

While Cassandra rested up at his apartment, he headed over to Wayne Manor. Work was work. As much as he wanted to stay and cuddle, he had a deal with Bruce Wayne and Batman. He wasn't about to break it.

Plus, judging by her temperature and exhaustion, it would take Cassandra twelve hours to recover. He could be back before she opened her eyes. Before he did, while in the middle of his taxi ride, he texted Hadiyah.

> Aaron: Watch the cameras at my building. Cassandra is there.

> Aaron: Make sure she is safe.

He glanced out the window. Gradually, they were reaching the outskirts of Gotham. The reply came less than a minute later.

> Hadiyah: Of course.

> Hadiyah: Angel Whore, Shiva and Talia want to talk to you about the ritual. They say the League of Lazarus have agreed to see you at their island.

> Aaron: I'll be there tomorrow morning.

'So it's almost time.'

The League of Lazarus weren't a threat, not like the Assassins or Shadows. Think of them as administrators, led by Ra's al Ghul's immortal mother. Aaron snorted at the thought. Just how old would that woman look versus how old was she in reality? He suspected that she would be much younger than she appeared. The Lazarus Pit, according to Talia, could halt one's ageing body.

The history of the League of Lazarus was interesting. Originally, they were formed by Ra's al Ghul in order to find other Lazarus Pits. However, at some point, perhaps during the 18th century, Rúh al Ghul took charge of the organization and turned it into a religious cult hellbent on worshipping a demon. She claimed the pits were inhabited by a demon, a statement that held some truth to it. As a result, Rúh and her League devised tournaments every century in order to offer the demon a champion. A sacrifice. A body.

A war was sparked when Damian Wayne participated in the tournament. The League of Assassins and Shadows joined to crush the forces on Lazarus Island. Indeed, it was a crushing victory for the joint group. Despite holding the home advantage, their inferior training weighed them down and the members of the League of Lazarus were subjected back to their original goal. Rúh had no choice but to obey.

Mother Soul, Rúh was called. She was a sickly woman in her mortal days, plagued with haunting visions of the future. After her son revived her with the magic pit, she fell further into depravity and occult nonsense. She thought that the demon residing within the Lazarus Pit would be the saviour. She claimed to have seen it: the end of the world as well as the Chosen One.

Rúh was wrong.

The real Chosen One stepped into the bustling kitchen of Wayne Manor, his chef's coat neatly pressed and his apron tied securely around his waist. He spotted Barbara Gordon and Dick Grayson engaged in a conversation near the centre island.

"I dunno, Babs. You're…glowing. Somehow. You're happier, you know?"

"What do you mean by glowing?"

"I just mean, like, you got, like, a warmth about you. Like a Lite-Brite."

"There's no warmth and no glow, and I'm not a damn Lite-Brite."

He could hear Barbara rolling her eyes. Aaron thought that would be the ideal time to insert himself.

Barbara sat in her wheelchair, her vibrant red hair pulled back into a ponytail. As soon as she caught sight of him, she flashed Aaron a warm smile.

"Good morning, Aaron," Barbara greeted cheerfully. "Ready to work your magic in the kitchen?"

Aaron returned her smile. "I do my best, Barbara. What's on the menu today? Any preferences?"

"Not particularly. As long as you make it…" Eye contact. Barbara's gaze flicked to her feet. "...I'll be great."

There was a tingle between the two. A hidden thrill at what they had done last week. A jolt of ecstasy that wouldn't wash away. Barbara adjusted her glass while Aaron shoved his hands in his pockets.

Totally unaware of the atmosphere, Dick chimed in. "Actually, I have a request, if you don't mind."

"What's up?" Aaron asked.

Dick leaned on the table, arms crossed and mouth splitting into a grin. "One of my teammates–you might know her–is coming for dinner. Care to take a guess?"

Aaron glanced at Barbara, who shook her head and refused to give a hint, then went back to Dick. By process of elimination, there were few allowed to have dinner at Wayne Manor with Batman's consent. "Err…Starfire, your girlfriend?"

"Bulls-eye!" Dick finger-gunned him. "Starfire is joining us for dinner tonight. She recently mentioned she wanted a taste of home and so…I come to you! I need your expertise to recreate it!"

Aaron's eyebrows rose at the challenge. He rolled his wrist around. "An alien dish, huh? That's quite an honour. Dick, do your best to describe it to me, and I'll see what I can do."

