
chamber of secrets

Alex saw filch crying and hugging his cat as blood is oozing out of it and the students around him are shivering looking at the wall, filch took his cat which is very close to death and ran towards the infirmary while yelling," I won't leave the bastard who done this to Mrs Norris".

the writing on the wall says," the chamber of secrets has been opened , enemies of the heir and the one who stole the thing belongs to the heir must be punished". Alex laughed in his heart at this as he is the one who stole the basilisk, but now he doesn't know who is the one that has dairy as Ginny's couldron didn't have the black dairy.

just then the professors Dumbledore, McGonagall, Snape and Lockhart arrived and gasped while reading, McGonagall ordered the students to go to their dormetories and Dumbledore cancelled today's classes, he called filch but the students told him about the cat and Dumbledore used transfiguration to erase the letters by covering them with a layer of stone, there is water everywhere in this place.

Alex is now thinking who might be the culprit, he suspected Ginny but she has no dairy in the couldron, he decided ask her about this, then he suspected Malfoy , Parkinson and other Slytherin students.

the girls also caught upto him before the professors arrived and watched the message while inquiring Alex about this, Alex broke out of his thoughts when he heard them and Hermione asked Alex about what happened.

Alex told them about filch's cat and the writing on the wall, he then took them to their respective dorms while the girls asked him about the chamber of secrets, he replied," when it's the time of founders, Salazar Slytherin who favoured the pure bloods and hated the muggle-born wizards argued with the other founders mainly Godric Griffindor."

" according to the book Hogwarts: a history ,he believes magic is something precious that can only taught to pureblood not the muggle-borns, so he denied muggle-born wizards in his teachings and even there disputes between the founders".

" Salazar Slytherin, who denied the muggle-born wizards built a secret chamber that only his descendants can open and release the horror in it, legend has it that when the heir of Slytherin arrives and opens the chamber, he will cleanse Hogwarts from those who are unworthy to learn magic in Slytherin's point of view".

the crowd followed Alex as soon as they heard Hermoine's question and listened to Alex, they gasped when they heard him and Alex told them not to worry too much as Dumbledore is here, some argued his story to be false , Alex pretty much expected this and only said what he read in Hogwarts : a history, this story will help him lure the culprit out easily as heir seeks fear among the students speeding his plans, Alex can't wait to caught the dairy and eliminate another horcrux, then only the cup remains the snake nagini however will be not a horcrux at present as it loves in albenian forest, he send the werewolves for it and they successfully captured nagini while telling the snake that they will cure it in a few days, although nagini disagree and show its fangs, there are too many werewolves and had to come along with them.

but the problems came afterwards as Delphini said she heard her father mention 9 horcruxes and his quest also updated with 2 rewards one opens at 7 horcruxes and other at 9, the additional reward is elfium domain of Morgan lefay and home of ancient elves, he will get the ownership of the land like Avalon.

Alex decided to complete his quest for death eaters as he will get 2 houses from that and they are house emrys and lefay which can even shook the world if the heir us annouced to them.

Alex who is in deep thought came out when Daphne nudged him and Alex looked at the crowd who are arguing fiercely he said to them," if you don't believe me, you can go to the library and borrow Hogwarts a history book, it will clarify your doubts on this".

the crowd immediately dashed towards the library, their combined force even shook the floor and the dust above the ceiling came down, McGonagall who arrived at this moment almost had a heart attack after watching the students dashed towards the library, she is angry as they don't follow her order but can't say anything after she saw all of them went towards it.

Alex took the girls towards the common rooms, he gave them each protective rings enchanted with communication like Cassandra's locket, they are red as they imagined Alex proposing to them all, Alex smirked watching this and wanted to kiss them on the cheeks but before he could they ran away from him. but Alex yelled about the communication magic in them before they got out of his sight.

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