
Two blows?!

Hehe, How'd you like the previous chap? Do leave a comment if you feel so inclined to. I procrastinate alot and to know that at least someone enjoys these 7k worded chaps would help with the procrastination.

With that all said and done, summmmmmmmmaryyyyyyyyy~

Also, due to fair criticisms, i'll try to keep the level of detail and descriptions light....ish. I'll see how that treats me. READ WHEN YOU HAVE FREE TIME!

Remeber that this entire part is skipable. This is just a recap of the previous chap. When you see these (......) that indicates that the flash back is over. Any time those dots pop back up again means that the scene changed.


Indulging in a strangely coloured liquid, both Beerus and Whis silently took in the cycles of underwater life occuring between infront of them with a calm yet surreal atmosphere felt between the two. Finishing his glass first, Whis was was seen releasing a soft and chilly sigh; satisified as to how the treat he prepared for he and his lord turned out. Speaking of his lord, Glancing at the motionless cat, Whis soundlessly made his way back towards the beautifully engraved dining table the two shared every now and then; pulling out the seat his lord previously used for himself.

Ever so slightly relaxing himself, Whis noted that for some strange reason his lord looked to be enamoured with the aquatic life the two were observing moments ago; seeing as all he's done since the Angel sat down was sip on his drink until his glass remained half full.

Looking on with a somewhat neutral expression, Whis figured that he might as well allow his lord to gather his thoughts in a more comfortable manner rather than remaining standing all day and disturb his knees. With a flick of his wrist, the angel's mystical staff materialized out of thin air before resting softly in the angel's grasp, moments before the blue owner swipped his arm; creating an exact copy of the seat he was resting on.

Taking the gift offered to him without a peep, Whis struggled to contain the slight chuckle that dared to leak from his lips from seeing his lord's antics, noting that being in charge of a individual so moody half the time makes for some of the funniest moments in Whis's eyes....its the simple things really.

With silence now sliping throughout the home of the dieties, the sound of rushed thumping accompanied by sounds of managable breathing immediately pushed the comfortable silence that was once present to the wayside. Opposed to the constant thumping and breathing, a conversation between the North and Supreme kai was heard taking place, with the latter looking to be in a state of fear as he wiped his brow with a white cloth for what seemed to be the 5th time that second.

Suddenly growing irritated at the background noise that persisted in disrupting his train of thought along with the added stress of dealing with the universe's now re-awakened God of Destruction made the Kai finally reached his breaking point with the Saiyan; shouting at the top of his lungs for the man quiet himself, King Kai told that he was trying to take a call; one of the most important ones in his life.

Catching the attention of both Saiyan and the Supreme Kai, the latter half commenting if the Saiyan he spoke about was truly present with him. Confirming the Kai's suspisions, the purple man (for some reason) began to whisper to the Kai, saying that under no circumstances should either party know about the other. They know their personalities and if either of them came in contact with the other it just might result in the destruction of the entire universe. As the words that came out of the Supreme Kai resonated and clicked within his head, King Kai agreed that he'd try and keep the news about Lord Beerus between the two.

Peeking over the unsuspecting Kai's shoulders, the Saiyan of conversation picked up on the words...Lord Beers? Asking the Kai what beers had to do with anything they were discussing, the North Kai basically jumped out of his own skin, jumping a few meters away from the man, racking his brain with how he can come up with a fair enough excuse so that he can get the man off his back.

Trying to slip his way out of the situation, the Kai told that the Lord Beers the two were discussing was just a new drink that came out that quickly earned the title of best in the universe; emphasising that the Supreme Kai was just gloating about how he tried some and wanted to rub it in his face. In a rather surpising turn of events, Goku called the Kai out on his lie, saying that if that story was really the case, he wouldn't of been so panicked earlier and reacted the way he did when he asked about it.

Dropping the act almost instantly, King Kai was left in a state of bewilderment seeing as Goku of all beings just called him out on his bullsh- I mean lie. Resigning, the Kai asked that the man follow him to his car so that he could properly explain the situation he and the upper Kai's were currently dealing with.

Doing as he was told and sitting in the passenger's side, the Saiyan and the Kai began to discuss the situation revolving around Beerus; explaining to the warrior that the entity was the complete embodiment of a certain phrase. Instructing that under no circumstances should this diety ever be engaged or even be spoken to unless he was the one to engage conversation.

