
CH : 207 Beru Awakens

To turn a blameless guy into an undead and use him as a soldier…. Even if the corpse belonged to a rank S Hunter, he'd still reject the idea outright especially knowing he was just a healer. That was not something a human being should do.

Hence, he opted to remove the body, ensuring that any potential influence from his summon would be eradicated.

'….This is the best way.'

Jin had a hunch that when he called them out, this dude would totally raise with them, just where OG Jin did in three moves. He was sure he could do it with a single turn just cause he was over levelled as fuck.

He was well aware of the difficulties associated with leveling up beyond LV 100, especially now at LV 150 with the immense experience point requirements.

Don't look ahead to the low levels, one can level up several times by clearing a single dungeon. After all I had done, I reached LV : 18 without even killing the boss in my first dungeon raid. So it seems like it's easy to upgrade.

But as soon as I past level 100, I realized it's very, very difficult to upgrade if I want to after level 100.

Not only one had to go with crazy killing you, one also had to only kill high level opponents.

Not only does it require me to explode my liver, but it also requires me to be strong and have a lot of time.

After the 6th turn of one hundred fiftieth level, if I want to raise a level it wasn't as simple as clearing a single dungeon, I had to clear many high rank adapted dungeons in order to fill up the empty experience bar!

Don't look at Jin leveling so quickly up until now because he wasn't at level 150 yet.

Level 150 after the sixth turn would be a watershed moment; the difficulty of upgrading will increase dramatically.

Up until Jin could clear high rank dungeons he could basically go up about 1-2 levels.

But now after level 150, he clears a S-rank dungeon, and the experience he gets may not even be 10% of the experience bar.

So, to level up past 150, he'd have to take down Monarchs, and even then, he'd only get maybe five levels.

And with every level reaching the next level will be harder.

So with simple thoughts Jin walked towards The closest person to Min Byung-Gu out of everyone present here, Baek Yun-Ho, he moved forward and under the gaze of the crowd he handed the body of Min Byung-Gu again he glanced at the headless body and sighs again.

He was a pretty good dude and if things were in his control he maybe would have revived the guy but sadly reality is often disappointing.

Can I bring back the dead? Truly bring them back, as they were before they died. No I couldn't at least not yet, True Resurrection was still far from my grasp.

But If the decision was left up to Jin himself, he'd have least try to Resurrect him. After all, a S rank healer could do wonders to the world.

Everyone formed a solemn expression when they realized what Jin did. The atmosphere grew heavy as Jin's actions sank in.

Putting aside the slight regret in his heart. Jin carefully handed the body over to Baek Yun-Ho, then Jin walked back to the place he was standing before with a look Jin's gaze shifted lower to the ground.

Thicker and greatly more ominous black smoke compared to other monsters was oozing out of the mutated evolved ant's corpse.

Was this because the creature became so extraordinarily strong? So strong that Jin didn't even know who to compare it to?

As something like this didn't happen with Typhoon, maybe because he wasn't strong until I raised him as technically he was the weakest creature due to him just implanting every other creature's ability from Akame GA Kill World!

While thinking like that, he calmly extended his hands out towards the rising black smoke.


The desirable changes took place, then.


A low, heavy sound that could be described as either a victorious roar or a scream resounded out from every direction, and an eerie wind suddenly swept past everyone. The eyes of the Hunters were shot open in shock as the creeping chill crawled down their spines.

Right at that moment…

The light within the ant queen's chamber suddenly dimmed and brightened back up over and over again, as if it was being illuminated by a dying fluorescent light bulb.

Jin raised his head. The large ball of light that Choi Jong-In floated up on the ceiling to help with the ant queen raid was flickering noticeably now.

"Is the magic about to come undone?"

At first, he absentmindedly thought like that.

However, it hadn't even been an hour since the Korean Hunters stepped foot inside this chamber.

So, how could the spell be dissipating already? Not only that, wasn't it a spell cast by a rank S Mage so he and his colleagues could safely carry out this potentially deadly raid?

There was no way such a thing could be true. In that case….


"Oh, my god!!"

The surroundings became completely dark.

Most Hunters still are able to see around themselves thanks to their Perception being much higher than normal hunters if there had been a sliver, a trace of light coming in from somewhere. But this all-encompassing darkness didn't even permit that.

'…..Could it be?'

"That, isn't that…?!"

