
Unknown's true strength part two

After taking massive damage from Brock Unknown started to think back to his training with Mr.Mink. It's a sunny day in the back of the Frinstion hotel. It's the second day of Mr.Mink's three-day training. While Akira and Selena are training on their level-one techniques, Mr.Mink is teaching Kage and Unknown the recover technique in an attempt to improve their OGI control.

"OK, you two, this isn't a simple technique to use. Messing up this technique could cause you to mess up your heart or, even worse, death."

After hearing those words, Kage and Unknown instantly start thinking about Kev, the same man who was an obstacle to Wayne returning home.

"Now you two follow my lead. Push OGI from your OGI tank and start pushing it through your heart and lungs. Remember, this is your OGI input. Make sure you balance it out. Not too strong and not too weak. The better you can do that, the faster and stronger your recover technique will be."

Both Kage and Unknown take a focused stance. Both of them start following Mr.Mink's directions step by step in an attempt to use the best recover technique possible. Kage closes his eyes and starts struggling, so bad veins start popping out of his head.

"Come on!"

OGI starts flowing into Kage's heart and lungs. The rush of OGI starts to flow into his heart even faster. Kage falls to his knees as OGI flows into his heart and lungs.

"Kage, stop now!"

Kage stops the recover technique and returns to normal.

"Damn it! This is like our fifty-something attempt at this recover technique shit! My OGI tank is at its limit."

"Yeah, you're right; that's why we will be working on learning how to expand your OGI tanks next."

Mr.Mink helps Kage off the ground.

"Don't worry, Kage, you will get it eventually. It takes a lot of OGI users years to master this technique, so all you have to do is be patient and keep on pushing."

"Yeah, you're right. Me and Unknown will learn this technique together. Right Unknown!"

Kage and Mr.Mink look over to Unknown and notice that his chest is glowing.

"Hey, Mr.Mink I think I might have this thing down!"

Kage's mouth drops as he sees Unknown use the recover technique so casually. Mr.Mink walks up to Unknown and starts analyzing by looking at his OGI flow with the sense technique.

"Wow, you really are using the recover technique. It could use some work with the OGI control, but at least you can use it. I guess the fiftieth try was the number, wasn't it, Kage?"

Mr.Mink looks over to Kage and sees that he's still in shock.

"Hehe, he'll get over it later, but Unknown the next step is to get the recover technique to a point where you can use the technique in any position even while you're moving.

Mr.Mink puts his hand on his chin.

"Hey, Kage go ahead and train with Selena and Akira. I'm going to talk with Unknown for a minute."

Kage snaps out of shock and shakes his head.

"Ok, I'll go train with them, I guess."

Kage walks away from Mr.Mink and Unknown with a bummed-out expression on his face.

"He seems kind of sad, you know."

"Don't worry, his ego has just been hurt a little. He will get over it eventually, but back to you."


"After training you and watching you fight, I have made a few observations."

"Wait, you have! Is it something bad?"

"No, of course not; it's actually something pretty extraordinary."

"Wait, me extraordinary?"

"Yep, and what I have observed is that you have amazing OGI control."

"Wait, I do? Even better than Kage?"

"OK, come on now, Unknown. You should have observed by now that Kage isn't the best at OGI control."

"Oh, I guess you're right."

"But don't get me wrong; with hard work, he will get better, but you, on the other hand, seem to have a talent for OGI control. Other than Paul, I think you might have the best OGI control out of all the students I've seen at Grava Academy."

"Woah! You know that's a tall claim to make!"

"Yeah, I know, and I'm going to prove myself right by teaching you a new technique."

"Wait, there's another level-one technique?"

"Well yes, but this one is more special than the others because this one is a buff for your level one technique. This technique is called charge."


"As you know, with level one, you become superhuman, but then, with level one techniques, you can make specific features of being superhuman stronger."


"Now the charge technique is an extra buff to your superhuman abilities. Just like level-one techniques, the charge technique makes any level-one technique stronger, and yes, techniques like the malice technique can be buffed with the charge technique."

"So it's just an upgrade to my level one technique."

"It's way more than just that. The charge technique can make your level-one technique go leaps and bounds above its normal capabilities."

"Wait, is it really that crazy?"

"When I use the charge technique to charge up my accelerate technique, I become ten times faster than my original speed."

"That's insane!"

"Wait! Before you get excited, it's not that simple to use. When you use the charge technique, it will cause one attribute of your superhuman capabilities to become significantly weaker. For example, when you charge up your flex technique, your speed is lowered by a lot. So slow to the point where even a child who just learned how to walk could probably catch you. If you want to use the charge technique, you have to know when the right time is to use it and who to use it against.".

"Oh, I see."

"Now with that said, do you want to learn this technique? Learning it won't be easy. You will probably only be able to learn how to charge one technique by the time we attack the Frinstion gang."


After a lot of thought, Unknown answered Mr.Mink's question.

"I will!"

After showing interest in learning the charge technique, Mr.Mink trained Unknown, but like he predicted, he only learned to charge one technique.

Unknown snapped back to reality and once again looked at Brock from the ground. Unknown chest started to glow. The flow of OGI starts being pushed into his heart from his OGI tank.

"OK, Unknown just push OGI from your heart to your legs, just like Mr.Mink taught you."

"What the hell are you mumbling to yourself over there?"