Dick's face lit up, his hands gesturing animatedly as he attempted to convey the intricate details. "Alright, Aaron, listen carefully. I only saw it once when I went to her planet but it's called G'rubbish, a traditional Tamaranean delicacy. It's a mix of stardust-infused alien vegetables, lightly sautéed in starfire oil, with a touch of Zarkonian spice. And it's all topped off with a garnish of Nentharian star petals."

"Stardust-infused vegetables, starfire oil, Zarkonian spice, and…Nentharian star petals?" A feverish nod from Dick. Given the look in his eye, he must have known how ridiculous his request sounded. "Right. That's quite the, uh, inhumane combination, Dick. I'll need to tap into my creativity for this one."

A LOT of creativity, because what the fuck were those ingredients? He didn't have the faintest clue how you could replicate it on Earth. Stardust? Like from an actual star? What kind of diet did Starfire's species have?

Dick's puppy dog eyes were impossible to resist, however. With a weary sigh and a chuckle from Barbara, he got started on the impossible task.


'Trial and error. Trial and error.'

He kept telling himself to not give up. Typically, due to his god-given talents, it never took long for Aaron to copy something. Except this recipe, apparently. The Presence must have been laughing at him: the Chosen One struggling to cook a meal.

It took Aaron four attempts to perfect Dick's vision. The G'rubbish was a visually striking salad-like dish and featured a rainbow of stardust-infused alien vegetables. It resembled a mix of leafy greens, like kale or spinach, combined with vibrant miniature radishes, julienned carrots, and spiralized zucchini. Topping it all off were delicate Nentharian star petals, which were shimmering orange, adding a touch of ethereal beauty to the dish.

How did Aaron manage to replicate this out of world food? Colour dye. Colour dye, colour dye, colour dye. If he hadn't copied the skills from the Michelin chefs at the birthday party, he would have been totally lost. Knowledge wasn't an issue through the use of the internet and small doses of the Speed Force. He could essentially scroll through a book's worth of content in four seconds. By infusing the phone with the Speed Force, he could adjust its time dilation factor.

Dick didn't notice because he was the taste tester. He kept nudging him closer and closer to the authentic taste, until he gave a thumbs-up and said it was great.

"Nice! Right on time too!" Dick turned on his phone and went on his messages. "Kory just arrived too. She's outside. I'll bring her in."

He ran off to just that. Aaron pretended not to notice but he saw Barbara eye him with longing and sorrow. He recalled that Dick and Barbara had been in an intimate and romantic relationship. It probably wasn't easy to see him with Starfire, a buxom alien princess.

"You alright?" Aaron asked, taking a seat. The table was long and seated ten people but he decided to plop next to her. Her wheel-chair was sleek and had a fitted area for her.

"It's nothing," Barbara replied, pursing her lips. "Say, how many girlfriends have you had?"

Oof. What a question. He inhaled and answered her candidly. "Just one."

"Oh?" A brow raised, she urged him to continue. Aaron chuckled and cupped his cheek.


Her eyes went wide and her mouth elongated into a grin. "Really? You guys are official now!? Congratulations!" Barbara playfully pushed him on the shoulder. "Look at you two. I guess I was right. Ha! Suck it, Damian!"

He side-glanced at her. "You guys were making bets?"

"Of course we were." Barbara sent him a cheeky smile. "I thought it would happen this month. Damian said in the coming summer. I said it would be this February."

Damn, it was the last day. Talk about a close call. Aaron was curious though…

"How much did you bet?"

"Five grand."

Aaron blinked and nearly let out a whistle. "Sheesh."

Rhythmic clatter of shoes and heels resonated outside the kitchen, followed by loud, animated voices. One pair was light and the other was heavy. Nightwing and Starfire. As he stood up for the inevitable greeting, Aaron wondered what the alien princess' real name was. Then he blinked and swallowed as the redhead entered his vision.


Aaron wasn't a pervert but he certainly felt like one. He should have known this would have captivated his attention. Starfire's tits. Bounce, bounce, bounce. Each step, they were like unrestrained jugs. They were massive and not at all exaggerated from her superhero costume.

Even in her civilian attire, she was dressed in a revealing yet tasteful ensemble that showcased her otherworldly beauty. Her outfit consisted of a form-fitting, low-cut top, accentuating her massive breasts and drawing attention to her sun-kissed skin. The top was paired with a pair of sleek, figure-hugging jeans that hugged her slender legs and accentuated her graceful movements.

