
Chapter 93: Undercover

Ash flew towards Columbia with his group in tow. Ifrit was staring at everything on the ground with shining eyes.

"Look Ifrit, up high like this. And the people look like trash." Ash smiled at her. Ifrit nodded eagerly as well. "Umu, a suitable view for Ifrit-sama."

Silence and Saria looked at him with a weird expression while Ho'olheyak agreed. "But this is how it feels to fly huh?" She looked around in wonder.

'This must be how my race feels when they fly in the skies... How enviable.' Ho'olheyak wanted to fly as much as possible, but her pride prevents her from asking Ash. So she started formulating a plan so he could ferry her around.

"Ash, you're teaching her weird things." Saria chided him and Ifrit cowered behind him.

"Mah, don't sweat it Saria. It is the duty of the strong to look down on the world and make your mark! Kuahahaha!" Ash cackled.

Silence and Saria glared at him, but Ho'olheyak, and especially Ifrit. Treated his words as gospel. As far as they know, he's at the top of the world. So it must be true.

"Stop teaching Ifrit things like that! She'll get worse, she's already getting her 8th grader syndrome." Silence huffed.

"Hoh? So you were like that once? You know about it after all." Ash smirked at her and she squeaked.

"Really Silence? Did you call yourself Olivia-sama or something?" Ifrit guffawed and Silence blushed so hard that she almost let out steam.

"I did not! I only proclaimed that I'll be the greatest scientist in the world..." She grumbled, Ash and Ifrit kept on goading her to tell more, but they arrived in Columbia.

"Tch, we didn't manage to get it out of her Ifrit. We'll learn more about it later, that's an order." Ash smirked.

"I'll report you to the authorities! This is abuse of power!" Silence complained.

"But isn't he the one who makes the laws?" Ho'olheyak chimed in to make her head explode.

"T-that's true..." Saria looked at her with pity and she clasped her hands.

"Don't patronize me Saria!" Silence pouted and Ash left her alone, for now.

"She's comitting insubordination Saria, beat her up!" Ash pointed at her like an unruly drunk in a bar.

Saria was confused for a bit, so she hit her lightly. On the butt, because it has more cushion.

"Damn, that wasn't what I was thinking. But Saria would definitely be a good dominatrix, no?" Ash looked at Ho'olheyak and Ifrit tilted her head.

"What's a dominatrix?" She was confused, Silence paled and Ho'olheyak started laughing for the first time ever since they met.

"Silence will explain later, Saria doesn't know." Ash pointed at the birb and the vouivre was also confused.

"Well, if I'm going to be good at it. Then I should practice it no?" Saria announced and Silence choked on her spit.

"You shouldn't." Silence glared daggers at him. Bantering with them wasn't good for their heart. Saria's head is only filled with science and martial arts. While Ash likes to cause mayhem amongst them occasionally.

"Okay, let's go and meet up with Kristen." Ash made a call.

Moments later, two limos appeared. "One is for her." Ash pointed at Ho'olheyak and she nodded.

The Kukulkans' destination is Maylander after all. Thankfully, she didn't disappear for long. And everybody knows she was insane. So, her thrashing her office won't raise too many questions.

The other group went to Rhine labs and they were met with a certain elf that immediately scrunched up her face once she saw Ash.

"Hello, dear erofu. Have fun here? You know, Paradiso has better pay." Ash whispered to her like the devil.

"Never! You are evil! I bet that Saria and Silence are being forced into your bed every night!" She pointed at him accusingly.

"Ohhh, you hurt me. I am their superior, I will never abuse my power over them like that." Ash put a hand on his chest and Muelsyse snorted.

But the people in the hall started whispering, making Muelsyse frown heavily.

"Kuu! You demon! You'll pay for this! Keep an eye open 24/7!" She ran away because her image that she painstakingly repaired was going to be dragged in the mud again.

"Do you really have to mess with her everytime?" Saria sighed and he nodded.

"Someone that small getting angry makes her look like a cute puppy, it makes me all happy and tingly." Ash grinned and they stepped back from him a bit.

"Now, let's get to control's office yeah?" Ash started walking and they followed him reluctantly, except Ifrit. Who was following Ash like she was his loyal goon.

They arrived at Kristen's office and Ash saw that she was squinting hard on some books she is currently reading.

"What's up Kristen? It seems that you are doing fine." Ash blew on her ears because she was too focused on what she was doing.

"Ugyaaah!" She screamed weirdly and activated the defense system of her office. She then saw Ash that was smiling.

"Ash! Don't do that, you'll give me a heart attack." She sighed in relief.

"Well, you were too engrossed in whatever that is." Ash pointed at what she was reading and she suddenly remembered that it was from him in the first place.

"You're here! You need to teach me rocket science! It's so complicated." She groaned and he shrugged.

"I'm a little bit of an expert in it myself." He bullshitted and they started having a little session.

After a few minutes, Saria spoke up. "Aren't we a little left out? Look at Kristen, she's having a blast. She's even glowing a bit." Saria pointed at their previous boss and Silence smiled wryly.

"They're in their own little world aren't they?" Silence sighed.

"This crap is boring! I want to blow stuff up!" Ifrit complained and Ash heard her.

"Ahhh, Kristen. We ignored your other guests in the room." Ash pointed at the trio and they glared at them.

"Sorry Saria, and what's your name? S-Substance? Subtense? Your name is weird." Kristen shook her head and gave up.

"It's Olivia Silence!" She couldn't believe that Kristen didn't even remember her.

"Ahh, yes, yes, Bolivia. Now, I remember. Can you leave me alone with Ash for a bit Saria? Tour them around?" Kristen smiled and Silence was shocked.

