
Chapter 9

They walked hand-in-hand through the garden until they reached a stone bench and sat down.

"Eleanor, I'm sorry that I must leave so soon. I was planning on staying for a week to get to know you better."

Eleanor silently stared up at him.

Lord Kent reached for her hand, saying, "I'd like to make a request of you."

She tilted her head in interest.

"Please write to me as often as you can, I won't always be able to write back, but I know your letters will help me get through."

Eleanor nodded her assent at his request.

"Thank you, and… please call me Michael when you write to me. I think it will help us feel closer to each other."

Eleanor once again nodded her head. They sat there in silence for a moment with Michael holding her hand when Lucas approached.

"Michael, everything is ready. We should head out."

Michael stood up still clasping Eleanor's hand.

"Wait," Michael said, looking between Lucas and Eleanor, "Eleanor, I would also like for you to write to Lucas. If something does happen to me, I want you two to at least know each other. Plus, Lucas can help you have a better understanding of our land."

Eleanor looked at Lucas before nodding her head.

"I would appreciate your letters, Lady Eleanor," responded Lucas with a smile.

"Good, then that's settled."

Michael brought the hand was still holding to his lips and kissed it.

"You most likely won't see me again until after the war, so this is goodbye until then."

With that, Michael released her hand and left. Michael and Lucas were gone twenty minutes later, with no fanfare to announce their departure. Eleanor remained on the bench until Elliott came to find her.

"Ellie, are you okay?"

She shook her head.

"I know you're worried, but Michael and I will be okay."

Eleanor nodded hesitantly.

"I'll be leaving in two days. Father plans on having a large family dinner the night before I leave. I don't know if I'll have time to see you before then; there's just so much to prepare."

Eleanor looked at him sadly.

"I love you, dear sister. Please write to me if you can."

She nodded. 'I have so many people that I'll need to write letters to during this time.'

"Thank you. Your kind words will get me through what I certain will be a difficult time. I must go now, Ellie. I'll see you soon."


The next two days passed in a haze for Eleanor. Everyone was busy getting ready to head for war, while Eleanor felt like she was in the way, and unable to help. The dinner the night before had been a somber affair, with very little conversation. Everyone was worried about Elliott. The morning of Elliott's departure, Eleanor stood by her Father and Margrite as they sent off Elliott and the Valen family army. They stood there watching until the group could no longer be seen.

'Please come home safely…'

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