
Tυɾɳιɳɠ Pσιɳƚ '1'

Author's Note --- So, do not skip the POV's other than Julian's. There are some changes. Not too much, but enough.


It finally ended. The long arduous day of killing monsters. Although it took only about an hour, I still feel extremely tired. The lethargic feeling lingered even after a whole day, mostly because I hadn't slept for the whole day before and even after that day, I was busy with Sylph.

Apparently, she had over-exerted herself.  In hopes of making her kill count go up, she started using mana recklessly. It is understandable from a less strict point of view since her mana reserves were leagues above than my own. But she used it to the point that she started feeling dizzy while being surrounded by the monsters. 

Of course, I didn't save her until she fainted. Saving her while she still had consciousness could have resulted in ramifications other than just taking away the need to drill the basics of a life-and-death scenario. And having that kind of situation with someone like her would've been awkward, given her past with Rudy. 

After the incident, she had been sleeping most of the time while I had to heal her. 

  [Healing Magic] in itself, had branched variations. [Detoxification], [Barrier Magic] and [Divine Strike Magic]. I could use [Healing Magic] to heal up to advanced rank. It was the same for [Detoxification]. I knew how to erect chant-less [Barrier Magic] but it was only of intermediate rank. Healing in this world, worked very much like in my previous world. 

Of course, that is because of the similar anatomy of humans. While mana empowers everything in this world and everything and everyone returns to motes of mana once they perish, the general anatomy was same. It meant, as long as I knew the basics of human physiology, I was able to heal a wound or even reattach it. And as long as I had the knowledge of the compounds of a poison, I could Detoxify it. 

There were some healers available, but there were a few reasons I didn't want to go outside too much. Skimming the minor details, the main reason is that the ones that were following us at the night have already determined where we are. Judging by the mana presences, only 3 of them have surrounded the inn. They seem to be in a formation. 

Almost as if protecting something. 

*knock knock*

A gentle knock resounded, followed by another. I glanced over in Sylph's direction, who was sleeping quietly. I stood up and walked towards it. Turning the warm handle of the door, I opened it.

On the other side of the door, I saw a familiar face. Long golden blonde hair and dark blue eyes, a contrast to my pale blue ones. She had pale skin and her features had matured from the last time I saw her. Two locks, from each side fell on the side of her face, further accentuating her slightly plump face. If I were to compare all the females, I had ever known in both of my lives, she undeniably stood out as the epitome of breathtaking beauty.

"Princess Ariel." I greeted, bowing slightly as she placed a hand on her mouth. 

"Oh my. Look at you, being so respectful." She spoke while her hand was still on her mouth, the corner of her eyes creasing up as she smiled. "It's good to see you again." She spoke and invited herself inside the room, despite me standing in the frame of the door. 

"The feeling's mutual." I replied, as elegantly as possible. Although I don't think it came out as I had expected it in my head. I should put some effort in my tone. It doesn't usually sound like how it is supposed to be. 

"Aren't you a sweet liar~" Ariel giggled as she walked past the table and sat on one of the couches. Extending her hands sideways, she placed them on the armrest and seemed to melt away as she closed her eyes and let out a satisfied groan. "Good choice."


"Ah. I see you are still wearing the robe I sent you." Ariel commented as she saw the robe I usually wear folded neatly to the side. 

"It has a magical implant. That is why I prefer it over other piece of clothings when I am on a mission." I replied. 

"Too shy to admit you like my gift?"


Ariel chuckled. 

Looking out, I saw Luke who also came inside and looked around. "You have a good taste. Nice. Nice." He nodded in an approving manner. 

"And you are?" 

"Oi. Did you forget me already? It is I. Your gorgeous cousin, Luke Notos Greyrat." 

"Ohhh....." I paused for a while, ".......I don't remember." 

I could see him trying to launch another paragraph of introduction. "Don't bully Luke too much." Ariel cut in. 

"Huh!?" Luke was dumbfounded. 

"He is kidding." She spoke with a smile. Once again, without doubt, she sure had the most enchanting smile I had seen in both my lives. 

"Wait? He is?" 

"I am."

"Who jokes around with a face like that!" Luke pointed his finger at me. 

"Apparently, me?" 

"You won't get a single girl if you kee-, uh, hoho!" He cut his own sentence as he saw Sylph behind, sleeping while being covered under 2 layers of quill. "You cheeky bastard."

"Hm? Oh, she came along on a mission. She is actually my brother's childhood friend." I replied as a matter-of-factly. 

"Are you telling the truth?" Ariel asked. She had a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes. Something was strange. When I focused on it, it was her brow. 

It was twitching. 

What did I do?


Too scary. 

"Uh, yeah." 