Ass, tits, hips, Starfire had the complete collection. Aaron managed to keep his eyes away from her magnificent cleavage and offered her a shaking hand. "Hey, I'm Aaron–"

Instead of a handshake like expected, she pulled him into a hug. A titty-hug, mind you, his face submerged in her soft, pillowy mounds. Since her low-cut top shamelessly exposed the shape of her tits, he could feel her warm skin. He could feel their shape and size.

Her strong hand pushed him and in a daze he glanced up at her solid green eyes. "Oh, my apologies! I simply cannot wait to taste the dish you've created! I've heard such wonderful things about it."

Aaron–stone face and eyes locked to her dazzling features. He had his dignity. "Thank you, Starfire. I hope it lives up to your expectations."

Starfire's toothy grin was so white he wondered if she was a goddess rather than a princess. "I have no doubt it will. The anticipation is simply delightful!"

Wheels rolled up next to him. Barbara, hands grasped on her lap, said sternly, "Alright, Starfire, let's give Aaron a chance to serve the food before we devour it. We don't want to scare him away."

'Do I sense jealousy?' He wanted to glance at her expression but couldn't help but ogle Starfire. Kory was what Dick introduced her as. Was it an alias or her real name? 'I wonder how she disguises herself as a civilian too. Her orange skin is, well, orange. Plus, her eyes have no pupils. She's definitely not human. Sunglasses and makeup can't be that effective.'

The name didn't matter, regardless. It was her enticing and glamorous appearance that solidified her in his books as one of his favourite heroes. She was tall, busty, and carried a bakery behind her. Voluptuous? Hourglass-figured? Curvy? Shapely? With Starfire, it was all above the above.

Her strappy three-inch heels elongated her legs and shot her up to an attractive and head-tilting six-foot-four. Again, she had everything–tits, ass, hips, and thicc legs. The envy in Barbara's eyes was palpable as she couldn't help but admire Starfire's effortless style and natural elegance.

Starfire did not notice her fellow redhead's resentment. "Of course, Barbara." Her eyes switched to him and he hardened his cool expression as she took his hands into hers. "My apologies, Chef Aaron. I am just very eager to experience the flavours of your culinary masterpiece."

"I appreciate your enthusiasm, Starfire," Aaron replied. "I'll make sure to bring it out right away."

"You may call me Kory," she said, shaking his hands up and down like a child. "You are a friend of Dick and Barbara's, so you are a friend of mine."

Aaron blinked. That was fast.

"She's pretty trusting, especially when it comes to her secret identity. It's a cultural difference." Dick elbowed him and grinned. "Anyway! Let's get to the table!"

"Yes!" Starfire exclaimed, releasing him and clapping her hands together giddily. Aaron contained a sigh. Already, he could tell this was going to be chaotic.

The moment he set down the G'rubbish, Starfire gasped and propped at it with her fork. Then, not too long after, he fetched her a bottle of mayonnaise and she squeezed it all over her plate. Blank stares from everyone.

"What is wrong?" Starfire asked, blinking innocently. "It is an Earth delicacy."

"We know, Kory," Dick said, sighing. "We know."

"Oh, do you also have maple syrup?" Starfire asked, rubbing her hands at her adjusted meal. "I wish to test it with the G'rubbish."

Aaron slowly rose from his seat and nodded. "Yeah…? Are you going to…" He gestured at her plate. Starfire nodded vigorously.

He gave her what she wanted and she immediately poured a generous drizzle of the rich, amber liquid onto every dish. Her species' taste buds must have been wildly different from humans because Aaron saw no compatibility in her dinner. Starfire explained that maple syrup reminded her of the sweetness and warmth she experienced during her early days on Earth, and that it brought her a sense of comfort and familiarity.

'After all that work, she just ruins it with mayonnaise and maple syrup.' Aaron sighed in his head. 'Oh well. Let's just dig in.'

While he stabbed at the vibrant, faux celestial feast, he watched Starfire take her first bite of the modified G'rubbish meal. To his relief, a look of sheer delight washes over her face. Her eyes widened, and a soft gasp escaped her lips.

"My, oh my! This is incredible!" Another bite, another cute moan. "The mayonnaise and maple syrup compliment it so well! But I must give credit where it is due, the base is simply incredible! You imitated the local G'rubbish well, Chef Aaron!"

