
Hex Trees (2)

Shawn POV

As we drove down the highway, I couldn't help but notice the strange commotion up ahead. Cars were swerving to avoid something, and I could see smoke rising in the distance. As I approached the scene, my heart began to race. What was happening?

Suddenly, I saw it. Angels, there wasn't just one, but a group of 3, unlike the reports, but we are trained and prepared for this kind of scenario, with their bright golden armor, was hovering above the highway. Their wings were spread wide, and its it was shooting down beams of golden light to cut up cars and aimed them at people as well, who could do nothing but run. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Angels were supposed to be beings of light and goodness, but similar to those who came before it, these ones looked like it was out for blood, the annihilation of humanity.

As we pulled over to the side of the road, I watched in horror as an angel swooped down towards a car, its long sword glinting in the sunlight. The car swerved to avoid the attack, but the angel was quick. It slashed its sword through the metal of the car, causing it to spin out of control and crash into flames, faster than any of us could respond.

There were law enforcement on the scene shooting at the angel trying to slow it down, they even used mana bullets, a creation that can hurt an angel since regular bullets usually can't pierce their skin.

I felt a surge of adrenaline as I realized I needed to act fast. Without a second thought, the captain rush towards the scene as we followed right behind him. As I approached the angel, I could feel my heart pounding in my chest. I had no idea what I was doing, but I couldn't just stand by and watch innocent people get hurt.

There were medics treating people on the scene as we rushed by, the damages are tremendous, and this is just 3 angels, the law enforcement did a great job as I can see that the angels is spilling blood as the police hit their weak spots that aren't protected by any plating or armor.

Perseus then took out several of his basic talismans and threw them towards the sky which transformed into orbs of blue light that shot blue laser beams at them.

They flew in several directions to dodge it, but one of them got hit in the wings and started to fall out of the sky, the captain then took out a regular talisman, one used for professionals, and summoned a giant fireball that flew fiercely towards the falling angel.

An explosion followed its immediate contact against the angels body which the angel then burst into a mist of light particles.

The 2 other angels then flew our way, as we practiced, for this scenario, we split, Perseus and Me, to the right while the captain took the left, this was to separate the 2 angels. Even though the captain is level 6 and can take them both on, on the battlefield, we are to take any precaution available.

If both the angels were to target us, the weaker side, it would leave their backs open to be attacked by the captain.

The angel almost caught up and stopped once it saw that there was a person who was hiding amongst the crowd of congested cars, it then flew towards that man.

"Aim ahead of the angel!" Perseus shouted as he then took out 2 basic talismans and rushed towards the man.

Right as he got close, he threw all 2 at the man and created 2 blue light shields stacked on top of each other above the civilian to block the angel's attack. Its sword broke through 1 layer of the shield and got stopped solid on the 2nd one.

I was supposed to cast a spell that were to hit the angel before it can even hit the shield, but I failed my cast, the talismans just got shredded, Perseus grabbed the magic shield and he pointed the man to come to my direction before giving him the blue shield to protect himself as he runs away, I successfully cast a spell this time and summoned a sickle of wind that flew and barely hit the angel in the head, barely did any damage though.

A real angel sure is different, as the angel turned in my direction, Perseus took out a talisman to cast another beam that pierced through the angel's right wing. As the angel hit the ground, he shoot another beam that pierced through the other wing, he then lit up several more talismans and threw it towards the angel as it tried to get up before taking off to hide behind a car.

I grabbed the civilian and pulled him down for cover as I then hear a small explosion, it caused a small cloud of smoke and before I can get up, I can see him arriving right next to me.

He directed the civilian to continue running as we keep hiding behind the car.

"Did that do it?"

"No." he responded "The angel responded fast and cast a super strong barrier spell to protect itself there.

I then cast a gale of wind to blow the smoke away, and succeeded on the first try, Perseus then looked under the car as I got up to see the angel was already up and anticipating me, it threw its sword that was charged with its mana in my direction, but before I can respond, Perseus cast a quick light shield again, but the sword pierced through that and hit me in the stomach, I flew and my back crashed against another car behind me.

It didn't penetrate me as it hit the bark of the hex tree that I put under my shirt earlier.

"I told you that it would work as armor plating." Perseus said as he then took out a regular talisman and cast a much stronger beam that penetrated the angel's head and kill it "They gave us one that was quite thick, and it helps that it was the size of a book."

He then approached me and pulled out the sword, the angel's possession that didn't disappear long with the angel.

"You good or should I run for the captain myself?" he asked as he offered me his hand and pulled me up

"Where are you 2?" the captain asked over the comms "I'm done with my angel."

"We're done with ours too, we'll head your way, Shawn's injured." Perseus answered

Vote with power stone and add to library please

PerseusSilvercreators' thoughts
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