Recapping to the Saiyan how quickly the man's mood can shift, it mainly depended wheather or not the God was in a good mood that day.

If not, then even the slightest itch on the wrong spot on the wrong day could result in an entire galaxy being erased. Seeing that for once in his life Goku was listening to him, King Kai took it as a sign that he might be contemplating asking him something. Maybe he was going to ask to pull over or why he had to destroy things but he might as well answer them.

Answering the two questions the man asked, the two silently agreed to pull the car to a stop and chill on their lonesome. Walking back towards the house, Goku slowly made his way to the fridge, once again in deep contemplation about the information the Kai unwillingly exposed to him.

Thinking of the way how King Kai described the God to him, Goku noted that King Kai made it sound like there was no hope of defeat or freedom. To think that there were still such foes out in the universe that eclipsed his strength and by that much made every cell within Goku's body feel alive once again. Now, there's a new level of strength he can work towards. Hopefully the guy wouldn't make a pit stop on Earth any time soon...

Watering the grass and bushes outside along with his monkey companion, a soft tune was being hummed from the Kai as both he and his companion relaxed to the atmosphere around them (the former tried to relax as much as he could) before he suddenly...stopped....the environment went a ghastly quiet along with all motor functions within the Kai's body. Droping the watering can and scaring the living day lights out of Bubbles, King Kai damn near had 5 heart attacks at same time when he sensed that the topic of conversation not 10 minutes ago was currently heading his way.

As all sorts of possible answers tried to form itself within his mind as to what he did to warrent the personal arrival of the God, the Kai wondered if he had enough time to call out for Goku to come and fight. Scrapping the idea as soon as it came to him, the distressed kai wondered if Y/n or even Vegeta stood a chance against the charging cataclysm heading towards his planet. Also scrapping the idea, he contemplated asking Kibito Kai if he could quickly gather both Y/n and Vegeta in the hopes of latter fusing with Goku with the fusion slowing down the God even in the slightest bit.

Arriving not a second later, Beerus greeted the Kai before him as the man in question broke out into a instant sweat, stuttering to form a response. Making small talk amongst the two, Beerus glossed over the fact that the Kai came down with a case of death as the man explained how the halo above his head came to be. Putting the Kai back in his place due to his random outburst, Beerus asked if whether or not he knew of the term Super Saiyan God, to which King Kai declined knowing such a phrase.

Asking about the other reason for his arrival, Beerus inquired about the Saiyan he'd been cooping up inside of his home; asking if he wasn't going to introduce the two.

In a small panic as he recognized his mistake, King Kai shouted at the top of his lungs for Goku to come out and greet the visitors that were there for him. Doing so, the man causually left the Kai's home, walking at a lesiurly pace towards the unknown purple feline. Taking his arm out in the hopes of a handshake, this one singular action caught the diety, his servant and the kai so off guard that Whis almost choked on the fact that he should of also briefed his lord about the mentality of the Saiyan they were going to meet.

Breaking out into a even harsher sweat, King Kai scolded the man for his appearant lack of manners before the God in question brushed off the action performed infront of him not 10 clicks ago, asking himself if the man infront of him really was the one that killed Frieza. Shaking the mortal's hand, the God skipped over the unnecessary chatter before asking the man if he had ever known or heard of the phrase Super Saiyan God before.

Shaking his head, Goku told that all he knew of were the regular Super Saiyans and what all those were about, not this Super Saiyan God though. Releasing a unexpressive sigh, Beerus decided to act on the thought that had been plauging his mind ever since he first landed there. Poking around the Saiyan's body, Beerus asked if he truly was the one that was able to surpass Frieza in strength at such a level he was able to defeat him, with the man in question agreeing.

With a bit of doubt on his mind, Beerus told that he understood his race had the ability to search deep within themselves and increase their strength by means of transformation; with King kai off-handingly commenting about how informed he was. Taking a few steps every now and then around the place, Beerus asked of Whis how long the journey from here to Planet Earth would take, with the man in question explaining that the trip would roughly take around 3 taps give or take. Smiling to himself, the diety looked back towards the pair, saying that he might as well ask the other Saiyans inhabiting Earth if they knew about the Super Saiyan God.

Flustering the Kai, the blue being worriedly asked if he planned to destroy the planet with the one in question responding that he may very well do so if something just so happened to irritate him enough; finishing by saying that he cannot, in good word, make a promise he has no intention of keeping.

