
Chapter 3) Camp Fire



Season 1 ~ Episode 1

Law makes good time making it back to the dropship, the sun is barely setting when he makes it back. He estimates about an hour or less before it's dark. Law enters camp nearly unnoticed only to see someone at his tent looking through it.

Anger burns through him, Law approaches his tent like that of a predator. "Hey Murphy this guys got extra clothes" Someone inside Laws tent says, "Lets take em"

When Laws close enough to his tent he toss his game onto the ground near his tent, grabs who he assumes is Murphy by the back of his collar and yanks him right out off the entrance of his tent.

Murphy stumbles back and lands on the ground, but law ignores him and enters his tent. The guy inside Law's tent spots him enter, "Hey who are-"

The guy doesn't get to finish as Law decks him as hard as he can in the face. Law can see blood pore of the guys nose, but he doesn't care grabbing him by his coat Law practically picks him up and tosses him out of his tent.

The guy lands flat on the ground hold his face, "The Fuck is your problem?!" Murphy practically roars now on his feet.

"Stay away from my stuff" Law answers with a deadly look in his eye.

Law can see the hesitation in Murphy face as he takes in the Law's appearance. Law is covered in dirt and blood from his time hunting. But Murphy anger overrules his fear, especially with a crowd now gathered around.

"Why would I do that" Murphy snarls now pacing in front of Law.

Laws eyes never leave Murphy and his body stays tense ready to pounce, "because I assume you like living"

Laws statement does bring a hush over the crowd that was going restless, no one took Murphy's threat on Wells life serious. But they could see the look in Law's eyes he will kill Murphy, Law himself isn't sure himself if he'd actually kill Murphy but he's being ruled by his anger right now.

"Enough!" Bellamy yells stepping next to Murphy, "That's enough Murphy, get back to work"

Murphy doesn't say anything but he does stomps away and towards the bond fire in the middle of camp to continue taking off the wristbands. Bellamy turns to Law giving him the once over before nodding and walking away.

"The Fuck you looking at" Law snarls at the crowd which causes them to quickly leave.

Law angrily sits next to where he started a fire early and gets it relit using some dry wood, Then he begins to skin his game due to his anger the first two squirrels aren't done all two well.

Law has calmed down by the time he gets to skinning the rabbit, he takes time with it having already decide to keep a leg for luck. Soon it's skinned and Law stick the Rabbit on a stick and hangs it over his fire to cook.

Law looks at all the squirrels and then at the camp seeing the clearly hungry kids, he sighs scoops up the skinned squirrels that are still tied together and are hanging nearby.

He sees Bellamy over watching Murphy take off peoples wristbands, "Bellamy" Law says stepping closer to him.

Bellamy turns toward him, Law simply holds the Squirrels towards him, "Here for everyone else"

Bellamy surprised takes the Squirrels, "Thanks" Law simply nods and walks away.

Law takes his place back at his tent, he cooks his rabbit and soon he can eat meal for the first time in his life. Law takes his first bite and it's delicious, he knows he isn't the best cook but for now it doesn't matter as he can enjoy a hard earned meal and have some fresh cold water aswell.

"Hey, where'd you get that?"

Law looks up from his meal to see Wells Jaha in front of him, his hand pointing towards the water in his makeshift bowl. "There's a river a few miles away"

"Can you show me, we need water here at camp" Wells points out.

"Tomorrow, it's too dark now" Law tells him before going back to his meal.

"Thanks man" Well says before leaving after spotting Bellamy and his crew taking off people wristbands.

Law simply watches the confrontation between the two man, he won't lie Wells does make some decent points but these people won't agree with him.

Plus Bellamy is simple telling people what they want to hear, he's fairly charismatic but it won't last long nor will it be enough.

When people start chanting ""Whatever the hell we want"" is when Law decides he's had enough and moves to put out his fire. But is stopped by the rambling of thunder, which is followed by rain.

Law stands still and allows the rain to fall onto him, it's cold but still refreshing.

"We need to collect this" He hears Wells say and he agrees. So he grabs three branch's from the fallen trees that were knocked over on the dropship's entry.

Ties them together so they form a triangle shape, the sticks into the ground and it stays standing. Now he just needs to put a collector on top of it, he moves to grab some metal that's fallen from the dropship and shape it to a bowl like shape so it can collect water but he's interrupted.


Law turns as see Wells holding out an already shaped piece of metal. Law takes it muttering "Thanks" before placing on his stand.

He watches it briefly begin to fill with water before heading back to his tent. Before entering he grabs his leftover water and uses it to quickly clean his face and hands.

Before taking off his shirt, boots and socks he hands them up to dry off and heads to bed.


~Unknown POV~

She watched, she watched as the metal box crashed onto their land, she watched the invaders step out of the metal box.

Watching it's what she always does, hidden in bushes and trees, unseen and unnoticed.

Watching the invaders, she counted about 100 of them all of whom are kids in her eyes. She watches all day waiting, inspecting to see if they are a threat to her people. They aren't, they are just foolish kids with the exception of a few.

The only adult within the invaders camp, took charge getting everyone to do what they want. He isn't a very good leader, that she can see.

The blonde haired girl, the watchers opinion of her is higher. The blonde immediately knew to find food and water, not a bad decision with the exception of them heading towards the mountain. The watcher knows they'll never make it there though.

There's only one other who catches her attention, a boy not to much younger then herself. He arms himself quickly and is distant from the rest of the invaders,

He didn't lose himself to the foolishness the rest showed.

So she watched him, watched as he make a bow with nothing but a branch and a knife. She wouldn't say it but it was impressive work for one of his age, he made arrows next and a quiver.

She then watched as he entered the woods, to hunt she assumed. The boy she watches, first tests his creation and practices firing off some arrows. She watched as every arrow fired got closer to his target he made, soon every arrow hit its target.

Once more the watcher was impressed with the boy, he's got a talent for archery much more then some of her own people. She watches as the boy begins his search for some pray.

She watches as slowly the boy becomes a hunter, he's steps become quieter and lighter, he's breathing slower and softer. Soon he begins to track animals, he tracks smaller animals squirrels and rabbits.

She watches as the boy tracks down and kills a rabbit, he doesn't hesitate like most young would do for their first kill. After his first kill the boy guts it quickly and ties it into some sort of rope she's unfamiliar with.

She watches the boy until nightfall, until he heads back to his camp. He had a necklace of squirrels and a rabbit or two, The boy had a successful first hunt he would be able to feed himself well over then next few days.

She watches hidden on top a tree as he cooks his food, watches as he gives away many of his kills to the other foolish invaders.

She watches him, she watches him all night aswell. The boy whom she now names The Hunter for his impressive skill has definitely caught her attention.


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