
The Malicious Hunter Part Eight

After Kai's appearance, Hunter smiles and observes his fighting stance.

"Hahaha, that's a serious title you've given yourself!"

"I didn't give it to myself! "I earned it through hard work." Kai remarks with a deep tone.

Kai looks behind him and sees Wayne in his damaged state.

"Hey Wayne are you still with us? Sorry, I arrived so late...."

As he speaks, Kai notices that Wayne is knocked out cold.

"I see. You go ahead and get your rest; you've fought honorably. I'll make sure your efforts do not go to waste."

Kai turns around and instantly notices Hunter is laughing.

"Hahaha, you must think I'm stupid! You realize I'm amazing at the sense technique, and on top of that, the senses of a beast your friends hiding behind that destroyed building can't hide." Hunter says with a menacing smile.

"Damn, I knew they couldn't hide!" Kai exclaimed in his head with a worried expression.

On the left of the battlefield, where destroyed buildings are on top of each other, Aurora, Marfumi, Dexter, and Liz are gathered together.

"Shit, he found us already," Dexter screams with a panicked expression.

"Wait, does that mean we have to go fight him head-on?" Liz asks.

Aurora looks through one of the broken building's windows and then adjusts her glasses.

"You two, just stay calm. I have a strong feeling Hunter enjoys abusing fear."

Liz and Dexter shake their heads in agreement.

"Alright, here's the plan: All of us have to go out there and use our abilities to slow down Hunter so Kai can get as many clean punches as he can.

"What!" Liz and Dexter scream.

"Yeah, sure, of course I'll slow him down; I might even beat him!" Marfumi screams as his body transforms into light.

"Wait, Marfumi, don't go in yet!"

With his light manipulation, Marfumi instantly vanishes.

"I should've known from how cocky he seemed he wouldn't listen to me," Aurora remarks while smacking herself on the forehead.

On the battlefield, Marfumi uses his light manipulation to quickly get behind Hunter without him noticing.

"Yeah, screw that plan. Why would I make an opening for someone ranked lower than me? Plus, Hunter can't keep up with my high-speed attacks! Not everyone is Paul!"

Marfumi swiftly kicks Hunter to the side.

"Yeah, how do you like my light manipulation?"

"Hahaha! So, that's your power. I was wondering how you were able to hit me without me noticing!" Hunter screams as he wipes blood off his cheek.

"Wow, you recover quickly."

Marfumi uses his light manipulation to get next to Kai.

"Alright, Kai I've confirmed that he cannot keep up with my light speed!"

"Ok, then that's one advantage we have, but first, let's get a little further away from here."


Kai looks behind both of them, and when Marfumi looks back, he sees Wayne on the ground.

"Oh, ok, I guess that makes sense. You don't want to hurt that pathetic level zero any further."

"Hey, you two, stop mumbling over there and fight! I'm already excited enough!" Hunter screams as lightning circles his body.

Kai and Marfumi look at each other with a feeling of understanding each other's thoughts.

Marfumi transforms into light particles, then zooms over to Hunter. In his light form, Marfumi smacks Hunter, sending him flying far backward.

"Haha, I love that light speed!"

Hunter lands on the ground and instantly gets punched a thousand times in the face by Marfumi, using his powers to move at light speed.

With his face in a bloody mess, Hunter looks to his left and sees Marfumi charging something up in his hands.

"Ever taste light before beast?" Marfumi asks with a cocky smile paired with a blank stare.

Marfumi blasts Hunter with a beam of light, completely eradicating his stomach all the way to his feet.


"Harsh light!"

"Hahaha, yes, so exhilarating!"

As he laughs, Hunter looks to his left and is met with a powerful punch to the jaw from Kai.

The punch sends Hunter spiraling to the left side of the field. As Hunter spins through the sky, he regenerates and remakes his clothes with webs.

"Hahaha, you kids are way more of a challenge!"

Hunter stops himself in mid-air and then slams back down onto the ground. Kai rushes toward Hunter and hits him in the face with two kicks. Then he goes in for an overhead punch but gets instantly blocked.

"You're going to need a little more than that!" Hunter screams with Kai's first in his hand.

Hunter pulls Kai forward and turns his left arm into a long tentacle with a green ooze dripping off of it.

"Shit!" Kai screams to himself.

Hunter smacks Kai in the stomach with the tentacle, sending him flying back.


Suddenly, Marfumi appears next to Hunter and punches him six times in the face at light speed.

"You might be able to hit him, but I'm different."

Marfumi transforms into a beam of light that blasts straight through Hunter's chest, and when he's behind him, he turns around and places another hole in his stomach.

After that, Marfumi turns back to normal and then forms a ball of light in his right hand.


The ball of light in Marfumi's hand turns into a beam and completely disintegrates the rest of Hunter's body.

On the other side of the battlefield, Kai is on the ground, still struggling to get up after being hit by Hunter.

"Damn it, what's wrong with this wound?"

Kai looks at the wound Hunter left on him and sees a large green cut that's slowly becoming deeper as seconds go by.

"Is this some type of poison?"

"Yeah, it's probably from some dangerous beast."

"Wait, Marfumi, when did you get here?"

"Ha, light speed, baby! You see me eradicate that bastard? Feared legend, my ass!"

"I'm going to let you know right now that he's not dead."

"What do you mean?"

"Haven't you paid attention at all to the news that Hunter is damn near unkillable?"

"Well, then, if that's the case, we're going to be here all day."

Marfumi's right hand starts to glow with a red light.

"Maybe your friend Aurora was right, so I'm going to have to see what you can do," Marfumi says as he places his hand on Kai's wound.

