
A Million Coincidences Combined

"It is nice to hear from you once more my god." Seto's voice sounded out from Wulin's earring for the first time in over three months. The Slayers were all very busy people, Wulin included, so they only reported to him every three months.

"You as well." Wulin returned the greeting simply, not even noticing the peculiarity in doing so. It was something he had gotten used to doing with Gu Yuena and had since become a habit, quite a helpful one at that.

After he began to do that, people appeared to have a better first impression of him. It seemed that before his cold and calculated almost robotic nature made him difficult to trust or associate with so the change was well appreciated.

"Excuse me?" Seto spoke, complete bewilderment in his voice. No matter how much he'd like to have guards protecting his god it would be incomparably rude so he hadn't done so however because of that he missed three months of his god's growth.

"I said you as well." Wulin repeated simply. He couldn't understand why his right hand was acting in such a way but at the same time, he found it amusing. Perhaps his other half had rubbed off on him more than he expected.

"I see?" Seto said, confusion and bewilderment obvious in his tone. In the time he had not seen his lord, he had changed greatly. His emotionless voice hadn't changed very much however there was a small trace of something, what that may be he didn't know.

Not only that but, Wulin's attitude had changed. In the past, Wulin would have mostly ignored his confusion and continued on with his task. Even if Seto requested his god rest or relax his God would remain steadfast, he would never have such an… understanding attitude.

That wasn't to say his god never took their words into consideration, rather it could be said that he relied on them greatly. However the same rarely applied to his own personal life. He would listen to their advice for things such as training but he would never consider certain aspects.

Their greatest god would never listen to their concerns for his health no matter how small if it weren't pertinent to their goals. If they recommended he sleep he would ignore them due to lowered training efficiency and the same went to topics such as his diet.

His god hadn't just changed a little, he seemed to be a new man completely. Yet Seto could tell it was the same god he dedicated his life to. Certain things remained such as his nigh emotionless voice, his underlying care for them, and his appreciation for their work, that allowed him to be sure of that.

"Begin your report." His god demanded, his familiar words assuring him that his god had not changed. Clearly, something had changed but it was not to the point of unfamiliarity. Rather, it was more like his god was finally growing.

Not in power nor in maturity but in an emotional sense. His god who understood little to nothing about the mystery that was emotions had finally begun to feel. It was a joyous moment to be sure however Seto was faintly disappointed that he was not the one to help his god.

"Hakm's training is going well. His body has healed nearly fully and his talent in the medical field is astounding. It will only take a year or so for him to deserve the rank of Slayer rather than a candidate." Seto reported, shelving his questions for the moment.

"I see. And what of Imort?" Wulin questioned lightly, his voice full of a small degree of pride. The child he had saved not so long ago had already begun proving his worth. It was small in scale at the moment however he would soon show the world his prowess.

The world that had once disdained him and chained him to the depths of weakness would soon realize that he was more than just a mere test subject, he was a force to be reckoned with, a force that would no longer rot under their control.

"Imort has been finding little success recently I'm afraid." Seto replied with a disappointed sigh, heartbroken at not accomplishing their god's task. It wasn't a simple task by any means however that did not change the fact that Imort failed.

"I see. Tell him to continue however if it seems hopeless, he can abandon it as he pleases." Wulin commanded. The task he gave to Imort was to find the location of the Dragon Graveyard, a task he gave after hearing of its existence from Gu Yuena.

It was an important location not only for him but also for Gu Yuena so finding it was a top priority. However, that didn't mean he would send one of the slayers on a mission with little chance of success forever, he was worth more than that.

Yet sending a Slayer to find the graveyard of the dragons showed just how important it was to him, to both of them. Not only did it contain the bodies of nigh endless dragons, Gu Yuena's family, and subjects, but the Dragon God was among them.

Meeting the Dragon God was important for a variety of reasons both sentimental and logical. When the Dragon God was split into two beings, his divine position split as well. Yet neither half of the Dragon God had theirs.

They simply didn't have the time to receive them. Gu Yuena ran away for her own safety immediately and the former Golden Dragon King was sealed away before he was even fully formed, there was no way for them to have them.

Truthfully, they didn't need their Divine Positions by any means, they could technically live without it as they have been for centuries. However, there was a large difference between having one and not, a difference that is insurmountable.

Without their Divine Position, they were only divine beasts that possessed the power of a god, they weren't truly gods, they were referred to as Wild Gods. However, if they had their Divine Position they would be true gods.

Without the presence of a God Realm being a true god doesn't change very much in the grand scheme of things however possessing their Divine Position opens up a world of possibility to them.

With their Divine Position and their power they could create a God Realm of their own however they could not do so without it because of the universal order. With a Divine Position, the universal order would give them a high degree of freedom as they are the rulers of this universe.

In effect, the universal order would raise no complaints if Wulin used the power of a God King.

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