Contemplating the worst, the mini panic attack King Kai was going though was all but ignored when Beerus decided to take his leave. Calling out for the diety who stopped in his tracks, Goku asked if the two could have a quick little sparring match seeing as he was told multiple times that he was a opponent that was far beyond his level of strength; exaggerating just how much he had to find out for himself. Catching the feline off guard for yet another time, the God questioned the mental state of the mortal, asking if he was that sure of himself he could've bested him in a one on one duel or was he just that moronic with no regard for his life.

Chuckling to himself, the Diety accepted the challenged he was issued by the mortal, telling him to hold nothing back and to face him with everything he had; much to the jubilation of the man. Psyching himself up, the orange clad warrior stopped himself mid celebration before asking if the feline if he truly wanted him to use his full strength. He didn't want to go all out and accidentally hurt the God and for him to take his anger out on Earth. Brushing off the unneeded worries, Beerus simply stated that he would of been fine regardless.

Charging his energy, Goku transformed into his third and strongest form known as Super Saiyan Three, suprising the diety who was ever so slightly impressed with the amount of pressure the man was suddenly giving off. Gunning straight for the lord, the Saiyan tried his best by using his vast knowledge of Martial Arts and techniques to gain the upper hand in the battle, yet, no matter what he did, no matter how strong he believed his attacks to be, the purple diety simply brushed off or blocked whichever attack he threw before causually walking away from the blast zone, a carefree and unharmed expression pasted on his features.

Growing immensly frustrated, the long haired man threw all caution to the wind as he wound up a destructive right hook; smashing throught the upper crust of the planet which created a crater so wide that the shockwave of the attack he had casted blew through the opposite side of the planet as a result. Calming himself down a bit, Goku took pride in knowing that he lost simply due to the fact that his opponet was flat out stronger than him, nothing more, nothing less.

Blitzing over to the decently winded Saiyan, Beerus pressed down on the Saiyan's shoulder with a smidge of force; putting what felt like the weight of the universe onto the man's body, rendering the Saiyan unconscious within a second; knocked out before he realized that he'd been striked. Falling to his knees, the damaged warrior made contact with the dead greenery as threads of blood leaked from his lips and the various wound scattered across his body....

This is where our re-write continues...


"Let's go Whis" Beerus told

"About time we made way my lord. Though, it did look like you enjoyed your little skirmish" Whis responded, tapping his staff against the dirt as what looked to be a flat disk that expanded nearly 20 meters wide appeared below the feet of the angel.

"Hardly, you couldn't even call that a warm up...." Beerus retorted, glancing back at the kneeling Saiyan.

Closing the distance between he and his attendant, the diety of destruction entered the radius of the engraved flat disc, making his way to the backside of the angel; Placing his arm on the upper back of the man. Wasting no more than a second, Whis tapped his staff on the ground once again, a neutral expression locked on his features. With the upwards strokes of white now rapidly appearing in frequency and volume, the diety once again glanced back towards the injured Saiyan.

Never in his life time had a being, a mortal one at that, issued a challenge to him. Sure he's technically been "issued" one before, but those were mainly due to random species having the notion in their heads that if they were somehow able to defeat him then they would of prevented their planetary demise and subsequent extinction of their race. It comes as no suprise when he says that he would of won no matter the type of challenge that was issued to him....but the unconscious mortal laying a ways infront of him...he was different; far different

From the moment he casually walked up to him like the two were familiars, to the moment he had the gall to offer a handshake, Beerus knew that this mortal would possibly be one of if not the strangest he'd ever meet, proving his suspisions at the very least four times already. Never had he met a mortal so....so...ignorant, so moronic, so naive....so....strong.

Although it would be unfair to compair the strength of the one before him to his own, it would be comparing the size of a dwarf planet to the size of the universe, comparing his strength by mortal standards would mean that he is currently the strongest mortal in existance...wait. Didn't Whis mention that out of his two rivals, the one named Y/n was the strongest of the three? and not only just the strongest, the gap between he and Goku was 'decently wide'. Then that would mean that the level of tenacity he just witnessed was only the second strongest in existance...and the first is currently located on Earth.

Looking back towards the mortal who held his own against a God, Beerus had to admit that maybe...just maybe....he had a drop of respect for him. He was a mortal that defied all reason and logic after all. Stretching his neck, the feline of destruction made sure that his mittens were comfortably resting on the angel's back before he left the planet....he wouldn't want his claws to cramp now would he.

