
To Brest

December 15th, 1801.

Napoleon was on a train bound for Brest. His schedule for today is to inspect the troops who will leave France for Saint-Domingue and then New Orleans. The Ministry of War approved of the new equipment and weapons Napoleon had proposed, and he couldn't wait to see it. 

Coming with him on this trip is the Minister of Science and Technology, Antoine Lavoisier, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Charles Talleyrand, Minister of War, Louis-Alexandre Berthier, and the Ministry of Interior, Lucien Bonaparte.

As the train rumbled along the tracks, Napoleon and his esteemed companions enjoyed their champagne in the Lounge Car. The huge rectangular windows provided a clear view of the passing French countryside.

Napoleon took another sip of champagne before engaging in a conversation with them.

"Is it really true, Talleyrand? That King Louis the Sixteenth wants to see me in person?" Napoleon asked.

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