
ᵥₒₗᵤₘₑ ₅, ₚₐᵣₜ ₁ ₋ ₛᵤbₜₑᵣfᵤgₑ: The Weight on her Chest.

Julian stood against the weathered wooden wall of his newly acquired house in the northern territories - a simple abode. The exterior, constructed with sturdy planks of timber, bore the marks of time and the harsh elements that the region was known for. However, despite its modest façade it served as a refuge against the unforgiving cold that blanketed the land in a pristine shroud of snow.

The air was crisp and invigorating, each misty breath a tangible show of the untamed wilderness that surrounded him. Snowflakes fell down from the leaden sky. The world seemed to have been dipped in a coat of soft white, a canvas of serenity that stretched beyond the eye's reach.

Julian's gloved hand brushed against the aged wood of the house, the rough texture a tactile connection despite the fabric between his fingers and the surface. He turned his gaze towards the sprawling landscape, his eyes tracing the gentle rise of snow-capped hills---seperating him from the Ranoa Kingdom...and the Sword Sanctum. 

The chill that wrapped around him was not one of discomfort, but of anticipation. However, as of now, he wasn't trying to do any missions or deal with someone. He was simply here because he wanted to. The prospect of winter was something that excited him. The last winters he had was with his family around 4 years ago. 

Since Begaritt Continent was mostly a desert, despite its cold nights, it almost never snowed there. 

"It's different here," he mused aloud, his voice carrying a note of wonder. "The snow at this time of year...it feels better than the winters on Earth." 

He was talking to himself. Talking, yes, not thinking. It was a rare occasion. His words hung in the air, a proof to the uniqueness of this alien terrain. With a curious look on his face, he crouched down, his gloved fingers gingerly cupping the powdery snow. 

The sensation was unlike anything he had felt before – a delicate balance between softness and chill that sent a shiver down his spine. "Even the snow is colder." He mused and pressed the snow between his palms as he felt it compact and mold under his touch. 

Julian's eyebrows lifted he looked at his newly crafted snowball, an act that seemed almost childlike in its simplicity. Rolling the snowball between his gloved hands, he shaped it with care, his fingertips leaving a fleeting impression on the surface.

With a meddlesome glint in his eye, Julian drew his arm back and then released, the snowball soaring through the frigid air. The impact was soft yet unmistakable as it collided with his stoic face. 

His expression remained unchanged, but his internal world was alight with newfound intrigue. He hummed, a low rumble that blended with the quiet symphony of the winter landscape. 

'Felt refreshing,' was his first thought. 

Shaking his head sideways, he got rid of the snow from snowflakes from his hair. 

His fingers brushed away the residual snow from his face, his mind already formulating a plan. Julian scooped up another handful of snow, the cold grains slipping between his fingers, and shaped it into a compact sphere. With a calculated motion, he launched it at his own visage once more, the impact sending a renewed jolt of exhilaration through him. 

It was as if he had rediscovered the delight of a child, finding joy in the simplest of acts.

"Enjoying yourself?" A voice spoke from behind him. Julian stopped and looked over his shoulder. From the corner of his eye, he spotted Orsted, his silver hair draped over his face as snow clung to his body. 

"Kind of." Julian replied subtly, looking away from him as he looked into the distance. Looking down at his hands, he realised he had taken off his gloves and his pale hands were now bright red. "It's quite liberating." He added. 

"Is it so?" Orsted mused, obviously intrigued by how Julian was acting towards inanimate things like snow. "I did not expect you to partake in such things." 

"Hm? Really? I guess I give of that impression sometimes...." Julian admitted, letting his voice get carried away by the frigid wind that nip into his skin. ".....you can try it too. It is good for one's senses." 

Orsted raised a brow at him. "I should?" He asked. 

"I mean, you are quite old so probably your senses are going to dull. Better to give it a try." Julian recommended and plopped on the snowy ground. Tapping the snow, he gestured Orsted to sit beside him. 

Orsted grunted at his initial response but stayed silent and sat beside him. With his robe out of the way, he was sitting a few steps away from him. Julian extended his hand sideways and plopped back into the snow. "Do you know submerging the backside of the head can result in the constriction that limits the blood flow to the scalp, which could eventually result in numbness and a tingling sensation as nerve endings react to the reduced circulation." 

"What are you yapping about again?" Orsted asked, visibly confused and irritated by Julian's usual hour-long science lectures. 

"If the cold exposure persists, your body's natural response to protect itself might lead to frostbite. Frostbite occurs when the skin and underlying tissues freeze, causing cellular damage due to the formation of ice crystals within the cells. While the back of our head might not be the primary heat-regulating area, prolonged cold exposure can contribute to an overall drop in body temperature, affecting your cognitive functions, muscle control, and even potentially leading to life-threatening conditions if left untreated." 

"Alright. Then why are you doing it?" Orsted asked again, not understanding that if such action was so pointless and dangerous for a human, then why would he do it. Him of all people. 

"That is what I want to ask you. Why do we do things when we know it will have no good end result?" Julian asked. He let his eyes slip shut, feeling the weight of his body gradually sinking into the welcoming arms of the powdery snow beneath him. 

"I do not have the answer you seek." Orsted replied, his tone oddly apologetic. He watched Julian as he squirmed in the snow, eyes shut and face impassive. It was as if he was brainstorming the question he had just asked. Orsted found it weird as well. He knew human emotions better than anyone. 

Yet why did he ask such a question? 

To Orsted, he felt more flawed than perfect. 

"Figured." Julian replied. The snow beneath his form seemed to cradle him, a bed of frozen desires. There was a magic in those fleeting moments, a defiance against the dictates of practicality. Something that defined his entirety. If he wasn't being practical, he felt a loss of self. Was it his identity? 

Maybe. Maybe not. It was all up to him. 

Opening his eyes, Julian looked at Orsted, "Like I said, you should try it too."

He glared at Julian, his skepticism clear in the narrowing of his eyes and the subtle crease in his brow. However, after a prolonged moment of silent standoff, the intensity of his glare softened, replaced by a begrudging amiability. 