"Thank you," he replied, leaning back to cross his arms. "Dig in."

"I shall."

By the time dinner was finished, a blissful smile graced Starfire's lips and she let out a contented sigh. Her whole body seemed to glow with a radiant energy and she couldn't help but emit a faint purr of satisfaction.

"I'll wash the dishes," Aaron said, standing up. He collected their plates and carried them to the sink. The sink was large and empty, so he wondered if he could squeeze in dessert.

"Kory, do you have any preferences for sweets?" Aaron asked, calling her out in particular. He noticed Barbara squirm in her wheelchair. He didn't wish to exclude her so he added, "What about you, Barbara? Dick?"

Might as well include the other male as well.

Dick raised a loose hand. "I'll take ice cream."

"I as well!" Starfire chipped in.

"Me too, I guess," Barbara said, forcing enthusiasm.

'Damn, Barbara. I guess you really loved Dick.' Okay, saying that in his head was weird. Good thing he didn't say it out loud either. The innuendos with his name were innumerable.

Heapfuls of ice cream in a bowl were served. Aaron opted not to participate since it was nighttime and he had to pick up Chloe in an hour. Still, he sat at the table and chit-chatted with the group.

Starfire was quite eager in terms of conversations. Always asking questions, always curious, and always kind and gentle. She and Dick meshed well with each other–him with the light-hearted jokers and her with her empathetic words. Both leaders in their own right worked in sync with each other.

Barbara was quiet. Not that she didn't participate but Aaron could tell she did not enjoy watching Starfire making Dick laugh. He wondered if this was the equivalent of emotional cucking.

"So," Dick began, glancing at Aaron knowingly, "how are things with Cass?"

"Oh, yes!" Starfire giggled. "I was told you and Cassandra have a close relationship."

"We're dating now," Aaron announced tonelessly. A scandalised gasp came from Dick.

"Really!?" Dick pumped a fist and yelled towards the exit. "Ha, suck it, Damian!"

"Did you bet too?" Aaron asked, sighing.

"Yep. Me and Babs bet five grand that you'd date this month. Looks like we were right. High five!"

Barbara rolled her eyes but obliged his show of victory. "Will you tell Bruce or should I?" she asked.

"I'll do it," Aaron interjected. "I'd rather not you guys speak on my behalf."

'Plus, if he doesn't approve, I can just use my hypnosis on him.'

"When did you two start?" Starfire asked thoughtfully.

"Today, actually. She confessed and I accepted."

"Aww~! How sweet!" Starfire cooed, starry-eyed by the romanticism.

"Right on the last day of February too." Dick whistled in astonishment. "Sheesh."

"It is closer than your encounters with Deathstroke," Starfire joked. Dick choked with laughter. Meanwhile, to the side, Barbara rolled her eyes. Jealousy looked ugly on her, Aaron thought. Still, it wasn't in his place to point it out.

As much as he wanted to continue watching the spectacle, back-to-back notifications hit his phone. Three messages from an unexpected member of his Harem.

> Penny-Two: Is it possible for you to come to my apartment?

> Penny-Two: I have a request

> Penny-Two: it's something only your hypnosis can do

'A request?' He narrowed his eyes. What could his hypnosis possibly do that she couldn't? Was it a troublesome criminal? He had told them to lock up unreasonable folks at a League's hidden bases. Through coordination, it was an easy task. Julia Pennyworth knew this, she was a smart woman trained by the American government at the top level.

'If Julia is asking for me, then it's probably important. I can afford to squeeze in a visit with my teleporting.'

A forty minute drive? Fuck that. He would just pretend to call a taxi, get dropped off as soon as he was out of the mansion's security system, then teleport.

Aaron put his phone back down and abruptly stood up. "Sorry, something with Chloe came up. Carrie said she was sick."

"I hope it isn't anything too bad," Barbara said, frowning.

"She should be fine, just a little fever, I think."

Taking off his apron, he was ready to wave his goodbyes. Before he could so much as move, Starfire's eyes lit up and in two long strides–jiggle, jiggle, jiggle–she embraced Aaron in a deep and enthusiastic hug.

'Boobs, boobs, boobs…!' Aaron could control himself on the outside. He patted her on the back casually and kept in character. On the inside…

'Her tits are massive! I can tell they're as large as Jaina's G-cups!'

