
Sharing Secrets

After his intense encounter with Hippolyte, Napoleon wasted no time in making his way back home. With determined strides, he reached the grand Chateau and headed straight for Ciela's bedroom. Pushing the door open, he entered to find Ciela and their two little children gathered inside.

"Oh... Papa is already here," Ciela exclaimed, her voice carrying a mixture of relief and surprise. The children turned their attention to the door, their innocent eyes widening as they laid eyes on their father standing before them.

"Papa!" Aveline exclaimed, her voice filled with a mix of joy and curiosity.

Napoleon ambled forward, a gentle smile spreading across his face. The weariness from his encounter with Hippolyte faded away in the presence of his beloved family. He knelt down before Aveline and Francis, opening his arms wide.

"Come here, my little ones," he said softly, his voice filled with tenderness. "It feels like forever since I last held you both."

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