Unknown gets up, and instantly his heart starts beating faster.

"I suggest you start worrying about yourself because your rotation won't be able to catch me from now on. This charge technique takes a lot to maintain, but now I can fight!"

Unknown's chest heart rate slows down, and his chest stops glowing.

"Charged accelerate!"

"Charged accelerate? Did you just make that up or something?"

Unknown looks at Brock with a serious expression on his face.

"What the he—"

Unknown appears in front of Brock.

"I didn't even see him move!"

Unknown punches Brock with as much force as possible. The punch barely pushes Brock back. Unknown appears behind Brock and kicks him in the back of the head. Unknown follows that up by hitting Brock with an onslaught of punches. He does this by running around him so fast that Brock can't even react to his attacks.

After a minute of attacking, Unknown finally stopped running and fell to his knees.

"Damn it, I'm using up way too much OGI to keep this up! Not only that, I'm pretty sure I'm doing no damage."

Brock smiles as he walks up to Unknown.

"I think I get it. You're increasing your speed, but to do that, you have to sacrifice your physical strength. Ha, don't you think that's kind of dumb, especially since you're a level one OGI user? You don't have any type of power to use as a crutch. This was your last-ditch effort; pathetic, just like that idiot Tota!"

Brock kicks Unknown in the face, sending him flying into a wall. Unknown hits the ground.

"Well, luckily, using a charged-up accelerate technique doesn't decrease my durability."

Unknown gets up with a serious expression on his face.

"I have to find a way to beat this guy fast! My OGI tank will run dry soon."

Brock grabs broken tiles from the floor and throws them at Unknown. The tiles start rotating at top speeds.

"These broken tiles are way bigger than the last ones!"

"Damn it! Rahh!"

Using the charged-up accelerate technique, Unknown vanishes, completely dodging all the spinning tiles. Unknown appears behind Brock and punches him in the back of the head. Brock swings his arm backward in an attempt to hit Unknown, but he isn't fast enough to keep up with him.

"His punches are weak, but how the hell am I supposed to finish someone who won't stand the fuck still?"

Unknown appears in front of Brock and punches him in the face. Brock grits his teeth in anger.

"Ok, this battle has been going on for way too long! I have a woman to attend to!"

Brock's legs start rotating like a helicopter once again.

"This should finish you off this time. I'll just have to push my limit a little!"

"Shit, not again!"

Unknown starts rushing towards Brock, but it is too late. Brock touches the wall, and all the sides of the room start rotating in different directions.

"I'll start it at top speed this time!"

Unknown is instantly caught in the room's constant rotation and trips. Unknown starts getting thrown around the room by the constant rotation. Each time he hits one side of the room, the impact quickly becomes more and more painful.


"I told you protecting such a pathetic man like Tota would mean you're a bitch as well!"

As Brock mocks him, Unknown, for a split second, sees where Brock is positioned. After seeing his position, words from Mr.Mink play in his mind.

"If you want to use the charge technique, you have to know when the right time is to use it and who to use it against."

"I hear you, Mr.Mink!"

Unknown hits his shoulder on the floor and uses the speed of the room's constant rotation to throw himself to the other side of the room.

"I have to land this perfectly!"

Unknown lands on his feet and instantly starts using his charged-up accelerate technique to run alongside the room rotation. Brock sees this and is shocked to see Unknown keep up the room's rotation.

"That speed is insane! Nobody should be able to keep up with this room rotation, especially with how fast everything is spinning. Fine, I wanted to hold back to conserve energy, but I'll push my limits to kill you! Even if you're fast, you still can't damage me with no physical strength!"

With Brock pushing his limits, the speed of the room's rotation instantly starts to speed up.

"Tch! He's right I can't win without physical strength, but this rotation power of his is actually working in my favor. With enough momentum, I can win this fi—!"

All of a sudden, Unknown's flow of OGI becomes disrupted. The charged accelerate technique completely stops. Before Unknown could once again get thrown around by the room rotation, memories of playing with Tota at The Water Park started playing in his mind.


Then words from Kage, after entering the mansion, started to play in his head.

"And you go save our friend!"

Unknown wakes up to reality and activates the charged accelerate technique. Unknown starts running as fast as he can. The room rotation continues to get faster, but Unknown doesn't give up and continues running.

"What the hell is this bullshit? He should be down by now!"

Unknown turns towards Brock with a focused expression on his face.

"He won't see this coming!"

Unknown with great speeds jumps from the rotating floor straight to Brock. The speed at which Unknown launches himself is so fast that Brock doesn't notice the attack is coming until it's too late.


Unknown slams his shoulder into Brock's chest with the full force of his built-up momentum behind it. The attack sends Brock flying through multiple walls. Brock keeps flying through walls until he flies straight into the basement, where Tota's jail cell is located. He goes through the bars and lands directly on the bed where the girl he was with earlier is sleeping. The girl wakes up and screams, "No! What happened to my big boy!"

The girl tries to wake up Brock, but he is completely knocked out cold. Back at the mansion's entrance, the room stops rotating, and Unknown is standing in the middle of the room, breathing heavily. The charged accelerate technique stops going, and Unknown falls on his back.

"I actually did it, but I don't think I'll be able to save our friend Kage, so please complete my job, bro."

Unknown closes his eyes after a tough battle. The battle between Unknown and Brock ends with Unknown as the winner.

Chapter 71 end

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