
Sabaody Archipelago

"Yummy!" Luffy and Wu yelled.

"Yum!,Yum!,Yum!" Both Luffy and Wu chanted as they Ate Takoyaki at the speed of sound taking at least 5 boxes of full Takoyaki or 150 Takoyaki each.

Luffy burned his hands trying to eat the cooking Takoyaki from the cooking stand itself.

"See isn't Hachin's Takoyaki the best in the world". Camie said.

"Hm You-gara, this food is the best KEHEHEHE". Wu said laughing happily.

"Hm it really is good, How did he make it..? what's with the sauce flavor?". Sanji asked.

"It's pretty cool how you made the ship into a Takoyaki stand". Usopp commented.

"I never had the Takoyaki experience before This certainly is good I feel my taste buds dancing, i have no taste buds though". Brook said.

"Hm..I haven't had Takoyaki either but this food is delicious". Wu commented.

"Eat all you want, it's all on the house today...for saving me and Camie".

All the members ate Takoyaki like their was no tomorrow

"So Uhmm...what do you say Nami?". Hachi asked nervously.

Sanji, Usopp, and Wu froze and looked hesitant, they where munching on Takoyaki without even realising that namimwas also with them.

"Uh..i mean..How does it taste?". Hachi asked sacred.

"You don't expect me to Forgive you over this do you?".

"No no i just wanted to know if you liked it?".

"It's fucking delicious". Namo said.

Hachi was so happy he had tears in his eyes. "Alright eat all you want".

"Oh bring all that you can!" Both Luffy and Wu yelled.

The eating continued for 5 minutes when someone yelled.

"Oi guys!, young master! wait wait".

"Hm that voice is-".

"Don't go without saying goodbye" The man on top of Motobalo said.

"Who is that guy?".Luffy asked, stuffing his mouth with food.

"Handsome! Oops , it's me Duvel... hahaha".

"Did he have that face".

"I changed his bone structure, now he has no reason griping at us anymore".

"Really Blackleg young master you went nuts kicking my face, i really am surprised that you turned me into a handsome stud. I came here to thank you for giving me a rosy life".

You are new to these waters right, if you need anything then ask us.

Sanji then started to argue with Duvel who went on to say how handsome he was by looking at his mirror.

"Here young master it's my number to the Denden mushi, like i said call me if you need anything".

"Let's go now Life is rosy riders".

"Yes Handsome!".

"Get lost" Everyone thought.

Wu was chowing down Takoyaki while this was going on.

"This is so good, oi Luffy if You-gara don't come fast then i will finish it".

"Oi that's no fair... Iam coming". Luffy answered.

30 minutes later.

"Ah thanks for the food...i am full, i ate like a pig, this is bliss".

"Ah i am full too..i ate a lot..hope captain also eats his sare that i put in the shared inventory".


"Yoi where did you get that Takoyaki from".

"Magic!". said Corvak.


"Oi Octopus, starfish and Camie-chan come up to our deck we can serve tea, take a break now that the pigs have eaten". Sanji said.

Everyone climbed up the Deck of the Sunny and started to drink tea.

"Hm this really is good tea" Hachi said.

"You-gara... can you drop me at Sabaody Archipelago, i don't think Hachi and Camie can do so in their ship.".

"Hm?, why is that?". Robin asked and everyone looked at them.

"Kehe.. Captain told me that Fishmen and Mermaids are considered Fish in Sabaody Archipelago and people apparently discriminate against them, also from what i have seen Mermaids are quite the catch and Human trafficking groups might target us if we-gara go there".

"He! Camie will get kidnapped". Luffy asked.

"They think of Fishmen and Mermaid as fish...Are they idiots..even Luffy knows better!". Nami yelled.

"hmm, it is true, but we need to go to the Archipelago if you need to go to Fishmen island".

"How do we go to Fishmen island anyway". Franky asked.

"Fishmen or Mermaids can just dive but it's impossible for humans due to the water pressure".

"Yeah even the submarine can't handle going below 5,000 meters.How in the world do we reach the ocean floor". Franky asked.

"Yes eyes on me" Papagu said and everyone looked at him.

"Yosh, let's start over, there are two routes to new world. One is through the Marie Jois with the request of the world government. usually you cross it via walking and buy another ship on the other side.

"What? buy Another ship!" Franky Yelled.

"Yes but that's impossible for outlaws like you so we will be taking the second route, it also allows you to take the ship and it's called the ocean floor route via Fishmen island".

"But the ocean floor route is full of danger, most ships get eaten by Sea monsters". Camie cut in.

"I see". Franky said

"Hold up Camie, you said the entire ship...What type of ship is used to go under the ocean floor?". Namie asked

"Hm?.. this ship of course". Camie answered.

"Oi this ship can't dive" Franky said.

"Oh no worries we can use coating".

"Coating?" Franky asked.

"Hm, the Fishmen island is 10,000 meters under sea level right below Marie Jois". Hachi said

"That much, wasn't sky island 10,000 meters above sea level, it's like that again" nami sighed.

"If we go to Sabaody, we can coat the ship to go under". Camie said.

"Ho i am looking for a man who does coating work as well". Wu said.

"Ho what's his name". Hachi asked

"I don't remember,it was silver, platinum, king or something".

"Platinum king?" nami asked with greed.

