
Chapter Eleven The Enchanting Encounter

She opened the door, and saw Someone she didn't expect to be at her dorm, it was Aaron.

She felt Surprised, but also dumbfounded as to why he would come to her dorm room, and how he found out where her dorm was.

She froze on the spot, but then she didn't want to be unwelcoming, so she let him come in

and She directed him to sit on one of the sofa's, as the bed would be inappropriate.

He explained why he came and said, he just wanted to talk to her, and apologized for coming in unannounced, according to him, he just loved spending time with her, and wanted them to be friends. She accepted to be friends, not thinking of it too much, as it would be good to have a friend who was brilliant.

They talked for hours about school, academics and the cities they came from

and He left after some hours, as he was about leaving, she told him in the most polite way possible not to come to her dorm unannounced again, and he agreed.

When he left she gave off a heavy sigh of relief, It wasn't that she didn't enjoy his company, it was just that this was a new thing to her, as in the city where she came from she didn't have the time to talk to boys, it was always from school to her house and then to the farm, she didn't have a lot of social interactions except for Andrew, and they were separated from childhood.

She laid on her bed and was about to dose off , when she saw Alicia walk back into the room, her breath and essence, was full of the foul smell of alcohol, Alicia looked at her with a slight grin, and she started talking gibberish, She stood up and guided the drunken Alicia to the bath and bathed her, she helped remove her clothes and put new ones on her, she then put her to sleep. She was tired and exhausted, but she couldn't leave her roommate in that state and sluggishly went to her bed and slept .

The next morning she woke up early, with tiredness and fatigue and she saw Alicia sleeping peacefully like an angel. She sluggishly went to the bathroom to have her bath and freshen up, she made sure that she didn't forget to put on a pad, as she was still on her period. She came out of the bath and wore her blue gown with a belt and her boots, she then went to the 24/7 cafeteria to eat breakfast, which was eggs, toast, bacon, sausage and a steaming cup of coffee, which she paid for with 100 coins.

She went back to the room to get her bag, and saw that Alicia had already woken up, had her bath and put on her outfit, all she was doing at the moment was makeup. Alicia told Mary all about the freshman party she went for and the amount of alcohol she had drunk, she drank so much because she was dared by other students, after she bragged she could drink two liters of beer in one go.

She knew it was Mary, who helped her, cleaned up her body, changed her clothes and put her to bed. She also apologized for always teasing her, and vowed to help her dress sense, Alicia was ready to go, so fast because she wanted to follow Mary to class.

They both left the room, locked it and went to class, The school had laid a new rule that the siren would no longer be used when school was in session, this was a measure used to discipline students, and train them on the usefulness of punctuality.

They got to class at exactly 7:55 am, and a few students were already in class. they located their administered seats and sat down, luckily both of them had seats close to each other. She had never used a computer or laptop, so she had problems with starting up the Laptop, and using its various functions, which Alicia gladly taught her how to do. both of them got stare's from almost everyone in the class, as they had never seen someone who couldn't use a computer, even babies could use them.

The lecturer entered the class at exactly 8:am, and the doors of the class were automatically closed shut by the teacher, so others who came late wouldn't be able to enter, students who came late would have to look at the screen outside the class.

The Lecturer was Mrs Smith, and she taught on Physiology and anatomy of living organisms. The notes had been sent to the laptops, so all she needed to do was explain, and she did that using a big projection screen.

The Lecturer taught extensively on the human body, it's function and it's components, She understood what the lecturer was saying, as it was very practical, and she jotted down notes to the awe of her classmates who were looking at her as someone who was living in an ancient world, Mrs Peggy noticed she was the only one writing on a note, and asked her why she was stressing herself, since the note was already sent, and She said that was the way she could understand what was being taught, and learn from it.

From that day, the lecturer took note of her and continued her class, she finished after three hours and the next class was vasectomy.

The Lecturer taught for another three hours, and all students were exhausted, so he ended the class, and they were through for the day.

After class She took her bag and headed out, everyone avoided her and made fun of her, but she didn't care. That day she wanted to look for the library, so she can start reading.

She was walking out, when she felt a cold touch on her hand, it was....

Next episode

The Date that never was

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