
Gamer Spirit Part One

With the start of the first round of the Grava Acadamy tournament, Dexter has been brought to the stage, and Kage will be brought to the stage next.

In the teacher stands Tota pulls out his camera and starts recording.

"I got to record this! I don't want to miss a single part of this fight."


Mr.Mink looks at Tota's camera with an interested expression.

"That's a pretty nice camera you got there."

"Oh yeah, this is the Ultra Camera S9 Speedy Edition. I bought this camera specifically for this tournament."

"Oh, why is that?"

"Well, you know, you OGI users might not notice, but you guys can sometimes be too hard to keep up with for us level zero's. This camera was specifically crafted to help with that. It has a lock-on feature, which allows me to not lose the fighters when they are going all fast. I got quite a lot of money from being a journalist, so I decided to make use of it."

"Interesting. You know, Tota, you've grown a lot in a short amount of time."

"Hehe, no, not really. I still get scared in a lot of situations."

"Well, sometimes bravery isn't the main thing we need to focus on."

On the other side of the stadium, there's a special stand for students who are not fighting. Unknown rushes into the stand and sits next to Selena.

"Did I make it?"

"Yep, they are about to call Kage to the stage."

Mr.Brown starts to once again announce the fight.

"And now, from the right corner, we have the number four of class one taught by Mr.Mink himself! Kage!"

From the right entrance to the battlefield, Kage walks onto the battlefield. As he walks out, the crowd starts to scream at the top of their lungs.


Kage looks around at the crowd as he walks out.

"Haha, yes, that's right, cheer for me! Haha!"

From the student stands Unknown screams. "They are just cheering, and it's not because of you!"

Kage and Dexter walk to the middle of the battlefield, where Mr.Zane is standing.

"Wow, we just met, and I already have to take you down!"

"You're crazy confident, but it's ok. I deal with people like you all the time when playing online."

Mr.Zane puts his right arm between both of them. At the same time, Mr.Brown says, "Ok, it's time to start the first battle of this legendary tournament!"

Mr.Zane once again reads the rules to Kage and Dexter.

"Now that you understand the rules, we start when I reach one. Three! two! one! Fight!"

Mr.Zane moves his arm and jumps to a special stand sitting on the right of the battlefield. Kage and Dexter jump away from each other to opposite sides of the battlefield.

"Energy manipulation: energy cutter!"

From his right hand, Kage starts shooting slices of energy at Dexter. Dexter instantly moved out of the way of the attack.

"I thought it would be harder to figure out your power, but you told me right away. Thanks for making this easier."

Dexter speeds toward Kage with the accelerate technique.

"So what if you know my power? I'm still going to win!"

Kage uses the flex technique on both of his wrists and blocks Dexter's punch. Kage then releases a burst of energy to force Dexter to back away from him.

"Energy multi-shot!"

Dexter gets hit by multiple beams of energy coming from Kages hand.


Dexter gets pushed back further by the beams of energy.

"Ha! How do you like that?"

Dexter starts swiping at his shirt.

"Wait, you didn't take any damage from that!"

Dexter smirks and then instantly appears in front of Kage.

"I didn't even sense him move!"

Dexter punches Kage in the stomach with the flex technique applied.

"Try to keep up, Kage!"

Dexter disappears from Kage's front. Kage falls to the ground while holding his stomach.

"He's gone!"

"No, I'm not; I'm right here."

Dexter's body starts to flicker like a broken light all across the battlefield.

"I'm to your left; no wait, I'm to your right, or maybe I'm behind!"

Kage starts looking everywhere, but Dexter seems to be everywhere all at once.

"Damn it!"

Kage starts shooting energy beams at all of Dexter's surrounding him. All the energy beams go straight through the multiple Dexters.

"You know, Kage. I heard you grew up in the Mud Zone and not in the decent areas either. Well, I also grew up in the Mud Zone, and I never had much. I was always so bored being in that house with nothing to do."

