
Chapter 3: Older and Wiser

Chapter Three – Older and Wiser

"If being smart is what you say it is, I will remain a fool my entire life." - Uzumaki Naruto

Three days after the first fight in the food hall, Naruto arrived at the Academy at eight thirty in the morning while wondering why everyone was biting their nails. The confusion had been cleared up when a sweet but strict woman announced that a test would start in five minutes, before handing out documents for everyone to read and sign before the "exam" began.

After hurriedly reading the document Naruto realized she had to pass an entrance exam before she was allowed into the academy.

For the life of her, Naruto couldn't remember such a thing in her own time and a sense of uneasiness had crept up her spine.

Because they were doing the tests alphabetically she was the last to go since technically she didn't have a family name. It did not help with her nerves at all.

These days her chakra control was horrible and she wasn't sure what worked and what didn't. Naruto hadn't tested out all her techniques in her new body, so she was praying that the academy three jutsu wouldn't be part of this test. If she suddenly did the Kage Bunshin there would be a lot of questions.

Sage mode was out. She'd figured that out quickly and painfully while roaming the wild. Rasengan was also something she couldn't do, and she figured the same about most of her wind jutsu. Her chakra control was shot, and that was the reason she struggled with everything else. She couldn't even walk up walls anymore…

But this was an entrance exam, the criteria couldn't be that high, could it?

After half an hour of ominous thoughts of failing, she'd been offered a cool cup of water. Naruto had thanked the kind woman and downed the cup in one swallow.

When at last it was her turn - two and a half hours later - her hands were shaking when she entered the examination room.

She needn't have worried though, because it turned out that the test was anticlimactically easy. The chūnin inspector asked her to run at least ten laps around the academy yard, prove she could access her chakra, and be able to read and write. It had taken her fifteen minutes and the test was done with four others in the same room. They struggled a lot more than she had.

By the end of her test the sensei in charge gave her an approving clap on the shoulder and told her she passed with good margins, and then told to meet up for classes the next day. With nothing more to do she made her way back home to tell Anko the news.

The next day Naruto arrived at the academy ten minutes late, and had to sneak into the crowd of new students and parents listening to the Hokage's welcome speech. It was traditional for the village leader to say a few words to the newly accepted students on their first day of classes, and Naruto vaguely recalled he'd done the same in her own time. Still, Sarutobi Hiruzen had a way with people, and easily kept the entire courtyard of people glued to each word.

When the Hokage finished, to a boisterous cheer from parents, sensei and students alike, one of the chūnin stepped up and introduced himself. He was the principal, and started explaining what they could expect from the academy. A lot was obvious. It was to prepare and train future ninjas and all that entailed, but there was also some useful facts. Like how long each school day would last and how the class structure would evolve if and when students dropped out.

The first years were divided into six separate classes of twenty to twenty five students, but only four classes were expected to graduate.

To graduate would leave you with many possibilities. There was the possibility Naruto was aiming for, mainly to get onto a genin team on the jōnin track, but only the minority managed that. And the academy prepared students for several other fields too.

Many civilians with lower aspirations graduated from the academy, though they usually ended up in positions where they worked closely with higher ranked ninjas. Then there were those who went into the police or the Genin corp. Both of those stations were more combat oriented than several other fields. Like those who went into intel, research, healing or cryptography, who with a few exceptions were rarely required to fight.

There were many in-village jobs that valued specialised fields of knowledge above combat capabilities, though almost everyone in these positions needed the title of "ninja" to be qualified.

Naruto listened with half an ear as the principal called forth the chūnin waiting in the back and gestured towards the one standing closest. He was the sensei for class 1A, and the one next to him represented 1B. So it continued up to 1F which was taught by a short woman with bright green hair at the far end of the row.

The principal indicated for the sensei of 1A to come forwards and told the students to come over once their name was called.

Naruto watched as nervous children let go of their parent's hand and hurried up to the sensei once their name was called. The sensei was on the chubby side with a small goatee and made sure to give a calm but reassuring smile to each and every kid that was placed in his class.

Naruto shifted when the boy in front of her was called, and she realized it had been none other than Hagane Kotetsu, who she recognized as the chūnin gate guard in her old time. A couple of names later his old partner in crime was called too, and she spotted a terrified Kamizuki Izumo stumble up to the group of kids.

As this was only the first of six classes, and there were still a lot of students left, Naruto was surprised when she was listed as the last student of class 1A. Happy to be sorted out so fast she hurried up to her new classmates, ending up at the back of the crowd next to a Yamanaka boy with long strawberry blonde hair.

Their sensei made sure all of his students were still present, and then led them towards the academy building while the principal started calling up names for class 1B.

Twenty three kids were led into their new classroom, all of them twisting and turning around to get a proper look. Most had never been inside the academy building, and a thrilled whisper had started in the middle of the group. Naruto stayed at the back of the group, not able to muster up the same excitement at being inside the building. She was well acquainted with it already.

Their sensei was capable enough, because without much trouble he'd herded them into a classroom and had everyone seated without much delay. "Welcome to the academy, you've now taken the first step on the path to become a ninja of Konohagakure. My name is Daikoku Funeno, the sensei of class 1A, and I'm looking forwards to getting to know you all." He clapped his hands together, his eyes sweeping over the crowd of fresh and wide eyed students.

"You now know my name, but few of you know each other. So we'll start with some fun activities today. There's no better way to make new friends, is there?"

Though Naruto couldn't say she was surprised, she had still been a little disappointed when she returned home to the orphanage. The day had included a lot of games and activities, perfect for a bunch of children who didn't know one another. They had started with making name tags for themselves, which included too much glitter and brightly coloured crayons. As not everyone was able to read and write proficiently yet, it took a while.

Naruto had decided to make the most of it, and had been praised for her brightly coloured orange tag showcasing her name in blue and green glitter with smaller red swirls decorating the edges. It was a hit with the kids, and most of her new classmates knew Naruto's name by lunchtime thanks to her flashy name tag.

After this session Funeno-sensei had them tidy up and march outside to stand in neat rows. They were told to pay attention as this would be something they'd repeat every day for the next week. Naruto ended up standing between Izumi and the strawberry blonde Yamanaka as the sensei started showing the class the "routine".

The routine was a series of stretches, movements and stances that went along with a song for the kids to learn.

"I can run over a meadow, a mountain or a hill,

Jump over a pole, a fence and a windmill!

A ninja can crouch or creep or crawl,

but enemies might see, then we brawl"

Izumo was getting caught up in the song on Naruto's left, shouting the lyrics loudly as they did a chopping movements with their left arm, while the Yamanaka was going through the motions with the same automatic reactions of someone who'd done it a million times. As he was a clan kid, he very well could have.