Now surrounding the dieties was a pillar of clear and purified white light that stretched somewhere around 20 meteres wide as the two dieties began to start levating, kicking up locks of dead and destroyed grass around the two. Gazing at the broken and shattered planet that was used as a fighting grounds, the two vanishing at speeds that looked as if they phased out of existance, no dust kicking up in thier direction, no blast of wind....nothing. With the pillar of clear light closing in on itself before vanishing all the same, leaving a eerily quiet and dead planet in its wake.....


The occational thump of a stone landing on the ground, a twin set of antennas slowly came into view from behind a pane of glass; Remaing stationary for a few moments. As the twin set of antennas suddenly disappeared below the wall from which they came, seconds later out came a head that popped up from the wall. As a deep hue of blue skin reflected from behind the pane of glass, the head of the well known North Kai spotted, Moments later the head of his friend (?) Bubbles also made its presense known.

Gazing at the reprecusions of the war that happened in his front yard, the Kai realized that his cozy little planet was once again ruined by accident due to another fight. Finding it hard within himself to stop the sigh threatening to escape his lips, the Kai and monkey suddenly spotted the sight of a badly injured and kneeling Goku. Firightening himself, the duo quickly made haste towards the man's position, closing the distance between the three in a matter of seconds.

Reaching the Saiyajin, the North Kai immediately shifted Goku into a more comfortable position; allowing the injured man to rest on him back instead of his knees. Now on his back, this gave the Kai the oppertunity to look over the damage that was done to the man. "Yeesh, thank the universe that im not a Saiyan...."

Inspecting the man for injured that were most likely there, King kai noted that the orange man's face was badly cut and scrapped with some brusies ranging from simple lines of scratches to red and black marks having decent bits of dried blood on his face. Glancing at the mouth of the warrior, the Kai saw that upon moving the man on his back, an excess of blood had gathered around the lips of the Saiyan, slowly but surely trailing down his chin. Following the trail of the dried blood, King Kai saw that the birght and loud clothing that the man was known for was now ripped and dirtied, noticing that pieces of the upper part his orange gi were completely ripped with part completely removed.....at least his undershirt looked ok-ish.

"Bubbles, can you look to see if he has and Senzu beans on him? I don't wanna look at dried blood all day." King Kai asked, now kneeling to the left hand side of the Saiyan, glancing every now and then at the environment surrounding the two...his poor planet didn't deserve this...

Nodding at the instructions he was given, a second or two worth of monkey noises (lol) was heard from the animal before the being started to work his magic. Sniffing around the upper half of Goku, Bubbles started to slowly trail downwards as he went from the man's neck to his shoulder blades before finally landing near Goku's waist. (this gonna sound zesty asl) Reaching into the Saiyan's pants, Bubbles searched around the general area where he thought the bean could've been. Doing so for a litte over 5 seconds, the monkey finally grasped the small bag of beans before retrieving it from the man's waistline

Holding the green bean in his...paws? The monkey wasted not a second longer before reaching over to and plopping the bean down Goku's mouth. Pushing the bean further Bubbles hoped that Goku might've realized what the object was and was able instinctually chewe on it. Doing exactly so, Goku slowly chewed on the bean that provided for him; wincing every now and then whenever he fully closed his jaw. Swallowing the bean, albeit slower that usual, the pained look Goku had on his face was slowly replaced with a neutral expression taking its place.

"Thanks Bubbles, after i'm done with this, we can wake him up....(sigh) you got your butt kicked dumb dumb. Ya just....couldn't help yourself when I mentioned how strong he was could you....I just hope the Earth doesn't have to pay for your foolishness." King Kai spoke, looking at the now sleeping Saiyan.

"I need to contact Y/n and Vegeta and get them up to speed. Maybe they can somehow keep him on his good side till he leaves."

