
3. U Make Me Wanna.

I went to see where there was the most noise. Well, four or five weeks of wolf packs is a pretty cute sight, but somehow, I knew things wouldn't stay so calm. Just my luck. They had little needle-sharp teeth, but they had done no damage yet, and they were tiny, so sleep came pretty quickly.

I picked up the sleeping Damon in my arms, sniffed the scent of the puppy, and carried him into one bedroom to bed. Next, I took Adam and then Samuel and Mimosa at the same time; the litter was undeniably adorable, and I wondered what the lesson was. I mean, I'd had several dogs when I was human, and these couldn't be that bad.

I just knew I had to get some supplies and treat them like dogs now; well, I had the money, so that wouldn't be an obstacle. Eventually, I got them to sleep properly in one bedroom and went out to buy supplies. I locked the door. I called Dresden on the way, and he promised to go and see what he could do. He was on his way over when Damon had asked him to come and curse my womb and ovaries, but he would wait for me at the house then.

 I went to one of the big pet shops and researched all the food in my time; now, these were supernatural creatures, so these would eat a lot more than a normal puppy, and the food had to be. I took my time finding the very best dog food for them, the dry kibble I bought first. I would soak them, and if they grew, then I could give them dry. If there was any food left over, it could be just a little treat now and then.

I bought dog food, puppy pens, toys, beds, chews, and other treats, anything to keep the puppies behaving and not destroying everything. And I knew that even a small puppy could do quite a bit of potty training if it made up its mind. I dragged 15 big bags of dry food into my car because I knew the food was going to get used up.

What I couldn't buy was nerves. I should just keep them. I knew the puppies and even the cute wolf puppies could get on my nerves sometimes, so I just had to be patient and remember I had money. This wasn't permanent, and it would all work out with some sort of lesson. 

I drove up and saw the Dresden car already in the yard; I heard barking and knew that the foursome had woken up. I started dragging the bags in through the back door and hid them in one room, where the wolves wouldn't get in.

Once I got everything inside, I went to greet Dresden, who was sitting on the living room floor; the foursome were all over him doing minor spells, and there was who knows what, from flashes of light to floating balls, that made Damon spin around so long that he flew on his side, eventually.

I got one of the bags, which was full of toys and treats, and sprinkled them on the floor, getting the four of them excited. Dresden got up, and we went into the kitchen to talk.

Dresden said to me, "These grow fast, about a week/day, and when they are adults, the spell should be lifted. I suspect they need to be about a year old before the spell is lifted, so 52 weeks. Those are now 5 weeks old, and 47 weeks meant 47 days. "

I looked at the Dresden and said, "Oh fuck. Well, I'll be fine. It's not even two months. Time goes by fast and there are only four of them."

Dresden laughed and said, "I can't curse you yet as it requires you to sleep soundly, and now is not that time. But let me know when you're free. I'll put you to sleep with a magic potion."

I nodded, and Dresden left. 

I then got down to business. I assembled a strong puppy pen in the living room and put beds, mattresses, bones and toys, and a pee tray with plenty of places to do his business. Then I gathered the four of them into the puppy pen to romp around, went to cook a proper meal, soaked up the crackers, and then they fell asleep.

I sat on the couch and did some flea work while the puppies slept, and they slept a lot. I slept downstairs myself but kept the puppies in their own enclosure at night, so I slept and slept. I could read anatomy all night and practice my surgical skills. 

But as they grew every day for that one week, it wasn't so peaceful for a long time. 5-week puppies sleep a lot, but for example, 12-week-olds do not nearly as much, and these were growing fast. It won't be many days this easy for me.

The next morning they were more alert, more able, and wilder, and then this housebreaking was still a bit of a struggle, every cot, bed, and mattress had been peed on and pooped all over and four little miserable wolf pups were sleeping on the pee pads looking at me sadly. Fine. I threw the bunks in the wash, turned on the machine, and brought in the clean ones.

Now, I'm changing the bunk's other side in case they want to pee on that side of the pen. But no, I saw how Damon, who seemed to be the naughtiest, went to the bunk and played with it for a while and then pissed on it, getting three others to do the same thing, and then shit and stomped on their own and their friends works.