Naruto had nearly forgotten about this, but as she stood in the middle of the group, her arms waving over her head mimicking an angry elephant, she recalled how they did this routine each morning back in her old time too. They learned the song first, which had one verse and a series of movements to go along with it. After a few tries all the kids were able to sing along and mimic the movements in the right order by watching their sensei, and Naruto knew that with time the song would gain more verses and the whole routine would grow longer. It was an efficient and fun way for the kids to get used to morning stretches and had the added bonus of helping with finger dexterity and coordination.

It was juvenile, but the children seemed to enjoy it, so Naruto did the best she could and followed along.

During the exercise Naruto watched as the kids mingled and made new friends, and despite not making an effort to do so, she was no exception. A couple of the girls struggled with the hand movements, and Naruto helped them without much thought. Apparently that was enough to make friends this time around, and for the rest of the session the two girls kept close and even sat with her at lunch.

The rest of the day went by in the same fashion, with the biggest difference being the change of location. They spent it outside with class 1C. The students were made to play a game, where the two sensei pit class against class in a more intricate version of ninja vs samurai, though the grown ups called it "tracking, infiltration and capture".

Naruto would be lying if she claimed it hadn't been fun. Though most of the kids had just met hours before, there was already a clear line drawn between the two classes. Naruto was swept away in the competitive atmosphere, and ended up rallying her classmates for a charge when the other team nearly kidnapped their blue stick. The speech had involved the Will of Fire and the importance of winning eternal glory to class 1A. Naruto had spotted the sensei on the side lines giving each other some interesting looks, their smiles badly concealed. By the end of the session Naruto's classmates were preening after winning with 9 to 5 points.

All in all Naruto knew it would be a long and tiresome wait before she graduated, but she could still make the best of a bad situation.

It would seem the orphanage wasn't half bad as long as no one knew you were a jinchūriki.

Back at the orphanage, when the blonde was not studying to regain her ninja license, Anko and Naruto became thick as thieves. At least when the older wasn't on duty.

The two had a great deal in common, but they chose to express it differently. While both were loud and outspoken the Anko was more vengeful than Naruto had ever been.

No one dared tease the girl. She was a talented kunoichi who would give back twice the amount she'd received. Though it appeared that Naruto had calmed her down. After they started hanging out together she didn't lash out nearly as much.

Anko was excited that Naruto had started the academy too, and to the dismay of Madam May she took it upon herself to teach the student what was necessary to pass the Academy as quickly as possible.

Naruto was very skilled for a six year old, and after they tried sparring again Anko was furious when she'd been beaten. Though once she'd calmed down it only made her determined to train even harder, while insisting the win was only because of beginner's luck and some unpredictable moves. So whenever she had a spare moment Anko headed out to her personal training spot in the forest.

What she hadn't foreseen was that Naruto would tag along no matter what Anko said. Even when she'd threaten to slit her throat Naruto had still tagged along as if she'd been given an applauding acceptance. The eight year old would never admit it, but she really enjoyed her friend who seemed both completely fearless and kind. It was refreshing to have someone who accepted her without conditions.

While at the academy, Naruto was bored to death. At first she'd been excited to get a break from Akiko and the crew, but the kids in class weren't really that different from her roommates. After introductions and going through the curriculum, she could only do her best not to fall asleep.

But her tiredness wasn't just because of her sensei's high friendly voice and never ending speeches on their curriculum book; Ninja A to Z. Anko had also found out Naruto was not one to follow rules that carefully, and took advantage of her adventurous personality.

It had started almost instantaneously, but had escalated about two weeks after Naruto had started the academy. Anko hadn't been able to sleep, so she decided that they should break curfew and sneak out instead. It wasn't their first time, so she felt it was a good way to kill some time.

"Wake up, idiot." Whispered Anko and shook the younger girl. She had sneaked in through the window and was being quiet in an attempt to not wake the other occupants of room.

But Naruto was a heavy sleeper, and everyone in the room was awake by the time Naruto was groggily putting her sandals on. "Why do I have to come with you to steal food from the kitchen, Anko? I was dreaming about delicious ramen, dattebayooo." Moaned the blond with sleep thick in her voice.

"Because I'm older and wiser." She answered with a smirk. Anko then sent a glare at the other girls, her brown eyes darkening with the intensity of her gaze. "A word about this and I'll put a tiger in your room while you're all asleep." She threatened with a sneer playing on her mouth. Naruto shook her head and sent her roommates an apologetic look.

"Don't mind Anko, girls. She's really just a sweet girl underneath a hard facade. I'd kill the tiger before it got to any of you, dattebayo." Naruto promised in an attempt to make them look a little less terrified.

It didn't really work. The thought of Naruto slaying a large predator inside their dormitory seemed to make them just as afraid as the idea of Anko putting one there in the first place.

"Is that h-how Emi-san d-disappeared?" Stuttered Akiko who slept in the bottom of the bunk bed she shared with Naruto.

"Who?" Asked Naruto confused, looking back at Anko. The older girl seemed pissed off at those words and pointed accusingly to Naruto's roommate.

"I had nothing to do with that brat's disappearance. She ran away because she couldn't deal with this place. She wouldn't be the first!" She growled while letting her hands fall to her hips. A scowl plastered to her face as she stared Akiko down.

"I'm sure Anko didn't let a tiger eat your friend Akiko. Anko isn't like that." Naruto tried to soothe the poor girls in the room with a soft gentle tone but without any luck. Probably because the only licensed ninja in the room was bristling with killing intent due to the accusation.

Anko rolled her eyes and muttered "Softy." before grabbing Naruto's hand and marching them out through the window.

Once they'd climbed down to the ground Naruto headed for the back door of the kitchen. She'd barely taken three steps before she was yanked back by Anko. "We are not sneaking into the kitchen tonight, Naru. We'll take a stroll around the village instead! I want to see the ANBU station. Earlier today sensei told me it was located on the east side by the Hokage mountain."

And without waiting for Naruto to give her opinion about the matter, the blond was dragged along for another night time outing.

At first they had a lot of fun exploring the streets while trying to stay hidden from the few late night wanderers. Mostly drunk civilians, and in one case Jiraiya who had his arms around the shoulders of two scandalized clad women on his way into a small darkly lit house.

Naruto's brow wrinkled and she muttered "That pervert." before sneaking after Anko who didn't seem to take notice.

They hurried into a side street mostly used for garbage cans while the two orphans tried to avoid being seen. It was while they climbed over one of the fences that Naruto thought back to what the girls in her dormitory had said, more specifically about the missing girl. "Who is Emi?" She asked curiously, looking at Anko who was a few steps ahead of her.

