
Picture perfect

It has been about eleven hours since the survival round of the Grava Academy tournament started. The auditorium has been filled with many injured students who have lost in the survival round. David has surrounded all the injured students with yellow flames.

Nixon walks up to David while he's treating a student.

"So, Doc, how many students have you healed so far?"

"Tch, I don't fucking know! I lost count at hundred and sixteen students."

"Oh, I see the students are dropping as fast as expected."

"As expected! I don't know what you think this is old man but healing people takes a lot of OGI!"

In the middle of the room, another student appears. This student seems to be in bad condition. He has a purple rash spreading all across his body.

"It seems you have another patient, Doc."

"Damn it!"

David walks up to the sick student and looks at him closely.

"I'm going to need a diagnostic for this one."

David throws a green flame from his hand onto the student. The flame surrounds the student. After a few seconds, David puts his hand out and absorbs the green flames back into him.

"It seems that he got mud into an open wound, and now it's causing him to get sick."

David has a multitude of flames that make him one of the best doctors in the world. His yellow flames heal physical injuries like broken bones, bruises, and torn-off limbs. When it's internally related, David can surround the patient with green flames. The flames will run a full diagnostic on the patient, and when David absorbs it back into himself, he will know exactly what's wrong with the patient.

David ignites a purple flame in his hand and throws it onto the student. The flame instantly goes into the student's mouth and ears.

David's purple flames are what he uses to cure internal illness. The purple flames have special antibiotics that can cure almost any disease, any bacterial infection, and all other illnesses.

David lights his cigarette and patiently watches the student. The student all of a sudden jumps up after a few seconds with the flames in his body.

"I'm alive!"

The rashes on his body started to disappear.

"Great, now stay still so I can heal those injuries of yours."

"Oh right!"

While the auditorium is dealing with the many injured students, more fights are starting in the mud forest. Unknown is jumping from tree to tree, being careful not to fall into the mud under him.

"Damn, I haven't seen anyone for a while. Well, that's a good thing. I want to win this tournament, so it's better to not fight too much in the survival round so I don't drain my health bar or OGI tank too much."

Unknown jumps off a tree branch but notices a glimmer pointing toward him from a not-so-far branch on his left.


Unknown pulls himself back in midair, but all of a sudden his right arm disappears.

"What the fuck!"

Unknown starts to descend towards the mud, but he quickly grabs onto a tree branch with both of his legs. He then looks behind him and sees a rocky surface above the mud.

"That should be good to stand on!"

Unknown releases the branch and lands on the rocky surface. Unknown looks at where his arm used to be.

"Where did my arm go, and why the hell is there no blood? Wait, it doesn't even hurt. Could it be someone's power?"

Unknown instantly starts to look around for where he saw the glimmer come from. He once again sees the glimmer and jumps off the rock to a tree next to him.

The rock he was standing on disappeared out of nowhere.


Unknown quickly jumps behind the tree, but then the middle of the tree disappears. With the disappearance of the middle of the tree, the top of the tree falls.

At the bottom of the tree, Unknown runs out of the way of the top of the tree that fell.

Unknown jumps onto another rock surface and slams his fist onto it. A few broken pieces of rock fly into the sky, and Unknown quickly grabs them.

"OK, time for you to come out of the shadows!"

Unknown starts flicking rocks toward where he saw the glimmer come from. From where he threw the rocks, a 5'7 skinny white-skinned girl with short blonde hair jumped off a branch. She is wearing red shorts and a pink jacket, with a red camera around her neck.

"Oh, look at that! You found me!"

The girl lands on a tree branch and points her camera towards Unknown.

"Now that you found me, it is time for you to go! Hehe!"

This is Metsu, a girl from one of the lower classes of Grava Academy. Unknown jumps out of the way of her camera sight and jumps to the tree next to her with the accelerate technique.

Metsu quickly turns around and snaps a picture of where Unknown is. Unknown once again uses the accelerate technique to jump to a branch above her.

"I think I understand her power now!"

Unknown jumps from the branch and kicks Metsu in the back of the head with the back of his left heel. Metsu spits up a bunch of blood and falls off the branch towards the mud under her.

"Damn, he's strong and fast!"

Unknown lands on the branch under him and watches as Metsu slowly descends toward the mud.

"It seems she has the power to make whatever she takes a picture of disappear. I hope by defeating her I'll get my arm back because being one-handed would suck."

Metsu pulls a photo out of her pocket and throws it toward the mud under her.


A piece of earth comes out of the photo and lands on top of the mud. Metsu lands on the piece of earth. She touches the back of her head, and when she looks at her hand, she sees blood. She then closes her right eye to look at her health bar.

"Wow, you took a bit of my health with that kick. I'm guessing you're a part of the top classes."

