
3. Sweet Round Balls!

Hiro ran as fast as his feet could. His speed not diminishing even for a little. It didn't take long for him see the herd of beasts.

They were rushing over at full speed. Behind them was a cloud of dust and above them were the several light and several beasts. The two groups had engaged each other. And the aftermaths of that fight caused damage to the herd below. The aftermaths killed and wound several beasts as it spread around.


Hiro yelled as he met the herd. His movement fast and precise. One stab meant a kill or vital wound.

Like a sturdy rock that divide a shallow river, Hiro parted this beasts sea. His blood continued to boil forcing him to go on. He pushed forward, tearing his face and laying corpses behind him.



Several light fell from the sky and exploded as they crashed into the ground. The light had come from behind from those he had left behind.

But that didn't stop him. One kill after another, for each, he felt an increase in the joy in his heart.

"Hey, promise me you will live," a voice rang in his ear.


For a moment, he paused. The voice had caused his head to ache and forced him to stop. But in a place like this, that was a fatal mistake.




One after another, two beasts dived at him. Their jaws clasping his body firmly. One bit his right leg while the other bit the left side of his abdomen. Pulling and clawing at him, they planned on ripping him to pieces.

"Ah! Die,"

He stabbed the one biting his chest, killing it. The beast biting his leg pulled him. He fell to the ground and several other beast came diving at him.




An axe came, spinning as it went round Hiro. The spun and rotated at a fast speed. Every hit met the death or knock out of a beast.

"I don't know who you are, but how dare you disobey procedures?"

A man landed and the axe flew back to him. "What is your name soldier?"

"Moss, behind you," a loud voice warned.

With a swing of his axe, a beast crashed to the ground. "Thanks princess,"

"It's you again,"

Hiro looked at the newcomers while struggling to his feet. They were the duo he had met before, Bing Yu and Moss. He had stolen a dagger from Bing Yu.

"Team leader, three eight level in coming. One is at least at the peak,"

Hiro looked up and found they weren't alone this time. There were two others with them, a man and a woman.

"You two handle one each, Moss and I will take care of the peak,"


"Deal with them quickly and come join us. A peak isn't something Moss and I can face easily,"

"Yes ma,"

The two above turned into streams of light and flew away.

"Do we leave him?"

"Priorities first. Other beasts won't come close because of the peak eight level,"

"But he'll died from the shockwave of our attacks,"


Hiro turned to the direction of the roar. A beast was flying over quickly. It had no wings but was flying towards them quickly.

"Then in his next life he won't make the same mistake. Get ready,"

"Ha! Sorry kid, don't die okay,"


Moss tossed his axe forward. It spun and released flames as it went by. Hitting its target, the beast, it released even more flames and burned.


Infuriated, the beast halted and roared. Bing Yu shot forward with her sword in hand. Moss flew after her stretching his hand out, to receive his returning axe.

Hiro watched the three engage in a deadly battle. Bing Yu kept the beast in check, while Moss fought from the side.

"Hey, promise me you will live,"


The voice in his head rang again. He clicked his tongue and bit his lower lips.

"I understand, so will you stop? Please,"

"Hey, promise me you will live,"

"So annoying,"

His grip on his dagger tightened and his legs bent. "I'm not going to pay you anymore attention,"

"Hey, promise me you will live,"

Instantly, he shot forward like a rocket, charging into the fight between the three in front of him.


"What… ?" Moss stammered. "What just happened?"

He couldn't comprehend the event of the last second. Hiro had shot passed them and killed the beast.

"How did you?"

Moss watch Hiro pull a dagger out of the beast nape. Hiro sighed when he turned around.

"Help me with the other one,"


He tossed away the dagger Hiroshi had given him and said again.

"Help me with the other one,"

"Oh, here you go,"

Bing Yu gave him the other dagger. She was still stunned by the sudden event.

"Thanks. Is there a ninth level beast? There should be since there's an eight,"

Hiro exhaled forcefully. The boiling in his blood was far from over. It felt like it had just began. There was more, better yet it made him want more.

"Let's go find it. All these beast are weak,"

Not giving them a chance to reply his question, he added and galloped away. Tearing through the beasts in his path, killing them as he went by.

He had not gone far when he stopped and rushed back to them.

"Do you have any pills? Those sweet round balls,"

"Huh? Yes!"

"Give me as many as you have. No, you need too, just give me some,"

Bing Yu and Moss looked out each other before taking a bottle out each. Hiro smiled at them, overjoyed by the sight of the bottles. He took one, opened it and slowly turned the contents into his mouth.

"So good," he exclaimed. "These are so much better than the ones Hiroshi gave me,"

He opened the other bottle and repeated his previous actions. Moss and Bing Yu stared at him, as if they were seeing a ghost. This was the first time seeing someone take so much pills in one go.

"What wrong with… ack!"

Hiro's cheeks puffed out interrupting him. He covered his mouth with his hands and exhaled. Little cloud of colorful smoke escaped his nose.

"That was awesome," he cried out and tightened his grip on his daggers. "Thank you. Bye,"

Bing Yu blinked at him as he ran sprang away. She still couldn't believe what she saw.

"Go report everything to commander, I'll follow him," she ordered. "When you are done, regroup with the others and protect our area,"

"Yes captain,"

Bing Yu flew after Hiro while Moss flew east at full speed.

Hiro continued forward. One could say, (even though it may be improper to) he was like a meat grinder in a meat factory. Slicing beasts as he went on, he had killed an unknown amount of them.

Bing Yu followed after him. His fist greatly surprised her. Though the beast before were small fries, the speed he use to kill them, was great.

Without wasting time, she flew to Hiro's side.

"Hey, are you sure you can take on a ninth level beast?"

"I'm not, I just want to fight,"

She frowned and took out a sword from her back. It was big and sturdy. She placed the sword under her feet and turned to Hiro.

"Jump on,"

He turned to her and kicked the ground. Her eyes widened at the height he attained with one kick. She controlled the sword and flew after him.

"Got ya. Hold on tight,"


"There are three frontline base. The eastern, the western and the central. The eastern and the central has fallen. The western base is still standing but they will have to retreat and join the army,"

"Why are you telling me this? I just to fight,"

"I'm letting you know, you'll be alone at the forefront. Everyone who can has retreated. Whoever remains are those who can't fly back. They are fighting till their last,"

"I just want to fight, okay?"

"Alright, we are almost at the central,"

They flew for a while and stopped when a huge building came to view. It had a round wall around it, but it wasn't in a good shape.

From over here they could see flames that released smoke to the sky. The wall had a gap in it. And the building though covered by a bright light, it was under siege. Hundreds of beast attacked it from every side and most of them were flying.

"This is as far as I go. If you want lots of those sweet round balls, make your way to that building and join them fight,"

"You! You are so annoying,"



"What you going to do?"

"I'm going to fight and of course I'm going for the…" he jumped down and yelled. "SWEET ROUND BALLS,"

His voice shook the sky and his feet cracked the ground around him, as he landed. Bing Yu smiled as she watched him charge towards the huge building. Several beast flew down and dived at him, but they died not knowing that was their biggest life mistake.

"He can kill eight level beasts easily, I really want to see him fight a ninth level,"

After much thought Bing Yu flew away and Hiro continued onwards while chanting.

"Sweet round balls!"

With each chant, his legs ran faster and his hands swung faster. Hiro had turned to a puppet with only one goal and that was to get the…

"Sweet round balls!"

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