The girl tensed and looked uncertainly back at Naruto, a few wrinkles forming between her brows. "Oh, just another stray. She was decent though, and she and I used to train together sometimes. Not that she wanted to be a ninja, but she knew a little about chakra. Taught me how to use chakra better and stuff like that." Anko explained stiffly. Naruto could finally conclude why the older girl had gotten so angry with her roommates earlier. They must have been friends.

"What happened?" Naruto asked after a moment silence.

Anko shrugged and looked down at the ground. "Well… She left. Emi was about the same age as I am now when she ran away. We used to talk about leaving together, the orphanage is such a shitty place to live in and we'd get carried away dreaming about family coming to fetch us. I guess she didn't bother to wait for me... I understand though, I wanted to be a ninja and wouldn't have come with her. But she could at least have told me a proper goodbye." The dark haired girl said sourly and faced Naruto.

"Unlike you and me they don't understand how difficult it is to survive on their own. I didn't back then either, and I got really angry because she left. Now I realize she must have gone from bad to worse, but the kids you share a room with don't. They also thought I'd done something to scare Emi away. As if! She was the only decent one there to begin with. After that I really couldn't be bothered with those brats at the orphanage anymore." Muttered Anko heatedly and scowled at the brick wall next to her.

"I see..." Naruto replied uncertainly. This explained much more of Anko's rudeness to everyone. She probably got angry after Emi left, making the other kids exclude her. And no one knew better than Naruto how difficult it could be to get back into the warmth. Kids could be downright cruel.

And the orphanage apparently also had runaways. It shouldn't really surprise her, since in Naruto's original time that had happened too. It was usually the older kids though. Teenagers who were jealous of those who lived with families, and got fed up when they realized that coming from an orphanage meant you had small job opportunities in the world.

Most had eventually returned, a lot thinner and more shamed than when they left. But outside the village the landscape was much more dangerous now than in the future. If they weren't killed by ninjas or starved to death, they were most likely branded as traitors of Konoha and denied their return.

The thought depressed Naruto more than she could express.

"Maybe she'll come back. One day when there's less tension between the villages she might be allowed home." Said Naruto. She didn't really believe it but felt a need to cheer Anko up.

The dark haired girl snorted, seeing through the lie as if it was written over Naruto's face, but smiled anyway. "If she does I'll kick her ass." She answered thoughtfully. Naruto chuckled and they soon started looking for the hideout again.

Though two hours later they had yet to find the ANBU headquarters. The village was similar to the one Naruto had grown up in, but still different. They often went into dead end streets and they both were starting to grow sleepy. Walking all the way back would take ages, and Naruto longed for the days she could just jump across the whole village in five minutes without looking suspicious.

"Let's go back, Anko. We'll get caught by Madam May if we come home after five; she's always up so early, dattebayo!" Moaned Naruto while they sat down on a park bench the blonde remembered from her own time as well.

"You're such a drag, Naru! We'll probably find it if we just look for a little longer, it has to be here somewhere!" Exclaimed Anko, getting to her feet at once.

Naruto sighed but got up as well. "Maybe it's hidden. I mean it is ANBU. Maybe it's like a secret passage somewhere..."

Anko looked intrigued by the idea, because her head snapped towards Naruto with a glowing gleam in her eyes. "Maybe the entrance is in the Hokage's office!"

"Or maybe it's down by the village gates; I don't think the old man would appreciate so many wandering through his office." Retorted Naruto while crossing her arms behind her head.

"Maybe it's hidden by some sort of seal? Making it invisible to everyone but those who already knows it!" Suggested the older girl, growing more excited than ever.

"Or maybe the entrance is up one of the stone Hokage's nose!"

"Or maybe it's not safe for two lonely girls to be wandering the streets at three o'clock at night." Said a new voice from behind them.

Anko wheeled around at once, while Naruto froze. She recognized that voice and felt nausea seeping up her throat as she understood who it was.

"Orochimaru-sensei!" Exclaimed Anko in surprise. Naruto turned slowly and fought with all her might to keep her face expressionless. Orochimaru was tall, pale and gangly. His white skin and narrow yellow eyes made her uneasy, he was just so incredibly creepy.

"Anko, maybe you should get your young friend back home? You don't want to run into anyone unsavory here in the dark." He said with that wicked tone. Naruto couldn't help but snort at the irony. They couldn't possibly have run into anyone worse than the snake Sannin.

His eyes travelled from Anko's nervous face to Naruto's blank and tense one. Orochimaru's head tilted to one side as he took in the state of the two girls. The blond was wearing the orphanage attire. "Or maybe the orphanage is where you came from too." He said as an afterthought. "Why are you out so late?"

Anko peeked over at Naruto and was puzzled by how withdrawn she looked. Was she afraid? She never would have thought Naruto would be afraid of anything, far less some punishment for sneaking out. "We… Um.. Got lost, Orochimaru-sensei." She said and bowed low.

Naruto didn't.

"Ku, ku, ku. You should train more in the arts of deception if you want to become a kunoichi little girl, you are very bad at it." Answered Orochimaru with a grin that showed all his sharp, white teeth. Anko felt a shiver run up her spine and Naruto started frowning.

"We'll head back now then, come Anko." Said Naruto with a clipped tone. She grabbed the older girl's hand and turned to walk in the opposite direction of the Sannin.

"If you're going back to the orphanage you're taking the wrong direction little girl." Said Orochimaru, while he scanned Naruto's figure as if searching for something. Anko stopped and forced the blond to halt with her.

"Sensei is right, Naru. We're walking towards the east residents right now." She said, still trying to figure out what was going on with the sudden turn of Naruto's mood.

"Why don't I walk you two home? It would be irresponsible of me to let you roam around Konoha without supervision." Offered Orochimaru with a light tone.

Naruto felt every alarm bell in her body go off like sirens. "No. We'll be perfectly able to get back on our own."

Orochimaru's smile seemed to grow wider before he almost hissed with glee. "I insissssst."

No matter how reluctant Naruto acted, Anko still grabbed the girl by her shoulder and forced her to come along. For a moment Naruto considered bolting, but she couldn't stomach the idea of acting like a scared little girl because the big nasty snake was jeering with her. Anko decided to ignore the mystery of Naruto's behavior, and started chatting excitedly to Orochimaru. Asking him what sort of missions they'd be doing next and his latest technique developments.

Orochimaru went along with it for five minutes, before deciding the conversation was very boring and cut the girl off by asking who the blonde was.