"Oh, you can tell just by a kick to the head!"

"Hehe, of course, telling how powerful someone is is as easy as summarizing a picture."

Metsu makes a camera symbol with her hands.

"I'll make sure to take a perfect picture of you so I can win this tournament!"

After hearing that statement, Unknown starts to think to himself.

"That's the same rock I was standing on earlier. So she can make things disappear with her camera, but they're not erased; they're just stored in those photos, and she can bring those things back by throwing them and saying release. Ok, I think I got her power down, and all I can say is that she has a strong power. Why do I always have to fight strong opponents? I bet Kage is off fighting some nobo—"

Unknown notices Metsu pointing her camera at him.

"Shit, I got distracted!"

Unknown jumps out of the way of the camera onto another branch.

"No, no, no, you are not getting away from me this time! Burst mode!"

Metsu camera starts to take photos in succession. Unknown quickly moves out of the way, but Metsu keeps following him with the camera. As Unknown jumps from branch to branch, they start to disappear.

"Of course, she can take fast pictures!"

All of a sudden, Unknown's right leg disappears.

"Wait, she caught me!"

"Yes, I did! And now it's time for the rest of your body!"

Unknown loses balance without his right leg and falls. Before he can fall too far, he catches a vine and swings on it.

"One arm and one leg! This is bad."

Unknown lands on a tree and uses the accelerate and flex techniques together to jump from tree to tree.

"I need to hurry up and finish this or I'll lose too much health and OGI! This might be hard, especially with my leg and arm missing, but maybe if I just find an opening!"

Unknown jumps off a branch and is in midair, in between a bunch of trees. Unknown sees Metsu trying to get a picture of him.

"Yeah, sorry, not happening!"

Unknown grabs a bunch of rocks out of his pocket and starts throwing them at Metsu.

"Wait what?"

Metsu moves out of the way of the rocks and jumps onto a tree.

"I knew I was going to need these rocks sooner or later! Now time to land!"

Unknown looks around and notices glimmers coming from all the trees surrounding him.

"Wait, no way!"

"Yep, that's right! You've walked straight into my trap, hehe! I have set up cameras on all the trees in this area, pointing directly where you are."

"I knew it; she was only using that burst mode thing to force me this way!"

"Yep, and now that you're in my range, all I have to do is click my camera, and there's no way you'll be able to dodge getting captured! Don't worry though; once you're captured, you'll be sent to the auditorium. I already tested it."

The second she says that, Unknown's mind starts racing.

"Am I really going to lose here? There's no way I can dodge this one!"

Unknown looks below him and sees nothing but mud. His eyes open wide, and an idea runs through his head.

"This might take a lot of OGI and decrease my speed, but I have to win this fight.

Metsu smiles cockily as she points her camera at Unknown, who is in midair.

"This is the final picture!"

Metsu clicks her camera, and at the same time, all the cameras surrounding Unknown take a picture. Unknown's chest starts to glow, and OGI starts to flow into his muscles.

"Charged flex!"

Using the charged flex technique, Unknown throws a punch towards the mud under him. The force behind the punch causes the mud to fly up and create a wall all around Unknown. Parts of the mud wall start to disappear.

"No way he used the mud to his advantage! Wait, even then, he will have to fall into the mud since he's mid-air with nowhere to land! Yes, I've won!"

From behind the wall, Unknown bursts out and speeds right to Metsu.

"What! How did he get over here?"

Metsu looks at where Unknown came from and sees a broken rock falling into the mud.

"That bastard had another rock in his pocket and used it as a surface to jump off of!"

"Yep, I was able to turn off the charge technique fast enough so I could gain my speed back! Now you lose!"

Unknown punches Metsu in the face and sends her flying through many trees.


As Unknown lands on a tree branch, Metsu's body starts skipping on the mud and then eventually falls into it. As she sinks into the mud, she says, "I guess this is what you get when you fight a top student.

Metsu's health bar gets too low, and she vanishes.

When she disappears, Unknown gets his arm and leg back.

"Woohoo, I'm back to normal!"

"Yes, that was a pretty good punch you displayed."

Unknown looks behind him and sees a six-foot, shirtless, light-skinned boy with spiky hair. He is wearing white pants with tears on the edges. He also has a black belt around his waist and a red headband around his head.

Unknown puts up a fighting stance.

"And who the hell are you?"

"My name is Kai, and I'm the number three of class four. I just wanted to compliment your punching ability."

Kai gets up and puts his right palm on his left fist.

"I commend you!"

"Are you really congratulating me for a punch?"

"Yes, and please let your guard down. I won't fight you now when you're tired from your last battle; that would be dishonorable. See you in the tournament."

Kai uses the accelrate technique to quickly leave Unknown.

"Umm, ok, that was a weird encounter."

Chapter 89 end

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