Expanding his long arms to the sides, Orsted surrendered to the suggestion. His massive frame descended upon the snow with a weighty grace, and as his form made contact, the snow responded, rising in response to his presence before gradually settling down once more enveloping him in its frigid, yet strangely soothing, grasp.

The wintry cocoon encased Orsted in a pristine embrace, its cold tendrils seeping through his clothes and touching his skin. Despite the inherent chill, there was a sense of tranquility in this closeness to nature. 

Orsted's features, once etched in skepticism, now held a trace of intrigue as the sensation of snow enveloped him.

Unbeknownst to his own self, Orsted started wiping his hands and legs to the side, squirming. 

"Told you." Julian commented with a triumphant look before sitting back up, looking down at Orsted who was now caught in the act of subtly smiling and enjoying himself. "The Dragon God squirming in the snow like a silver cat. I wish I had a camera." Julian commented as he stared down at Orsted who suddenly sat back up, coughing out loud, embarrassed. 

"I was not enjoying it. I was merel--" 

"Its not a big deal, Orsted. You can have fun too. I don't have anything against it." 

"Like I said, I do no---" 

"Like I said, you deserve to have some fun too." 

"There's no use arguing with you." 

"So, you do admit you were enjoying yourself." 

"I never said that. Stop twisting my words." 

"Hm, alright." Seemingly satisfied with his attempts at embarrassing Orsted who was clad in snow from head to toe after his cuddle session with the snowy blanket, Julian changed the direction of the conversation. "Why are you here though?" 

Orsted, recovering from the initial barrage of verbal assaults from Julian looked up, "You said you wanted to change your appearance, yes?"

"Hm, yeah. I would've done it myself but having Man God take care of my "Vigilante" persona was much better." Julian explained. 

"He'd sooner or later know about it. When he does, he'd be really disheartened to lead events in your favour." Orsted had a grin over his face. A scary grin. A nightmarish one. The prospect of any sort of humiliation and loss for Hitogami was his ultimate respite. 

"Hm, yeah. So, do you have something?" Julian asked. 

"Yes. This is the ring artefact used by even Ariel Anemoi Asura to change her appearance. One has to be worn by the one who's features you're impersonating, and one would be on your finger all the time." Orsted explained as his laid out two rings. "However, you'd need someone to wear the other rin---"

"Oh, I have someone who'd volunteer in my basement." Julian cut right in. 

"Basement.......are you doing those sickening experiments again?" Orsted asked. 

"Yeah. I am close to curing my mother. So, if this one is successful, I'd be able to reverse his condition once I am done with him."

"You would be "able" to. But will you "do" it?" 

"That is a question for when we reach that point." Julian shrugged and Orsted looked the other way as well. "He was a criminal, if your sense of justice is trying to creep its way up." 

"I have no such thing." Orsted immediately answered. 

"Good enough." 

After that, Julian wore the ring and went to his basement. 

"Woof, woof, grhhhhhhh." As he came down, he saw the man he had imprisoned in his basement, chained to a huge boulder as he raised his one leg and urinated on the side of the wall. Orsted took one look at him and his nose creased up. 


"As a living organism walk the thin line between despair and hope... don't you ever wonder what their reaction would be?"

"You're messed up. More than even him." 

"Thanks, I guess." Julian cracked his neck and rubbed it as he closed in on the man. 

"Awoooooo....." Without looking, the man leashed out on him in the dark. 

"Sit." He commanded as the man recognised the voice and whimpered like a puppy, kneeling down with its head on the floor and all of his limbs pressed to his chest. The whole body quivered. However, there were no marks of violence over him. "Show me your hand." 

The man pressed his hand forward as Julian slipped the red ring on his middle finger. It fitted right in as Julian looked back at Ortsed. "Is it working?" 

Orsted peeled his eyes away from the disturbing condition of the man and looked at Julian who had now removed his hair from the face and combed them back with his fingers. "Yes, it is." 

Shortly after, Julian dressed into thick robes and went out towards the Adventurer's Guild to start over. From the bottom. 

"I may not understand human emotions, but are you sure you still carry a human heart in you? Toying with your own family and your kin's lives. Are you even human?"

"Most probably my heart has long since died. Doesn't that make you just so envious of humans for still being alive? Humans who live shorter lives than you or get only one chance at life, unlike me, are so much more alive than us. Why is that?" 

"So, is this your means of achieving that feeling of being ALIVE?"

"Who knows." 



I recently turned 14. Not sure how to feel about it. I am approaching the age I died in my last life. Perhaps this morbid premonition that has subconsciously crept into my being is what people must feel after they reach a certain age. The feeling is quite ambiguous to describe in clear terms but it's not exactly bad. 

Rather than a scared feeling, it's more of like having some lingering regrets. I do not have regrets, although I would prefer to not die so soon. Not after I have started to finally feel for a change. 

Rudeus has turned 14 as well. From the rumors, I can tell he has been improving a lot. Honestly, I would've preferred for Rudeus to know about my identity so I can see my sisters grow. Although, Rudeus isn't the one who would improve unless his life is at stake, or he experiences some trauma. 

For example, the trauma of killing someone with his own hands who helped to overcome his own trauma. Helping him all those years ago was worth it after all. On a side note, it has been one year since I changed my appearance and started my adventuring days again. I had to start from the rock bottom, again, of course, since I had a new face and a new name. 

Well, not exactly a new name. I had the same name, Julian, but with no family name. Not a Greyrat. 

This is my Adventurer Card as of now. 

NAME:  Julian.

AGE:  14

CLASS:  Magic-Swordsman


I was careful this time around not to accidently raise my rank too much that I would start gathering attention. Just like how last time Philip had noticed me and tried to tie his daughter with me. 


Philip said she got engaged to Rudeus. As expected of him, he did prioritise that girl over his family. But then again, she is his family now as well. And if anything, he has spent more time with her than us. It would make sense. Perhaps. I should buy a gift from him sooner or later. He will get married in a year. 

Anyways, back to his progress. If the rumors are correct, he became one of the youngest Emperor Ranked Magicians in this world. He also earned the epithet [Quagmire]

Fitting, since he likes that spell. 

As for me, I do not have an official ranking, since titles are handed out by the "God" classes of each sword school unlike the magic class. Since I have not been under the tutelage of any of them, I do not have official rank. Although Orsted was able to analyse me. 

