
Ch 3 Should I become friends with her?

Somewhere in the city.

"You think Lady Athoya will let it pass without questioning the integrity of our whole fraction??"

The old man who had a thick spectacle on his hairy face frowned.

Sitting along with him in the back seat of the car was an elderly woman of around 40, she was quiet as if she was in deep thought.

"What were you thinking going back on your word without our permission?

The man continued in a stern voice,

"And it's not like you have only one son! What do you have to say about this? You have put all of us in a pinc-h"

"Well, the Queen her majesty ordered us to be in the court on short notice!, who do you think will I prioritize? Lady Athoya?"

The women scoffed,

"And there's no way that Atoya could-

"With respect, Kariyya!"

The man cut her off.

"Lady Athoya,

The woman pressed with annoyance visible on her face and continued.

"There's No way Lady Athoya Could do anything, Rulenns aren't that weak, why are you so afraid of her? She's not the Queen! We have one if you are forgetting!"

The man was silent but his expression didn't change one bit.

"Furthermore, it seems like Kalt will get himself introduced to the princess, if it all went well I'll have a prince to back us up!"

"Hahah hah !" The old man started laughing!

"What are you laughing about Uncle Sanna? Did I say anything funny? Or do you perhaps think my son is better off with Lady Athoya's granddaughter after all?"

The woman questioning the man sat straight up with her eyes squeezed together demanding.

"I'm not interested in what your son wants to become, you have today, go and sort it out with Lady Athoya or we'll deal with it as we see fit!"

He said without looking at her face.

"And who else are these 'we' you're mentioning of uncle?"

"Rest of the Rulenns I suppose once they find out what you've done!"

"Are you trying to tell me-"

"We'll outcast you if we have to, and Lady Athoya will be our priority, even if the king were to stand against us!"

The man said firmly as he took out a cigar.

"Haah! You do realize what you just said could get you in trouble-"

Tap Tap!

The woman was cut off once again as he gently knocked on the window and the driver who was standing outside opened the door to the woman's side.

"Kariyya! If your father were here, you wouldn't have had a say. Think it through, you may leave now."

Old man Sanna lit his cigar and started smoking, without waiting the woman got out of the car furiously slamming the door back.

The driver bowed his head and got in the car.

"Where to master?"

"Athoya Mansion!" He said as the car whirled off to the street.

Capital, Queen's Council.

"Her majesty, Lady Kariyya from the Rulenns clan is here to meet you."

A servant girl came bowing in front of her majesty.

"Is she alone?"

"Yes, your Majesty."

"Hmmm let her in!" After a short pause, the Queen announced.

"And send back anyone else who's here to meet me for today."

"As you command your Majesty."

The servant girl rushed out quietly as possible.

'Kalt Rulenn! Shall I  bring him to the palace?'

The Queen reclined on her grand sofa as she thought to herself sipping on the red wine from her golden cup.

Athoya Seaside villa, Golem coast.

May played her favorite song, 'the sunset moment' as she started preparing for dinner in the kitchen.

Ring Ring.

"Darling, where are you?"

It was Granny on the phone.

"I'm at the coast house! And I'm not coming back for a week so all your plans can wait."

May said cutting tomatoes from the stand.

"If that's what you want!" Granny said,

"But I have one request as well in return, which you must agree to."


"Hahah hah don't fret it's not anything you're worried about!" Granny laughed,

"I and Miss Thaya have decided that we will postpone your marriag-

"What really? I should thank sis!

May jumped with joy.

"Well now that's off the plate would you listen to what I have to say?"

"Of course Granny whatever you want."

May couldn't hold her happiness as she said without thinking.

"Well, there's this girl whom I've assigned as your personal helper!"


"You just have to let her hang around with you, like a-

"A bodyguard?" May cut her off.


Well, yes? But it's up to you, I think she will be like a friend to you. She's a nice kid!"




"Just like that?" Granny was astounded by her agreeing easily without her usual tantrum.

"Well it seems like this girl had won your heart, and I would like to be acquainted with her, either way lately I feel like I need a friend...

May thought for a moment,

"Besides I'm this close to hating men, maybe she can change my perspective? TeeHehe!

May laughed along with Granny.

"Silly girl, I'll send her to the Villa take good care of her! She's your age by the way."

"You should be worried about me instead!"

May pouted.

"Okay okay, my bad take care and let me know if you need anything Cherry(nickname)."

"Good night Granny!"

"Good night..!"

'Hmm a girl my age?

'Should I ask for her help?'

'Wait should I become friends with her?

'But, how do you make friends with a 19year old girl?'

'Should I ask for sister's help?'

May kept thinking as she lit the stove.

'I should focus on the meal first!'

She decided taking a deep breath.

The clock was showing 20 past seven. The sun already passed the horizon. Ocean looked rather deep with the sultry moonlight, the salty wind could be heard passing through the leaves as they rustled.

Golem coast was situated on the outskirts of the Mainland of Alcesta, by the continent of Antarctica. And like other strong regions in the world, was under the rule of a monarchy, The king and The queen have absolute authority over the people and below them are Dukes, Nobles and Knights. Although ages ago there used to be an Emperor and Empress who ruled over the Kings and Queens, they vanished during the great rebellion of The 9th continent which eventually broke out of absolute monarchy and became the first democratic continent under Oligarchy rulers, about 200 years ago, soon after the 8th continent broke out with the Monarchy family still being atop the Oligarchy rank.

While Alcesta isn't the strongest among the 7 monarchies it still had more population and resources than any other continent due to the powerful clans who had been keeping the monarchy safe.

And the world certainly agrees that Alcesta has the most loyal subjects of them all, while also being the most insanely influential clans whose existence not only serves the continent but others as well. All thanks to the open trade system that controls the world currency and the banks. Despite being different in army strength and wealth and other relative subjects the value of the currency is equivalent in every part of the world, as it should be for the sake of the common subjects and the democratic people of various nations and continents.

There were many religions and cults, and the monarchy certainly didn't have any power over gods and deities. Neither did the democratic have the control over the matter, it was merely a choice of common folk or the subjects.

I guess it took me a while to write this chapter, like until I started the first paragraph there was no hope and it's a bit rushed out as well!

I've tried to picture this world in its differences with a small explanation but, you must know that the narrator is not good at his words, he's somewhat clumsy and always confused. Let's say he too knows very little as the readers are.

Just kidding.

Thank you for coming this far, hope you have a great day!

Until next time TC.

takeshi_creators' thoughts
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