
Arriving At the Border of the Germanic Star-Empire

It took some time for Daelia to arrive at the borders of the Germanic Star-Empire, but when she arrived at the checkpoint, she was anything but nervous. After all, her disguise was flawless, down to the biological component. Even if the Germanic Star-Empire scanned her down to a molecular level, they would not find anything out of place. 

Or so she thought. The reality was that Tia immediately saw through her ruse. But rather than arrest the Dark Elven Shadow Queen on the spot, Tia granted her access to the Germanic Star-Empire. In fact, Daelia was surprised to find that the moment her biometrics were scanned, that the customs agents extended her an offer. 

"Agent Ann Ludvigsen... It says here in our records that you went missing in action three years ago, after being deployed to the Rulexian Domain on a covert operation... The Supreme Leader would like to have a word with you..."

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