Suddenly snapping into a deep red room, a constant onslaught of beams fired from multiple spherical androids locked onto a rapidly moving target. Said target blitzed around the room almost effortlessly as he disarmed the spheres via a button on their back. As this blue blur slowed down ever so slightly, the man began to perform incredible feats of acrobatism and athletism that would of made even the likes of Goku jealous as he disarmed 5 of the 30 spheres in the room. As the blue and white blur suddenly began to make out the outline of a man, said outline was now rapidly approaching an unsuspecting sphere. Reaching the spear in half a second the blue man was about the disarm the bal-

"Hey Vegeta! It's King Kai, am I getting through clearly?" King Kai suddenly interupts, startling Vegeta into putting too much strength into his arm which resulted in his fist going a few inches into the floating ball of danger. Collapsing from the air, the ball collided with the floor, crumbling into a mess of smoke and flames the seconds it reached.

Beeping multiple times, the remainig 29 of 30 spheres slowly slowed to a halt as the surrounding room turned from a dark red back to a calming blue. As determination turned into annoyance, the expression on Vegeta's face perfectly relected the current mood he was in.

"Tch, you fat blue bastard...this better be important" Vegeta grunts, landing on the floor of the training room.

"I wouldn't be contacting you if it wasn't..." King Kai telepathically retorted, weary of when the G.O.D would arrive on Earth.

"Listen, a being known as Beerus the destroyer has recently awoke and is currently making haste to your planet."

"Beerus the Destroyer.....that name sounds familiar but I can't truly recall.." Vegeta quietly says

"Besides the point, He's back and is as disaterous as before. Vegeta, under NO circumstances should you engage with this person. Anything that he finds below his liking, he will destroy. Don't speak to him unless you're spoken to, don't look at him until he looks at you, don't even breathe in his general direction until he tells you to. If something or someone annoys him too much, it could mean the ENTIRE destruction of Earth."

"Vegeta, no Dragon in this universe can restore the damage the Earth would take if he just so happens to destroy it. Vegeta....Dragon balls won't fix this." King Kai states, stressing his point so much so that he hoped the stuborn Prince would of gotten memo.

"Oh stop wetting yourself you coward, he would really destroy the Earth if someone looked at him funny?"

"YES! He can and had already done that before!"

"(sigh) Look, Goku fought him and is now lying half conscious in a crater." KIng Kai states, finally grapping Vegeta's full attention

"Wait WHAT?! Kakarot's down?!" Vegeta asked, stunned at how Goku would lose.

"Yeah, he even went into his third form and still lost after Beerus landed two blows"

"You're joking! Two blows?!"

As the room around the man started to feel like it was spinning, Vegeta suddenly broke out into a slight sweat, realizing that the Kai wasn't finished yet "Vegeta, listen to me, the fate of the Earth rests entirely in yours and Y/n's hands.....don't screw this up." King Kai finishes, a look of determination now present on Vegeta's features.

Back on other world, King Kai pulled out a now dried cloth before wiping his forehead for what had to be the 100th time that day. Looking down at his monkey companion, he saw that the being was walking around the unconscious Saiyan, clapping his hands together everytime he completed a lap.....it would be nice to be as carefree as him.

Shaking his head, the Kai remembered that he had one more Saiyan he needed to warn about Beerus's imminent arrival

Zooming past fluffy white and light clouds that came in abundance, the bright blues of the ocean's surface was seen sparkling and reflecting all the aquatic life happening below it's fragile surface. As the waves of the water pushed and pulled with reckless abandonment, multiple schools of fishes were seen swimming as fast as they could've away from a particular area just over the horizon. With the glare from the sun calming down to a dim, the sight of a floating figure was seen looking down towards another figure that was holding a weapon pointing at the sand.

Speaking of sand, the sight of the grainy whites of the shore side sand was seen as what looked to be a yellow haired woman holding a type of weapon was revealed arguing with the floating being from before. Said woman was dressed comfortably with a large red ribbon containing her hair as the puffy yellows of it flowed beautifully down into half curls at their edges, contrasting the emerald green of her eyes.

The green top the woman was wearing was suprisingly enough form fitting as it suited her slim figure while also exposing a decent bit of her chest. Not too much of it, but just enough where she looked good in it. Continuing downwards, the hands of the woman were contained by fingerless brown gloves, showing signs of decent wear and tear.

Looking upwards into the clear skies, Launch tried her best to persuade the man into different means of training that hopefully didn't invole her shooting him but was yet again dismissed for what seemed to be the 5th time today. Looking down at the woman, Y/n rolled his eyes for what seemed to be the 60th time that day at his friend's worry when it came to his safety...he has died before but that was years ago.

