
Chaper 12: Parliamentary Elections Begin

Ferdinand pov

The time has come, after a few more turbulent months, with Liberals, Legionnaires and what's left of the Reds fighting each other, the Parliamentary Elections in Dacia will begin.

Of course, it wouldn't just be Parliamentary elections, there would also be elections for mayors and deputies of cities, towns, and villages around Dacia, which made the battles for votes even more lively.

Thanks to the Legionnaires doing away with the Socialists and Communists, it is likely that they have few seats in Parliament or none at all, as the Liberals and Legionnaires were making political propaganda that attacked the Reds, even if both were political rivals, no one would accept the Reds in Parliament.

Which made me have a certain respect for Liberals.

Anyway, everything now needed to be dealt with by the Legionnaires, the Royal Family already made a small investment in them, secretly giving them guns and other things to help them go with maximum force on Election days.

If my crazy calculations are correct, with the seats that the National-Legionary Party would get, more of the Right-wing parties that made a coalition with the Legionnaires, it would be possible for them to command the Parliament, making that then, in consequence, the Prime Minister is Arthur Iordanescu.

'In the end, it all depends on whether voters want to change or want to continue being stupid sheeps' I think as I sip tea with my mum, as it always tastes amazing.

''So Ferdinand, I hear you've been getting better at training your magic,'' said my mother, receiving a wave from me as I sipped my tea.

''Yes Mother, it's currently having good development'' I replied as a smile was appearing on my face, thanks to training with Young Master Techniques, I am increasing in magic power rapidly.

I'm seriously thinking of putting the Young Master Techniques together in the Dacian Mage Training, plus the hellish Tanya-style training on them, that will make the Dacian Mages not bitches but the fucking pimps.

3rd pov

In the office of the Dacian Monarch, Johan Von Rotenburg was talking to an elderly man with white skin, a long beard, and bald and black eyes, this man was wearing the new Royal Guard Officer uniform, with several medals on his chest, this it was Captain of the Royal Guard Friedrich Von Riederer, one of several Officers who followed the Rotenburg Family when they went to Dacia.

Beside Friedrich there was a 40-year-old man, wearing the new Dacian Royal Navy Admiral Uniform, white skin tanned by the sun, black hair, and brown eyes, this was Admiral Petru Calinescu, who was there to represent the entire Navy.

''How are the plans going, Captain?'' asked Johan as he looked seriously into the eyes of the elderly Officer, who looked just as serious as Johan.

''The Royal Guard is fully ready, Your Majesty, you just need to give the order and we will take Os as soon as possible.'' Friedrich said while giving a few coughs, even though he was full of energy to serve the Royal Family, age was taking its toll on his body, unfortunately.

Johan nodded, he was happy to have such a man who had loyally served his family for years, Johan promised himself that after everything was over, he would give the elderly man the much-deserved vacation.

''The Royal Dacian Navy will also be on hand, Your Majesty, the traitors will not be able to flee by sea, we also have some Navy forces available to help in the seizure of power.'' Said Petru when he saw the Monarch and the Captain of the Guard Reall looking at him.

''Great Gentlemen, before we do a Coup, first we'll see if the Legionnaires will win the elections, if they win then we needn't worry, but if the Liberals win then we'll do the Coup'' Johan said as he looked at the two men, who nodded in understanding.

Both the Royal Family and the Navy were tired of the Liberals in Government, surprisingly, the Navy was the extremist of the pair when it came to ending the Liberals, with most of the Officers wanting to give a ''Military Trial'', which was just a way of executing traitors along with their families in a ''legal'' way in the eyes of the public.

Both would wait patiently while the votes took place, if the Legionnaires won, the guns would be lowered, if not, the Government Building would be invaded by the Royal Guard and many would be killed for ''resisting''.

At the headquarters of the National-Legionary Party in Os.

A meeting is currently taking place between the prominent leaders of the Dacian National-Legionary Party, with most laughing and having happy smiles on their faces as they look at the statistics that are now posted on the wall by Valeriu's secretary.

''The way things are and according to the polls, several legionnaires could become mayors and deputies of various cities, towns, and villages, achieving for us a lot of local influence, as for the Parliamentary Elections, research is still being done and we will only know later, but apparently, people want a change in the Government.'' Said Valeriu while pointing to the graph seriously.

'That's good, also thanks to our coalition 'allies', we may have a great chance of having a large part of Parliament for ourselves, making me more likely to become Prime Minister' Arthur thought as he looked at the graphs, with a smile appearing on his face.

''What about the Reds?'' asked one of the High-Rank Legionnaires while raising an eyebrow.

''The Reds will get few votes which are only from the ardent supporters as most are either too scared to vote for them or hate the Reds'' replied Valeriu as a wicked smile crept across his face, remembering some reports of legionary groups beating a few people to intimidate the rest and make people think twice before voting for a Red.

''That's good, so our real problem will be the Liberals, because realistically, even if we get enough seats in Parliament to be a majority in the Coalition, we all know that the Liberals have Republican support,'' Arthur said seriously as he picked up a Cabian cigarette and started smoking.

Everyone present nodded in agreement, the Republic would want Dacia to join them in the upcoming war against the Empire, everyone on the mainland could smell the gunpowder oozing from the barrel, all it needed was someone with a match to light it.

''Legatus, what will be done if you have a majority of Parliament under our control, besides Restoring Royal Power?" Asked one of the Legionnaires while looking at Arthur.

''As you said, we will restore Royal Power, in fact, we will even expand it in the Constitution, what follows will be decided by the Grand Duke'' Arthur replied with a serious look, the Monarch who would decide the next steps of the Government if the Legionnaires If they won the election, Arthur was just a loyal servant of the Monarchy, waiting for ''God's'' chosen one to take what is rightfully his.


AN: Hello Ladies and Gentlemen, I come here to do a little poll involving the future name of Dacia, keep in mind that the name will only be used after the First of the TWO Holy Lands are liberated (Constantinul).

I'll make it clear that the MC wants to create a Dacian Empire, he doesn't settle for just being a mere King, he wants to be an Emperor and create a legacy that will be inherited by his future children, now with that out of the way, let's start to Vote.

1 - Dacian Empire(Normal English name for people who like simpler things)

2 - Imperium Daciae (Latin)

3 - Imperiul Dac(Romanian)

4 - You suggest here that the most voted wins.

This is a Dictatorial fanfic, but I will be a Democrat and let the people decide this time, kneel down and give thanks, commoners, muahahaha.

Now a different topic, I ask you to stop sending Power-Stones to me, my fanfic is not the best, there are thousands of better fanfics to spend the Power-Stones, spend it with fanfics or Novels that are worth it.

That's it, have a good day, good afternoon, or good night, depending on what time you're reading this, stay with God, and bye.

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