"It's Olivia Kristen... You're still bad with names." Saria sighed and they left her office.

And while the trio were walking around the place, they stumbled upon a honey blonde girl who was being followed by robotic dogs. (pic)

"Mayer! Is that you!?" Silence ran up to her and hugged her.

"Olivia? Why I oughta, I thought I'd never see you again. Boss has been telling everyone that you're the emperor of Leithanien's concubine now." Mayer guffawed.

"Shut up! Muelsyse is a bad influence and you know it. I heard you're the new director of Structural?" Silence did the secret technique of changing the topic.

"Hah, it was much easier back when I was in environmental. You know Muelsyse, she's happy go lucky." Mayer sighed.

"Chief Saria!" Mayer saw the vouivre and she bowed at her slightly.

"Umu, walk with us Mayer. We're having a tour." Saria pointed at Ifrit who was itching to blow shit up.

"Oh, sure, sure. I can use a break. What's the matter? Why did you come here?" Mayer was curious and Ifrit replied.

"We'll be breaking in Mansfield prison! I'm going to blow it up!" Ifrit had a smug look on her face and Mayer started sweating.

"You shouldn't blurt out our plans like that Ifrit." Saria sighed and Mayer blinked dumbly.

"Wait? What!? You really are going to blow it up?" She was dumbstruck.

"Well, Ash is with us. So Mansfield penetentiary would definitely have significant amounts of damage." Saria shrugged.

"Yeah, whenever he's concerned with something. That would definitely happen." Silence winced and Mayer could only look at them in awe.

"Wait, should you really talking about him like that Silence? You're his concubine right? Is chief Saria one too?" Mayer got worried for her.

"We're not his concubines Mayer!" Silence was about to pull her hair and feathers out.

"Okay, okay, geez. Where is he then?" Mayer looked around and wanted to see what he looks like.

"He's in control's office. He's teaching her something. Kristen even shooed us off." Saria sighed and Mayer got excited.

"A scoop! Is he boss Kristen's boyfriend or something?" Mayer got excited. Life in Rhine labs was really boring.

"Uhhh, I think she really likes him. But she doesn't notice it. I have never seen Kristen light up that way when she sees someone." Saria shrugged and Mayer's eyes shone.

"Come on! Let's go to control's office and spy on them!" Mayer immediately pulled them with her and ran towards Kristen's office.

"Do you really want to spy on them Mayer? Ash probably already knows we're behind the door you know?" Saria informed her and she was right.

"Well, I'm going to use this then!" Mayer took out a little RC car and she slipped it under the door.

"Woah, you made that yourself? Can I have one too?" Ifrit was interested in it so she could spy on the casters' training back home.

"Sure thing kiddo, I'll give it to you later." Mayer winked at her and Ifrit was satisfied.

She then took out a controller with a screen and Silence couldn't help but check out what the two were doing.

'Are they perhaps having an affair inside Kristen's office? Ash could definitely do that... Just a little peek.' She looked at the screen.

"Damn, Kristen is flirting with him hard." Saria was shocked.

"Oh my god, she's on his lap and he's teaching her." Mayer started taking screenshots and would definitely tell Muelsyse and her friend, Magallan later.

"And what the heck, isn't that guy huge?" Mayer was surprised.

"Yeah, he is humongous." Silence confirmed and Mayer smirked at her. "That's what she said."

"Mayer! Ifrit is right here!" Silence glared at her and Ifrit tilted her head. "Ash is huge. He like towers over everyone though?"

"I think what Mayer meant is his pe-" Saria was about to explain when Silence and even Mayer put a hand over her mouth.

"We should leave, or Ifrit will definitely learn some things in here..." Silence recommended and Mayer nodded reluctantly. She might want to have some fun, but there was a kid around.

"So, about your break in to Mansfield... You're gonna take out Anthony Simon aren't you?" Mayer took a guess.

"That's right, I think Ash wants Simon co. to be back on their feet and continue supporting Rhine labs. With the Gelato Accords being established. He needs a dummy company as a conduit to support Rhine labs." Silence analyzed his plans.

"Yes, he most likely doesn't want Laterano to be asking questions on why he's moving massive amounts of money to Rhine labs. There are reports being passed around to the allied nations about their expenses so they could help the others when they're having problems." Saria expounded.

"But isn't Paradiso more like a private property that's owned by Asmodeus enterprise?" Mayer wanted clarification.

"Everybody forgets this, but he's the emperor consort of Leithanien. His property is the governments after he married Luna and Soleil." Saria shrugged.

"Ahhh, good luck then. Keep safe, I have tons of work to do as a new director." Mayer got depressed and she slumped down while walking away.

"Poor Mayer, she's gonna have a long way ahead of her." Silence sighed, especially because Kristen was holing up inside of her office and refuses to run the company. Even more so after Ash entrusted her with something.

They know it's about aeronautics and rocket science. But they have no way of knowing. Which wasn't true, nobody just asked.

After Ash taught Kristen what she wanted to know, he met up with his group again and he rolled his shoulders.

"Hey girls, shall we?" He put an illusion on them and changed what they look like.

He wasn't idle while conversing with Kristen, his ghosts have already forged identifications and turned them into new inmates for the penitentiary.

"Woah, Silence and Saria look different." Ifrit was surprised. While the other two smiled after seeing her in her adult form.

Ash then turned back to his human form back from the past. Which looked similar to the Dokutah's.

"We'll be transported inside of it, then we need to find Anthony first. After that, it's a free for all." Ash cackled.


Thanks for reading everyone, ciao.

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