The two looked at Naruto who remained silent. She slowly realized she would have to say something, and very reluctantly added, "Naruto."

Orochimaru seemed to realize something and looked at the girl closely. "You're the girl Jiraiya brought back with him from his trip." He stated with renewed interest.

Naruto felt her palms turn sweaty. The snake Sannin showing interest in you was never a good sign. "Yes."

"I didn't know that, Naru! You know Jiraiya-sama!?" Anko asked, looking very excited about the idea. Naruto only nodded without glancing at either of them. They had finally reached the main street and were heading for One Legged Parade which would take them straight to the orphanage.

"Jiraiya told me a bit about you. He said he found you half dead after falling down a waterfall outside the boarders of Fire Country. You must have a very good healing ability to survive such a deadly drop." Said Orochimaru, measuring her up and down. His voice was becoming more and more animated while he spoke, and Naruto felt goosebumps rise on her arms.

"I wouldn't know. I was saved by Ero-sennin and the toads in time." She answered quickly. The snake Sannin's eyes widened at the nickname she used, and started chuckling. It was a high, eerie sound that did not speak of mirth, as much as tainted amusement.

Anko looked like she was trying very hard not to laugh as well.

"Ku, ku ku. Fitting nickname indeed, Naruto-chan, but you should learn to respect your elders. Especially since you arrived here while the village is tense about strangers." He insisted with a dangerous glint in his eyes.

Naruto just gave a small grunt in reply without once actually looking at the Sannin. "He also told me you have a lot of chakra. That you could run very fast because of it, so your chakra coils must be very advanced. You're what? Five years old?" The Sannin was speaking more to himself then to the girls, which made it easier for Naruto to pretend he wasn't with them at all. She didn't bother correcting him, but the blond did feel an urge to tell him exactly what she knew of his experiments.

It was then they heard a shout from behind, and all three turned around to see a young man coming jogging towards them. He had spiky yellow hair, was tall and clothed in Konoha gear.

Naruto shrank back behind Anko without anyone but Orochimaru taking notice. All the while feeling a lump in her throat at the sight of the newcomer. Her eyes were carefully scanning each step the man took as he came closer, feeling the need to register the details of seeing him so... alive. The blond could simultaneously feel an incredible joy and a longing ache inside her that was difficult to control on her external features.

"Orochimaru-sama! I was sent to get you. Hokage-sama called for you." He said once he got closer and then turned to the two girls. "What's going on?" He asked puzzled at seeing them out of bed at this hour.

"I'm escorting these two curfew breakers back to the orphanage after I caught them in the park." Answered Orochimaru monotonously, now looking from the newcomer to Naruto. They both had the same strange coloring, bright yellow hair and tanned skin.

"I'm happy to take over, Orochimaru-sama. Hokage-sama was in a bit of a hurry to talk to you." Offered the young man with a polite smile. Naruto wondered what else she could get herself into while she was at it. Was Kakashi-sensei going to pop out from the next corner? Maybe her mum?

Orochimaru hesitated, but after a moment's silence nodded. Without a word of goodbye he disappeared in a whirl of leaves the same way Naruto had seen Kakashi-sensei do numerous times before.

The moment he disappeared Minato smiled brightly. "Nice to meet you girls! We should start walking so we can get you two to bed. It's bad to skip sleep. You need all your strength while you're growing up. I'm Namikaze Minato, what's your name?" He said and the atmosphere shifted drastically. From looming and ominous to fresh and relaxing.

Naruto couldn't stop the smile that rose on her face. "I'm Naruto and this is Anko." She said while pointing from herself to the dark haired girl looking affronted all of a sudden.

"I can introduce myself, brat!" Shouted Anko who also seemed affected by the change in atmosphere, her shoulders had sagged and they no longer wore the tension which had been in them earlier. Minato laughed and ruffled up both their hair. Anko blushed while Naruto smiled broadly.

For a moment Minato was struck by how much the blonde girl looked like his girlfriend Kushina. She had the same wide smile and the shape of her face reminded him of how she had looked during their academy days, before she lost the baby fat.

Minato had already realized Naruto was the girl Jiraiya had talked his ears off about a few weeks ago from matching her description. But he was still shocked by how much they resembled each other. Jiraiya seemed to think she resembled himself, but Minato didn't really agree. They had similar coloring, but to him she looked a lot like his girlfriend more than him. Odd...

"Hurry up now girls. They won't be happy when they realize you're missing. Let's pick up the pace shall we?" He said and felt his own smile broaden. The girl had an energy that was infectious. Again, just like Kushina.

Predictably Naruto was extremely tired the following day. Her chin was propped on her hand while she tried to keep her eyes open. It didn't help that her classmates were unusually excited that morning since it was their first Ninjutsu class. Naruto was hoping it would be helpful; she needed to gain better control. But if her previous experiences were anything to go by then it would be a class about accessing chakra, not controlling it.

She was right, and an hour later everyone except Naruto looked like they were suffering from various degrees of constipation. They were trying desperately to press out as much chakra as possible, something almost everyone failed at.

It was very strange, since Naruto had managed it on the first try both here in the past and in her own time. But her first time around she'd barely gotten acknowledged for that feat, but this time their sensei had exclaimed her delighted surprise and bragged loudly about how talented she was. Afterwards she made Naruto do a demonstration for all the other kids before being told she could take it easy since she was so 'advanced'.

Naruto had almost gaped in shock.

The blonde had taken the time trying to attach a leaf to her forehead instead. It was very difficult, and Naruto was now wearing a similar expression to the rest while she tried to focus her chakra.

Why was this so difficult? Why couldn't she do this when it had been so easy back in her own time?

Going back to her younger body had messed up her chakra coils big time. Naruto could have sworn it was even more difficult now than it had been before. She sat silently and tried to do her best, her frustration pushing aside her exhaustion while she focused on the leaf she'd found on the window sill.

From the front of the room their sensei was sending her approving glances, but Naruto ignored it. She'd already done this before, if anything Naruto was the worst student ever for no longer being able to do these things.

By the end of class Naruto had yet to get the thing to stick, and while the bell rang out for lunch she started looking for a quiet corner with good access of leaves to sit and continue her exercise.

The next day was similar as the one before, though thankfully Naruto felt less tired. Whenever they went on a nightly excursion Anko was just as tired as she herself was, so naturally they'd both slept like a baby on cold medicines all night through.

The difference to the day though, was her visitor waiting for her at the orphanage.

"Ero-sennin!" Naruto cried the moment she spotted him. Heart filled with the strange feeling of safety, she ran up to him and hugged him around the waist. It was a childish act which made Madam May scold her for lack of manners, but the blonde couldn't care less.

