
Chapter 97: Breaking The Ice

Todoroki sighed, as he shoved another load in the washing machine.

After the whole incident with Kiba, Todoroki had been reduced to laundry duty this whole time. Which was a pretty small punishment considering what he did.

But it was definitely still a punishment.

He had to hand wash Kei's visors for one, and that was the easiest part.

Fu's, Kiba's, and sometimes Shiruku's had to be put in a special wash, to get the blood off of them. And oftentimes, he would have to wash them repeatedly to get all the blood off them.

Sometimes Yami would have Grimm goop on his clothes, and that stuff required its own special wash, which was equally as much of a pain to get off.

Netsu's and Otoko's clothes also required a separate wash, as they were made of special fireproof material that required more care.

Fuku's clothes actually required him to wear a protective mask, as there was could still be trace bits of her toxin on her clothes. And of course, they required their own separate wash as well.

And of course, just the sheer amount of clothes he had to collect, wash, dry, fold, and distribute, was both somewhat tiring, and painfully tedious.

I can't believe U.A. has its students doing children's laundry instead of training. Shoto thought.

Not like it would have done you any good anyway. Yonda said in his head.

Shoto's eyes widened, and he looked around and saw the mind-reading girl behind him, smiling looking up at him with a polite smile and a pleasant expression.

Hello Shoto. Yonda greeted him.

I don't recall giving you permission to use my first name. Todoroki said, looking away from the girl to try to avoid glaring. He'd been avoiding this girl during his entire stay here, for obvious reasons, and now she's cornered him.

Oh but Shoto we know each other so well. Despite your best efforts. Yonda giggled, her serene smile devolving into a sinister grin. But you didn't try hard enough! Although I guess I can't blame you for being drugged.

What are…wait! While I was under the effect of those candies! Todorki's eyes widened, as he recalled what Yonda was talking about. He'd also been giving a love candy while he was talking to his sister, which caused him to suddenly go home and express his appreciation for her.

It was very awkward for him, but on the bright side, his sister seemed pretty touched.

But during the part of the day when he had been at the facility, while under the candies influence, he'd completely let his guard down when it came to Yonda. Both in avoiding her, and shielding his more private thoughts from her.

It's quite wonderful to have a sister who's so determined to protect you, she even stays around her abusive father for your sake. I hope you expressed your gratitude to her well. Yonda told him, revealing just how much she knew.

Damn it! Todoroki cursed.

And what interesting information I've acquired. The number 2 hero is an abusive parent. I'm willing to bet he's responsible for that burn on you're facing then. Yonda assumed.

What do you want!? Shoto had to change the topic. The more she talked about his past, the more he might reveal about his past.

Yonda smirked. Tell me, dear Shoto, why don't you use your fire?

I have no reason to tell you that. And you have no right to be so invasive. Shoto glared at her, but that just made her smile grow wider.

Oh but you do have a reason to tell me! Yonda giggled. It's not to tell you've been trying to hide this. Meaning you don't want other people getting involved. What do you think will happen if I tell my father about this?

Who's to say he'll believe you? Shoto asked.

Yonda rolled her eyes. Of course, he'll believe me. People are already suspicious of that burn on your face, and your extremely anti-social personality. It's already a somewhat talked about theory among people that Endeavor is abusive, not helped by his own personality. The only reason it's not a popular theory is because he's the number 2 hero, and people treat heroes like gods. If I tell Daddy about this, he'll believe it almost instantly! It explains so much about you that even if you denied it he wouldn't believe you.

Shoto glared even harder at her. Damn her.

So, either tell me everything I want to know, or I'll expose your little secret. Yonda offered.

Blackmail. I'm sure your father would approve. Shoto retorted.

Oh, I'm sure he'd be very disappointed. And that does weigh very heavily on me…good thing he won't find out then. Yonda replied.

Damn it! What am I supposed to do here! Shoto thought. She's got me with my back against the wall, and I can't even think of a way out because she's listening to my thoughts, you little demon child!

Tick Tock Shoto I don't have all day. Yonda said, taking a seat, looking at him with a very broad expression.

Fine. Shoto caved. Because what other option did he really have here? Firstly, have you ever heard of quirk marriages?


He told her, everything.

Mainly because she made sure no detail was left out in his story. Every important part of his life was revealed to her, no stone left unturned.

So in summary. Because your father is an abusive dick, you're not going to use your fire…because you got the genes to be able to have a fire quirk…from your dad. Yonda reiterated.

Essentially, yes. I got this half of my power from him. And I will not give him the satisfaction of using it. Todoroki told her.

Yonda stared at him wide-eyed for a moment. So you're just an idiot. That is the dumbest thing, I've ever heard. And I've heard Mineta thinking he's not gonna die alone.

How is my oath to myself dumb exactly. Shoto could feel his anger rising, as this child continued to mock him.

Oh, where do I start? Yonda sighed. Firstly, that whole thing about, how I won't use HIS power. It's not his power. It's your power.

It's not- Shoto was about to argue back.

Don't interrupt me. Yonda glared at him, shutting him up. You're already testing my patients with you're incompetence, if you start interrupting me you're not going like what happens next.

You're evil. Todoroki growled.

Yonda rolled her eyes. I'm human. This is what humans do. Get over it. Speaking of getting over it, there's also another huge flaw in your "oath". Your father's plan is to make you the number 1 hero, that surpasses All Might. Your plan is to become the number 1 hero and surpass All Might.

Without using his power. Shoto added.