According to him, I was on par with the current Water God --- Reida Reia, someone, who despite the knowledge of the individual known as "Blazing Sword" has died, is still looking out for me. She has good instincts. Anyways, according to what Orsted said, ignoring the God Class, I would be ranked Emperor in all schools if I were to apply for a title.

But it wasn't the [God Class] I was aiming for. It was a for a title in [Seven Great World Powers] 

Speaking of God Class, there has been a certain rumor going on around about me. Apparently, I have gotten a "God" title already amongst people. It was a case similar to something like Rank 5th on Seven Great World Powers --- Death God, who used to fulfill last wishes of people he killed. 

My title was....

"Yo Julian, 'sup buddy." A voice interrupted my thoughts as a man barged in through the pub's door, looking way too hangover than the façade he was putting up. Soldat. He was someone I had teamed up with to rise to A Rank so I can get some good missions. It was like a give and take relationship. 

I used them to get higher level missions and I let them use me as I used to clear missions by myself. "Hey." I waved back to him and interlinked my fingers, looking at him with a look I could not explain myself. After that I immediately looked away. 

Let's just say I didn't want the surrounding people to know I am associated with this man. My social anxiety is too high for an interaction with Soldat right now. (he's just shy)

(Yes, the base model for this is King of Despair from Blood Blockade.)

"Yoho, Julian! What's poppin' lad?" He wobbled around, seemingly drunk atop his lingering hangover that painted his features with a pale shadow. 

"Nothing much." I replied, picking up my cup of coffee and bringing it to my lips. I blew and the smoke rose up, forming a subtle layer of moisture over my nose. Taking in a sharp breath, I felt the hot, strong sensation cocoon my tongue as I felt myself wake up completely. "Just woke up." I completed my sentence after I had gulped the sip. 

"Oho? Quite late by your standards." Soldat commented and stood by the chair beside me. He was usually quite frank once you get to know him, but he still maintained a level of respect with me. Which was quite appreciated. 

"Yeah, I went to bed late." I responded, my focus returning to my drink as I took a contemplative sip. The cup felt cool against my fingertips, its condensation leaving a faint dampness on my skin. 

"So, hear this, yeah, I had this wonderful woman last night..." After that he started talking about some woman that he took to his bed last night and how much fun he had. For Soldat, the trifecta of money, women, and wine held paramount importance. These elements were his life's sustenance, each one a link in the chain that kept him perpetually enraptured.

"I had her reeling on the edge of the bed, I tell ya...." He ended his story. Finally. 

"Good to know you enjoyed yourself." I replied. 

"Meh, I didn't. She got the better end of the bargain. I want someone who'd drain me dry.....wait, you seem oddly tired today. Did you do the deed?" He asked, suddenly closing in as he wiggled his brows. 

"Nope. I didn't do anything. My body just feels sore." I replied. It would be a lie if I hadn't considered the action of intercourse a few times. This body had much stronger hormone reaction than my last one and despite my age, due to being in the middle of puberty, my libido seemed to be getting higher and higher.

"Oh, well that is a bummer. You should try it though." He said and placed his chin over his hand. I was about to talk but my words stayed hanging in the air as the door of the inn flew open. The frigid gust breached the threshold like an uninvited visitor, causing the flames within the heating apparatus to momentarily dance and sway before relenting as the new arriving party closed the door behind them.

A shiver ran down my spine. I wasn't wearing heavy clothing; neither was I using mana to keep myself warm. So, it felt cold. Really cold. 

"Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh, newbies, huh? Wanna pick on 'em just for the sake of it? That gloomy one right there." Soldat pointed towards a certain sandy-brown haired boy. A shade of hair I knew all too well. 

Rudeus. My twin brother. 

"Soldat." I spoke as my aura started to leak out from me, "No funny businesses." 

"Uh, oh, wait, uh.... I wasn't going to, just saying....." His voice trailed off, sounding much meek. Looking back, I saw Rudeus looking right at me, his eyes narrowed and a skeptic gaze flashing in his eyes. 

Impressive. His magic perception has increased. He could sense the aura release aimed solely at Soldat. It took him longer than I had intended, but he finally reached here. For his own sake, I wanted him to reach [God Class] as soon as possible. With his mana pool, he could cast one or two spells of that caliber but that was it. 

Then again, he won't be needing spells like those in actual combat against a single person. In a war, however, that would be a different topic. The balance of power might tip in the favour of anyone who he sides with. Which currently means, Grabell Asura. 

I waved at Rudeus who suddenly made a confused look and awkwardly waved his hand back. Good to see the artefact is working properly. But there is something about Rudeus that was bothering me. His movements when I fought him in Lower Jaw were unexpected. I intended to "nearly" kill him with the first strike, but he kept dodging until I decided not to hold back. 

I reached out for my sword and channeled my intent into it, ready to cut Rudy's head. However, before I could do that, I sheathed the sword back into its scabbard, before anyone could register it. Anyone, but Rudy noticed it, as he turned around, his hand on his neck as he desperately looked around trying to find the perpetrator. 

So, he can see the future, huh? Must be the mismatched eye. How did he get his hands on a demon eye though? 

"Hm?" I was brought out of my reverie, as I saw a girl standing in front of me. She was looking at me with a distant look, as if asking me who was I. She was wearing a furry coat over her light clothing and a bow was attached to her hip. Behind her back was a pouch with arrows. Her short blond hair framed half of her forehead before tucking behind her left ear that revealed an earring that had the same shape as an arrow tail. 

"Have we met before?" She asked. Her eyes were quite a light shade of blue, less than mine but still quite light and streaks of red ran through the white ocean as if she was extremely fatigued mentally. 

"As long as I haven't gone senile, then no." I replied. I remember who she was. She was the little girl who's parents died because I wasn't on time due to me experimenting with my powers in the Milbots Region. I should stay away from her. She'd probably try to kill me if she knows who I am. 

"Oh? I could've sworn I have seen you somewhere else." She continued, holding on to a huge box of something. The way it rattled; it seemed like it was her armour. So, an archer who wears light armour. That is quite rare. 

"I must have gone senescent then." I replied, looking up to her. 

