
3. With Or Without You.

Then I went to set up some gigs at the New Jersey mansion as the worst of the shit was clearing out of here. I now had the phone book Reddington gave me, and I wrote down 15 different lists that Mimosa listed in my head. I had another job to hand out. Magnum and Charles had taken a lot out of there, victims were much less, but when I wrote new lists and got old ones back from Reddington when he had gotten extra information, the load was quite immense. I was working long days, and I didn't even remember to eat.

My work comprised calling gig list forward, looking for new targets, and deciding what goes where, I had now done a new protocol with Jake, Rob, and Magnum so they made lists of what we have in our storage warehouses and I looked them through, and gave orders what goes where. Plus, new contacts called me daily, offering this and that, and I had to accommodate all that too. Now, because I didn't have a second in command, all of this was now my work. 

I was almost working all days and nights long too. Sometimes taking a brief shower or actually go into the kitchen to eat something. Time didn't matter, I didn't even pay attention to how long time had gone by. Mimosa helped me, and Mirella slept most of the time. She didn't want to come out yet. I didn't ask why.

Mimosa helped me with the kill list and also with what goes where. We had quite a lot of smart tech in this house, and Billy had invented Mimosa to own a computer. Mimosa used it with her paw, or with her nose. So when the list came through about the warehouse needing to be relocated, I browsed the list through and sent it to Mimosa's computer, so she could make decisions too. She had her phone on her computer so she could call and give orders, too. 

Most of the time she was in my mind, calling me slave master, and I used her as a slave. But it was Mimosa's dry humor. Usually, when she got bored and hungry enough, Mimosa said, "Let's eat," but if I was in a hurry, I might let the lady out to get something to eat.

I had set up in her own room feeding station, there was meat available for her and also dry kibble my friends had made for her, I hadn't had time to tell Adam or even Damon, or Samuel about Mimosa's new food and she loved it. It was semi-moist or dry, and sometimes she wanted me to put full-fat cream on it so it soaked into a soft mush.

Magnum came to the house almost every day, and he always brought me a tray, which I ate up. He had learned to know pretty darn well how I was supposed to eat, so that tray was full of food. I had also told him about Damien's trick, and Magnum agreed with me that Damon with me on the gig was a security risk we couldn't take now.

I knew that logically, and yet a part of me was so angry about the whole thing because back in the day, when the fleas had started to grow, I had this over-romantic plan that this was going to be our thing. Well, I became the sole custodian of this thing. Damien's ability to be not noticed was too big a risk, for everyone, and knowing his relationship with Sark, was even worse. 

Magnum asked little about those shuttles, but he was in charge of taking them apart as fast as possible so that every component that could be used as a torture device was taken out. There were a lot of precious and rare metals in them. Screws and a few parts Magnum could use very efficiently in his new inventions.

Colin had also visited and looked them through if they could be used in our medbay, but they were so much modified to torture and maim that it would have required us to take them apart and rebuild them fully. For example, most of them had cobalt knives or blades so my skin wouldn't heal, but cobalt was nasty for other supernatural too. They had drugs in them, big tanks of liquified metals, and poisons. 

Magnum would once or twice a week come earlier, spend time in the kitchen, and then fetch me to eat properly, and a lot of too. He could cook very well and seemed to enjoy it too. He always joked that since I had so good ingredients, it was lovely to cook. He would eat with me, we would talk business usually and after a lovely meal, he had normally so much do to when I had listed works to be done that he was busy.

I had also put Jake and Rob working in Canada. There was a lot of work and these boys were efficient. God knows that if they had been anywhere near me, they would probably have lived in this manor while tending to me. I was looking through some leads on Sark's facilities when my phone rang. It was once again one of my supporters and I talked with him for two hours.

I focused on my work and when I looked at my phone; I saw I had a voice message, fine I listened to it. I was surprised when it had been Damon trying to call me since he had time on his hands. But when I tried to call him, his phone was off. Fine, let's carry on. This happened three more times in a few weeks. I always missed his call and when I tried to reach him, his phone was shut.