"Sure, you can train all you'd like in whichever way you want, but do you HAVE to make me shoot you?!" Launch asked, weighing her options about whether or not she should just walk back to their home.

"You worry too much, I'll be fine, you've seen the things I can endure." Y/n replies, a casual tone laced in his voice, not really acknowledging that he's floating in the sky.

"Yeah...but still, what if I hit you, I don't want that on my conscience."

"And even if you do, I wouldn't even feel it. So stop worrying and test my reflexes!" Y/n replied, feeling the cool salty wind of the beach side.

Sweatdropping at the instructions she was given, launch sharply inhaled through gritted teeth before slumping her shoulders. She went back and forth with the man for almost 10 minutes trying to get him to float down from the air, but nooooo, he insisted that she should spray live rounds at him to 'test his reflexes'. They were already good enough, Why would he need to test it some more?!....Stupid Saiyans and their stupid training.

Clutching the grip of her rifle, Launch figured that she might as well follow through with the Saiyan's demands and tested his reflexes....of all the days he could've done this too. Bringing the stock of her rifle up to her shoulder, Launched readjusted her stance before placing the sights of the weapon on the smiling Y/n. She was glad that he included her in his training but still....

Racking the reciever back to load the gun, Launch took a deep inhale of air as her fingers moved towards the trigger. Seeing that she was finally on board with the plan, the sight of a smirking Y/n was seen briefly before being interupted by a near silent *thump*.

Cocking his head to the right, Y/n felt the bullet that was just fired whiz past his left ear, grinning at the one who fired it, she was finally on board! Furrowing her eyebrows, Launch decided that she argued back and forth for too long with the man. If he wanted to get shot, that's on him. As the barely audible *click* sounded out from the weapon, Launch fully squezzed the trigger, firing a silent onslaught of lethal ammo at the Saiyan.

Now exerting the slightest bit of effort, Y/n Forced his body to contort in ways that allowed him to have clear line of sight at the one who was firing at him while weaving over and through the gaps in the shots. Feeling the countless bullets zip past his ears 'forced' Y/n to to start moving around the free space that air provided him.

Dashing at decent speeds to his left, Y/n tactifully dodged the deadly accurate pieces of metal aimed at him as he weaved and flipped throughout the air as if he had been born to do so. Not letting up on the trigger, Launch perfectly tracked and shot wherever she knew Y/n was going to dodge at, albeit not being able to catch him off guard, it looked like she was somehwhat applying pressure to the man. Moving his arms into a forwards flip which continued over into a cartwheel, Y/n guessed that in about 5 or so seconds Launch would've ran out of ammo in her cli-

"Y/n we need to talk!" King Kai shouts at the Saiyan, completely catching the man off guard as bullet immediately connected between his eyes; hearing a slight yelp come from below him.

With a sigh finding its way through his lips, Y/n floated back down on the ground, landing infront of a stunned and silent launch.

"Of all the times.....what do you need King Kai" Y/n asked, glancing at the blonde that was now standing infront of him, analyzing the area where her bullet connected with him.

"Look Y/n, I've already went over the details with Vegeta so you're last person on my mental list that I needed to contact. Not long ago did the universe's Diety of Destruction named 'Lord Beerus' awake from his 49 years of sleep. This man is extremely hostile and dangerous Y/n. I know that between you, Vegeta and Goku, you're the smartest one, so I expect you to truly get the meaning of the warnings im giving"

"This diety is not an enemy you can just fight and defeat like you've done before. The gap that exists between he and you is so vast that it would be better to compare the size of mountains to planets. (sigh) Goku tried to fight him and was knocked out in two blows"

"Kakarot's been what?! (eyes growing completely wide) Was he caught off guard? Did he knock himself out or something?!" Y/n asked as a slight distress came over him, suprising the previously unexpressive blonde infront of him

"This diety is known to erase entire galaxies without hesitation if something just so happens to irk him. He has the ability to single handedly cause the exitincion of an entire species with just the call of a phrase"

"Y/n, in few moments he will arrive on Earth if he isn't there already, find a way to aid Vegeta with keeping the God on his good side, use any means at your disposal to keep him happy and the Earth intact. Y/n, you and Vegeta are the last line of defense for planet Earth....."

"Keep her safe!" King Kai finishes, off to do his thing with the still unconscious Saiyan on his planet.