"Sorry for bothering." She apologised and turned away and started to walk just past me. 

I heaved out a sigh of relief. "What's your name?"


"Just wanted to confirm something. Can I know your name?" She asked again, her gaze boring into mine. 


".......Greyrat?" Her voice seemed almost shaky, but her eyes seemed dubious. So, she does know my full name. Scary. She's out for my blood! Help!

"I am a commoner, not a noble, unfortunately, so it's just Julian." I replied, simply. 

"Oh...." She seemed disappointed. "....well, sorry for bothering so much. Have a good day." 

"No problem. You too." I replied and raised the cup of coffee towards her as she nodded and turned the other way, never looking back. 

Dodged a canon blast there. 

"Oi, Julian, psst." Soldat brought his face closer to mine, "She looked pretty down for you. Shouldn't you try it out with her?" Technically speaking, this was a good idea. My body craved for release despite me suppressing it to a great extent, however.....

"I'll pass on this one." I replied as he threw his hands in the air. 

"I just think you can't get it up at this point." He complained. Why is he so hell bent on having me sleep with someone. 

"That might be the reason. I don't have any sexual desires." I replied, jokingly.

"Oh....I am really sorry for being so insensitive." He apologised and lowered his head. 

Did I not get my joke across? Hmm, maybe joking is a bad idea. Well anyways, no need to clear the misunderstanding. It can stay that way until the end if it means he will stop bothering me with continuous pressure to have sexual intercourse with a random woman---which is optimal for purposes like fulfilling curiosity but there are a few other things to consider. 


So, I joined my brother's party. Soldat seems to have no issues with it and is still spending money along with his friends on various things after the massive Luster Grizzly expedition. The reason why I asked Soldat was because of the contract I made with his clan. What I am doing right now is a violation of the contract, but I had Soldat sign a waiver. 

Was he sober when he signed it? The details do not matter. 

For what it was worth, I'd done a little research the previous night. Since our objective was to collect [Snow Drake] scales, I started off by refreshing my memory about them in the book I once read at home.

It turned out that the Snow Drake was a monster only found around these specific ruins, at least in this area. As the name would suggest, it was a lesser kind of dragon with pure white scales. 

They had no wings and tended to be three or four meters in size. Instead of soaring through the skies, they nested deep inside caves and dungeons, typically in large groups.

Snow Drakes were powerful creatures, and you usually found them in packs, so they were considered S-ranked threats in combat. But they hated bright light, which meant they didn't venture aboveground very often. Plus, they were relatively docile, rarely attacking anyone unless their nests were threatened. All in all, most adventurers didn't think of them as especially dangerous. They were maybe an advanced A-ranked monster, at worst.

Our job this time was to make our way into their home, the Galgau Ruins, and simply collect any scales we could find lying around there. These scales were superb insulators and were often used in construction---the inhabitants of this region of the world had come up with all sorts of ways to keep out the cold, and for those who could afford them, Snow Drake scales were one of the best.

Apart from their firmness and durability, they were a beautiful pure white, with a bluish sheen in the light. You'd often find them tiling bedroom floors in the mansions of the local nobility.

The scales could also be used to make armor or shields. The strongest monsters in this region were tougher than anything else alive on this continent. It was easy to understand why people wanted to craft high-end equipment out of them.

Of course, securing these scales meant barging uninvited into the territory of some very powerful creatures. We had no intention of launching an attack on the Snow Drakes' nest, but these ruins were home to many other monsters...and while the Drakes were usually docile, they could always decide to attack us out of nowhere. Everyone seemed a little bit on edge as we made our way down south.

Once we reached the ruins, we made camp outside and held our usual group meeting to review the plan.

While we were reviewing the plan, the girl, Sara spoke up, "So, it's you who is responsible for the extinction of the Luster Grizzlies?" 

"Extinction would be a stretch. I merely killed those who were in that region. I am sure there are a lot of others around in that region as well." I lied. There was no way there were any of them remaining. Not at least in this region. 

"Because of you we had to roam around for so long." She spoke with a frown. Rudeus on her side let out a nervous chuckle. 

"Sara!" The leader, Suzanne rebuked. 

"If you had the power and chance, wouldn't you have done the same? Even now, when I entered the party, weren't you the one who decided to make a split of revenue earned from the scales beforehand? If profit is the main objective on both sides, then isn't telling me to not do it is kind of hypocritical?" 

Her lips pursed and her cheeks flushed bright red. Her hands balled into fists before she crossed her arms and looked away. 

"But you must be pretty strong, Jul--, sir...." Rudeus paused for a while, his tone extremely uncomfortable. 

"Are you okay?" Suzanne asked. 

Rudy smiled, awkwardly, "Well, uh, my brother's name was Julian as well, so I am just a bit uncomfortable when his name comes up. I am sorry." 

"It's ok. You can call me whatever you want." I interjected as he gave me a firm nod. 

"So, yeah, back to the plan, me and Timothy can scare them away with Fire Magic while everyone else can collect the scales. Does that sound right?" Rudeus spoke like a leader despite not being one. His self-esteem and confidence seemed to be quite high. Good. 

Everyone agreed before Suzanne and Timothy turned to me, "Do you have anything to add, Julian?" They asked. Sara huffed and looked away, seemingly not interested in hearing whatever I had to say. 

"I am fine with whatever strategy you come up with." I replied with a shrug. I did not have an issue with what they had planned. Why? 

Because their plan was going to fail. 

Why do I know that? 

For a hundredth time, never mind the smaller details. 


The entrance to the ruins was located by the banks of a winding mountain stream. It was nothing more than a hole in the cliff face, really. The space inside was half-covered in ice, with thick icicles hanging across the entrance. From above, you could easily overlook it. To be honest, the place looked less like a ruin and more like a cave where bears might hibernate for the winter. It almost felt like we'd come to the wrong place.

However, this did match the general description of the entrance to the Galgau Ruins, which some adventurer had apparently stumbled across ten years ago. But nobody could give me a specific description of the interior, so it was hard to say for sure.

"Is that really it?" said Suzanne dubiously.

"I think it must be," said Sara, pointing down. "See? There's some foot traffic out there."

Whose footprints are those? Definitely not mine. 