The darkness lingered on only for a briefest of brief moments before receding away –


to reveal the mutated ant King's shadow, a black hand rose up. As if it didn't want to go back inside the shadow again, the black hand powerfully grabbed the ground. And then, it began pulling itself out from the darkness.

'How, how can this be?!'

Out of the seven hunters five of them flinched grandly and took a step back.

The Korean Hunters team felt as if their hearts would explode from what they were seeing right now. Other hunters might not see it, but their eyes clearly captured everything. Especially Min Byung-Gu with his eyes of the beast.

Ant King's magic energy rising up from his shadow was slowly solidifying into the shape of his corpse. More specifically, it was just the Ant King in whom Jin had beheaded in jet-black.

And soon, the so-called 'summoned' creature finally revealed itself.


Now that they calmly took another look at the creature from a step away, it sure did look a bit different from when it was still alive. From its body, streams of black smoke were continuously rising up. And Ant King wasn't alone in this as any Ant who consumed the monster corpses now rising from their corpses.

The Hunters were rendered utterly speechless and dazedly stared at the new summoned creatures of Jin. Especially the Ant King from this creature, they could sense the kind of magical energy that could only be felt from a top-ranked monster, a type of monster they never fought..

They couldn't tell just how much of its original power had changed, but at least, the ominous aura it gave off seemed to have gone up a few levels. They stood before the Ant King's shadow. They could clearly feel its enormous magic energy reserve

'No, wait a minute…?'

The quick-witted Choi Jong-In flinched grandly in realisation as his brows shot up.

As everyone watched with bated breaths, Jin's calm eyes were studying the shadow of Ant King without any expressions. When their gazes met, the new Shadow Soldier just glanced at them.

The moment a shadow was transformed into one of his soldiers, it would immediately form a mental link with Jin. They would know what their sovereign wanted from them. Without needing any further orders.

The ant that underwent evolution has now joined Jin's ranks as one of his soldiers. They finally understood why Jin had fed the ants so many monster corpses, each course was worth millions of dollars. Anyone dealing in mana crystals and monster remains would weep tears of blood upon realizing the staggering value these creatures wouldn't even understand why he did this.

But they do, Oh, they definitely do, no doubt about it.

They were now standing directly in front of these creatures, and they could feel the magical energy emanating from them. Their magical aura had increased significantly.


Ba-dump, ba-dump, ba-dump!

Their hearts were pounding away madly like a child who watched a horror movie he wanted to watch badly.

Soon, the shadow's information popped up in his view. Jin-Woo's eyes narrowed to a slit as he read the info floating above the shadow's head.

'I knew it!!'

They were all freaking out now, their suspicions confirmed by the events unfolding before their eyes. As they looked around, they noticed the shadow soldiers standing motionless, encircling the area. Focusing intently on these soldiers, they realized that many of the corpses Jin had thrown out for the ants to devour bore a striking resemblance to many of these black 'soldiers'.

By then, other Hunters were also beginning to realise what was going on here.

Mah Dong-Wook hadn't been able to shut his slack jaw from the moment that black hand rose up from Ant King's shadow, but now, he was able to collect himself enough to finally express his astonishment.

"Instructor Sung, you… weren't an ordinary Summoner, I see."

Jin neither agreed or denied it.

However, just what kind of people were they, to begin with? Every single one of them was an excellent Hunter who each represented the largest Guilds in South Korea. They didn't need to hear a confirmation to understand the gist of it.

"By any chance… Sung Jin-Woo Hunter-nim, can you utilise the powers of the dead?"

Choi Jong-In asked with a nervous tension writ large on his face.

Jin simply nodded his head, once. Now that he found himself here, there was no more reason to hide his powers, nor did he want to mask it with lies, either.

'Well, it's not like these folks will fall for some random lies I cook up on the spot, anyway.'

Actually, he felt as if a load was taken off his shoulders now that he had revealed his powers to someone who wasn't his lover.

Other people might fear it, but to Jin, he'd feel eternally grateful towards this power for helping him get to where he was. He was proud of the power of the Shadow Monarch.

Seeing that confident look on Jin's face, other Hunters began to fear the extent of his powers.

'He can summon creatures using the powers of the dead??'

First thing that came into their minds was

'Necromancer class in games: raising the dead and fight as long as you want'


Wouldn't he become stronger and stronger as the battle becomes fiercer? What a scary ability this is….'

'I don't even know what to say anymore.'

To these Hunters, having bore witness to Jin's ability today, this revelation left different types of impressions.

However, Baek Yun-Ho was privy to one more piece of secret info that others didn't know.

