
32 South American Doubles Club

32 South American Doubles Club

On June 30th, 2002, it was midsummer in Saitama Prefecture, Japan.

"Argentina!!!!!! Argentina!!!!!!!!! Argentina!!!!!!!!!!!!!" World Cup Stadium, more than 400 TV stations around the world set their sights on this.

Before the game, the Japanese fans shouted the slogan: March into Tokyo, come on Pampas Eagles! This month, the Argentine team has become the second national team in the minds of Japanese fans.

The Argentines conquered all the tyrants with their gorgeous teamwork and reached the final four, while their opponent Brazil was invincible under the leadership of Ronaldo, an alien with an Afu head!

South American duo, Scolari vs. Bielsa, alien Ronaldo vs. Argentina!

With the Brazilian team captain Cafu and the Argentine national team captain Leon taking the players of the two teams to the Saitama World Cup Stadium, this stadium has completely become the territory of the Argentines!

The golden boy Leon is now the favorite player of Japanese fans. He is handsome and young. He is the youngest captain in the history of the Argentine national team.

In the stands of the Saitama World Cup stadium, all the big names in world football are here today, FIFA President Sepp Blatter, Vice President Grondona, UEFA President Johansen... one after another Senior officials chatted with each other in the VIP box, one can imagine the importance and status of this semi-final...

By the way, apart from these senior officials, Ferguson is also here!

Ferguson came from far away England. After watching Leonwell's performance in the quarter-finals, Ferguson told his assistant to help him get a ticket for the World Cup semi-finals, and he wanted to go to East Asia in person.

Ferguson saw the potential in Kaka, and he also saw the potential in Lionwell.

"Queiroz, you said that if we buy Leon, he can take Keane's class within a few years?" Ferguson asked his assistant Queiroz when boarding the plane from London to Japan.

Queiroz thought for a while: "It is unrealistic for him to adapt to the Premier League immediately, but judging from his performance in the Argentine team, one year is enough."

"Well, as I thought, this is a good piece of material for the captain. If I have him, I will not have to worry about the Manchester United midfielder in the next ten years." Ferguson said, and this is why he went to Japan in person.

In addition to Ferguson, Ferguson's old rival Arsene Wenger has already set the tickets for Brazil to Argentina in the semi-finals. In Wenger's view, he is even optimistic about this Argentine team winning the World Cup.

Leonwell has played left forward, left forward, front midfielder and midfielder in this World Cup. His wonderful performance in various positions has already made Wenger tempted!

And when Wenger knew that Ferguson was also tempted by Leonwell, he couldn't calm down. If Manchester United got Leonwell, it would mean that they got a future captain. Ham is also a scary guy.

Serie A and Inter Milan have been paying attention to Leonwell and they have sent a number of scouts. Of course, Inter Milan also sent a negotiating team. Inter Milan originally thought they would get Leonwell easily, but now it seems that Lionwell is not so easy to get.

The proud Moratti gave him a check with no amount written on it before the chief negotiator of the Inter Milan negotiating team left. We will give as much as River Plate wants!

After learning that Inter Milan wanted to buy Leonwell, Serie A Juventus, Moggi went to Japan in person. At this time, Serie A was still at its peak, and the top three in Serie A held each other. At that time, which of the top three in Serie A was not a superstar Gathering, geniuses emerge in large numbers?

The residual prestige of the Little World Cup is still there! Moji didn't want Inter Milan to get the Argentine golden boy, so he decided to go to Japan in person.

AC Milan, Berlusconi at this time is different from ten years later. Inter Milan and Juventus are both involved. How could AC Milan miss the opportunity to play a Serie A triangle match outside the court?

All the scouts from the eight major European giants are here. Although Liverpool is in decline, they are also very competitive in the transfer market.

Needless to say, the La Liga duo, Cruyff has already stated in public that Barcelona is willing to use the No. 10 jersey to wait for Leonwell to come to Camp Nou...

Real Madrid is committed to building a galaxy warship. In addition to their fancy Leonwell and his commercial value, their scouts and negotiators also have the arduous task of winning the alien Ronaldo!

On the Bundesliga side, scouts from Bayern Munich were also present. Of course, what caught the most attention was the football emperor Beckenbauer in the VIP box. It is said that the emperor thought that Leonwell Angwell is very similar to his own playing style back then, and has the potential to surpass himself. It is believed that Beckenbauer's visit to this semi-final is by no means as simple as inquiring about the military situation of the German team.

Bayern hopes to get Lionwell, the German football ten-year plan has been launched, and Germany needs technical players like Lionwell to drive the development of the entire Bundesliga.

The g8 giants have different ideas, but their purpose is the same, that is to see Leonwell's performance in this much-anticipated semi-final!

In the stands, Leonwell's agent Jorge Mendes, who is sitting in the VIP box, has both sides. Now the big giants regard him as a distinguished guest, and Mendes never reveals his wishes to these giants. , Mendes himself knows that what is not available is the most precious.