"Hmm. Are those fresh footprints? Hope we don't have a double booking on our hands here..." Sara spoke with a vigilant face.

"Nah. Those look five or six days old." Rudeus commented, stooping down as he observed the prints. 

"Still, there's a chance another party's still inside."

"Some of these are headed out of the cave, see? I bet they went home already." Rudeus added. 

I half-listened to Sara and Rudeus' conversation as I rummaged through my gear for the equipment we'd need inside the cave. Mainly, this meant the torches we'd prepared in advance. I pulled them out and lit them one by one.

I was being a diligent and extremely reliable porter right now. 

Torches were essential cave exploration tools. Lamps were an option as well, but a blazing torch could act as a makeshift weapon and kept casting light even if you used it a little roughly. You could toss it aside when a battle began without plunging yourself into darkness.

  It could be dangerous if you wandered into a chamber full of trapped gases or lit so many fires that you consumed all the oxygen in the area but if those sorts of risks bothered you, it was better to stay out of caves in the first place.

I would have preferred using a light or fire spirit, but I can't be using Forbidden Magic in front of normal people. 

"The ground's frozen in places, guys. Watch your footing in here." Rudeus announced. He sure was acting like a charismatic leader. I can hide pretty well in his shadow. 

I handed out the torches to the entire party, starting with Suzanne and working backward. Some parties preferred having only a few designated people carry their torches, but Counter Arrow had everyone take one. We didn't have anyone who could see perfectly in the dark...except me, but never mind, and since there was a dedicated archer in the group----Sara---we wanted the best possible visibility.

Once we entered the cave, the idle chitchat came to an end. Moving in single file, we went down the downward-sloping path in silence, staying alert for any dangers.

There weren't many monsters at the beginning. Sometimes creatures that resembled giant centipedes would pop up and attack, but our vanguard Suzanne took them out easily by herself. Those encounters barely even qualified as combat, really.

She really saved my skin a few times. Since I was carrying most of the heavy equipment for them, I wasn't able to fight. Yes, the single backpack had rendered me unable to fight. 

Yes. Exactly. This is the absolute, iron-clad truth. 

Not that I was complaining though. The path we were following was so narrow that it would have been seriously awkward to fight an actual swarm of enemies. If monsters started to come at us more frequently, we might have to consider withdrawing...even if they were only concentrated in a few sections of the cave.

The patches of ice on the ground didn't help. We had to pay careful attention to every step we took to avoid falling on our faces. We were all wearing spiked boots, but sometimes that wasn't enough to keep your feet from slipping out under you.



Sara, who was walking right in front of me, lurched abruptly to the side, so Rudeus reached out quickly to catch her. It must be his future seeing demon eye that helped him since his muscles tensed before she even tripped.

"...Are you groping me?"

"Eheh, sorry, my hands are sloppy!"

Good to see he hasn't changed. Sara jabbed him and then elbowed his gut making him fall on his knees. With a disdainful look on her face, she walked away. I lowered down and patted his shoulder, "Maybe try to be a bit more subtle next time." 

"I'll keep that in mind...." He replied in a pained voice, reeling on the ground. After a while, I helped him to get back on his feet as he dusted his robes off from the flakes of snow and we resumed our journey. 

Putting that nonsense aside... We'd gotten so bunched up that moving along was definitely starting to get a little awkward, but this cave was so narrow that we didn't have much choice. At present, we were moving along in cramped rows of two, with Suzanne and Patrice at the front, followed by Mimir and Sara, with Timothy, Rudeus and me in the rear.

I could still peer over Rudeus' head when he was in front of me, but since he was a little shorter, it was probably impossible for him to see anything when Patrice was in front of him. 

We'd usually have the middle row staggered in alignment so she could target enemies up ahead, but there just wasn't enough space in this passage. This formation seemed like our only option for the moment. If things got messy, I might have to throw away the supplies, pick Rudeus up and run away. 

Yes, run away. I am scared to fight the Snow Drakes. No one in their right mind would like to fight lesser dragons like them. 


Just then, the passage we'd been following suddenly came to an end. We'd stepped out into a large, open space, so brightly lit that it almost felt like we were back outside. 

"Wow..." Sara spoke, looking at the roof. 

I looked up and realized the entire ceiling was covered in patches of something that emitted a bluish-white glow. From this distance, I couldn't tell if it was moss or some sort of mineral, but whatever the stuff was, it made our torches seem almost unnecessary.

Our path was also much wider than it had been a minute ago. There was suddenly enough space for five people to walk comfortably abreast. Up ahead, a sheer rock face sloped into the darkness on one side of the path. 

It was hard to make out what lay at the bottom, but it seemed to be some sort of underground lake or river. I had a bad feeling about what might be lurking down there. Falling into it would probably not be the greatest idea.

Further along the path was the place we'd come here to visit: a massive, fort-like structure, crumbling in places but structurally intact. These were the Galgau Ruins.

"The place served as a fortress during the First Human-Demon War," said Timothy quietly. 

"Apparently, it was constructed by one of the five greatest Demon Kings of the era. They called him Largon-Hargon the Subterranean." Timothy explained. "He was a God-tier Earth mage, by all accounts. He would regularly raise fortresses like this one in places no human could possibly find them, then create tunnels to the surface so his forces could launch surprise attacks." 

"Can you do that too, Rudeus?" I asked, looking at him as he suddenly shifted his eyes to me. 

"Uhm, not really, I am not that competent." He replied with his usual awkward smile. 

"You don't have to be so modest. I have heard rumours about you. Aren't you emperor level in 2 elements already?" I spoke out loud. Honestly, speaking in a louder volume seems a bit awkward to me. 

"Huh? You are?!" Sara asked, totally baffled. The others had exasperated expressions as well. Looks like they knew he was strong but not this much. 

"Psst.....stop flattering me in front of them. The girl might jump into my bed if you keep going." He whispered in my ear with a lecherous grin over his face. It seems like he doesn't have a problem with her doing so. 

"Isn't that what you want?" I asked, raising a brow.

"Nein. I do not want to. I am an abstinent one. I have my wife waiting back ho---"

"You were looking at her arse the whole time we were walking. I won't say you didn't want to." 