10 minutes later.

"Guys we are here" Papagu yelled.

"Hhooo it's mysterious!". Luffy yelled.

"Are those bubbles?". Zoro asked yawning.

"So beautiful". Nami said.

"Almost magical". Robin said.

"This is it! Sabaody Archipelago!" Papagu said introducing the island.

Everyone got off the boat and Wu decided to stay with them.

"Wohaaa... Awesome! The air is filled with bubbles everywhere.".

Everyone looked at it amazed by the scenery.

"Wait everyone but what about the log". Robin asked.

"Oh don't worry Sabaody is made of Trees so there is no magnetic field".

"Wait so it's not an island?" Sanji asked.

"No it's made of mangrove, A special type of mangrove called hustle muscle Mangrove".

"Hustle muscle Mangrove..oh i got Hustle too". Luffy yelled.

"The bubbles are produced due to a resin the grove produces and when the trees breath it forms an air bubble". Hachi explained.

Luffy started to climb the bubbles by jumping on them. "Oi Guys i can see an Amusement park, let's go".

"It's Sabaody park". Camie answered it's my dream to go their.

"We can't Camie, you know the reason". Papagu said.

"Is it because of what Wu said".Chopper asked.

"Yes". Papagu answered.

"It shouldn't be a problem with you hiding and all of us around". Chopper tried to say.

"Hm i guess" Papagu answered.

"Hachi you said something about coating". Nami asked.

"Hm we are going to meet the Coating craftsman and make him cover your ship in resin, simply put that will allow you guys to go underwater"

"Are you serious". Franky asked.

"Yes that's the only way that you can go under 10,000 meters and reach Fishmen island, but lousy Craftsman's coating can prove the end of your lives therefore we are going to the only craftsman i trust". Hachi said

"Oh in the end he is a good man, or Octopus YOHOHOHO".

"In exchange keep one promise" Hachi said seriously.

"Hm is it about you guy's desguise". Sanji asked.

"Yes that too but also when we get to the town, their might be World nobles walking around".

"World nobles?". Chopper asked.

"He means Marie Jois citizens". Robin said.

"So what about them". Luffy asked.

"No matter what happens in the town, You must not go against a World Noble..no matter what happens". Hachi answered.

Everyone was stunned and looked sharply at him.

"Listen..even if someone dies in front of your eyes, look elsewhere and pretend it didn't happen".

Luffy, brook, Robin, Nami and Chopper along with Wu and Camie followed Hachi as he explained things.

Franky and Usopp stayed on the ship to Fill the cola reserves while sanji stayed to protect Nami's treasure, Zoro also stayed for some reason.

"So like i said these World nobles also called Celestial dragons are like very important and they where A bubble around their heads so that they don't breath the same air as normal humans".Hachi said

"Also keep out of sight of Marines, the marine head quarters is right besides here and All the bounty hunters and marines are really high level".

"Ah..too much information". Luffy said.

Luffy and Wu then started to put on bubbles on their heads and buying a bubble bike which the Shop keeper tried to make them buy buy they refused, instead opting to rent one.

Luffy and Wu ate a lot and bought a lot while they moved to the grove 13. Robin and nami went to a shopping mall near grove 30 and left the group.

Wu and hachi started to race their bubble bikes and eventually reached the town with Luffy and the rest yelling, one in happiness and the rest in fear.

"What's all that noise" Luffy asked.

"Please anyone! please remove my collar".

"Please i have given up on New World, i have a kid and wife in the new world please help me".

"What's with him?".

"Don't get involved at all, he is probably a pirate caught by the human trafficking groups and sold". Hachi said.

"He can't escape now that he has the collar". Hachi grimiced.

*Click Clock* the Collor started to tick like a bomb.

The pirate started to yell and tug at the Collor with fear.

"What's that sound". Chopper asked.

*Boom* suddenly the Collor exploded.

The pirate fell down and Hachi ordered everyone to kneel on the ground.

Luffy and Wu Tang kneeled on the ground and so did the others.

Suddenly a dog walked up to the pirate and peed on him.

"That's unsightly Saruu". came a voice.

"Father this one broke please buy me a new one".

"Huh, did you sedate this one properly".

"Ofcourse but it doesn't work on idiots".

Suddenly the figures came into sight as everyone bowed. It was a blond man and a burnette woman wearing a white cloth with expensive artistry on them and bubble helmets on their heads.

"Stop breaking my Captian collection Sharlia". Roswald said.

"it's because he goes on about his family and whatever". She said kicking him.

"He is an eyesore" *Bang* she shot him and Luffy got mad. Hachi held him while Wu stayed quite.

They then walked off as everyone got up.

"Oi Hachi what was that".

"That's Celestial dragons" do not fight them.

"That pirate, he could have won against that man or that woman so why did he not escape". Chopper asked.

"The Collor exploded when the user pushes a button and they are also Celestial Dragons..if you hurt them then an Marine Admiral will come with a Marine fleet to arrest you and most likely you will be executed or worse, turned into a slave".

"What? is it Aokiji".

"It can be Kizaru or Akainu too".

"Why are the Marines protecting them so much".

"They have the creators blood, 900 years ago 20 Kingdoms created the world government, they are the descendents of the royalties of those countries. Their power went berserk and now they act like this".

"Any ways let's head to grove 13".

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