much longer to get to where they are supposed to be.

Luna's lips twitched.

It was like yesterday to her when the brothers caused her frustration, after all, she was asleep for the next day and only woke up two days after that event.

And now, they are being treated like fools by a guard.

"I guess, everywhere there are this kind of people," she commented to Spencer.

"People who keeps looking down on others because of social standing?" Spencer followed her lead.

The two guards leading them obviously heard them but chose to remain quiet.

They will just have to tour these "visitors" more around the palace.

The two glanced at one another before smirking.

They are adventurers but they heard that they have no family names. Most of those who are working in the palace have family names, meaning they came from a noble family. It may not be big but still a noble family.

Some have indeed come from a commoner's family but they have proven themselves enough to gain the respect of the people.

That is why they are feeling jealous because these got to be in the silver barracks without much effort.

Palace guards are actually knight trainees.

And the five barracks are their goal if not then the knights of the dukedoms of the kingdom. Followed by the rest of the nobles.

Some higher nobles have the desire to enter the five barracks as the knights in these barracks are recognized by the entire kingdom, simply by being there.

"Oh my, this is such a beautiful rose garden. I wonder why I have been seeing it for the third time already? I mean they are beautiful but from time to time won't you get tired of it as well?" Luna exaggeratedly commented when they passed by a garden for the third time.

"We have a lot of rose gardens in the palace, don't think they are the same just because they are rose gardens," the palace guard harrumphed.

"I see, I guess even the angles of the flowers are the same and even this little stone could be from triplets," Aaron commented next, picking up a stone.

"Stones may look the same bit does not necessarily mean it is one and the same," the other replied.

"Hey, I am getting tired of this play. Can we just finish it?" Preshea said after a while.


"Hey, while we are still being kind, can you lead us inside already? The palace ground isn't so big it will take us half an hour without getting closer to it."

Just as the palace guard was about to rebuke, sharp wind passed by his head, cutting his helmet into two.

Aaron then coldly spoke.

"Don't you think enough is enough of this joke? We don't have unlimited patience here," he added, his eyes sharp.

"You... You... Do you think you will be fine for attacking a palace guard in the palace ground?"

"Why don't we make it bigger then?" Luna laughed in irritation.

Spencer and Richard with Preshea simply stepped back.

They have just left an irritating kingdom, why must they enter another?

All five of them are not so kind as to leave these people do as they please. Even if it means that they would be kicked out of this kingdom. In the first place, they are here because of the crown prince asking to employ them.

They would just have visited the place if they were not asked to work for them.

Luna raised her hand and the statues surrounding them shook before it was uprooted and floated in the air.

"Wha- Why are you using your ability here? We will detain you for this!!" the guards exclaimed.

Luna laughed, "Go on and try."

She waved her hand and one statue hit the ground beside one guard.

"Come on, attack us. If you can that is."

Another statue was thrown at the other.

Despite the strong impact, the statues did not hit the two guards, it was simply hitting the ground beside them.

Aaron waved his hands as well and wind slashed through the clothes of these two guards.

If one were to look from a different angle, they will see that these two are simply playing around with the guards.

The clothes and their surrounding were being trashed all over but they themselves weren't even injured.

The stones fly after the impact on the ground by the statue but the wind would not allow these stones to hit the two guards.

Obviously being played around since they can't even move at the sudden barrage of attacks. They can only shout in anger.

"I think you have proven your point more than enough."

Both Aaron and Luna jumped away the moment they felt the presence behind them.

Spencer and the other two became vigilant as the two got to their side.

The one who spoke has short orange hair and his eyes are red.

He is taller than Spencer, who is the tallest among them.

Could even be taller than Julian.

Upon closer look, he is actually a foot taller than Luna.

"I am Maxwell Elmstone, the personal knight of the king. I shall escort you from here on out," he introduced himself and gestured for them to follow him.

Luna looked at her group, no one realized that he had approached them.

"He is strong," Spencer whispered.

"Much stronger than even the crown prince. And he is a giant I tell you," she replied,

She shivered at the thought of the man suddenly appearing behind them.

"Please stand here," Maxwell gestured in front of him.

They did as he asked but their eyes did not leave him.

A flash of light blinded them before they realized that they are already inside the palace, in front of a door.

It was obvious now how he was able to get behind them without anyone noticing. His ability is actually teleportation from the star Pyx. And he is indeed strong, bringing five people with ease. At the beginning of this ability, one can only teleport on their own. As they grow stronger, the place they can teleport to would farther and they can also bring more people with them.

"I'm going to throw up," Aaron suddenly commented snapping them from the shock of the sudden turn of events.

"Hold it, you are already inside the palace," Spencer exclaimed.

Maxwell blinked, "It seems that I did not take into consideration the fact that some cannot handle teleportation. Please forgive me."

He gestured for a nearby servant to bring them something for Aaron.

Aaron was able to hold it until that servant returned.

"I'm dying," he said after a while.

"Yes, yes. We are dying," Luna sighed.

She simply went crazy a while ago with the thought that they will be punished anyway, for the way they treated Julian and Gabriel. But facing the door and feeling the presence inside, it once again dawned on her that they are about to face some punishment.

She can tell that the man inside is far far stronger than the current king of Circinus Kingdom, Harland.

And is stronger than Maxwell Elmstone, whom they just met.

"Please enter, the king is waiting for you," Maxwell opened the door for them.

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