"Yeah! And so what?"

"On my tenth birthday, my parents put all their money together to get me a handheld console. I played it constantly without stopping. I played every game you could think of, but what I truly loved was this battle royale called Music Mecha Royale! I could destroy other people online with mechs while listening to their amazing original soundtrack, but there was one thing I hated the most."

As the flickering of the multiple Dexters started to flicker faster, another Dexter appeared behind Kage. He then grabs Kage by the shoulder.

"I hate lag!"

Kage's body starts to flicker like a broken TV.


Kage all of a sudden disappears. The entire crowd roars in shock after seeing what happened. In the student's stands, Unknown jumps out of his seat.

"what! Where did he go?"

"It's his ability!"


Unknown turns around and sees Liz from class three.

"Dexter's power lag is amazing! He has the power to bring the power of bad connections into real life."

"What the hell does that even mean?"

"Well, you know, when you play online video games and you have a slow internet connection, the game tends to mess up, causing, what did Dexter call it? Input delays?"

"I think I understand what you're saying. So Dexter's power is to use the effects of lagging in a video game in real life."

"Yep! Maybe I shouldn't be telling you all this since we're rivals, oh well!"

"So then, where the hell is Kage?"

"I'm sure he's fine. Dexter wouldn't mess him up that badly."

Under the battlefield, Kage is in a tight spot. His body is completely stuck underground, with no room for movement.

"What the actual hell is this? Am I under the battlefield? Damn, it's hard to breathe under here!"

Kage's mouth starts to glow.

"Energy canon!"

Kage releases a huge blast of energy from his mouth.

On the battlefield, Dexter is standing on the right.

"I thought he would have come up by now, but I guess I overestimated him. I should probably glitch him back up before he suffocates."

An energy beam comes out of the groud, and Kage instantly jumps out of the hole made from it. When he gets out of the hole, he points directly to Dexter.

"You almost killed me, asshole!"

"If you paced yourself well, you would last five hours under there."

Kage starts nodding his head and says "Uh huh" over and over again.

"Eat this bitch!"

Kage quickly shoots a beam of energy at Dexter, but all of a sudden, Kage's body starts to flicker once again.

"Not again!"

The energy blast turns to the right, heading straight toward the crowd.


The crowd sitting on the right of the stadium screams in panic, but the energy beam hits something before it can hit the crowd. Kage looks at the crowd in confusion.

"Oh right, I think Mr.Mink mentioned something about a barrier between the battlefield and the crowd. Wait, fuck all that! What the hell did you do to me?"

When Kage looks over to Dexter, he sees Dexter drinking soda.

"Where the hell did you get soda from?"

"Oh, sorry, my powers are weird, so randomly, I will have input del—"

Dexter's face freezes all of a sudden, which causes his face to look weird.

Kage starts to laugh hysterically.

"Ain't no fucking way! Is that really your power? I wish I had my phone with me so I could get a picture of this shit!"

Dexter's face unfreezes.

"So now I ha—. Damn it! It happened again, didn't it?"


"Tch, I grabbed this soda two hours ago, and it's just getting into my hands now because my power lag causes random input delays. Which is also the reason why my face froze."

"That power sounds terrible."

Dexter angrily throws the can of soda on the ground.

"It is terrible. I can control everything that has to do with my power, but of course, I have to deal with random input delays in real life! Didn't the bad connection bother me enough in the game!"

"Uh ok"

Dexter calms down and turns to Kage.

"Did you see how your attack went in a different direction than you were expecting? By touching you, I also gave you an input delay."

Dexter appears behind Kage.

"You lose this battle."

Dexter kicks Kage forward, and instantly Kage tries to shoot an energy beam at him, but for some reason, nothing comes out of his hand.

"What the hell?"

Kage looks at his palm, and suddenly a huge energy beam releases from his hand onto his face.

"I told you about the input delay."

Kage looks at Dexter with anger.

"This input shit is going to piss me off!"

Chapter 102 end

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