"I shall miss you," Starfire said, burying him deeper. She pulled back, luscious lips smiling. "I hope to see you again, as well as taste your foods! They were truly a wonder!"

Six-foot-one, two hundred and ten pounds, she was an amazon of a woman. Inhumanely strong, fast, and happy-go-lucky, her excitement and joy reverberated through the room.

When Aaron left, his balls were aching with need. The distress rushing down his crotch nearly caused his teleportation spell to fail.


"Um, who is this woman? I know my libido can sometimes go crazy but I am NOT going to fondle a woman while she's asleep."

A blonde woman, tall and lithe, lay on a bed in Julia's bedroom. Arriving at her apartment, Aaron anticipated many things but not a snoring blonde. Her face was eerily familiar but he couldn't place a name on it. He glanced at Julia, who wore white shorts and a t-shirt. Pyjamas, in other words.

"Sorry, sorry, that's not it." Julia rubbed the back of her head, nose flaring in a sigh. "She's a close friend of mine and she…well…I think you can help her, Aaron."

"What's her name?" Aaron asked. "I trust you didn't introduce me to someone who will jeopardise our plan."

"On the contrary, she'll boost it." Julia smirked and gestured at the sleeping beauty. "This here is Elizabeth Kane, Kate Kane's twin sister. In other words, Batwoman's twin sister."

'Twin sister…?'

He crossed his arms. Suddenly, this got twice as interesting. "Go on."

Nodding, Julia began her explanation. "See, the Kates weren't exactly like their cousins, the Waynes. The Kate family had a military background and were very influential and very important to Wayne Industries' development in the military field. Anyway, that's not what's important. What's important is that the Kanes did a lot of stuff because of their work, and when the twin sisters were just twelve, the family got kidnapped in Belgium and nearly died."

"Sounds awful."

Question was: where was Julia going with this?

"At first, everyone thought Beth died in the kidnapping. But turns out…" Julia plopped down at the edge of the bed, close to the woman's pale feet. "...she was actually taken by this crazy group called the Religion of Crime. They brainwashed her and she ended up becoming one of their top members, going by the name Alice. It was a split personality formed from the trauma of losing her family. A way to cope with her radically changed life. Later on, she even took up the name Red Alice after the Religion of Crime's big boss kicked the bucket."

"So, she was a villain?"

"Yeah, she got caught up in the whole villain gig. But there have been moments where she's tried to turn things around. Kate told me that during one of their earliest confrontations, Beth didn't know they were sisters at the time yet still saved her life. When Beth did learn they were sisters, well…ever since, her split personalities have been at odds. She's been brought back from the dead, fought alongside her sister, and had some moments of peace. But it's been a bumpy road, and she's still carrying a lot of baggage."

Redemption. That was Julia sought from him: a way to redeem this woman whose childhood had been stolen from her. Who tittered between good and bad due to her fucked up upbringing.

"You really think she can change?" Aaron asked.

"I think so. Deep down, she wants to make things right. With the right support and a bit of luck, she might find her way back. She's gone through so much therapy and she used to live with me and Kate. We took care of her and I just…" Julia inhaled, passionate. "I just think she can do it. That's why I think you can make a difference in her life, give her a chance to find some sort of redemption. Zatanna tried and she got really far. But with you…you can help Beth find the peace she's been searching for. I just know it."

Huh. Julia really believed in him. It felt…really good to hear, especially from someone who wasn't hypnotized. She believed in him, Aaron Reigner, because she thought he could make a difference. Was there a better feeling in the world–to be acknowledged by Alfred Pennyworth's own daughter?

"Let me guess: this is the real reason you joined me. Because you wanted me to heal your friend."

Rather than look guilty, Julia nodded. "Partly, yes. There was your dick, of course–" Her eyes flickered to his crotch, smirking. "But I also did it because I figured you, as the magical Chosen One, could do anything. That was what Selina had been saying all day when I got kidnapped."

"And so you thought I could heal your friend."

"Yes. Alice has been pestering Beth for too long. She's almost forty. This can't go on. I…I can't bear to watch it and neither can Kate."

There was no shame in Julia's words. Fear, yes, but no hesitation in her conviction. 'Good,' Aaron thought. Helping people was his top priority. If Julia had been the kind of government agent that cared more about the mission than morality, then he would have hypnotized her and sent her along as his obedient servant.

"W-where am I…?"