"What the hell are you doing?"

"Do you know what photobiomodulation therapy is?"

"Never heard of it," Kai says with a dumbfounded expression.

"It's a process of using different wavelengths of light to give your cells more energy so that they can work their healing magic faster. It lessens pain and could cause wounds to heal within months."

"Wait, are you telling me that the red light coming from your hand is a variation of that?"

"No, even better, it's a supercharged version that can eradicate poison and heal wounds in minutes."

Marfumi removes his hand from Kai's wound, and Kai sees that it's starting to heal really quickly.

"Now that's some useful stuff!"

"Yeah, Mrs.Iris gave me the idea to add something like this to my arsenal," Marfumi says with a proud expression.

"I've never talked to Mrs.Iris but it sounds like she's a great teacher," Kai says as he gets up.

"Yep, the best!"

Marfumi and Kai look forward to Hunter walking toward them with a smile.

"You were right, Kai; he really might be unkillable."

"No, we've killed him already; we just need to make him stay dead!"

"That's easier said than done, you know?"

As the two boys talk, Hunter uses the accelerate technique to get over to them and smacks Kai backwards. He tries to hit Marfumi, but he uses his light manipulation to swiftly dodge.

"Hahaha, damn light speed gets me excited!"

Hunter looks to his left and sees Kai rushing towards him.


Kai weaves a lighting-infused punch from Hunter with the accelerate technique and punches him twice in the stomach.

"That's one and two!"

Kai jumps up and, with one spin, kicks Hunter in the face.


Hunter tries to grab Kai with his right hand, which turns into a tentacle, but Marfumi blasts it off with a light beam.

"Not on my watch, Hunter," Marfumi screams as he turns to light particles.

Hunter turns his attention back to Kai and sees that he's going in for an overhead punch.

"That's three!"

Kai punches Hunter so hard that his chest caves in.


Then, while Hunter is still recovering, Kai hits him with an uppercut to the jaw.

"That's four!"

"Hahaha! Are your punches becoming more powerful each time, or am I missing something? Hunter screams as he fully regenerates.

Hunter hugs Kai tightly, then starts emanating electricity from his body to shock Kai.

"What are you going to do now, huh?"

"I still have fifteen seconds to land another punch before it resets! This is the only way to win this battle! It's my power 7x punch! The power my father passed down to me!" Kai screams in his mind as he gets electrocuted.

Kai looks straight into Hunter's eyes, then headbutts him so hard in the nose that it breaks.

"Damn, you have a hard head, kid!"

Marfumi appears behind Hunter and slices off both his arms with blades made out of light to free Kai from his grip.

Once Kai is free and lands on the ground, he gets into a punching stance.

"Still five seconds left!"

Kai punches Hunter in the stomach so hard that his fist is visible through Hinter's back.

"That's five!"

Kai swiftly pulls his hand back to his chest and hits Hunter with another powerful uppercut, knocking his chin loose.

"Now for the final one!"

Before Kai can go in for another punch, Hunter attempts to kick him with his left foot, which has long, sharp teeth coming out of it.

"Shit, I only have two seconds left!" Kai screams in his head.

As he says those words to himself, he suddenly appears behind Hunter, much to his surprise.

"Wait what?"

"Light speed, bitch!" Marfumi whispers into Kai's ears as he turns back to light particles.

"Thank you, Marfumi!" Kai screams with a face full of realization.

Kai pulls back his right arm so fast that it's not even visible to the naked eye.

"Wait, what in hell is pulling me?" Hunter asks as his body gets pulled closer to Kai's fist.

"Vacuum punch!"

Kai punches Hunter's back, causing his entire left side to explode into blood and guts.

When the dust clears, Marfumi appears next to Kai.

"Is he finally dead?" Marfumi asks with a tired expression.

"No, my punch wasn't strong enough or fast enough to completely eradicate him."

Kai and Marfumi gaze at Hunter as his body regenerates.

"Hahaha, you boys gave me a fantastic fight! Let's keep going! Wait, but I still sense your friends over there by the rubble hiding still, so here I'll make sure everyone gets a piece of Hunter!"

Hunter's blood and guts on the ground start to move and gather in the sky.

What the hell is it making?" Marfumi asks.

Kai stares at the blood and guts coming together, arms crossed.

"Hahaha, I wanted to try out this ability I discovered recently! The power to form water-downed versions of the beast I eat!"

From the blood and guts of Hunter, a smaller version of a Draibnu, the same species as the beast King Kirata was born.

"Hahaha, yes, I did it! The beast king is now my personal pet! Now go! Go destroy those pussies hiding from me!"

The Draibnu surrounds itself with lightning and starts flying toward Aurora, Dexter, and Liz.

"Shit, Kai! This is bad! That beast might not look as strong or as big as the Beast King, but it's still pretty fucking big, and I'm assuming its power is just as dangerous."

"Don't worry about them, Marfumi!" Kai screams with a serious expression.

"But Kai, those are your friends, and from what I see, all of them are pretty ass when it comes to fighting; you don't think we should go deal with that," Marfumi asks with a considered expression.

"No, Aurora is one of the most honorable people I know, and she thrives in situations where she has to protect people under pressure." Trust me, she's fine!"

"Ok, if you say so, but don't blame me if they die."

"But I need something from you, Marfumi," Kai says with a ferocious expression on his face.

"And that would be?"

Kai gets into his fighting stance and looks at his opponent, Hunter.

"Hahaha, I like that kid! You're always ready to fight!"

"Marfumi, all I ask of you is that you provide me with as many opportunities for a punch as possible!"

Chapter 154 end

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