I washed them again and replaced them with new ones. Now I put the piss pads on them and went to eat. I finished eating. It was suspiciously quiet, and when I got up to put the dishes in the machine, Damon ran into the kitchen, leaving little shitty paw prints on the parquet floor; I picked up the wriggling wolf pup in my lap and rinsed his shitty paws in the sink. I wiped the floor clean and then went to have a look. 

The puppy pen had been bitten all over. All four were running riot in the living room; Adam was hanging like a cat in the curtains, and as the curtains were firmly on the curtain rod, they were holding up. Samuel had somehow got on the sofa and was digging a hole in it while Damon showed how cleverly he jumped into the armchair and continued to eat my laptop.

I saved my laptop; on the way, I stomped on three piles of crap hidden under toys and cursed in my mind, cleaned the floor, my feet, and all the wolf's paws. I raised the curtains so Adam couldn't reach them, gave the pups more bones and toys, and ordered a new laptop; the last one was too chewed up.

Then, I could always get the puppies to sleep. But as the amount got less each day and each day there were new naughty things they did, now the pee pads were damn nice to shred and eat, and often their poop had plastic in it for good measure.

I said to all three because Mimosa wouldn't eat plastic, "You should eat food, not plastic. "

No one spoke yet, but they barked. And ate my shoes. Especially Damon. Well, then, I got a lot of face-licking and tail-wagging when I did. They could be very sweet when they wanted to be and bribed me with their sweetness. No puppy house could hold them. All was destroyed, and then when this supernatural side came out.

At a full moon, when my own nerves were on edge anyway, Damon had decided to become a vampire. He slammed his sharp vampire teeth into my ankle or Adam's tail, making him howl in dismay. I tried to give Damon blood from a cup, but it was no good. Samuel drank it all and got himself filthy. Of course, a white wolf should be able to dye himself pink with blood.

It had only been a week, and I was beginning to feel it in my skin. It would still be a long damn time to endure these, and day by day, this was getting harder. Now, I was already starting to see the lesson in this.

My nerves were getting tighter by the day. As these grew, the devastation came with it, but thankfully, there was an outdoor space. I started keeping the boys and Mimosa outside quite a bit.

It was autumn, and my birthday was spent watching them. I tried to play with them outside; for example, I had lots of treats outside where they could look for food while I tried to calm my nerves by raking, but the piles of leaves were something quite irresistible, and the bigger the pile of leaves the quicker it was completely broken up.

And eating those leaves, I was glad they were supernatural because they ate everything; Adam and Damon made sure no rat, mouse, or mole was alive in the whole of the vast yard underneath, while Mimosa was taught to climb trees and chase birds. Samuel was an excellent student of that, too.

Luckily, the birds were migrating and not nesting. There were quite a few hares or rabbits if they caught one. Then the fine food I had bought properly was not always tasty when I had to stuff their bellies full of all sorts of shit. 

I then decided to switch them to a meat diet and put the kibble in the cupboard. I ordered meaty bones, half carcasses, and chopped-up pieces from slaughterhouses to keep them entertained. The only problem with these was that the boys, not Mimosa, couldn't shit outside.

It had to be done inside, no matter how long they were outside. Mimosa did go outside nicely. I thought I'd try a bit of favoritism. They liked raw meat, and they got it, but the special treat was the fried egg. So every time Mimosa did the poop out, she got the fried egg. Damon was the first one to make the connection and went and whipped up a big batch. So the reward was a fried egg. Soon I had all the wolves doing their needs outside, and I added a fried egg to their evening meal.

 I felt a sense of triumph that I had managed to teach them a lesson, but as these were damn smart and much smarter than the dogs and Damon could see straight through what I was trying to get across so often and probably told the others not to just obey.

Mimosa started to be really nice. She didn't mess up nearly as much as she used to when every day she got that extra week of age. Everyone was growing pretty damn fast, though, and the destruction was in line with that. Now I couldn't be by myself at all. They would come through the door if I tried to retreat to read somewhere by myself and would follow me everywhere.

But as they didn't make any rational sense of their destruction, as the strength increased, the destruction got worse, and the enthusiasm only increased as they got things done.

Twenty days had passed. The wolves were already big. Six months old and showing Mimosa a lot of attention. Sexual maturity was beginning to awaken, and these were very keen to jump on Mimosa's back, but not on each other's. Mimosa refused. She attacked them hard and clarified that she would not be interfered with.

