
Casimiro Vs Zeratuis

Character: Zeratuis

Title: The Unslaved "Increases Defense by 50, automatically avoids any attack that would lower HP to zero." (60 minute cooldown)

Lvl: 9

HP 3900/3900

Raeja charged Zeratuis the centaur, his coat shined like living fire, the lion leapt. With a ferocious battle cry the centaur raised his partisan, sharp metal points lounging out to disembowel Raeja. At the very last moment Cas ordered the lion to use roll. Midair, Raeja barrel rolled, as the partisan slipped by harmlessly, the lion used pounce, descending like a plane divebombing. The lion's sharp claws bit into Zeratuis' back, the weight of the lion crashing into him caused the centaurs knees to buckle. They landed in a messy heap, Zeratuis frantic, trying to dislodge the weight pinning him down. Cas dashed in, he made a mental note to increase his dexterity as soon as possible. Arriving just as Raeja bit into the stunned centaurs hind quarters, a steady stream of blood flowed from the wound. Damage indicators flashed, in mere moments Zeratuis had lost over three hundred health. Joining the battle as the stun wore off, Cas slashed the centaurs chest. Fur and flesh split open, with no wasted motions he delivered a half dozen strikes, coupled with the bleed damage nearly six hundred health was shaved off the centaur. Anger boiled in Zeratuis, roaring, the centaur activated a skill. Green sparks covered the beast, they created a gust that leapt out, biting at both Cas and Raeja. Sparks became three mini tornados that chased their targets relentlessly. Bringing Honors Call up, Cas blocked the first tornado. The wind attack spread open, wrapping itself around the shield. It was circumnavigating the shield, attempting to break through his defense, with no other choice, Cas let the shield go. Immediately it was hurled across the stadium, biting deep into the wall it met. Two mini tornados lashed out, the whipping winds ripped fur and flesh from Raeja each time they connected, dealing over 100 damage with each blow. Taking advantage, Zeratuis flew at Cas, partisan aimed with killing intent. The first tornado had reformed, it circled behind Cas, creating a pincer. Shrieks from the crowd told Cas the tornado was close. He leapt forward, rolling head over foot underneath the centaur. Zeratuis' tornado surrounded him, seemingly unaffected by the winds. "Foolish human, did you think that would harm me?"

Rolling to one knee behind Zeratuis, Cas smiled, "No, but this will."

Confusion spread across the centaurs face as Cas activated Inferno. A column of flame surrounded the centaur, Zeratuis' own tornado strengthened the fire nearly two fold. A scream filled with excruciating pain filled the air. Just like that, Zeratuis health dropped below one thousand. Smells of burning fur filled Cas' nostrils, the attack had also freed Raeja who charged in, a vicious flame claw ripped the centaur from front shoulder to hind leg. This fight was nearly finished, Cas lashed out, further dropping the dying centaurs health. With 300 hp remaining Zeratuis seemed to realize his doom. Building energy in Raeja's mouth erupted, the deadly fireball launched, a cannonball to send Zeratuis to Hell.

Smiling, Zeratuis' was wrapped in a glowing green shield, when the projectile struck it was simply dissipated. "You've fought well for a human, allow me to show you true strength." With that, Zeratuis began rippling with power, smoke rising from his wounds was blown away. Zeratuis grew, his muscle bound body doubling in size. His wounds shrank, becoming only minor scratches compared to his overall frame. In the mind menu, Cas could see the centaurs health return to two thousand. Standing before them now was a new enemy, while still damaged, Zeratuis was much more formidable.

Regrouping, Cas and Raeja stood side by side. "Watch him boy, he's much stronger now, no telling what other tricks he has up his hooves." Raeja growled in agreement. Uncurling the Bullant whip, Cas cracked it against the open air, strengthening it with the basic earth endowment. They recovered mana at a rate of 1.5 per second, it would be a bit before either could use another mana based attack. Raeja was at 1450 hp, while Cas remained at full health. This was now a battle of attrition, neither side could afford mistakes. They watched as Zeratuis causally cantered over, his partisan imbued with mana.

"Time to die!" Zeratuis launched the partisan, when it impacted the ground between them, both were sucked up by a massive tornado. Flailing in the wind, both man and lion suffered damage from the strong wind before being launched.

Raeja hit the wall with such impact that it crumbled, creating a tomb of broken stone.