"You're here! I hoped you would come and visit me sooner!" Exclaimed Naruto while stepping away from the white haired man who was chuckling heartedly.

"I'm here now, brat. I had important research to complete first, but I came as soon as I was free." Answered Jiraiya without noticing the grimace Naruto made at the word 'research.'

"Liar! You went to a brothel with two girls you paid for, dattebayo!" Stated Naruto loudly, making everyone in the common room look up. Some were confused, while the rest blushed and looked quickly away. Jiraiya himself spluttered.

"Wh-wh-what are you saying, gaki?! How did you kn- I mean, I never did something like that! Don't shout those sorts of things in front of other kids. Come with me, brat!" Bellowed Jiraiya and grabbed her by the collar of her red T-shirt. Madam May looked scornfully after the Sannin who tried to wave innocently back without success.

Naruto half stumbled after the Toad Sage, partly because the grip Jiraiya had on her top forced the fabric half over her head as she was dragged outside of the garden.

He let go and Naruto found herself by the empty playground. "You saw me when you and that Mitarashi girl sneaked out, didn't you?! What were you doing in that district anyway?! It's no place for little girls!" Shouted Jiraiya, probably making everyone inside hear him. Naruto sighed and rolled her eyes.

"We got lost while we looked for the ANBU station. That's why we went out in the first place, but we never found it." Answered Naruto, a little exasperated with her perverted godfather. Or should-have-been godfather.

"Oh." Replied Jiraiya, and followed up with a few reprimands for roaming the streets at night but not for actually breaking out of the orphanage. "And if you do that again, I'll introduce you to my third teammate Tsunade, one of my fellow legendary Sannin!" He finished heatedly.

Naruto felt her eyebrow rise at the last threat. Tsunade lecturing people about staying up too late when she herself was currently drinking her way through the Five Great Nations was probably not the best example for a little girl to have as a voice of reason.

"I get it, I get it old man! I won't try to find the ANBU station after midnight again. So what are we doing today, Ero-sennin!?" Naruto asked quickly, trying to change the subject. Jiraiya saw right through her, but complied with her wish.

"Nothing special, I'm just checking up on how you're doing. Having to meet so many new people and socialize after being a vagrant for so long can't be easy, kid." Explained Jiraiya while he sat down next to the slide. Naruto went over to the swing opposite him and fell into it. Pushing gently backwards from the ground she started swinging back and forth.

"It's fine. The kids here are a little weird though. My roommates always wanted me to join them in these odd games that I didn't like much. But then Anko showed up and I really like her." Explained Naruto in a bored voice before adding as an afterthought, "But her sensei is pretty freaky."

Jiraiya laughed at her description of Orochimaru but didn't question it further. It was his old teammate who had told him about Naruto's late night adventure, and he guessed the girl had a problem with his stern attitude more than anything else. "That's good. Sensei tells me you're doing well at school too. I'm not surprised though, while clumsy and a little rough around the edges you'll find that a few instructions go a long way when training."

Naruto smiled and nodded, she then asked him what he'd been up to himself and Jiraiya complied. "Mostly I've stayed close to the village while checking up on how things are progressing with the other nations through some trusted sources." Explained Jiraiya with a heavy sigh. He looked long at Naruto without specifying anything. The blond felt her face soften at what he most likely would have heard out there.

"Did you find out anything?" She asked instead, swinging a little higher as the wind breezed through her hair. She closed her eyes as the sun warmed her face, knowing it was one of the few pleasures that could always be counted on to show up in the future.

"Hm… Yes, but I'm not sure if you're allowed to know." He said and took out his notepad and quill.

"I see." Was all the blonde replied as she swung backwards, getting a good view of the graveled ground the swings were cemented into.

"What did you see Naruto, while travelling through the wilderness? You were up in no man's land between Iwa and Kumo, was there ever anyone you met that stood out? Anything I should know about?" Asked Jiraiya without looking at her, his nose very close to whatever he was writing. Naruto continued swinging.

"… It was far between everyone and when I did meet people they were usually in a hurry. I was too, so I didn't think that was strange. There were many ninja though, like that one guy who thought he'd ease my suffering by killing me. But I managed to get away, I hid and the man was obviously not a tracker." Explained Naruto without missing a beat.

"There were many hungry civilians. The only place that could guarantee food was in the wilderness, because no humans would willingly share what they had themselves. So I just walked around, hoping to meet someone who'd help me in one way or another. But I never saw any real fights. Everyone was coming from somewhere I'd never heard of, or going somewhere I couldn't go. Until you." Naruto told him while thinking back to the months of wandering and wondering.

It was a very beautiful afternoon and the sun was lower on the sky now that dinner time was upon them. The leaves on the trees surrounding the orphanage grounds were playing with the wind while the grass rustled in tune with the drafts.

"You were right to stick to the wilderness, Naruto. You would have gotten killed on sight if you came close to a ninja village. Konoha included. You were allowed access only on my insistence, it's a good thing I have an in with the Hokage, or it would have been the prison cells for you as it has been with so many other refugees seeking our aid." Stated Jiraiya while leaning back against the side of the slide. "We're in tense times, and few of the hidden villages have any trust for others. It's a horrible truth that the innocent are always the first to suffer." He said with a rough and stern sort of voice. The gentleness was gone as he said his last words on this topic.

"Neh', Ero-sennin. Will there be another war?" Asked Naruto carefully, her hands clutching the ropes holding up the plank of wood she was currently swinging back and forth on. Her speed had decreased while Jiraiya was speaking, and by now she was just swaying.

The toad sage looked remorsefully at Naruto when she asked this, knowing she was probably one of the few civilians who could clearly see the picture. Understood how this could occur.

"Probably. There hasn't been an announcement, but war rarely has forewarnings. Suddenly we've fought so many battles before we truly realize we're already in the state of war. In a way, you could say the war has already started, but no one has put a label on it yet." Explained Jiraiya heavily.

"There haven't been any large scale battles yet. But it's only a matter of time. Iwa is being very up front with us. Suna is trying to remain neutral but in their location they won't be allowed that in the long run. Kiri has their own agenda, which honestly doesn't make much sense, but they're active on missions which usually conflict with those of Konoha. To be honest, Kumo is the only nation which is still a wild card. Who knows what they are thinking." Muttered Jiraiya and folded his hands in the same fashion as his legs.

Naruto stopped the swing by planting her feet on the ground and stood up. The action drew Jiraiya's attention and Naruto held out her fist. "I won't run. I won't hide or let others take my fight." She said in a low voice, her eyes drawn up towards the cloudless sky.