Back to the now silent and sweating Y/n, the once calm and serene area surrounding the two people now felt like it would all disappear soon. He wasn't concerned about Goku getting knocked out in two hits, he's lowered his guard and turned his back to opponents multiple times before so it comes as no suprise, what did worry him was what King Kai said at the end of one of his sentences. Right now he imagines that the Prince is off in his gravity chamber sweating bullets and training his ass of to hopefully compensate for Kakarot's sloppiness; he knew the man, hell he was probably panicing more than him.....

Though, he did have to wonder,when he said the difference in the two's strength would be better represented by comparing the size of mountains to planets.....was he just exaggering since he was panicked or did he actually mean it.

"Y/n....you alright man, (waving her hand infront of him) you were talking to yourself for a minute there" Launch asked, cocking a eyebrow and tilting her head to the side. It's a bit unnatural to see him so distressed.

"The Earth's in danger again Launch...and i'm not sure we can win this time" Y/n bluntly replied, looking into the blonde's eyes.


"Yeah.....this is why I train Launch."

"I know, It's just...(URGH!) it feels like we can't go 5 years without some alien or diety or aincent evil threatening to destroy the planet. Here I am being punished for thinking I could've enjoyed a nice breeze outside!"


"I'm gonna go sleep or something, if you're not joining me, wake me when the sun sets yeah?" Launch asked, lightly tapping her shoulder against Y/n who silently nodded in confirmation.

Walking for a little bit under 7 seconds, Launch treched across the even surfaced sand before walking up the outside stairs and entering the home she and Y/n shared. Coming up on the front porch, Launch clicked the door, open, wearily glancing back at a still down (?) Y/n. It was sometimes hard to get a read on him when the world ends up in danger. Entering the house, Launch wasted not a second more before entering her room which was the second bedroom. Leaving the door slightly open, she collapsed into the bed; a minute and a half passing by before she fully slipped into sleep.....she hoped Y/n would've joined her.

Appearing back on the destroyed planet of the North Kai, the owner of the planet was seen gazing off into the distance, stuck in a sort of trance at the sight of the striking clouds contrasting the pinkish, purple hues of the sky above. Maybe he was doing so get his mind off the overlooming threat that Beerus placed on his planet....maybe so.

Hearing the sounds of slight grunting coming from behind him, the Kai turned back the Saiyan who was finally regaining consciousness as he manuvered up onto his feet. "I knew you said his strength was greater than mine but wow...to think there were beings that powerful in the universe besides Janemba and Buu...." Goku states, a contemplative expression clouding his features. (I'm making it canon, sue me)

"I warned you Goku....just be glad he didn't kill you for addressing him like you two were familiars." King Kai retorted, already forgiven the man.

"(twisting his joints and stretching his muscles) I know a few ways to get stronger in the hopes of fighting Lord Beerus again but....no. I doubt Vegito or Gogeta would be strong enough to face off against Beerus as they are, and training in the time chamber would be useless..." Goku comments, not realizing he caught the attention of both King Kai and Bubbles.

"Just hope that the people on Earth don't do anything stupid and tick off Beerus." King Kai replied

"...Beerus called it a Super Saiyan God....there's something about that (that) just sounds different. What do you think King Kai, you feel like that's a level of power I can achieve by more training?" Goku asked

"WAIT! We need to warn everyone on Earth, Beerus might've already landed in a city or some place!"

"Done and done, I've already contacted Y/n and Vegeta and brought them up to speed on the situation. Figured Vegeta might somehow mess this up, but, we can only hope Y/n can keep him on a tight enough leash."

"Well, if push comes to shove, we'll have to rely on Y/n's strength to buy us some time....of course the time I get slightly laxed in my training is when a new enemy arrives..."

"Well....that leaves one thing. Do I go over to Earth and see how I can help, or do I stay here and come up with a plan..." Goku finishes, question how long Y/n can hold off Beerus if the worst case scenario happens.

RIGHT! new chapter done and done. Hopefully the introduction of Y/n wasn't too boring and brought some level of entertainment seeing as I brought back a forgotten face. Next chapter is where we see Vegeta trying to recall fleeting memories of his childhood trying to put a face to put to the name that sounds oh so familiar.

And maybe, juuuuust maybe, the fight wil the fight play out different like how it's seen in the animanga; also, Y/n can look however you want and wear whatever clothing he wants.....it is you after all....

-Loli out

PEEP the wattpad for extra images. Toodles!

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