Speak of Alice in Wonderland and she would appear. Elizabeth Kane slowly rose from the bed, rubbing her eyes. Julia immediately came to her side.

"Beth, don't worry, you're alright," Julia comforted, hand on her back. "I brought you to someone that can help you."

"Huh?" Elizabeth–Beth–opened an eye and peered up at the crossed Aaron. "H-hello, sir."

She was tall but soft-spoken. Her green eyes darted, instinctively searching for an exit. The door was wide open and she relaxed.

"Hey." With a flick of his hand, he summoned a wooden chair and sat on it. Elizabeth blinked with wide eyes.

"You're a magician, like Zatanna," she muttered. "Are you going to use your magic?"

"Sort of," Aaron said. "I'm not going to cast a spell on you and fix you up. I'm going to emphasize the faithfulness in your heart."

"Faithful…ness?" Elizabeth repeated, still wide-eyed. She looked to Julia for support. "Um, what does he mean? Will he be able to make Alice go away?"

"Yes," Julia answered with a sincere smile. "Alice will go away."

Her short, shaggy hair seemed to shiver. "Then please do it. I don't want to hurt anyone anymore. I just…want the voices to go away."

He responded to her concerns with a comforting smile. "Of course." Aaron held out his hand. Nervously, after a few glances, Elizabeth took it. A surge of warmth enveloped her heart and mind. In that moment, a profound sense of healing and restoration washed over her, as if she had been touched by a divine presence. Aaron softly clutcher her with compassion and unwavering faith.

With a gentle touch, the power of Faithfulness flowed into Elizabeth's being, penetrating the depths of her wounded soul. The fear, the hate, Alice and her destructive tendencies, they began to lash out wildly. Elizabeth trembled.

"Just believe in yourself," Aaron said, almost whispering. His words resonated deeply within her. In her heart and mind, a kaleidoscope of emotions unfolded as the power worked its magic.

The fragmented pieces of Elizabeth's shattered identity began to mend, like a jigsaw puzzle being pieced back together. Doubts and fears were replaced with a renewed sense of purpose and a profound connection to the world around her.

"I…" Her green eyes stirred and flashed red. Alice, her second personality, seemed to break apart. No, Alice wasn't gone, she was…one with her. The goodness within her had swallowed Alice whole and changed her. No longer was there Alice and Elizabeth: there was only her. The comrade Julia knew as Beth.

"Beth?" Julia called out, hands opening and closing, her nerves lashing out. "Are you alright? Are you feeling fine?" She glanced at Aaron. "I thought you were going use hypnosis–"

"Not everything has to be done with hypnosis," he cut off. "Just watch."

Julia turned back and witnessed her friend breathe. Slow, steady breaths, as if she was a newborn seeing and feeling for the first time. "I…" Elizabeth bit her bottom lip. A shine appeared at the edges of her eyes. "Alice is…with me now. The voices…they're gone."

"T-they are…?" Julia blinked. Without warning, she threw herself onto the blonde. "Thank god…thank god…"

Elizabeth's arms hugged her back. Tears stained their shoulders. Aaron sat in his chair, smiling. Bringing people happiness…this was why he was doing all this.


"S-should I suck your dick?"

Aaron nearly choked on his drink. Instead, he put it down slowly and stared at Elizabeth as if she was crazy. The thirty-nine year blonde woman averted his gaze, face on fire, ashamed.

"S-sorry, Julia mentioned you had a harem and, er, loved sex. Um, sorry." Still on her bed, she fiddled with the blanket, blushing. Her hair was shoulder-length, somewhat wavy, similar to a doll's. Under her eyes, instead of dark bags, was an everlasting light blush.

"Your mental health isn't perfect, you know," Aaron said. "I have…a group of women but I'm not the kind of guy to exploit them."

A half-truth. Elizabeth didn't need to know that though. She needed safety and comfort and Aaron would supply that regardless of the truth.

"Ah, thank you." In her hands was a bowl of soup. After her little transformation, she came up with a small fever. Her head was burning and Julia practically sprinted to make it. Aaron was faster though and a much better cook. What lay in Elizabeth's hands was a tomato bisque, rich and velvety.

"Back when I was at Weiße Kaninchen Sanatorium, I ate a lot of soup. This was my favourite." The spoon met her lips and she let out a spine-tingling shudder. "It's incredible. You're incredible, Mr. Reigner."

"Just call me Aaron. You're older than me so it feels weird."