"I will protect Konoha and my precious people no matter what happens to me. I know I just came to this village, and that to everyone else I'm just a stranger from nowhere. But this is already my home and I swear on my ninja way that I will help Konoha at any cost. The same way it has saved me. Who knows? If we work hard enough then maybe one day all the nations will be true allies. Even if it doesn't happen in my own life, that's a goal I would give everything to reach, dattebayo." Stated Naruto with absolute certainty and determination latched onto each word she spoke.

Jiraiya had gone very still. His chest was barely moving from his slow breathing. It was as if he was trying to place her in his own head. Who was she? Where did she come from? Naruto could only guess where he ended up, but it couldn't be too bad.

"My godfather once said he'd like to create a word of harmony and peace, and if he couldn't find the solution then he'd leave it to me. Well, he's not with me the way he was back then, so it's my task now. When I get older I'll make a change for the better, I'll find a solution no matter what. That's a promise of a lifetime." She promised with a burning conviction Jiraiya had only seen in the faces of seasoned ninjas. Her fist still outstretch towards the setting sun like she was fist bumping the burning star itself.

Who knew, maybe she was.

She was a strange mix, this girl. He had a habit of comparing her to his old students, but had yet to find out who she resembled more. She was a girl like Konan, she looked like Minato, and her personality reminded him of Yahiko while her conviction was very close to Nagato's. An odd mix indeed.

Jiraiya stood up too, blocking out the sun as his shadow was cast over Naruto's small figure. He was smiling warmly, all teeth showing in a very encouraging way. He raised his own fist and touched it with hers. "Then we understand each other perfectly, Naruto." Was the only thing he said while Naruto smiled brightly back.

He was still her same old Jiraiya, just a little less wise one.

"I thought I might find you here, what are you doing?"

Naruto opened one eye and glanced over to where Anko stood together with a boy looking at her curiously. It had to be an odd sight after all. Naruto was hanging from a branch like a monkey with her hands and feet.

It has been three months since she started the Academy. While she had an easy time with most of her lectures, mostly thanks to Anko's insistent tutoring/torturing, she still struggled with chakra control. It had become a habit to head to the forest after classes and continue practicing.

"What are you doing?" Anko repeated uncertainly with one eyebrow arched. Taking in how Naruto seemed to be using up a lot of chakra where she hung upside down by her hands and feet from the branch.

"Trying to work up my chakra control. I can't get it right in my feet alone, so I'm using both my hands and feet to attach myself to the tree. Soon I'll be able to let my hands go and then I'll have it down." She said and winked back at Anko who slowly nodded. The boy looked surprised from Naruto to Anko and then back again.

"Who's that?" he asked and gestured towards the blond.

Anko looked over at the boy and rolled her eyes. "This is Naruto. She lives at the orphanage like I do and started the academy a few months ago. But her chakra control is really bad." She said and smiled back at Naruto. "Come down here and introduce yourself blondie, I brought us a training partner."

While Naruto let go and fell down she twisted midair and landed softly on her feet. As the jinchūriki straightened up she extended her hand with a wide grin. "Nice to meet yah'! I'm Naruto, who're you?" She exclaimed and shook the boy's hand vigorously.

The familiar looking boy chuckled at her enthusiasm. "Nice to meet you Naruto-chan, I'm Aoba."

Naruto realized at once who this was and why he seemed so familiar. It was the kid version of the man who'd accompanied her to Genbu with Captain Yamato and bushier brow sensei. Again she was struck by how small everyone looked. Aoba still had the same dark glasses though.

"Nice to meet yah' Aoba, glad you could join us, dattebayo!" She said happily and abruptly turned back to the tree and started climbing it on all four again.

"Um… She seems… dedicated." Aoba said sheepishly and looked back at Anko. The dark haired girl shrugged and took out her kunai.

"Wanna spar? I haven't had any decent opponents since Hatake graduated. Oh, but I forget who I'm talking to. You're what? Number seven on the ranking aren't you?" Taunted Anko and looked haughtily at Aoba.

The boy bristled at once and pointed accusingly at her. "Hey I'm strong! I just get so bored in the academy!"

"All the more reason to let your energy out during spars, I'd say. Come on little boy, are you less bored now? Or do you need to play ninja before you can fight decently?"

Needless to say, the two Genin were full out fighting instead of sparring within a minute.

Naruto ignored them while she focused on her tree climbing. She'd already blown apart a few trees because she pushed too much chakra through which tears up the bark. In one memorable coincidence, she had actually cut through the tree completely.

The blond had to use so little chakra it was tiring. She had to hold back the rest and only let out a little bit. It was the holding back that felt draining to her. Naruto suspected that she'd travelled back in time with her old chakra reserves, but without her old body to control it.

She was still trying to forgive the fox for putting her in this mess, and wondered what had happened to the rest of her friends. Maybe the future had simply been erased? Or maybe they had to face the fourth ninja war without her... Both options made her depressed.

But at heart Naruto was still an optimist and believed she could make a difference now. Maybe she could get rid of some Akatsuki members right away? Maybe she could convince Nagato to leave the Akatsuki ahead of time, before he made all those mistakes? She wasn't sure where to start, but Naruto wasn't going to let all those people die a second time. Especially not Jiraiya.

"Oh, Naru. I forgot, but Madam May was looking for you. She said something about an academy instructor. I didn't listen, but I was to tell you to come back to the orphanage right away." Anko said while keeping Aoba in a choke hold so tight the boy was turning blue. "You didn't set up a prank at the academy did you? I told you to not do that, you'll never be allowed to skip a year if you do! They'll see it as immaturity, so they'll keep you there so you can 'grow up.'" She added before releasing a gasping Aoba.

"I did no such thing, dattebayo!" Cried Naruto, and because of her sudden annoyance she lost control and fell abruptly down from her branch which exploded in the process.

"What else could it be? Maybe that boy Izumo framed you for something, I knew there was something off about him." Muttered Anko angrily while puffing out her chest.

Naruto rolled her eyes. She was certain the only problem with Izumo was that Naruto had talked about him to Anko. Something that had made the girl jealous because she was afraid Naruto would start hanging out with him instead of Anko. It had been easy to read Anko's very pissed off features.

"It probably isn't that, Anko. I'll go now, see you at dinner! And nice to meet you too Aoba. Next time you should go for Anko's stomach, she's really ticklish there."

At the sound of indignation from the older girl, Naruto laughed loudly before running back to the orphanage.

"Early graduation?" Asked Naruto surprised.