On the court, after the national anthems of the two teams were played, Leon and Cafu walked to the middle circle, and they walked to the side of today's judge, the Swiss Alexson.

In other words, when Leon was walking towards the middle circle, the unscrupulous Uncle Veron squeezed his butt, "Stinky captain boy! Come on, continue to lose and choose sides!"

Lose the toss, lose the toss, of course Leon also hopes to lose the toss to get the ball!

"Argentina!!!!!! Argentina!!!!!!!!! Argentina!!!!!!!!!!!!" Saitama World Cup Stadium, Argentine fans cheered for themselves The hero in my heart-your son Leonville and all the Argentine players shouted.

Argentina, Buenos Aires, at home, Ali clasped her hands as she prayed for her fiancé.

And Amy, who just finished class, also ran back home immediately. She turned on the TV in a hurry. For some reason, when she saw that annoying guy, she couldn't help but say, "Come on, big bastard!" !"

The little beast Carlos Tevez has just finished a day of muscle training, and he has long been sitting in front of the TV, "Damn little boy! Take back the Hercules Cup for Argentina!! Md, why did this hateful boy throw me so far away gone."

Dalisandro, one of the Four Heroes of the River Plate, looked at the big screen lonely: "Ortega, Camby, Leon...you are all villains!"

Argentine genius midfielder Mascherano also turned on the TV at home in Argentina at this time. Tonight, all Argentines are watching the Argentine digital satellite TV station.

And Gonzano Higuain, one of Leon's brainless fans, put on Leon's No. 25 jersey when he played in River Plate. He is looking forward to Leon, his big brother Leon can Bring immortal glory to Argentina!

Spain, Barcelona, ​​Leo Messi watched the TV and told his family excitedly: "Look, this is Brother Leon! The best player in the world!!"

No matter how modern football develops, no matter how high the level of the Champions League is, it is impossible for the Champions League to replace the World Cup.

The World Cup has created legendary superstars one after another, and legends may be born here at any time.

The Argentines lost the toss as they wished, and they won the kick-off.

Like the previous game, Leon continued to be touched by his teammates, which seemed to have become a must-do ritual for the Argentines in the opening and midfield.

Well, whoever scratched my little jj... Nima, don't fuck, itches!

On the bench of the Brazilian team, Kaka, who was sitting on the bench, looked at Leonwell on the field with some envy. In the quarter-finals, Ronaldinho will miss the game because he received a red card. Corali volunteered, but Scolari chose Eddie Milson, which made Kaka a little disappointed.

When he saw that his old opponent Leon in the Copa Libertadores is now the captain of the Argentine national team, Kaka was filled with emotion...

The referee on duty today, Alexon, seemed a little nervous. When he blew the whistle for the first time, he actually choked on himself. He looked at the players of the two teams with a little apology, and then: "b——— ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————"

Game start! ! ! !

God of War Batty knocked the ball to Crespo, and Crespo passed the ball back to Leonwell in the midfield, and the captain Leon dispatched... The Argentine continued to line up their 3-- lineup, today The Brazilian team is also in a three-five-two formation!

Eddie Milson took the place of the absent Ronaldinho. The lineup of the two teams can be described as a gathering of superstars!

Saitama World Cup Stadium, just when people thought that Leon would insert the dispatch as usual, he handed the ball to Veron and then retreated to the same position as Simeone.

Uncle Veron smiled, "Don't worry, Leon, leave the offense to us!!"

The Argentine's first attack was participated by the wizard Veron. Unlike usual, Leonwell's position was a bit late today...

Leon kept his eyes on the cute-looking alien Ronaldo. Ronnie, the world champion, is really worrying!

Although there is no Leon's brilliant scheduling, the wizard Veron showed his magical witchcraft tens of seconds after the opening!

He passed the ball to Pablo Aimar, who went through the blind spot of Brazil's defense!

The clown Aimar singled out the Brazilian national team captain Cafu on the right!

Aimar was like a juggler, his upper body kept swaying, and then he suddenly poked his toes, and the ball was passed!

Although Cafu is experienced, he never thought that Aimar would dare to use this method to tease him. When he turned around and chased after him, Aimar had already made a cross!

In the middle, Batty, the god of war, leaps high! Today's game is also the battle for the World Cup Golden Boot between him and his good friend Ronaldo! Ronaldo has scored seven goals so far, while Batty has six goals!

Both of them are likely to win the World Cup Golden Boot!

At this time, Lucio is not Leon's old arms and legs before crossing, he is the young Lucio!

Lucio, who has a strong jumping ability, interferes with Batty's header, causing Batty's header to go slightly wide...

"Hmm!" Argentine fans exclaimed at the Saitama World Cup Stadium! Just a little bit, Argentina almost took the lead at the beginning!



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