
Winter break ends

Long ago, a legendary battle took place that completely transformed the world by splitting it into four zones. At first, humanity struggled to find balance in this new world, but after years of hard work, the world has now adapted to the new four zones, which are named Grava, the zone of dreams; Moro, the zone of beasts; Snachro, the zone of the great sea; and Mud, the zone of the poor and unfortunate.

In a house in the Grava Zone lives a young, 6-foot-dark-skinned boy who has just turned 16. He usually has a face full of excitement, but that completely changed when he got a phone call from his best friend.

"Hello, your good pal Kage is here at your service. What do you need?"

On the other side of the call is a boy named Unkown, who is 5'8 and slightly buff with white hair and white skin, wears a black mask over his mouth, is dressed in blue school clothes, and is also 16 years old.

"What the hell are you doing? The class starts in two hours. Why aren't you here to pick me up yet?"


"Yes, class. You know Grava Academy, the school we've been going to for half a year. Don't tell me you just woke up."


"What do you mean, maybe?"

"Unknown, calm down; it's still winter break. You can just check the calendar."

Kage scrolls down on his phone, and instantly he goes silent. His face goes into a state of shock after he realizes what the date is. Unknown from the other side of the phone starts to question Kage with a calm expression.

"Kage, when did winter break start?"

"December 22nd"

"And what day did Mr.Mink say we were to return to class?"

Sweat starts to slide down Kage's face as he scrolls on his phone.

"January 10th"

"Then why aren't you here to pick me up yet?"

"I'm sorry, I completely forgot. Why didn't you remind me yesterday?"

Unknown lets out a sigh of disbelief.

"I did"

"Oh right, you did."

"Just hurry up before we're late."

As Unknown hangs up the phone, Kage rushes to get ready. Kage rushes through his hygiene, puts on a T-shirt with a picture of his favorite music artist, throws on some jeans, and, of course, he can't forget his headphones. Kage runs into his small garage, which is filled with dirty mechanical tools, to get his motorcycle. Kage hops onto his motorcycle, opens the garage, and takes off. While riding through the main city of the Grava zone, called Grava City, on his motorcycle, Kage thinks to himself.

"I can't believe winter break is already over, it feels like it just started."

Centuries ago, the earth and humanity were almost destroyed out of nowhere. No one knows what led to such impending doom, but the earth was gracefully saved by a hero who sacrificed body and soul to protect it. That great battle fought by the hero changed Earth forever, but most of all, humans were changed forever.

75% of the population has gained what is now called OGI. OGI is a form of energy that flows through 75% of the population. It's a power source that can be used by anyone who has it and allows OGI users to go beyond human limits. Since OGI has an evolution line, scientists have separated these OGI users into levels one and two. Level one is for OGI users who have heightened human abilities, making them bona fide superhumans. After level one, there is level two, where OGI users gain powers and abilities on top of their superhuman abilities. Level two is only attainable through extremely hard work or extreme talent, which is why only 45% of the population has it.

The OGI user system is something that always seemed so simple until scientists discovered level two isn't the true ceiling for OGI users. While researching OGI users, a scientist discovers that a level three exists. After this shocking revelation, Grava Academy was created to hone the skills of OGI users who chose to go down the path to discover what level three is. So far, only one has reached level three since the start of Grava Academy, but unfortunately, he died shortly after due to something unrelated. Even so, many kids like Kage want to know what level three is, so they go to Grava Academy.

Grava City is the center of the Grava zone and is the most famous of all the cities in the Grava zone. Grava City is the home of the famous Grava Academy. Most people who choose to go down the path to discovering level three live in Grava City, which is why people call the Grava Zone the zone of dreams. The city is huge, being home to many and also being very busy with many vehicles always on the road and many tall buildings surrounding the city, but with a big city comes a lot of pollution, especially around the gas station areas.

As Kage gathers his thoughts together, he smells the familiar smell of a broken-down gas station that he and Unknown have been meeting up at for the past 6 months, and with that smell, he realizes he has finally arrived at Unknown's location. In a very nervous tone, Kage says, "Man, sorry, I know I'm late, but I just had too much fun over the break, I guess."

"You know, dude, you should set an alarm clock so this doesn't happen again."

"I know, bro, but I turned my alarm off for the winter break because I didn't want it to ring while I was sleeping." 

"It's cool, man; just hurry up and step on the gas; we have half an hour to get to class."

As Unknown hops on the back of Kage's motorcycle, something catches Kage's attention on the TV in the gas station window.

A very depressed, frail, and concerned-looking woman is explaining a heartbreaking story to a news reporter.

"My child disappeared two weeks ago and still hasn't been found. The police said they're looking into it but can't seem to find a trace of him." The frail woman softly says.

"It's ok, ma'am. I know losing a child is a hard thing to go through."

The news reporter goes in to hug the frail woman but gets pushed off immediately. The woman's face turns from sad and depressed to rage.

"What the hell do you know about what I'm going through? I lost my child; don't give me that crap! I came here to get help finding my little boy! Now fucking help me!"

"Mam, please calm down; you're on TV."

"Shut the hell up! If I don't see my son right now, I'll make sure you pay!"

The news reporter smacks the woman in the face as hard as she can and screams at her with an angry tone.

"Shut the fuck up; I'm not the one who lost their child! You're lucky I even care enough to have this conversation with you! Now get off my damn set."

The woman grabs the reporter by the collar and starts to shake her aggressively.

"What the hell did you just say to me? Are you saying this is my fault? I should kill you!"

The reporter grabs the woman by the hair and starts to punch her in the face. The TV screen transitions into a "please stand by" screen and then completely goes black. Unknown, looking concerned, turns to Kage.

"It seems the whole case with kids who have high chances of becoming OGI users going missing is getting worse."

Kage looks away from the TV, looks at Unknown, and nods his head in agreement.

"Wait, Unknown, we're getting distracted; we've got to get to class. We have half an hour, remember?"

"Oh yeah, you're right, let's go."

Kage starts revving up his motorcycle until he hears a loud noise coming from the front desk in the gas station. Kage stops revving his engine and says, "Unknown, what the hell was that?"

"I have no idea, but it doesn't sound good."

"I'll go check it out. Stay right here."

"Wait, but class. Oh fuck it, he's already gone!"

Kage runs to the front, and through the glass door, he sees three robbers with machine guns holding the old gas station owner in his 60s at gunpoint.

"Give us all the cash in the register, old man, before things get ugly."

"Ok, ok, I will please give me a second. Please just don't hurt me."

As the robber yells out commands, he points his machine gun at the roof and shoots it multiple times.

"See that old man; if you don't hurry up, you'll have holes in you just like the roof! Now speed it up!" 

Kage walks into the gas station and puts on a cocky smirk.

"Hey, a bunch of nobodies shouldn't be going around doing stupid shit like this; don't you guys have day jobs or something more interesting to do?"

Chapter 2 end

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