"Well, yes... In a way. You're allowed to jump up a year since you can already do the things they're teaching you. Although you cannot take the final exam yet since you have to be there for at least a year. You also need top grades in everything including history and writing, which you do not currently have. But they seem to think you're bored in class and will do better with children closer to your skill level, Naruto-chan." Madam May explained as she looked worriedly back at Naruto.

"Already? I mean, I had hoped I'll be able to skip second year or third, but most of my first year? That's… Unexpected." Naruto said while scratching her chin uncertainly.

It was indeed a little strange. The only ones who had ever been allowed to skip were those who exceeded in all fields. Including history and writing where Naruto only had average grades. She also knew for a fact that they usually waited longer than three months before allowing you to move up. At least a year of evaluating your skills, and then you can be moved up. That was what Naruto had been expecting but it seemed she was already moving forward.

Not that she was complaining, second year students did more chakra control and sparring then first years. In fact, the only physical activity they had during first year was working up stamina and learning the basic stands. There were no sparring or weapon practices at all. But instead they worked up your base physical condition to the level a ninja requires at an early age. Basically they were conditioning the young before starting the real stuff because of the possibility of war…

"That's great! How do I accept this?" Naruto asked while folding her arms behind her head and looking curiously up at Madam May. She really didn't need to think about it thoroughly before accepting.

"Normally you need a parent or guardian to sign an acceptance letter to move up, but since you have neither you fall under the civilian council who has already agreed to this. You also need the signature from a shinobi or kunoichi of chūnin or jōnin rank, which you also have, and then you yourself have to sign together with your sensei and the Hokage. You have everything but your own signature signed currently and ready to go, dear." She explained carefully and handed Naruto a couple of documents titled: 'Application for Grade Transfer.'

She stared wide eyed down at the neatly written document quickly, swallowing thickly when she saw all the signatures. She wasn't even sure who all these people were. She recognized 'Sarutobi Hiruzen', and her sensei from the Academy, but who from the council and who the ninja's signature was, she didn't know.

"So what? I just meet up and hand this in tomorrow morning?" Asked Naruto as she scratched her chin confused.

"Hmm… It seems that way doesn't it? You just need to sign, dear." Answered Madam May with a sad smile before she continued cleaning the table she'd been working on before Naruto came in.

"This is really odd, dattebayo." She stated and sat down on the couch in the corner of the room while Madam May was cleaning up after a painting class since there were at least a dozen colorful new stains on the floor and walls since this morning.

The old woman turned back towards Naruto and tilted her head with a kind smile on her wrinkly features. "The ninja arts aren't for everyone, Naruto-chan. There is no shame in quitting, dear." She told her soothingly, misinterpreting Naruto's frustration.

She shook her head furiously. "No, I don't mean it like that, it's just so… strange. I've got no idea who some of the people who signed are. Don't they need to have seen you before agreeing to these kinds of things? It's not like I've had the chance to really prove myself at the academy either, it's really boring actually. All we did today was listen to history and play ninja. I hoped… I guess I hoped it would be more challenging, but I guess I got my wish now, didn't I? Anko told me the academy curriculum had been changed into war time level, which means more intense lectures. But I could have slept all class and I wouldn't have missed anything I didn't already know. And now… Suddenly I've done enough to skip a year?" Naruto replied and leaned back into the cushions.

The elderly woman smiled uncertainly. It was obvious that she disliked the occupation of being a ninja for the village. While she had originally seemed to like Naruto, her friendship with Anko and new education was making her keep her distance these days.

"Not all ninjas are bad, Madam May." Naruto said and smiled reassuringly. Madam May only nodded and continued washing the table. "Ninjas are those who protect the village, they give their time and lives to a greater cause." The blond explained while watching as the woman stiffened.

"I know there are decent ninjas around, Naruto-chan. I just don't like the fact that children who are not even old enough to write properly are being sent to the front lines to die." She replied with a worried glance her way.

The jinchūriki felt suddenly very foolish. She had always assumed Madam May didn't understand, but obviously she knew more then she let show to the outside world. And what front lines?

"I've watched you and Mitarashi train the last few weeks, and now this happened. According to everything I've heard so far you are a very gifted girl who will undoubtedly make a perfect kunoichi with some time. But the talented ones are always the ones pushed too hard and too soon. You've barely started the academy and are already moving up the ranks. And just a few hours ago the Third Ninja War was announced. I'm not enjoying the odds Naruto-chan. Soon you and Mitarashi will be out there too." With a sad sigh she continued working while Naruto pondered about her words.

The Third War had finally started? She had been expecting it, and she'd been waiting every day to hear it officially, but it was still a small shock to have it confirmed. That explained why their sensei was giving such an extensive lecture on the second war these days. Preparation for what they themselves would probably be doing soon.

It seemed Madam May understood very well the downside and risks of Naruto's occupation, and she was a very empathetic woman. The blond smiled weakly to the back of the woman cleaning the table with a bit more vigor than necessary. There was a feeling of thankfulness towards Madam May blooming inside Naruto.

The fact that the woman cared enough to speak her mind was encouraging and comforting. Because of those sentences Naruto felt like she mattered. It was more than enough to give the woman a place in her heart.

Anko was walking Naruto to her first day as a second year student at the academy. After hearing what had happened she'd been ecstatic before turning predictably jealous. In the end she'd settled on acceptance, and claimed it was all thanks to her own amazing skills as a sensei that Naruto was allowed to skip a year.

Reluctantly Naruto let Anko keep that opinion. It was easier to deal with that way.

Naruto was pretty excited to start, but still felt nervous about how it would turn out. "You'll kick their arse, Naru! I've been instructing you and I say you'll have a breeze with second year too. As long as you can refrain from pulling pranks on the sensei of course." Explained Anko.

For someone who was such a troublemaker at home, Anko was surprisingly strict when it came to anything involving the ninja arts. She was a goody two shoes both as a Genin and back when she'd been an academy student. The older girl only let her wild side out whenever she was at the orphanage instead.

"Of course I will, dattebayo!" Naruto exclaimed more of habit now.

Anko giggled as she saw though the girl's emotions. "You better, I'm going to kick your arse if you don't."

The Academy was buzzing with children walking towards their classes. The blond spotted a few of her old classmates chatting happily to one another. A few waved to her, so Naruto waved back but didn't follow. She wasn't going to join them anymore after all.

Anko turned to Naruto just as they reached the gates to the academy grounds and smiled brightly. "See yah' at home, brat. Give them hell from me." Naruto returned the smile before she waved the older girl off and headed for building 4. It was where her new classroom was located.

