
Chapter 22 Drinks With a Vampire

Grace’s POV

Note to self:

When bathing a Fae, don’t leave them unsupervised!

There was a huge clawfoot bathtub in the center of the luxurious-looking bathroom and instantly Pax had assumed that she had to help me bathe. And it was grading on me how much talking I had to do, to convince her otherwise. I asked if she’d ever taken a bath before, and she shook her head. Apparently, it was only the Royal Fae who could take warm baths. The rest had to settle for cold river water if they wanted to wash.

And so, mission “Bathe Pax” began!

I had helped her adjust the temperature and filled the bathtub halfway up, not wanting to use up all the hot water – just in case. She looked terrified for a second or two before she let out a sigh of contentment and let her small body sink into the bubbles.

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