'Not only can his own powers continue to grow stronger, but he can also even control his vanquished enemies as his own summoned creatures. Wouldn't that mean…..'

Hunter Sung Jin-Woo's current level of power had already reached an unfathomable degree. But when Baek Yun-Ho thought about the kind of strength the youth would possess in the future, his entire body began shuddering uncontrollably.

Suddenly, the cameraman spoke up as if he remembered something just then.

"Ah! Then the reason why you requested the camera to be turned off was because…."

This power was capable of making the nation's top Hunters scared. Anyone could've easily guessed the reason why Jin didn't want to reveal such a power to the rest of the country.

It was around then Jin glanced at the system notifications.


[The Monarch's voice pulled forth the fighting spirit of the fallen one.

"You've succeeded in Shadow Strengthening! The Shadow's level will start at 3."]

Soon, the shadow's information popped up in his view. Jin's eyes narrowed to a slit as he read the info floating above the shadow's


[?? LV. 3]

General Grade

Jin began clenching his fists tightly after confirming its grade. Even after sacrificing so many monster corpses this guy couldn't break through the General Grade.

These thousands of corpses could have given him hundreds upon hundreds of Stat points after using [Drain Life EX].

Given their sky high health bar my HP and MP could have crossed the 100000 mark.

I have a significant shortage of soldiers above the General Grade, but based on his aura alone, I am confident that he is at the pinnacle of the General Grade, he's particularly knocking on the next grade's door.

This guy's aura screams 'top-tier General Grade.'

I believe that after putting in a lot of effort, he will be the first to advance to the next grade, even though Typhoon and Guardian are at higher levels.

It was then.


The shadow knelt down after meeting his gaze with Jin's. Without a doubt, the 'absolute loyalty' shown by the other Shadow Soldiers also affected this guy, as well.

'…Let's get out of here.'

After losing their two leaders – the queen and the king – the ant monsters scattered and fled to the ends of the island in order to hide from the Shadow Soldiers. The ant tunnel, once filled to the brim with ants, was now completely empty. Technically not completely empty as it was filled with their corpses.

Jin took several steps forward before looking behind him to speak to other Hunters.

"Let's get going."

Their bodies and physical fatigue might have been recovered to full extent from the potions they ingested, but their mental fatigue had almost reached a breaking point by now. So, when they heard his suggestion, the expressions of the Hunters brightened up considerably.

It was now finally over.

Their smile-filled faces perfectly expressed their current emotions.

After they safely got out from the ant tunnel, they found a helicopter hovering in the air, having arrived in their location just now with an exquisite sense of timing.

"There they are! Hunters are coming out!"

"Yes!! Well done!"

The helicopter carefully descended and landed on the ground after its occupants discovered the exact location of the Hunters. The tired Hunters entered the vehicle one by one until only two people remained.

They were Jin and Baek Yun-Ho.

Jin was standing closer to the helicopter.

"What are you doing, Sung Jin-Woo Hunter-nim?"

"I still have some unfinished business to take care of on this island."

Hearing that, Baek Yun-Ho could only smirk softly.

There were still plenty of ant monsters that had escaped death roaming around on Jeju Island. If some other people said that they wanted to remain here, then Baek Yun-Ho would've questioned their sanity, but the man in front of his eyes was definitely not included in that group.

To fight monsters, you needed a monster.

Baek Yun-Ho thought that he wouldn't get surprised anymore regardless of what Jin was planning to do on this island.

And so, the six warriors and one cameraman who had bravely fought on finally left the island of Jeju.

Their fight was over. However, it was merely another beginning for Jin.

As he won't leave a literal farm of Ant Monsters it was a lot of experience

He'd get there no problem, considering the number of remaining monsters on this island. And besides, there were plenty of shadows waiting to be extracted back inside the ant tunnel, as well.

So, then – should he get started now?

'First of all, I should talk with that guy and name him as he is still kneeling there and yet speak any word, and then take care of the ants that had run away….'

Jin formed a deep smile and returned to the place he came from.


Inside the Japanese Hunter's Association.

The Association President Matsumoto Shigeo switched the giant TV screen off, his expression one of deep sorrow and defeat. A monster strong enough to instantly annihilate ten of the best Hunters from Japan, was killed off by a single Hunter from South Korea.

'How come, why, what is….?'

Matsumoto Shigeo's trembling hands began tearing at what little hair remained on the side of his head.

A completely illogical event had unfolded in front of his eyes just now.