"Shush, don't be so loud." He jabbed me in the gut. 

Ouch.... Hm? Looks like he's training his body too. His frame was unusually large for a mage. Normally you won't expect a mage to have a physique this brawny. 

"Hey, you two! Stop murmuring like lovers." Sara commented, her hands on her hips. 

"Oh my.....awooga~" Rudy muttered, slurping his saliva as he ogled at Sara's breasts rocking behind her breastplate. 

He definitely hasn't changed. He suddenly slung his hand around my shoulder. Well, not around the shoulder, since I was much taller than him, it just ended up being around my back. "Listen, kid, it seems like you are still a virgin so it is understandable you cannot appreciate the goodness in front of you."


"Well, let's start from those thighs and the legging she is wearing. The colour scheme is well complimented with her moderately tanned thighs. Not pale, not black. Just the perfect blend." He explained in a low voice. 

"Hm. Hm." I should take notes. It is not every day that I get to get educated by my elder brother. Have to make it count. 

"Moving on, the skirt is short enough that the smallest gust can reveal the plump bottom part of her butt. Believe me, women who do exercise in modest amounts like her have soft buttocks, yet they retain their shape. Firm in appearance, soft in touch. You get me? That is perfection right there." 

Ohhh? Now that he mentions it, it did seem like a blend of soft and firm when he tried to use wind magic to lift it in the cramped place. It seems like I am finally having my well-deserved bonding time with my brother. 

"As for the chest department, anything that fits your hand enough that the tip peaks from the middle of your fingers are the most optimum size." He explained and with lascivious grin, he wiggled his fingers in front of me. 

"Ohhhh." I looked down at my own hand. 

"Nah, you go look for another. Your hand is too big, so you'd have to make do with someone else." 

"Didn't you just say you had a wife?" 

His body tensed up. "Of course, I was merely kidding. No way I would cheat on my lovely wife." He spoke with a shiver. 

At this point, our conversation was rudely interrupted. "We're under attack!" shouted Sara, dropping her torch and grabbing for her bow.

I looked ahead and spotted a group of flying black shapes flapping toward us at considerable speed. Each of them looked to be a meter or so in size.

"Giant Bats!"

"Get in formation!" shouted Suzanne immediately. "Leave this to our backline!" 

Patrice stepped protectively in front of me; Suzanne and Mimir moved to form a human wall in front of Sara and Timothy. Yes, I need a lot of protection. Protect me. I am a measly porter. 

We, or rather they were up against flying monsters this time. While there was some space to maneuver now, they had to be careful, given that we weren't too far from the edge of a cliff. It was safest for our vanguard to simply absorb the bats' attacks while the three of them shot them down from behind.

"Yaaah!" Sara wasted no time in firing off her first shot. Her arrow homed in on one of the swiftly moving bats, piercing it right through the head; its body spun into the darkness at the bottom of the cliff. It was always impressive to watch her work. The girl was an artist with that bow.

I should clap probably. Oh wait, never mind, I have bag in one and my own sword in another. Guess I have to sit idly. 

[May this small, smoldering fire call forth a great and searing blessing! Flamethrower!]

Timothy's approach was a bit less subtle. He pointed both hands at the sky and unleashed a wide-range fire spell that sent two Giant Bats spiraling down to their doom.

[Blast Wind!]

Rudeus went for an even more basic method, lifting his hands and setting off a powerful explosion in mid-air. Given the moderate size of these bats, he'd figured the shockwave would be enough to disable them. 

Just as I'd hoped, the explosive wind tore holes in their wings; it was enough to keep them from flying properly. Watching the surviving bats fluttering slowly down toward the lake, I breathed a small sigh of relief.




An enormous frog had popped out of the water down below and swallowed one of the bats in a single gulp. The men of the party looked on with something like wonder; Sara, on the other hand, grimaced in disgust.

Do monsters also look at us in disgust when they watch us cook and eat their kin? Probably so. Then again, who cares about monsters. 

Anyways, the amphibian was a vivid blue-and-black thing that reminded me of the poison dart frogs back in my world. I had to assume it wasn't safe to eat. Although frog meat in Gyro tastes pretty well in this world. 

From this distance it was hard to say exactly how big it was but given how easily it had eaten that Giant Bat, I had to assume it was at least five meters tall. And it was energetic for its size, too. I could see it glancing eagerly all around, wondering if any more prey might tumble down into its lair. 

If the thing could be this active in such intense cold, it had to be remarkably tough, even for a monster.

"Let's try not to fall down there, huh?" muttered Suzanne.

Sara just nodded vehemently. I could see goosebumps on her skin.

Somehow, I got the sense our archer wasn't a frog person. I thought the big amphibian had a somewhat charming face, but to each their own. 

"Let's hurry forward, everyone," called Timothy. "Watch your footing carefully."

"Yes." I replied in tandem with others. 


This place was really beautiful. For the most part, my head was looking up, taking in the infrastructure of the place. 

"You just gonna stand there looking around all day or what?" asked Sara.

"Oh. Sorry, I'm coming," I said, hurrying back to my spot in our formation.

"Do you like big buildings or something?"

"Not really. I just haven't seen many places like this before?"

"Hmmmmmmm." She hummed, narrowing her eyes at me. 

"Something wrong?" 

"I might sound weird saying it again, but I can definitely swear I have met you before." She brought up the same topic again. 

Please no....

"Probably. But since even you can't remember, we can't confirm." I replied as she sighed. 

"Yeah, you're right. I am just being on the edge all the time at this point." 

"Are you looking for an enemy?" I asked, partly because I wanted to know her intentions. She wasn't exactly a bad or rude person, just someone who had a hard time expressing what she actually wanted to express. 

"Not an enemy.... that would be lame." She spoke as she hung her head down. She lowered her pace and stood by my shoulder, in the last ranks. Her tone switched to a somber one. "I mean, there was this boy named Julian Greyrat and he saved my village when I was little. My parents died and he came right after that happened."

I didn't do it on purpose. I was testing a spell. 

"I lashed out at him and said some horrible thing..... I don't know. I don't really remember. The pain of losing my parents at that time made me deaf and blind to any and all reasoning. After 2 days, when I finally sobered down, I realised he saved me right before the A Rank monster killed me. He was my knight in a shining armour." 