"Hmm. Well, never mind all that. We don't have much time, so I want to get all of this out of the way." She spoke, her entire tone changing.  "Will you work for me?"

"I think my answer last time was pretty clear." I replied. 

"Why are you hell bent on it? What is it that you actually want?" 

"A restaurant where he serves himself to woman of all kinds to eat him up. I think that is a respectful preference, princess." Luke interjected in a serious tone, although the curve of the corner of his lip gave him away. 

"Would you shut up, please, Luke?" Ariel's tone was gentle but as soon as she said that I could see beads of sweat form on his forehead. 

She's too scary.

Ariel sighed and placed her chin in her palm. The morning light illuminated her face, making her eyes shine. I could see the details of her face and eyes even more as she remained still, looking back at me. "Is there any way?" She asked, this time a distant desperation in her voice. 

"Shouldn't you have offered a lot of money already?" 

"I know you don't care about that. Also, loyalty that can be bought shouldn't be called loyalty in the first place." 

Despite her being the same age as my physical age, she had quite an extensive knowledge about the mechanics of the world. 


"So, what is it that you want?" 

"Peace of mind."

"So, you won't help me at all?"

"Depends on the situation." 

"Elaborate." She tilted her head and crossed her leg over the other. 

"Any day, if our goals coincide, I will help you. Until then, I'd love to steer clear of any trouble." 

"Hmmm. Then will you help me if you were bound to me?" 

"Pardon?" I looked up at her. 

"If I marry you, will you come to our side?" 

I stayed silent for a while, while the only interruption in the room was Luke's gasp. Looking into Ariel's eyes, I could tell she wasn't joking around. She seemed desperate. 

"If I was, then maybe, yes. But I won't."

"'Won't, what?"

"You shouldn't be talking about marriage so easily, princess." I reverted back to my formal tone. 

Things were getting absurd now. I didn't want to get involved into politics. Only if it was entirely necessary. But getting married to a princess was a whole other thing. 

"Are you turning me down?" She asked, her gaze sharp. 

"If it entails no capital punishment, then yes, respectfully." I replied, meeting her gaze.

However, she soon peeled her eyes away and slumped into the chair. Putting her hands on to her eyes, she spoke, "I can't believe you rejected me." 

Uh..... is she going to snap? Or stab me with something? 

However, she instead laughed, "Ah. I get what you meant. Throwing in a proposal like that won't work in the end anyways. I just contradicted what I said myself a while ago." 

Hm. She is smart. She understood what I meant. 

"How so?" Luke asked, still not catching up. 

Ariel ignored him and moved over in my direction. Getting uncomfortably close to me, she sniffed, "What do you use on your hair?"

"I bath daily." 

"Naughty boy." 

"Not because of that." 

Another brief moment of silence lingered before she finally took a step back, "I am going to get you, one day or the other." 

"I hope not." I replied, already feeling scared for my life. 

With that, Ariel departed. 

Looking back on the couch where she sat, I saw her handkerchief. I picked it up and was about to give it to her but then I saw something written on it. 

Let my scent be your comfort~

She really is weird. 

Paul wasn't wrong when he said all Royals and Nobles are perverts and have some kind of fetish. 

How ironic for Paul of all people to say this.


Yesterday was OUR 10th birthday. Me and Rudy have turned 10-years-old.

A shame that no one could attend his birthday, neither could I be home because of the journey from Milbots region to Buena Village. 

After reaching the village, I dropped Sylph at her home. Since there was no one there, she said that she will search for her dad on her duty and meet him. Bidding goodbyes to her, I mounted Kalajav and rode the way to home. 

Upon arriving, I saw everyone in the front lawn. 

My gaze fell on Paul who had Norn sitting on his shoulders, while Lilia was holding Aisha by her shoulders, telling something in her ear. 

The first to notice me was Zenith, my mother. 

As I stood there, the sight of her running toward me stirred something deep within me, a sensation foreign to my usual detachment.

Her tear-filled eyes spoke volumes, and for a moment, it felt peculiarly good to see her again.

But I couldn't help but wonder.

Was I truly appreciating her presence, or was it merely an attempt to experience a connection I had never known in my previous life? Such complexities of human emotions were quite familiar to me, yet there I was, contemplating the reasons behind my own reactions.

Despite my uncertainty, I allowed my blank expression to curve into the faintest of smiles, a feeble attempt to mirror the affection she showed.

As she approached, desperation and hope mixed in her movements, I hesitated briefly before partially opening my arms.

It was a small gesture, but enough to welcome her into an embrace.

And then, in a heartbeat, everything changed. A blinding bolt of white light descended upon the house, erupting with a force that obliterated Zenith and my entire family in its destructive wake.

Their presence had vanished completely.

The explosion's deafening roar echoed in my ears, deafening the sound of my slightly heightened heartbeat.

