
16. Dark Ritual

"Cih, you got a new weapon, huh? So, what's so special about that crap Katana?" said daggerman.

"Seriously, we should kill him, or better, beat him, and force him to watch what we do with his girlfriend. 

Ji Sung's laugh echoed in the cave and shrouded those purelist. "Are you done? Now, it's my turn." 

Sheathed his katana, Ji Sung concentrated on thunder as his hatana had an electro element on it. 

Warm and tickle surge inside him as his body slowly glows purple, even his eyes. 

As they saw what happened to Ji Sung, both started to take him seriously, and they readied with their weapon, leaving Rinoa alone. 

"Wait, wait, electro elemen? Did they use an S grade weapon?"

"Shit, man. Shit. That gradebaline would shatter our weapon, what should we do?"

"Drop Your weapon, and yield!" Ji Sung yelled. "Or face my thunder katana head on."

Trembled as they slowly made a distance from Ji Sung. 

"Wha—what happened to you?"

"Hey kid, are you alright?"

Primal Abedon laughing. "Fear not the Child of Horus. We on the right side, we the savior of Terra, we shall win no matter what! We shall cleanse this world from invaders!"

All walking dead turn their attention to Jo Sung, but, Unarmed, they are nothing more than dolls. 

Ji Sung tried to admit, killing in this world was a crime, but if he kills the bad guy, he will be pardoned. He will save more lives. Yes, with that word he tried dissuading his guild. 

Ji Sung's voice was deeper. "Put Down your weapon, and let her go. Or, face the consequences."

"Consequences? What conse—"

Ji Sung grib his katana, leaped forward, disappearing from normal eyes. Suddenly, he appeared behind his enemy and sheathed his katana. 


Blood sprouts from daggerman's chest as he slowly drops like a log. His friend, stunned for a while, tried to digest the situation. 

Ji Sung stood casually holding his katana hilt like a ronin in the old era. Rarely he showed a smug smile, but today he felt like being reborn as a new person. 

He always wants to say something like, "Now, bow before me, you useless piece of shit." His dream came true. He said it loud and clear.

The walking dead rumble on him. Ji Sungbtook stepped back, allowing them to gather in a close gap. 

With a confident smile he turned and ready to activate his skill. He waited for them to gather, so he could finish them on a big swop. 

"Four, five, seven, good. Come, now, to your graveyard." In the blink of eyes, Ji Sung unsheathed his katana while dashing. Then, he landed before they realized what happened. 


Blood splatter created a red pool on the natural snow beneath those dead. One by one they felt like autumn leaves. But, they were all not dead, they were in agony, in pain. Even his first victim. Well, they are already dead, and alive again, now dead, but not dead. 

Ji Sing scratched his head, confused as to how to describe what happened.

The qatat man dropped, trembling and pointed at Ji Sung "You–you monster!"

"Sorry, we are late!" More hooded men came. Now, there are five new enemies. They were stranded seeing what happened. 

"Ah, welcome welcome. Please, on the line, let me send you all to your grave." Ji Sung readied on samurai stance. "Come one, don't worry. It will be fast."

"Ji Sung!" Rinoa yeled as she grabbed her weapon. "I will help you, don't worry."

Ji Sung nodded. But, he didn't need her help right now. "Okay, got it."

"Damn you smug bastard!" They attacked all together, with dagger and qatar. Seriously, they threw themselves like flies. "Time to sleep."

Ji Sung dashed, disappeared, and appeared at their back. Sheathed his Kayana, they all fell down like snow. Ji Sung used his katana back, minimizing injury to those stupid flies, just like Rinoa ordered him to.

The remaining enemy trembled. 

"How could he become so strong with the glips of eyes!"

"It… it can't be. It must be a dream!"

They were confused about what to do. Even one of them peeing. 

"Submit!" Ji Sung shouted.

They prostrated, shivering with their forehead on the floor. "W—we yield, we yield, please spare our life. Please Master."

While they were distracted, Rinoa unleashed her anger. No, she was not stabbing them from behind like an ordinary girl would do if they angry. Instead, she kicked their ass one by one. 

"Ji Sung, don't you dare to interfere!"

"All yours, Rin." Ji Sung crossed hand, watching what she did to them. 

Rinoa ample chest deflated beneath a white shirt that got torn. Especially on her vleave that is almost wide open. Shit, she is so sexy. Ji Sung always admires beauty, yet he always respects them. 

"Now, tie yourself with rope!" She ordered and those men obeyed. 

Ji Sung took off his shirt. It was torned, but still better than Rinoa had. "Here." he blanketed her with it. 


His act of chivalry made Rinoa blush, stupefied.

"Woah, you are so strong, Rin."

"It must be. As the knight of White Robe, I must be strong. Ehm, thank you. Wait a minute, how could your body glow purple like now?"

"Oh, this, my katana. Wait, how to deactivate it?" He seriously ask as he didn't know how to. 

She giggled. "Ji Sung, you are so funny. Just push the ring, and your katana would be gone."

Suddenly, a loud laugh echoed through the cave. 

"Terranian and Earthling, how could you work together? Blasphemy! Blasphemy! You should get punished, girl!" He laughed like a maniac and wangled his staff. 

Pentagram beneath Primal Abedon repulsing an evil aura that shut Rinoa to her core. 

She trembled as she stepped backward. "No, no, it can't be. He wants to summon Chaos Minion?"

"What? What do you mean by summoning Chaos?" It was Ji Sung's first time hearing that. Sure, it caught his attention. 

"There is no time. Hurry, slash Abedon staff, hurry!" Rin jolted, crusading alone, tried to put an end to Abedon magic

Black hand came from pentagram and punched her back. She flew, dropped sword and fell to the ground. 

"Rin!" Ji Sung tried to help but she stopped him on track. 

"There is no time for me. Hurry, destroy that staff!"

Abedon laughed hard as his enemy was in grief and terror. He was superior to them. They were all at his mercy as a dark creature crawling up from the pentagram. "Bow before me! Fear Horus! Fear the prince of Brutality!" he said.

"You the one who should fear me!" Ji Sung dashed and activated his Katana Slasher skill, aiming at Abedon. 

Just before it could land a direct hit, the dark hand wiped him clean. Ji Sung dodged perfectly and jumped back to safety. 

"The staff, Ji Sung. The staff!" Rinoa said.

Ji Sung walked through the wind and blew himself toward Abedon. He aimed at the staff. With clean swings, he managed to cut it and propel himself backward. 

Terror blanketed Abedon's face as he realized his staff tore apart. "No! No! What are you doing?

The dark hand grabbed Abedon's leg and dragged him inside Pentagram. "No! Help! Help me. Please help me!"

"Serve your right, Baldy," said Ji Sung. 

"Help him." Rinoa ran and grabbed a foul hand. Instead of pulling him, she was being pulled in. 

Ji Sung helped her by pulling her waist and made her stop for a while before being dragged along into the pentagram. 

"Let him go, Rin!" said Ji Sung.

"Don't! I beg you, no!" Abedon cried. 

"We must save him, for he had information about Horus Chaos Legion!" Rinoa tried her best to save Abedon. 

"Yes! Yes! Help me, and I'll tell you everything!"

Ultimately, Anedon was dragged and eaten alive while Pentagram chased to exist. What was left of him was his hand.

"Horus claimed him," said Rinoa, putting Abedon's hand on the floor and returning to her feet. "Sigh, so the myth is true…."

"Urgh it's a teen minute already." Ji Sung dizzied. His vision blurred. His legs sponged, his body peppered and dropped like a lump of meat without a bone. 

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