
The Fall of Constatinople

General Étienne Macdonald sat in a makeshift office, the walls echoing with the distant thuds of artillery. Maps and plans were scattered across his desk, each marking the progress of the coalition's advance into Constantinople. The general, a seasoned veteran, maintained a stoic expression, his focus undeterred by the chaos outside.

One of his aide-de-camps entered his office. He saluted at the general before speaking. 

"General, one of the Ottoman Sultan's advisors wishes to speak to you."

"Let him in," Macdonald granted.

As an Ottoman advisor was ushered into his presence, Macdonald's eyes briefly met the visitor's. The advisor, visibly anxious, cleared his throat.

"General Macdonald, I am here on behalf of Sultan Mahmud II," he began. "The Sultan wishes to discuss a ceasefire. He proposes a peaceful surrender to preserve the city and its people."

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