The next morning dawned crisp and clear, the promise of adventure hanging in the air. After a vigorous training session that left me pleasantly sore, I traded my formal clothes for more travel-friendly attire. A quick shower washed away the sweat of exertion, and a sense of eager anticipation thrummed beneath my skin. Today, the journey to the Kobold Sea finally began.
The aroma of bacon and fried eggs battled with the musty scent of old books that permeated the library. Alastor, ever the early riser, sat at the massive oak table, a half-eaten breakfast in front of him. A map of the Kobold Sea, its edges slightly singed and marked with faded ink, lay sprawled across the surface. Rachel, perched on a stool beside him, traced a route with her finger, her fiery hair catching the golden light streaming through the window.
"There," she said, pointing to a particularly treacherous-looking stretch of water marked with swirling red lines. "That's where the magical storms are supposed to be most frequent. A place to absolutely avoid right?"
Alastor grunted, a hint of danger flickering in his eyes. "Aye, that's the Maelstrom Straits alright. A real cauldron of raw magic. No being below <Ascendent >-rank will survive dying there. But you can go to other weaker storms where 4-star and 5-star beast swirl around. Just don't overdo it."
I pulled out a chair and collapsed into it with a groan, the stiffness from today's training making itself known. "Don't worry, I won't overdo it. But pushing my limits is the whole point, right?" I glanced at Rachel, hoping my excitement wasn't too transparent.
She smirked. "Don't worry, Father won't let you go soft on yourself. Besides," she winked, "a little danger is part of the adventure, isn't it?"
Ignoring the heat rising in my cheeks, I steered the conversation towards logistics. "So, how do we even get to the Kobold Sea itself? Most folks wouldn't exactly be keen on a fancy boat for a training trip to the Maelstrom Straits."
Alastor chuckled. "True enough. Luxury isn't exactly the goal here, is it? We'll need a way to navigate those waters ourselves then. There might be ferries departing from a nearby port city, but..." he trailed off, his eyes twinkling with a hint of mischief.
Rachel, ever the resourceful one, grinned. "Or," she interjected, a mischievous glint in her eyes, "we could use our Mythos Academy IDs to get adventurer licenses. With a little water magic thrown in for good measure, we could probably chart our own course."
Alastor's grin widened. "That's the spirit! It'll be a rough ride, but definitely an adventure. Alright, you two, enough talk, time for action. Get down to the docks and see what kind of vessel you can find to take you to the edge of the Kobold Sea." He clapped me on the shoulder, his grip surprisingly firm despite his age.
A wave of warmth washed over me. Alastor's gruff demeanour often masked a well of concern. "We will," I promised, meeting his gaze with unwavering resolve.With a final wave and a twinkle in his eye, Alastor turned and headed back towards the manor. Rachel and I exchanged a glance, a silent understanding passing between us. The Kobold Sea awaited – a vast expanse of uncharted waters and the whispers of danger. And for me, a secret purpose hidden from even my closest companion. With a deep breath, I shouldered my pack and turned towards the docks, the salty breeze carrying the promise of adventure.
The salty tang of the sea grew stronger as we approached the bustling docks of the port city. A cacophony of shouts, creaking timbers, and the rhythmic pounding of waves filled the air. Sailors of every race and creed bustled about, hawking their wares or preparing for their next voyage.
Ignoring the enticing scent of fresh seafood wafting from a nearby stall, we made our way towards a weathered building adorned with a faded emblem: a crossed sword and staff. This was the Adventurer's Guild, our first stop before braving the treacherous Kobold Sea.
Pushing through the creaking double doors, we were greeted by a scene of controlled chaos. A motley crew of adventurers filled the hall all buzzing with a pre-mission energy. A weathered receptionist sat behind a cluttered desk, her bored expression barely flickering as she met our gaze.
"Newbies, I presume?" she drawled, her voice raspy from years of dealing with enthusiastic recruits.
Rachel, ever the diplomat, stepped forward with a winning smile. "Not exactly. We're Mythos Academy students, here to acquire adventurer's licenses. Hoping to test our skills in the Kobold Sea, you see."
The receptionist's eyebrow twitched at the mention of Mythos Academy - a name that carried weight even in this roughneck guild. She scanned our IDs with a practiced efficiency, her bored demeanor momentarily replaced by a flicker of something… respect? Maybe.
Then, as she swiped Rachel's ID, her eyes widened like a startled fish. "M-Mythos Academy, and… wait a minute…" She leaned closer, scrutinizing the identification with a newfound intensity. A hush fell over the room as the receptionist's jaw practically hit the counter."I, uh… apologies for not recognizing you, Your Highness," she stammered, her voice cracking under the sudden pressure. She fumbled to her feet in a clumsy bow, sending a ripple of surprised whispers through the gathered adventurers who all bowed as well.
Rachel plastered on a strained smile. "Please, no need for formalities," she said, her voice cool under the sudden scrutiny.
The receptionist, clearly flustered, scurried back to her keyboard. "R-right, licenses coming right up," she mumbled, her fingers flying across the keys. The tension in the air was thick enough to cut with a rusty dagger.
A moment later, a small printer whirred to life beside the counter, spitting out two pristine adventurer's licenses. These weren't the usual worn leather affairs – these gleamed with a metallic sheen, embossed with a five-star rating. Clearly, Rachel's pedigree, combined with our Mythos Academy training, had scored us some serious VIP treatment.
As we waited for the licenses, a prickling sensation crawled up my spine. I turned to see a woman approaching, her formal attire setting her apart from the usual guild crowd. The way people around her seemed to shrink back spoke volumes about her status.
"Uh oh," I muttered under my breath. My gut feeling was rarely wrong, and this woman oozed power.
The receptionist, who moments ago had seemed jaded and bored, suddenly looked like a mouse who'd encountered a particularly large cat.
"G-guildmaster!" she stammered, her voice cracking.Right. Guildmaster. That explained the powerful aura. This woman was probably as strong as some of our professors back at Mythos Academy, maybe even stronger.
The woman inclined her head in a formal bow. "It's an honor to have you here, Princess Rachel," she said, her voice surprisingly warm despite the formality. "And you must be her companion, Arthur. Welcome to the Adventurer's Guild.
"Princess Rachel," the guildmaster said, her voice still respectful but with a hint of intrigue, "if you wouldn't mind, I'd like to offer a bit of assistance. Perhaps make your time here at the Guild a little smoother."
Rachel and I exchanged a surprised look. This unexpected turn of events was a welcome change from the usual adventurer's welcome. We both nodded our agreement, curious to see what the Guildmaster had in store.
Honestly, after all the planning and training, the last thing I needed was any unexpected delays or roadblocks. My mind drifted back to the novel I'd read about Lucifer's arduous journey to find the Qilin. The fewer complications, the better. Especially if a beast will was truly at the end of this path.