In that moment, as the world around me crumbled and the people I once knew vanished, I stood there, like a statue, a silent observer, but within, an unfamiliar turmoil brewed.

The fragments of the past scattered around me, leaving behind an emptiness I couldn't quite comprehend.

[Gravity Magic: Divergence]

[Gravity Magic: Convergence]


--- In the Crimson Dragon mountain range ---

The 100th generation "Dragon God" Orsted looked up to the western skies. "The mana is gathering there...? What, has something amiss happened?" He showed a puzzled expression.

"Well, I'll know if I go there." And he progresses directly to the west, stepping over a red dragon's corpse that he killed in a single strike.

He suddenly stopped and looked somewhere else. "What is this magic?" He asked himself, coming across a rather uncanny feeling.

This was the strongest person in the world, even if they joined forces together, they wouldn't beat him. He slowly walked down the mountains, under the eyes of the red dragons...... 

No one knew his goals.

But he knew one thing. Something was wrong. 

"That magic. No one should be able to use it to that extent." He murmured to himself.

--- In the sky fortress ---

One of the 3 heroes, "Dragon King" Perugius looked down from the northern skies.

"What is it, that thing? It looks like the same light as when the Magic world's great demon emperor is about to be revived."

Standing beside him, was a Heaven race female with black wings wearing a white bird mask. "The quality of the Mana is too different." She quietly said.

"Yes, it looks more like the light from a summoning."

"But the size of that summoning light... I seem to have seen it somewhere."

"It's very similar to when this Sky Fortress was created."

"What is that black magic!?" He suddenly asked, rising up from his chair. 

His familiar of light, Almanfi appeared. "My lord, it is the boy. Julian Greyrat." 

Perugius moved. Right now, Perugius was sitting on the Sky Fortress' (Chaos Breaker) throne. He leads 12 servants and continueed to observe the skies with only one goal in mind.

Revenge. Once the Demon God Laplace revives, he will defeat him. He was only waiting for the moment where the seal was removed, and he awaited in the sky.

"Alright. Almanfi!"

"Yes, my lord."

The man dressed in white and wearing a yellow mask, kneeled quietly in front of Perugius.

"Set off now, investigate... see if the boy is the cause of this. If he is, Kill him then and there."


'Armored Dragon King' Perugius took action. 12 followers accompanied him. For the sake of revenge for his 4 dear friends. This time for sure, to kill Laplace.

--- At the Holy land of the swords ---

"Sword God" Gal Farion looked at the southern skies.

"That sky is... I say."

During the moment where he is concentrating on something else, his two cute students attack at the same time.

"When I'm watching don't attack."

In comparison to students' feeble breathing, he was composed.

The Sword god felt that they have no sense as usual.

Even though they are called as Sword Emperors, they only reached to this extent.

Boring, boring.

You don't need to be famous for sword techniques.

You only need to become strong, that is all.

If you want fame it's only for money and authority.

Those things have no value at all, and these things that can be gotten so easily by anyone, I'll cut them into two with my sword. If you become strong you can do anything you want. You can consider yourself as living if you can do anything you want.

Ghislaine knows this the best, but she's becoming soft gradually. She doesn't advance after reaching the Sword King. Even if a greedy person is weak, he doesn't need to swing a sword to become strong. Once you attain power your greed wanes. The Ghislaine now is unable to make it, her greed isn't enough. These two fellows aren't without talent, but with the drab desires they have will only bring them to reach only the Sword emperor rank.

To live on through do-or-die battles, you must have infinite desires.

Incidentally, the Sword God had heard rumours about a certain swordsman. 

A swordsman who had performed [Long Sword of Light] in a rapid succession without sweating a break. 

That's right.

It was the only known person who could use [Melded Sword Style]

"I want to crush him with my own hands so bad. That is the selfishness I am looking for. To not care about anything as long as you are the strongest." The Sword God muttered out loud.

The Sword god has already forgotten about the things in the southern skies.

--- In the Magical continent's unknown area ---

The great emperor Kishirika Kishirisu looks up to the sky.

[Hah! Even if I have my back faced to it I can still see it! How's that! Amazing right?"

But no one replies, because there's no one around her.

"You're ignoring me! Wahahaha! Fine, fine, I'll forgive all you humans! Come to think of it, it's all because of this peaceful era that no one is approaching me so there's no choice but to forgive the humans! Wahahaha, fuhahahaha, fuhah cough... cough cough cough."

Kirishika is alone, how do you put it, because no one cares about her.

The moment she revived she yelled [The great demon emperor Kirishika is here! I made everyone wait! Fuawahahahaha!], but nobody was around her.

She ran to the streets shouting that, and someone cast a pitying eye on her. After that everyone ignored her.