The boys were frustrated and continued to systematically destroy the house. When Mimosa wouldn't give in, Damon decided to move on to me. He came up to me and started eating my skirt to pieces.

I refused, and then I heard Damon say, "Come on baby, if you knew what a wolf's tongue felt like, you'd be all set."

I looked at Damon and said. "If you're so smart you can talk, you know me, then how about you leave those shoes alone? You may be in wolf form, but don't be wolves. Be yourselves. I'm not gonna be a dog-watcher for the rest of my life. "

Damon tilted his head and ran out and got into a fight with Samuel when the whole episode hadn't happened.

Damon was destroying shoes while Adam was redecorating. Adam was eating walls, tearing up wallpaper, and carpets, and destroying everything he could reach, curtains were now rags hanging from broken curtain rods as Adam was already so heavy that no rod or fabric could hold him when he jumped and bit his teeth on the curtains.

And by now, Adam was pretty big, and strong, so destruction ensued. Adam also concentrated on the furniture. Sofas, armchairs, beds. The specialty of all three was tearing up pillows, mattresses, and blankets. Samuel was then also a gardener. Samuel was almost white in his wolf form, but his most common color was brown or grey because he dug holes and destroyed the whole yard.

Mimosa was good. She didn't do any destruction; she was just tinkering with everything. She sat and watched the men.

She came up to me and said, "Did you know those males are nothing? "

I said, "Yeah, all right, how come you're not such a pest?"

Mimosa looked at me for a moment and said, "Because I'm Mimosa; remember that Mimi, you'll be fine." 

After 40 days, I didn't recognize the house. Everything was destroyed. The beds, the sofas, the mattresses. I walked across the torn or chewed-up parquet floor and looked at the torn curtains.

The living room had the wreckage of a sofa, there was nothing but the frames of the chairs, there was rubbish everywhere, broken pieces of wood, and always the sound of bumps, tearing sounds, or other noises that told of wolves at work.

I went through the broken door and dodged the biggest pits and piles of shit that littered the yard. The outdoor furniture was mangled. I saw six rabbit carcasses in the yard of different ages, and Damon ran eagerly to the oldest one and floated on top of it, rubbing the rotten carcass, which was teeming with maggots. Then he shook himself and ran back inside.

There were splatters on the walls almost to the ceiling and wallpaper had been torn from many of the walls with big holes bitten in them, I had turned off the power to the whole fucking house as Adam and Damon liked to eat every electrical wire they could find.

My car outside had long scratches on the hood of every door, and the roof was dented as wolves literally jumped on the roof of my car. Fortunately, this was only one of my work SUVs.

The wolves were already fully grown and eager, also fully mature and enterprising in that area. At least Damon was. His hunger for sex seemed to come through, and effectively, I wasn't interested in the wolf form, so I protected myself. I dressed tightly in jeans and granny panties and went to bed behind a locked door.

That door luckily held when I slept in the basement behind an iron door; these couldn't resist meaty bones, so I always used them to escape for the night—another week. My nerves were in tatters, and the house was literally in pieces, but I thought I'd see if I could get it fixed then, so yes, I hired the renovation guys to fix the house.

I knew that when these things returned to their original forms, I would take a little holiday from them by myself. Mimosa had already grown up and jumped in two days ago. But not these jerks. These rarely spoke, and even then, they were obscene.

Now I wouldn't care if they threw a party and had sex with women, I really wouldn't.

Then a week went by and they went back to their old ways.

They remembered everything but claimed they had no control over their own behavior. It was the curse of it all.

I said, "I'm taking a holiday."

Damon looked at me as they walked through the ruins of the house and said, "Yeah baby, we were pretty impossible, I see. I remember everything, but I couldn't do anything because I was just having too much fun."

He looked at me innocently.

I said, " Fine, never mind. I've commissioned a renovation company for this house, so I guess you'll be moving somewhere then."

Adam said, he was grumpy. " Yeah, it pisses me off how we were used like this and made to behave like animals."

I gathered my supplies and watched as the renovation company came to fix up the house. I got in the car and drove away. I knew it would take the men a while to deal with it, and there might well be a quick exit with Damon, so I left first. At least once. I had had enough of all the excretions, the destruction, the smells, the mess that I needed to have some time to myself.

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