Naruto looked eagerly around, wondering if she would recognize someone in her new class. Coming into the new classroom a few people turned around curiously. None recognizing her, and quickly dismissing her as a stray on her way to class. They were all surprised when she walked further into the room and up to the sensei. "Hi, I'm Naruto and I've been allowed to transfer grade." She said uncertainly and gave her new sensei the documents clutched tightly in her hands.

The man smiled fleetingly and took the documents. "Ah, yes. They told me about this, welcome to class 2B, Naruto-chan. Please take a seat. There's one available on row three." He explained while still looking through the documents. He absently pointed Naruto in the direction of her seat.

While walking back up the isle most of the students had found their seat and was watching at her questionably. Some whispering and a few girls snickering. Probably at her orphanage attire.

When she'd found her seat and waited for class to start, Naruto entertained herself by trying to recognize the kids. Glancing curiously around while ignoring the ones staring back.

So far this class had no one sticking out. That was until she noticed the boy on the front row to the far left. The blonde was disturbed when she recognized a very young Mizuki sitting on the front row.

He was tiny and his short white hair hang flat against his head because of a green bandanna.

That was the man who became her academy sensei before trying to set her up and kill her. Naruto pointedly turned in a different direction to avoid looking at him.

She took notice of a few people who had to belong to some of the clans. There was a Nara and Aburame sitting next to one another, both had their clan emblem sown onto their clothing and the blonde recognized them immediately. She also noticed a chubby girl that might belong to the Akimichi clan. She had those swirling markings on her cheeks and was eating cookies before class officially started.

Her gaze continued onwards. She saw a black haired boy before going to the row below and with a jolt recognized Umino Iruka. He was looking right back at her, but quickly turned away when he was discovered staring. He acted as if he was very interested in the cover of his text book instead.

It had to be Iruka, not many had such tanned skin, brown hair in a ponytail and a scar over their nose.

It was amazing how much his presence soothed her, she felt herself grow relaxed and she leaned back in her seat while wondering how best to befriend him.

Their sensei started calling out names, and Naruto found herself already losing interest, only noticing when Iruka and Mizuki was called up. Her new sensei had a very boring voice which she just knew would eventually annoy the hell out of her.

Naruto's excitement withered further once class actually started. While it was more advanced than the first year classes had been, it was still all stuff she already knew. As predicted the sensei was incredibly dull, and she barely managed to stay awake while he droned on.

The blonde used the time to stare out the window and was never called for doing so. The sensei probably wanted to be nice to her on the first day, but the truth was that this was one of those few topics she actually remembered. It was about the Second Hokage and how he died after all.

The next lesson before lunch was a group activity. The sensei seemed to think this was an excellent opportunity for a round of introductions so Naruto would have a chance to get to know people. Though the blond wasn't sure if it she appreciated having to give up practice time for that. It would've been better if they had missed a little of the history lesson instead.

They sat in a circle outside while their sensei taught them the importance of knowing your fellow comrades. He continued by telling in thorough detail how they would take this opportunity to introduce themselves to Naruto and at the same time work on goals and teamwork. What that meant Naruto wasn't sure, but she was starting to feel like a deer in the headlight from all the times her name had popped up in his speech.

"Remember everyone, that Konoha is built on the foundation of protection. When you become ninjas you will work alongside your comrades. Never forget that." He said sternly and gestured to Mizuki situated next to him.

"You go first. Tell us who you are so Naruto-chan can learn who her classmate is. Afterwards I want you to tell me why you want to become a ninja too. First step to reaching your goal is acknowledging it." Their sensei said kindly.

The boy was sitting crossed legged and was fiddling with his green bandanna in his hand.

"My name is Mizuki, I want to become a shinobi so I'll be strong like the jōnin." He said with a big smile on his face. He looked so innocent, and Naruto was torn in two about snorting out loud at his explanation or just ignoring it.

Their sensei looked at the kid after Mizuki, the Akimichi girl Naruto had noticed earlier in class who was only half paying attention. "Your turn." He said pointedly. She looked up slowly and thought hard about what she was going to say. A small blush bloomed on her chubby cheeks while her brown spiky hair was caught in the gently breeze.

"My name is Akimichi Chou. I want to learn my clan techniques, and help my family. Em… That's why I want to become a kunoichi." She murmured with a shy smile. It seemed that was sufficient too, since they continued to the next person. Who happened to be Iruka. He grinned sheepishly while straightening out his T-shirt when he spoke.

"I'm Umino Iruka, I want to become a shinobi so I'll be as strong as my parents and be able to help them on missions." He said uncertainly, looking over at their sensei in case he had said something wrong. He only got a smile in return before the man looked at the student on his right so the introductions could continue.

The kids seemed to understand the drill by now, and each student introduced themselves and reasons for becoming a ninja. Naruto filed down their names until the introductions started coming close to her.

The one before herself was the Nara boy. He was the same height as Naruto with black hair tied in a limp ponytail at the back of his head. He wore dark green marks under his eyes, almost similar to the ones Gaara had except not as thick, maybe the Nara didn't sleep well either. Oh, the irony...

"I'm Nara Ensui… I'm becoming a shinobi because…" He trailed off and scratched the back of his head, seemingly trying to think of a reason to become a shinobi while a few of the kids snickered.

"I guess… Since I have to learn the clan techniques…?" He said and shrugged. Naruto wanted to laugh herself, there was absolutely no doubt that he was related to Shikamaru, or would be at least.

Everyone looked to their newest classmate and Naruto smiled as widely as she could, then waved to them for good measure. "I'm Naruto, dattebayo. One day I'm gonna' be the strongest ninja there is so I can protect my precious people!" She declared proudly, folding her arms in front of her and nodding while she talked. A few looked skeptical, but some seemed uplifted by her words.

The boy supposed to speak up next was still looking at her when Naruto turned towards him. He had windswept dark hair, big eyes framed by long lashed and pale skin. While their eyes met, the sensei got impatient and reminded him to speak up.

"Sorry." He answered sheepishly, breaking the contact before straightening his back and continuing with the introductions. "I'm Uchiha Shisui, and I want to become a shinobi so I can help my clan and Konoha in the war." He said and smiled genuinely.

She was surprised he was an Uchiha, but now that she knew Naruto thought she should have realized that already. He had many of the Uchiha traits, even if a few of the details were off. His hair was more unruly than what she associated with the Uchiha clan, his eyes bigger but most of all the boy seemed approachable. So it was hard to put him in the same category to the likes of Itachi and Sasuke. Not to mention the masked man Madara.

The girl next to Shisui started talking the moment the Uchiha boy was finished. She was a girl named Hitomi with sandy brown hair and green eyes. Meanwhile Naruto was trying desperately to remember when and where she'd heard the name Uchiha Shisui, but came up blank.




To be continued…

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