She found her old friends, but she was told that it's now the era of peace and she needs to more reserved.

"What the heck are the human astrologers doing? In the past when I was revived, there would suddenly be a gatagata noise that's going to come from the window, a freedom fall performance that would be done.

Without that opening performance it won't fit the grandness of my revival...

Haaa, sheesh. What are the young ones doing recently."

Kirishika kicks the pebble on the ground and looks up at the Mana whirlpool in the western skies. The great demon emperor is also named as the "Magical Eyed Demon Emperor", having over 10 magical eyes, and knows what's happening with a single glance.

No mater how far it is, she will see it clearly. She will see the powerful Mana energy, the familiar summoning light, and the person controlling it.

"What, I can't see through it, there's a barrier huh. Doing something so big like this without showing the face. That person must be shy..." 

"Eheeeeeh? What is this blondie doing? Ehm, he looks cute, uh, never mind. What is he doing? What is that magic? Its tearing everything apart." Suddenly she felt a pair of blue eyes on her and the image transmission ended. 

Kirishika's magical eyes weren't almighty. So, she will only stop at Great Demon Emperor, and no matter long time passes, she will never be called Demon God. But she doesn't mind it.

"Calling the heroes over is pretty interesting, but recently everyone is following Laplace...... Huh, Kirishika? Who's that?

Isn't that how it is...

They must have gone to find the heroes or gone over to the good-looking Laplace dude... Ahh, I'm so jealous, I really want to parade in the limelight again."

Kirishika travels on with a sigh.

Moving in a certain direction that got her interest.

--- At the same time, Rudeus' point of view ---

I walked up to a small hill outside the Fortress City Roa. In order to fulfill the promise from my birthday, to show Ghislaine Saint-ranked Water Magic. Eris naturally comes along too.

The Magic stone on the wand and my hand that's holding onto the wand are both tied up.

Even though it looks ugly, compared to hiding the Magic stone, I'm thinking of covering up the Mana away.

Thieves will approach if they see something expensive like this.

Before I use the Saint ranked water magic, I test out the <<Arrogant Water Dragon King.>>

I use the same Mana output that I use normally and create a waterball that's a few times bigger than the usual size.

"Woah, that's really big."

When I try adjusting it, the waterball is too small and cannot be seen with the naked eye.

Looks like I have to change it bit by bit.

After 30 minutes of experiments, I begin to understand it's around 5 times the effects.

The Attack Magic becomes stronger, and to achieve the same strength as before, I can reduce the Mana output.

If you use numbers,

Without Staff: Output 10, Strength 5.

With Staff: Output 10, Strength 25.

With Staff: Output 2, Strength 5.

Which means it's like a telescope or microscope, it's a little difficult to do detailed adjustments, but it will probably be fine if I get used to it.

"W, what is it?"

"It's a little difficult to adjust it, but this thing is amazing."

Eris looks worriedly over me.

Don't worry. I'm in a trance with this new toy.

After that I did more experiments. I got to understand that Fire Magic is 2 times the effectiveness, Earth and Wind Magic is 3 times the effectiveness, and it seems to be difficult to use Melded Magic with this Magic wand.

No, I'll probably get used to that too?

"Alright, sorry for making everyone wait. Rudeus Greyrat will show you my strongest ultimate Ougi move!"


Eris happily claps.

Ghyslaine is also greatly interested.

I'm also stoked. Alright, I'll do it here.

"Fuhahaha! Gather now Mana! Oh great Water spirit ascend to the skies... Ara?"

When I start to chant the words of the spell Cumulonimbus, raising both of my hands and raising the wand to the skies.

Everyone looks at that sky, and we see that.

"The color of the sky is starting to change...... What is that!"

The sky's colors are changing into uncomfortable colors. It seems to be mixed with grey and purple...

Ghislaine takes off her eye-patch, showing a deep green eye. 


"What's that?"

"I do not know. That Mana is extremely powerful......!"

That eye can actually see mana, just like his. 

I only know after 3 years, Ghislaine's true strength...

Ghislaine immediately puts her eye-patch back.

"In any case, let's go back to the mansion first?"

"Even though I don't know what this unusual premonition means, we should find a place to hide before something happens."

"No, the Mana gathering near the city is even stronger, it's best to leave here."

"If that's the case, we should warn them!"

We should tell Philip to get the people in the city to avoid this situation.

"Ok. In that case, I will leave first." Ghislaine said and started to walk off. 

In the meantime, I saw Eris' ears droop down. 

Was she sad because she couldn't watch the spell??

"Ah, don't worry Eris, I will show you the magic trick tomorrow." I said while putting my hand on her shoulders.

Man, she sure smells nice. 



That was the last thing I heard and spoke before a white light ate me whole. 

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