That's just the way my life is sometimes. I had not even noticed the time spent, and once when I went to the toilet, I felt how my pussy dripped something in the toilet and sounded like a splash. When I got up, I noticed that the silver clip had fallen off. Fine, somewhere in between, I might have a heat period, but that doesn't matter now.

I was too busy being the leader of my organization. I mean, at some point it was more like a hobby that ran by itself and I didn't need to run everything and decide everything but once I got in, everyone wanted me to decide everything, to be the Boss. Fine, let's be one. It is just this leaves me with no time to have life, actually, but maybe things will get easier once I get these few problems sorted out.

I got on with my work and a few days later; I remembered that clip falling off, and I thought I could inform Samuel about this. I even thought that if he could put new ones in, so no need to get in heat but then again, Samuel did usually procedures only when there was a need and my need to focus solely on my work was not one good reason. 

I called Samuel and told him about the clip falling off, and he said, "It was to be expected. It's been almost a year since it was put back in place. "

A year it can't be. We were in the Azores for two months, and how bloody long have I been back on gigs or organizing these things? I looked at my phone and realized it's been just over half a year since I've been busy again. Half a year since I was last with Damon, if you don't count that one gig. But fine, as I said, in our union, it's not worth watching the anniversaries.

Samuel said, "You have been busy, right, You should call Adam and let him help you, Colin has told me all about your little protocols and what has been found from those warehouses and whatnot. It seems to me you, young lady aren't eating as you should and it would be good to have some blood tests to be taken and check your feline hormone levels and everything else too. And what is this new food that Mimosa has eaten? I haven't heard or seen that. Is that even good for her? I am Mimosa's doctor too."

Samuel's voice was strained. It was little irritated and clipped too. it was rare for him to get upset or irritated pretty much anything.

I said, "Fine I call Adam, see where we are, and this food series, there are a lot of different variations on it is my team's invention, they have studied Mimosa extensively and they made this food for her about two years ago."

Samuel said, now impatient, clearly, "Give no more that food to Mimosa before I or Damon look it through. You get me samples, test results, everything that you have, and also contact info on your team. This is not a negotiable thing."

I sighed and said, "Fine, I deliver samples to you when I have time. I call Adam sometime and if he is free, then I might visit him. I have quite lot in my hands right now."

Samuel ended the phone call after half threatening me to be anesthetized and force-fed if I didn't contact Adam as soon as possible. 

I sighed and called Adam, who told me he was in Chicago. He was too adamant that I stop working for a while and live a life. He also told me quite sternly that he would resume his duties as my second in command whether I liked it or not. So I should have samples of those foods because Samuel was driving in Chicago too, wanting to look Mimosa through, those foods too.

I got quite list orders to be obeyed and Adam told me in stern enough voice that I really had no choice here or else he would had blasted his alpha power through pack bond to make me obey.

I should have unopened packets of every sort that there are and then also those packets that Mimosa is eating currently, so Samuel can investigate whether that food is consistent and good for Mimosa. Everything that there are tested of mimosa, all the results and every contact information as well. Adam told me to get my work with me so he could delegate everything as I arrived. I should come to Chicago as fast as possible. He didn't really leave me much of a choice, so I packed all the Mimosa's foods, my laptop, and my papers in my bag and loaded up my white convertible BMW. 

So I drove there and thought I'd be back in the pack and not just concentrate on work all the time. If something would not come at way. I arrived in Chicago in the evening, and Adam had food in the oven for me and a sauna. It was quite clear that Magnum had told him a bit about how hard I was concentrating on work, or maybe he just knows me better enough to know how I've been treating myself.

First off, Samuel came by my car. He had some kind of trolley with him where he loaded all the food. He took contact information, all the test results, recommendations, and Mimosa, too. Then Adam helped me with the rest of the stuff, meaning he took my papers and work laptop and carried them into his study. 

Samuel came to fetch me into a smaller medbay. He took a lot of tests and same time Adam sat there, with my laptop and interrogated me, putting my affairs in order so to speak. After I had been poked and prodded, Adam took me to the kitchen, put me to eat, and continued his questions. He messaged from time to time with someone. Or called and barked his orders and get things done. He was no mood to listen any objections. 