Thanks to that, Japan's total combat potential had declined by over half, and even his position as the Association President was under threat now. If the Koreans also failed, then he might have tried to come up with some vague excuses to gloss over this whole thing, and then ask the international community for their help, but….

Not only had the Koreans managed to kill the ant queen, they even escaped safely from the clutches of the thousands of ant monsters as well as that mutated freak of an ant, too.


And then

Sung Jin-Woo.

These Hunters were responsible for smashing everything apart.

'Esdeath… Esdeath Sung Jin-Woo… Sung Jin-Woo…..'

Inexplicably, the contents of the phone call he shared with Goto Ryuji while the latter was still in Korea played back in his mind.

["In South Korea…. There's an incredible Hunter in South Korea."]

["More than you?"]

["More than likely, sir."]


["I think there's a need to modify our plan a little bit, sir."]

If only.

If only he paid attention to what Goto Ryuji was saying back then.

Wasn't he the most knowledgeable person when it came to understanding the differences of strength in Hunters? For the first time ever, such a man had assessed a Korean Hunter as "incredible", yet why did he…..

'Why was I so arrogant….?'

If they had completely analysed the capabilities of Esdeath beforehand, they might have cooperated with the Koreans in good faith, and resolved everything without a single problem.

No, wait. Even if the Japanese didn't do anything, the Koreans might have stepped forward themselves to take care of the problem, instead.

But then, he ended up digging his own grave just because he resorted to underhanded schemes.

"A-Association President? Sir?"

Seeing how wane his face had become, the Association employee next to him began asking in a worried voice. However, Matsumoto Shigeo didn't bother to raise his head and simply waved his hand to dismiss the employee.

The employee bowed his head and left the office as if he was running away.

Matsumoto Shigeo's expression crumpled unsightly.

'There can only be one way out of this for me.'

And that would be to raise the Japanese Association back on its feet, and make it stronger than ever before. In order to do so, he needed just one woman.


No matter what, he must reel that woman in. With Goto Ryuji dying in vain like that, there was only one way to revitalise the Japanese Hunter's Association.

The entirety of Korea's citizens would have witnessed live the grand feats of Hunter Esdeath and then Sung Jin-Woo so it would not be easy, but well, there was already precedent of a top Hunter abandoning South Korea, which meant there was still hope.

'What should I do to reel Hunter Esdeath over to this side?'

'I need to think'

Thought the man while looking at the pictures of both Esdeath and Jin.

Earlier, he was not paying attention, but now he has turned his gaze towards Hunter Esdeath, who appears to be of Japanese origin. Despite her unique appearance, including her distinctive hair, any Japanese person would still consider her to be Japanese based on her features and skin color. Her appearance is quite unique, but a Japanese observer would still identify her as Japanese.

Matsumoto Shigeo's brain, momentarily frozen from despair, began spinning rapidly again.


The Eastern United States.

Ringgg…. Ringgg…. Ringgg….

The phone rang endlessly off the hook.

Unable to endure that racket any longer, David Brennan angrily snatched at the receiver.

'Which insane motherf*cker is calling me at this time of the night?!'

He was the director of the most powerful organisation in the States, the Hunter Bureau. Promising himself to find the son of a b*tch regardless of the method or cost and throw him in a jail cell if this turned out to be a prank call, he answered the call in a testy voice.

In his semi-conscious state, he answered the call without even looking at the number.


"Who is this?"

– "Director, it's me."


David Brennan's sleep flew away the moment he heard that familiar voice and he raised his torso up.

"It's already pretty late. What's the matter?"

– "There's a video you must see. Right now."

"A video…?"

When he checked his mobile phone, there were seven missed calls as well as a video file. It seemed that he missed them all because he had muted the phone before going to bed.

"I understand. I'll give you a call after watching the clip."

– "No need, director."

"…..What do you mean by that?"

– "I'm already in front of your house, sir."


David Brennan jumped up from the bed and took a look at the alarm sitting on the bedside bureau. It said '04:12 AM'.

He discarded the phone on the bed and ran towards the bedroom window to take a look, and indeed, the deputy director was waiting for him outside the front of the house with his car parked right there. Once their gazes met, the deputy director nodded his greeting.

David Brennan stared back somewhat dumbfounded, his head tilting to the side, before turning around.

'What's going on?'

Sensing that something big must've happened, he picked his phone up, the video clip still waiting to be played on the device.

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GodOfGreedAscreators' thoughts
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