"Well, it would be a stretch if I said I fell in love with him, I was just a kid back then. But thinking about it, even now, I feel an incomprehensible sense of gratitude towards him. I want to pay him back in some way.... but I guess even that is impossible." 

"How so?" 

"Well, you know, Rudeus and Julian, I mean the one I am talking about, not you, are twin brothers. And Rudeus said he died in the Teleportation Incident so I guess, I can't say sorry and thank you that is owed. I am so mad at myself." 

"Well, I guess, if you said Thanks and Sorry to him, he'd accept it." 

"Nah, no way!" She replied, waving her hand in denial. 

"How come?" 

"Well, you see, when I was shouting at him, he wasn't looking at me. But the moment he did, I felt like he'd lob my head off my shoulders. There was this feeling of standing next to a murder-craving monster when he looked at me. So, I don't really think he'd accept it." 

Oh, wow, that is harsh. I was looking at the pack of D Class monsters in the far distance and directing my aura at them, so they won't approach the village anymore, but I guess it felt like something else. 

"You can't be sure. You never talked to him." I replied, shrugging my shoulders as she pressed her bow to the left side of her chest. 

I felt her biting the inside of her cheek, as it formed a small dimple on her left cheek, "Yeah, you're right. Then again, in the end, the debt just stayed that way. It's like I have a weight on my chest that I can't get off." 

"Hoh? What weight? Your chest certainly isn't big enough to make you feel like it." Rudy interjected suddenly. 


Sara thwacked his head with her bow, making him almost trip from the edge of the crevice. I wonder if he can crawl back up from that place. Hmm...maybe, I should push him and see it for myself. That would be interesting. 

"Jeez, this guy...." Sara exclaimed, the previous goosey, tenterhook look on her face fading away into oblivion. "...anyways, somehow talking to you got that off my chest. Thanks for talking and errr...." she paused before looking down, "sorry for talking bad to you before." 

"Aha, you certainly did get a lot OFF your chest rather than putting ON, honestly speaking, isn't it Julian?" 


She threw a piece of rock at Rudy before I could finish my sentence but this time, he just craned his neck in the opposite direction and evaded it. Well, I knew he could dodge things before, but I guess getting hit is one of his new fetishes. Given how violent the red-haired girl, Eris was, it can actually make a perfect sense. 

"Hmm...take a right at the next fork, Suze."

"Got it."

I was slightly amused to realize that Timothy was carrying an actual map of the ruins in one hand. Adventurers did seem to visit this place on a regular basis, so I guess it wasn't surprising someone had put in the effort to map the layout.

"Good lord," Timothy muttered, sighing softly. "What were the demons thinking when they designed this place?"

A glance at the map was enough to see that these ruins were something of a maze. 

"Well, they're not built like us, you know? This might have been more convenient for them, somehow."

"Hmm, I suppose you might be right....."

Well, the logic was simple. The war was against humans. Demon physiques are different than humans. Of course, most are better and robust, but it would make sense that army units that were in small stature would be stationed here. Makes it a good outpost to defend, coupled with narrow hallways and an Earth God mage to conjure labyrinths, it could hold itself in place.

A rather well thought strategy. 

Even in an underground fortress like this, they'd presumably balanced their forces with a variety of demons, including some who could fly and others who could crawl on the walls. That might explain the tall ceilings and narrow hallways, as well as the weirdly complex layout. 

It was likely that the holes in the ceiling that looked like ventilation shafts actually led to passages that only wall-crawling demons could use. Having some passages that only demons could possibly make use of would have given them a major advantage against any humans who made their way inside.

Suddenly, a long gust of wind blew past us with an eerie whistle. And for some reason, the hairs on the back of my neck stood up. It was a familiar feeling. 

"We're under attack!" Mimir shouted instantly.

I immediately looked down. As it turned out, the enemy was below us. Those bones I'd noticed scattered all around the path were slowly rising up off the ground, rattling as they moved. 

But they should be fine. I mean.... it's just skeletons. No matter how much they are, it is usually impossible to get overpowered by them.... right? 

As they began to piece themselves together, a partially translucent...thing appeared further along the corridor, wafting slowly toward us. It was a slender humanoid figure, but it didn't have a head or legs. Clad in a beat-up old robe, it floated toward us weightlessly, as if swimming through the air itself. 

"We've got Skeletons and a Wraith, boss!"

"Draw them in close, Patrice!"


"Sara, Timothy, Rudeus, watch our back! Focus on the Skeletons! Julian fall back and try to look for a safe way out!"

Suzanne barked out orders. 

Well, I guess.....

Before I moved, my eyes activated as I felt a bone-chilling amount of mana condense. The next moment, Rudeus' voice surrounded the whole area, "Everyone, get down, NOW!" 

The next instant, a barrage of stone cannons fired in every direction. Each of the individual stone canons were enough to finish around 20 or so skeletons. And there were hundreds of those stone canons. Needless to say, he was showing off to get Sara into his bed. 


It seems like Rudeus hasn't noted but I was still standing. One of the stone canons made its way towards me as I looked at it close in towards my face. Extending my index finger at it, I injected an opposing force of mana into it that changed the stone to dust. 

His mana output atop his mana capacity is downright scary. A full powered stone canon from him might reach me before I erect a barrier around me. Even if I am able to do it, the barrier is simply a magic phenomenon in the end. Given enough mana or anti-mana, it could be bypassed. 

After a while, the dust settled down as everyone rose to their feet. Rudeus had a triumphant look on his face. Although, as long as the Wraith is alive, there is no use being happy at killing a bunch of skeletons. 

"As long as that Wraith is alive, the Skeletons are immortal!"

Yeah, what he said. ^

Skeletons were immortal creatures. You could dismantle them and set them on fire, and they'd still come at you while they burned. Char them to ashes, and they'd still piece themselves back together.

Blunt-force attacks were the simplest way to render them incapable of movement, but that was only a temporary measure. While you had them disabled, you had to take out the Wraith that was animating them. Fire magic could burn away a Wraith, but that didn't do much except buy you a little time. Like the skeletons it controlled, it would come back eventually.