"Oh, um, I see." A pause and a nervous glance. "How old are you?"

"Twenty-five. Twenty-six in May."

Elizabeth's eyes went wide again. The green in her pupils shook with shock. "R-really? That means you're…" Her lips went flat as she calculated the numbers. "...fourteen years younger than me. Fifteen since my birthday is in March."

'Sheesh. She looks like she could pass for twenty.' Ages in this world of superheroes oftentimes made no sense. Forty-year old women looking twenty, twenty year olds looking thirty. Where was the logic?

"February is just about to end. Maybe we can celebrate," Julia suggested, entering the room. "Also, I told Kate about your improved condition. She wants you to see tomorrow."

"Oh? Elizabeth lives with you?" Aaron asked.

"Sort of," Julia said. "For three months, she stays with me, the next three months she's with Kate–and so on and so forth. Before, we lived together but our work prevented us from taking care of Beth properly. So, we created this arrangement."

"And Zatanna came from time to time for therapy…" Aaron bobbed his head, brows relaxing. "Makes sense. Question is: what can you do, Elizabeth?"

"My father is, um, he's in the military. He helps Katie when he goes as Batwoman. I think he can help you in your mission."

"An understatement." Julia snorted. "List his accolades. It's crazy."

Elizabeth stammered and from the top of her head, like a robot, did as Julia asked. "T-the Army Achievement Medal, the Kosovo Campaign Medal, the Afghanistan Campaign Medal, the I-Iraq Campaign Medal–" Wait, that was an illegitimate invasion, wasn't it? "–the Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary Medal, the Global War on Terrorism Service Medal, the NATO Medal for Kosovo, the Kuwait Liberation Medal, the Presidential Unit Citation, the Meritorious Unit Commendation, the Army Aviator Badge, the Air Assault Badge, and the Combat Infantryman Badge…"

'So it's highly probable he's committed a hundred different war crimes. Great.'

"Point is," Julia interjected, "Jacob Kane is a one-man command, control, and communications centre. He has access to military and law enforcement personnel like no other. Including Amanda Waller."

Amanda Waller. She was so well protected and neck deep in the government that he wondered what he would do if she exposed his operation.

"Um, my father also remarried," Elizabeth spoke up. "Our stepmom is an aristocrat and the heiress to the Hamilton Rifle Company. It's merged with Kane Enterprises, my mom and dad's company. She also helps Kate."

"Sounds impressive. Is it a gun company? What is its net worth?" Aaron asked.

"Over ten billion, I think. It's a Fortune 500 company and, uh, it is the single largest producer of rifles in the world, not just Gotham."

Aaron rolled up his sleeves. A former high-level military operative and his rich wife? To have them participate in his grand plan would be phenomenal. It also wouldn't warrant unwanted attention. A gun company striving to create peace in Gotham? It would be an epic PR stunt that would make headlines and be read without suspicion.

Even so, he didn't want to get ahead of himself. Elizabeth wasn't controlling the companies, after all. "They'll listen to you?" Aaron asked.

"They baby me, to be honest, so if I say I want to take over the company, they'll definitely let me," Elizabeth admitted. "I ask for something, they give it, no matter how ridiculous it is. I'm the poor, mentally scarred girl of theirs, after all." She bit her bottom lip, miserable. Quickly, she wiped a tear. "Sorry, I…"

"It's fine, take your time." Aaron leaned forward and brushed her arm. "Just let me know when you're able to help us. It can be in a month, a year, seven years. I'm not in a rush."

Indeed, Elizabeth's support was merely a bonus. Stage three would work with or without her. Getting guns off the streets by coordinating with her stepmother's company would be staggering progress, however. If Elizabeth was able to help, it would do wonders for Gotham.

"Alright, I have to pick up my daughter. I'll see you later." He sent her a warm smile, which Elizabeth returned.

"Want me to drive you?" Julia asked.

"Sure, why not?" Aaron checked his phone's time. "I think we'll make it to Carrie's in time."

'Plus, tomorrow morning I will be fleshing out the details on my trip to Lazarus Island. I need plenty of sleep.' He hadn't forgotten what Hadiyah texted him. His meeting and the approval of the ritual. It was happening. The League of Assassins and Shadows were nearly his to tame.

A/N: Been reading Infinte Mana in the Apocalypse. I like it so far. I hope you guys are also having fun reading stuff!

MrLarsBarcreators' thoughts
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