Cas struck the ground, his breath living his lungs as he heard bones crunch against he sand. Cas remembered the truck, his body being torn apart by the impact, the feeling of laying prone on asphalt waiting to die. His consciousness returned as pain engulfed him, blood filling his mouth, he wanted to lay there. To accept his fate, not this time though. Rising he realized he lost severance, somehow he held onto the bullant whip. Over half his health was gone, his chest a bright red in the mind menu.

Raeja crawled from the wall's wreckage with only six hundred health remaining. The lion breath was fast and heavy, anger burning in his eyes. With a roar he returned to the fray, intent on protecting his master, his friend.

Seeing the lion rush Zeratuis, Cas checked his mana, activated Vulcans whip and sent a fiery lash towards the centaur. With his back to Cas, Zeratuis never saw the attack coming. Heat became blinding pain as the whip struck flesh, the sudden shock caused Zeratuis to lower his defense. Raeja ducked in, jaws open wide, clamping around the centaurs leg. Teeth tore through flesh, biting into bone as the fiery lashes of Vulcans whip bombarded the centaurs hide. Bewildered, Zeratuis reached down, attempting to pry the lion's mouth off. It was too late, bone broke as the lions jaw closed with a spray of blood. Suddenly, Zeratuis was off balance, his left front leg split. Tumbling to the ground the centaur tried to regain balance.

A fiery rope wrapped around Zeratuis' neck, choking the beast. Cas managed to climb onto Raeja's back, "Run boy!" Holding on with all his might, Cas strangled the centaur as Raeja raced across the arena. A system message appeared, signaling struggles end.

<Quest Complete, Round Two Completed, Awarding 5000 allocable experience, one silver chest has been stored in your quarters.

Loot Obtained,

Equipment: Hurricane Partisan (Gold) +75 strength + 50 Dexterity "Crafted using power from the eye of a hurricane, this weapon can channel energy to cause tornados."

Equipment: Centaur Boots (Silver) +35 dexterity "Heavy boots reinforced using the hooves from a centaur."

Item: Centaur Hide (Gold) "Used for Crafting"

What a take! Cas could barely contain his excitement. Cheers rained down, the crowd was frenzied. Their adoration was evident, many voices shouted his name. Cas smiled as the adrenaline began to fade, awareness returned as he fell to his knees. Attendees rushed out with a gurney, collecting him and leading Raeja to the infirmary.

On the table, a doctor examined Cas, he had four broken ribs and his left shoulder was dislocated. They tended both man and beast, popping his shoulder back into socket and applying a wonderous salve that repaired the broken bones. Rebuilding bone was as painful as breaking them, maybe even worse. Exhausted, Cas lay staring at the stone ceiling. He managed to roll over, Raeja was beside him covered in salve, licking the blood from his fur. "We did it buddy, thank you." A low growl signaled the sentiment was reciprocated. With that said, Cas laid back down, lost in thought.

"Well done out there, I almost thought the Centaur was gonna kill you before I got a chance." A deep voice cut through the silence. Raeja sprang up, prepared to defend his master. Rolling to his side with a loud cry, Cas looked towards the voice. Before them stood Alric Cloudthorn, his black wolf beside him, staring a hole through Raeja. "Easy now, I'm only here to talk, ill wait until we meet in the arena to kill you." A sly smile displayed on the man's lips.

"You're a player, how did you get here? Did the doctor kidnap you as well?" Cas managed the questions through gritted teeth.

Laughing Alric spoke, "Something like that, I was dying from cancer, stage four, the doctor came in one day and offered me an opportunity. Life, but I had to sign over my body to him... A deal I gladly made for the chance to continue on. His explanation paled in comparison to the actuality of entering Xternity. After awakening, I decided I made out like a bandit. Sacrificing ownership of my dying flesh to gain an entirely new life? What a good deal, id have down this years ago if I knew, could've been killing monsters instead of going though failed chemo." Alric chuckled, "and here you are, another player, unlucky that you entered this tournament. I wouldn't have taken the risk to fight you outside this arena... I'd suggest bowing out, with your injuries you wont be full strength for awhile, id hate to have your death on my conscious too..."

Confused Cas stammered, "Risk? Death? Isn't this just a game, I assumed you'd just respawn if you died, like in the console games.."

Shaking his head, "You would think that, but I promise there are no extra lives. If you die here, you die forever."