
Meeting the Emperor

At the Palace of Versailles, the Japanese delegates were led into the grand halls. They observed their surroundings, taking in the lavish decor. Above them, chandeliers adorned the ceilings, casting a warm glow. Large paintings, depicting historical scenes and figures, were prominently displayed on the walls. The richness of the palace's interior was evident in every detail, from the ornate furniture to the elaborate tapestries that lined the halls. 

The Japanese delegates noticed a significant difference from the imperial palaces back in Japan. The palaces in Japan were known for their simpler design and harmony with nature, in contrast to the lavish and ornate style of Versailles. It seemed that Westerners preferred grandeur and extravagance in their architecture as evident in the architecture they saw outside like the Salle des Capucines and the Arc de Triomphe. 

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