Right, right, now please explain to me, how that actually matters? Yonda asked him. Your father's whole plan was to make a child stronger than himself because he believes that somehow means he surpassed All Might. You are his flesh and blood, if you become number 1, he wins. It doesn't matter how you become number 1, just so long as a child, that he created, becomes the number 1 hero, he'll have completed his mission.

That's not true! Shoto argued. He's always pressuring me to use my fire! I can see the rage in his eyes! He NEEDS me to use his power!

Yonda rolled her eyes. This is so sad. He wants you to use your fire because you'll never be the number 1 her with just your ice.

Yes, I can! Shoto asserted aggressively. I'm already the strongest in my class!

Yonda facepalmed. Since you're so clearly deluding yourself, it seems I only have one choice. For your own benefit, and the benefit of the people you would fail to save if I don't act, I'm going to crush this false reality you have in you're head. You're going to fight Ochaco in the woods tomorrow. If you win, I won't tell a single soul about your father. If you lose, I'll make sure your dirty laundry is aired all over the news.

And I'm assuming if I refuse you'll do the same thing? Shoto responded.

Yup. Yonda confirmed.

Then I guess I have no choice. Shoto accepted. I'll crush her completely.

I'll crush her completely! Yonda repeated in a mocking tone. There you go again with that unlikeable personality.

I have to ask though. Why Uraraka? Shoto asked her. She's strong, but if you wanted me to prove my strength, I could just fight Dark Shadow in the dark. That would be a much more difficult challenge.

Yonda snickered. Let me tell you a secret. Ochaco is not you're normal U.A. student. Although I'm sure you've figured out that much. Even without the ability to read minds, you can tell something is up with her.

Shoto nodded. I've figured as much. Her seeming to have multiple quirks. Her close relationship with All Might.

Well you see, that's because Ochaco Uraraka is All Might's chosen pupil. Someone that he trained personally to become the next number 1 hero. Yonda revealed. But right now, she still has very little experience with her power, which is why she breaks her arms when she punches at full power. But one day, she won't be breaking any limbs. She'll have strength and speed similar to All Might, with the added ability to manipulate gravity. Tokoyami is strong, but he can only get so much stronger in the future. If he beats you. You can just claim you'll get stronger than him. If you can't beat Ochaco right now, at her most vulnerable state, before she can fully utilize her power, then you'll never be able to beat her at all.

It's amazing how much thought you put into crushing a person. Shoto commented.

Thank you! I put my full effort into what I do. Yonda said, giving him a cocky smile. Unlike you that is. Well, I'm done here. I expect to hear that you've challenged Ochaco by the end of the day, or else. Oh, and of course, you won't be telling anyone about this conversation. Right.

Right. Shoto agreed, much to his displeasure.

Wonderful! I'll see you tomorrow! Yonda said, as she waved goodbye, and left Shoto to his laundry.

So. That's what they mean by hellspawn. Shoto thought.


Ochaco was…confused.

She had been training with Kiba when all of a sudden, Shoto came in and challenged her to a sparring match tomorrow. And he was very insistent on it too.

Of course, she accepted, mainly because both Kiba and Shoto kept insisting.

But why?

Ochaco sat on her bed, thinking over why Shoto, who up until now never really seemed interested in anyone, was so determined to fight her.

And she also had to think over how she was gonna win?

Todoroki was strong. One of the strongest in her class along with Bakugo, and Tokoyami. And if she wanted to win, she was gonna need a plan.

Knock Knock Knock.

Hello? Ochaco, can I come in? Yonda asked.

Oh! Sure! Come in! Ochaco told her.

The door opened, and Yonda came in, with a saddened expression on her face.

Yonda? What's wrong? Ochaco asked, worried for the younger girl.

I…I'm sorry! Yonda told her, doing an apologetic bow. I'm the reason that Todoroki challenged you!?

Huh? Ochaco looked confused.

I heard him thinking that you were weak, and I got really angry. Yonda lied as easily as she breathed. He said that he didn't understand why people thought you were a match for him, and I said you could beat him! And he told me not to tell bad jokes.

He did what!? Ochaco's eyes widened in shock.

He said that since he was the son of the number 1 hero, there was no way he could get beat by some country girl. Yonda continued to lie, without a speck of remorse. He was being a real jerk. I guess that's to be expected from the person who made Kiba cry.

Oh, that little-Ochaco had to stop herself before she thought a bad word. Her anger rose which each thing Yonda said.

I'm really sorry! I kept saying you could beat him because I got angry, and then he challenged you to battle. He said he'd crush that little farm girl and send her back to her poor slum with her parents!

Oh, I'm gonna kick his ass! Ochaco's face turned red with rage. Nobody insulted her family and her financial situation and got away with it.

Of course, she was far too upset, to realize that Todoroki didn't know about her finical situation, so this was obviously something Yonda made up, having learned about via mind-reading.

None of this was in character for Todoroki, but since the boy deliberately i(ce)solated himself from the rest of the class, Yonda could say pretty anything about Todoroki, and people would believe her.

So naturally, she exploited this, to motivate Ochaco.

And boy was she motivated.

Ochaco gave Yonda a determined look, which made Yonda smile internally, but on the outside, she forced herself to keep frowning to keep the act going.

Don't worry Yonda! I'ma send him crying back ta his papa! Ochaco told her, her mood a combination of enraged and determined.

You promise you won't lose? Yonda asked her, making sure to sound extra innocent.

I promise! Ochaco swore.

Yonda finally allowed her smile to surface. Thanks, Ochaco. I can always count on you.

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