And he fed me. A lot of food was crammed in me. Then he had right about getting everything done and we talked about a lot of things, not work-related, necessary but everything and he got me to loosen up, to start to forget work a little bit, and soon sauna and spa time would be on us. 

I ate like crazy and went to change my bathrobe. I couldn't even remember the last time I had a sauna, and that was it. But now, there would be no Salvatore to wash me, and I could spend as much time with Adam as I wanted. I didn't even know where the whole Salvatore thing was going on, and frankly, I didn't care. 

When I got into the sauna and hit some steam, it was quite obvious that the very dominant alpha beside me was seducing me, dominating me, and it didn't take a lot to get me hot and bothered. We didn't wash much in the sauna when we fucked. Both of us, for some reason, strongly needed to be with each other, and I gave in. I didn't bring out the wildcat, but otherwise; I was totally uninhibited, and we kissed, and Adam again showed me how he dominated me.

I lay on my back on the deck with my legs properly spread as my lord wanted me to. He began to sink into my wetness slowly, pressing his thick big glans between my pussy lips, and I could feel them spreading wide open. I was fully helpless. He dominated, and I submitted. He teased me and showed me how he decides everything.

He fucked with tiny shallow thrusts, always deepening and hardening. I tried to lift my hips, to meet his thrusts, but he kept me immobile, so all I could do, was beneath him, legs spread, huge, colossal cock sinking into my pussy and I just had to take it all. He kept holding me still and occasionally grunting fucking hotly. I felt the huge thick cock sink inevitably and mercilessly into the tight grip of my greedy cunt, and nothing helped.

I tried again to lift my hips in the air so the cock would sink faster, but this one had this iron self-control, and he pushed my hips down with his own. He grunted dangerously, and then he did something that got me quite wild. He bit into my windpipe. So hard that I couldn't breathe properly and I was at his mercy.

I was helpless, trapped under his heavy, powerful body, and had to take on a huge hard thick cock that was sinking deeper and deeper and deeper. I could feel him controlling the progress of my climax and watching me closely. He loosened his jaws from my windpipe eventually, looking at me in the eyes, seeing only my unbridled passion and lust and what that trick had lit up within me. 

He growled in my ear and said, "I'm only going to let you come. You can't come until then. I am your alpha and you obey, little bitch."

I said in a lusty and sultry voice."I can't promise anything. I might come without permission. I feel kind of naughty."

He growled again and bit me on the neck again the hardest he ever did, so hard that he broke my skin and licked the drops of blood that dripped from it. Straight on my windpipe. He repeated this a couple of times, and I could feel his huge cock right up against my womb, already spewing some stuff in there. He started to get excited and fucked hard and fast, always beating my womb mercilessly.

I couldn't help it as I felt my climax about to start and Adam said, as I was about to explode, "Now you can come. "

I exploded, feeling my pussy lapping at Adam's cock, which was still shooting some fluid against my womb. He grunted with his eyes closed in the throes of orgasm, keeping his cock hard against my cervix, shooting into my womb. 

I could feel it starting to soften and give way. Eventually, he obviously got it open, and I felt him come with a heavy flood directly into my womb. I came for the fourth time and felt my uterus begin to fill. Adam was now lying tightly on top of me, and I felt him begin to swell and swell.

He had pushed in as deep as he could now we were stuck. He came inside me and nibbled and bit my neck. We kissed, and I came almost all the time. We were joined together for an hour, after which his knottiness only began to fade, but not his passion.

He marked my neck in several places and bit my windpipe; I said to him. "Come on, let me see it. I can take it. You have no idea what Damon did to me in the Azores. Sometimes pain is my pleasure." Adam's eyes lit up.

We went to the shower, and he took me hard against the shower wall, fucking me hard from behind, and I could still feel my womb partially open. He bit my neck from behind, my cervical vertebrae, almost breaking my neck. He squeezed my flesh and slapped me a few times with his palm. It got me really wild. We ended up in one of the downstairs bedrooms, and the same thing continued. He was relentless, holding me flattened under him and shooting load after load right deep into my womb. He was dominant and not afraid to make me feel. 

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