
AZI Volume 4 Chapter 12


*Pah!* hearing a sound—that is akin to the noise made when fingers are snapped, a discomforting heat wells up in Long Hua's body, causing his skin to redden.

Amidst this discomfort, his tightly clenched hands flow with blood, as his fingernails dig into his palms.

At the same time, the faint scale patterns—that are located at his right shoulder blade begin to turn clearer, while also showing signs of gradually expanding pass their original location.


Shutting his eyes tightly, Long Hua grits his teeth.

There are seemingly several hands inside of his body moving about—in an attempt to rearrange the location of his organs and bones, molding him into a different lifeform that isn't human.


Opening his hands, Long Hua felt his nails elongate and expand in volume. Although he cannot see what they looked like at this time, they probably resemble the claws of a beast more than a person.

*…! …! …!* protruding from his back are the bone spurs of his spine, and with each one that pops outwards, a tremor would run throughout Long Hua's body.


Trails of blood flow from the opened areas on the back, and from his mouth—where his fangs have sharpened, and lengthened themselves to pierce into his lips.



Observing the changes that are happening to Long Hua's body—from within the dreamscape, the Tai Xuan Emperor narrows her eyes with a frown.

A normal person would already be screaming, and driven insane by the amount of pain that they are forced to endure—under this grotesque transformation of the bones.

Despite how silent Long Hua is at this time, he is rotating the Tranquil Heart Incantation to its limit to maintain a composed state of mind. In fact, with how fierce this incantation is being rotated, it is starting to show signs of making a breakthrough.

"This curse… He mentioned evolution."

Contemplating about the concept of evolution, the Tai Xuan Emperor's frown deepens.

(There are a myriad number of worlds in this vast universe, and with it, there are a myriad number of species. There's no way to know which species is considered the strongest, but all of them share a commonality. They only got to the point that they are at—through the process of evolution. By eliminating the weak within their gene pool, and keeping those with traits—that are a better fit for survival around, the survivors gradually created a pack. From there, these packs would compete against packs of different sub-species until a single pack became the dominant leader. It's not very different from ancient practitioner households, where they take in the foreign blood of peerless talents into their own bloodline—to breed a stronger set of descendants.)

The saying that a fine teacher would be able to mentor a fine student, can also be applied onto bloodlines, where a fine bloodline that merges with another bloodline of similar quality—would ultimately end up creating a more powerful bloodline that will surpass the previous generation.

(And yet, here is a curse capable of overwriting this common practice. It forcefully triggers an evolution in its bearer, molding the bearer towards a greater level of perfection. But… Who is it that deems the resulting evolution to be perfection?)

Forced to turn her attention back to Dao He Tian Xue, an expression of unpleasantness appears on the Tai Xuan Emperor's face.

(Surnamed *, Dao He Tian Xue—being your shizun may have contributed to your growth during your previous life, but even then, you demonstrated a level of talent that befits the scion of an ancient household that had existed since time immemorial. Now, you say that you'd even devour this curse. Many would say that you possess far too many traits—that would allow you to become an individual that others can only choose to look up to, and if you were allowed to grow to your full potential in this life…)

Closing her eyes, the Tai Xuan Emperor heaves a sigh.

(Truly befitting of the status that my world would call the Chosen Child of the Heaven.)

As Tai Xuan Emperor, she had once been the ruler of a colossal planet, and was one of the major decision makers of her homeland. However, in terms of talent, and fated opportunities, even she must admit that she pales in comparison to Long Hua, and that is what makes her covet the latter's body.

If she is able to possess Long Hua's body—that has been thoroughly tempered by all the fated opportunities that he has access to, the Tai Xuan Emperor has no doubt in her mind that she would be able to stomp the other rulers of her homeland beneath her feet.

(Ai, a pity, really, with how prideful surnamed * is, I doubt he'd be able to access all the opportunities that he is fated to acquire. Someone will surely end him before that. Once he is at death's door, that is when I will be able to reap all the benefits. Until then, I need him to collect as much resources for me as possible.)

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