Divine magic was by far the most effective answer to a Wraith. It could erase their spectral forms much more quickly and thoroughly than any fire spell; and a Wraith defeated in that way was gone for good. Additionally, Skeletons hit by Divine spells turned into particles of light and permanently disappeared. 

But as long as the Wraith itself stayed intact; it could summon an endless supply of new ones.

Long story short, the man named as Mimir casted a spell and got rid of it. I was about to interfere, since one of the favours I asked of Clai---, err, Grandma was books on [Divine Strike Magic]

It was fairly easy.


"Ah, good. Here we are!" Suzanne's voice brought me back to reality. 

I realized we'd finally emerged from that winding maze of corridors into a larger, more open space. We seemed to be in a wide hallway maybe a hundred meters long. A crumbled set of stairs in the middle led to the second floor, and both sides of the passage were lined with giant stone sculptures.

It felt pretty obvious that some important part of the fortress lay just ahead.

"Oh wow..." Rudeus muttered. 

And then there was the floor.

It was practically covered in a carpet of beautiful white scales, almost like the petals of a cherry blossom tree in bloom. These were the Snow Drake scales that we were here for. Considering their value, there certainly were a lot of them just lying around.

Based on the research we'd done beforehand; this hall was part of the route the Snow Drakes used to move from their nest to their hunting grounds. They often stopped here to groom themselves while moving through the area. It was well-known as the single best place to find their scales in the entire complex.

"Beyond this hall, we'd be stepping into the Snow Drakes' territory," called Suzanne from up ahead. "Don't go any further than that last statue in the line back there. Is that clear, everyone?"

Everyone got busy in picking up the scales. Good, good. I will just sit in the corner and watch over them. 

Suddenly, there were the sounds of Drakes from every direction.  In that instant, a flood of sleek white shapes exploded past the statue with ferocious speed. They rushed between its feet and clambered down from the space where its head had been. At a glance, they resembled enormous, pure-white geckos.

They were Snow Drakes. And within seconds, there were more of them in the chamber than I could count.

As they rushed forward, their bloodshot eyes found our little party, and the first few came to a sudden halt just before they reached us. I counted ten of them. There were many more, of course, but my field of vision could only hold that many.

It had all happened so very suddenly. Timothy was frozen in place, just like the rest of us. He couldn't even shout the word "Retreat."

However, our scaly friends seemed to be reacting the exact same way. I'd never seen a startled lizard before, but this was probably what one looked like. Their eyes opened wide, they froze, and opened their mouths halfway to threaten us with their fangs.

For one long instant, it felt like time had ground to a halt. And then, Rudeus finally managed to shout the word "Run!"

Well, he did say run, but he stayed behind. He had a wide smirk over his face. He brandished his staff, and once again, I felt it. The bone chilling feeling of an overwhelming amount of mana being condensed. While he was busy forming a spell, from the corner of my eye, I saw Sara lock eyes with me. 

"Go on, ru--" Before she could finish her sentence, she tripped of a rock. 

Hmm. Should I facepalm here? That would be comedic. Then again, my attempts at comedy have landed me in rather perilous situations. I should refrain from it. Suddenly, a drake opened its maw. Her features twisted in a panicked look, just like how they did all those years ago. 

With the backpack still strapped to my shoulders, I lowered my stance. 

[Long Sword of Silence]

With complete and utter silence, my crimson sword was unsheathed from the scabbard, and it zipped through the air, cutting the Drake's body in one fell swoop. The slash's force formed a wave of mist behind him that blew the shed scales away. 

"Uh-huh....?" Sara looked at the dead drake, at my sword and then at me. Her eyes went wide, as if she was reliving some moment. Is she having a breakdown? 

"Go on." I jerked my head, prompting her to leave. She stumbled and ran away with her bow and arrow. She would've told me to run with her before, but I guess showing off a technique changed her opinion on me. 

Looking at Rudeus who was firing spells at a rapid rate, there were a few drakes crawling towards his back. As one of them jumped at him, I threw my sword at Rudeus' back. By the time it reached at him, the Drake had already attacked his back. Instead of Rudy, it pierced the Drake's head.

"I owe you one." Rudeus shouted from the other side.

Oh well, you owe me a LOT more than one, brother mine. 

"Julian, fall back, Rudeus can hold on his own. You'll get hurt." Suzanne bellowed from behind me while Sara was still looking at me with wide eyes.

From the corner of my eye, I looked at Suzanne as I slowly took the sword out of the Drake's head and held it close to myself, "Who do you think you are talking to?" Her facial features froze and the sword in her almost dropped out of her grip. 

(Thanks to Hyakki for making his new appearance.)

I stood behind Rudeus with my sword unsheathed as Rudeus looked back at me. "I am counting on you. Just give me a moment." 

I nodded silently. Twisting my feet and torso, I leaned back until my back almost touched the ground and killed 2 Drakes who were creeping close to Rudeus. Jumping from there, I noticed the Drakes were changing their attention to me. Holding the hilt in a reverse grip, I stabbed one of them in the middle of its eyes, twisting it.

It writhed in agony before its movements died out. 

"Okayyyy, I am done. Jump!"

Just as he said that he chanted. 

[Absolute Zero: Niflheim] 

The spell started beneath Rudeus' feet as origin point and then extended outwards, forming spikes of ice as it stabbed most of the Drakes. The spell was highly inefficient, however, now I have what I need.

Witnessing his progress was the first goal for me. That is why I eliminated the Luster Grizzlies before his arrival so he can only pick this mission. Tnen I sealed off the Drakes' original habitat and set it on fire causing them to panic and come in here by the time we arrived here. 

I have enough intel on Rudeus now. Guess, I should just end it now.

"Woah, there are still so many alive." Rudeus commented in a bitter tone.

"Hm. Yeah. Save your magic." I spoke up as I took my sword out.

[Long Sword of Light]

After that, I killed a lot of Drakes. 

"Huh?" Was the only thing Rudeus said. Seems like he still can't see my movements, let alone perceive them. 

That is alright, but it seems like Sara is going to be an issue. Looking at her from down here, it seems like she figured something out. 


NEXT EPISODE > "Her Breakdown"

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