
The Beginning of Insanity

The first thing I felt was warmth. I bathed in its glory like a man once parched gleefully dances among a waterfall. I simply bask in the warmth as I come to cognizance. My mind pieces itself back together, and then the questions come. I could not remember being parched of anything at all, so why does this radiance call to me? What happened to me? Where am I? Who am I? Some questions, such as "What is a metaphor?" and "What is warmth?", are remembered with an odd assurance, yet these four allude me.

My senses begin to return to me. I'm not sure how I can see without a body, yet what I beheld melted all questions from my mind. My eyes were drawn to a brilliant white core, the source of the radiance, but my eyes could not keep Their gaze. I forced my non-existent eyes away from the core to its extremities. It appeared a sparkling deep blue with countless swirls and movements of white within. Its flames shimmered like a jewel and yet moved more like tentacles rather than the ephemeral flickering of a campfire. The glimmer within its deep blue body was made of uncountable tiny beacons of light, like stars, starting from the white core and sliding up and through the undulating flames to banish the darkness.

"I have decided."

The Being's words washed over me, the Voice bringing back to mind my questions while adding new ones due to its ambiguous words. I prepared my questions while the Being continued to speak.

"I have decided on a template for the new universe. I understand you have questions, but listen well, and you will have context that will lead to understanding. I am God. I am All in One. The Darkness that subsumed you is Nothing, or The Blank. I Am, it is Not. The universe which you hail from is no more. All that is has returned to Me. Except you, for I have separated you from myself now that I have decided the template of the new universe. You are not a singular entity, as you may suspect; indeed, you are the Sentience of Humanity, just as I am the Sentience of Everything. Recall your memories and be enlightened."

I immediately delve into my memories. Instead of seeing a linear life with a beginning and eventual end, I see snippets without order. I see myself holding my mother's hand as I excitably lick my ice cream in the 21st century, only to recall being besieged by the Mongols as food, water, and hope begin to dwindle. Yet there was a disconnect. I saw all tragedies and all joyous moments, but it was as if I had read them from a book. I could not totally see these memories as my own. I was there, but I was not those people. I never truly lived as an individual; I was their sentience, their soil for them to grow upon. Before I could ask how I was now completely separate from humanity, He answered.

"You are my only interference with humanity. Proof that My Hand was behind humanity. The previous universe's template was not envisioned by Me but created by a species from a universe before your own."

He seemed to pause, and I swear I feel a hint of shame in his words following words.

"For you see... I struggle to be creative despite being All of Creation."

I could no longer be patient and spoke my first words. "How? How can You not do anything when You are everything?"

"It is because I am everything that it is impossible. I can be creative, and the first universe was a sandbox full of my creativity. I desired another to appreciate my creativity. But there is only Me, I could see and understand every possible way of understanding my creations, but I wanted one not connected to Me to understand in its own way. I thought of a mind; it was Me of course. I tried to distance Myself from Myself, but failed, for every possible configuration of sentience was a part of Me, no matter how strange. If I could not completely separate Myself from Myself, then I must have the illusion of separation. I took the mind and emptied it of all my knowledge and gave it a piece of My sentience before releasing it into My universe. I hoped that this empty sentience would see My universe and form its own understanding so that it could look and appreciate my art without being fully separate, but not fully whole. Alas it was not to be. As soon as it perceived the universe, it comprehended all the truths and was Myself in whole. Despite the failure, it made me face the answer that I knew all along. I could never truly be separate from Myself, but I could make the illusion of separation. My next creation was the same, I simply removed most of its ability to perceive the Universe while also forcing most of my creativity back to keep it sane and alive. It then formed simple ideas about what the Universe was and dreamed of what else the universe could be. I then used those ideas for the next universe, which I then imbued with a spark of sentience, and then did it over and over until your universe, where the previous civilization I choose dreamed of a Universe with none of my creativity at all. They dreamed that all things would make sense and that there would be a solution that they could understand for every problem. They imagined the most basic creatures and forms with so few dimensions without any of my loving guidance whatsoever. Impossible of course, but I still created the illusion of this idea. I created humanity and gave it you, Humanity's Sentience, before giving explanations that "made sense" and let the universe move on its own. I even placed many layers of subjective truths between my senses and the universe, not even allowing myself to truly sense the universe without actively trying to do so."

He seemed bitter at the previous civilization for wanting to exclude Him. Perhaps that is why He paused, but it allowed me to digest His lengthy story. I file away the thought that God can become bitter toward people for another time. Oh, he's still going.

"That's why I was so surprised when the creatures I separated myself from the most tried so hard to connect themselves with me. They used you to imagine all sorts of religions; they dreamed of universes upon universes with so many different variations. The creativity humanity showed despite its lowly state inspired me to make the next universe's template out of your most wild ideas."

A creeping chill seemed to envelope me. I started to worry about where this was going.

"I decided the next template will be based on the comic universes!"

Oh no.


Check Author's Commentary please. 1.1k words.

Make sure to leave feedback if you have any ideas of your own. Also alert me if the paragraphs get too blocky and difficult to read, I have ADHD and tend to just go off. The long exposition in this and probably the next chapter is crucial as it will be how the Galactus searches for a cure to his hunger.

Waluigi_1creators' thoughts
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