
Vs. Sabrina Part 2

Misty and Brock were staying there and were genuinely taken aback, in all the battles they knew had, he never lost the first Pokemon even when he played around.

Yellow noticed their faces and looked towards them, "Hey why do you look like that, you know Ash is going to win right."

Misty and Brock fidgeted their fingers and didn't really look back at her, as Gym leaders they knew what Ash asked for, and if he lost the number advantage he wasn't likely to recover.

Yellow's eye twitched as she turned over to Samurai, A.J., and Jeanette, "You guys have faith right."

Samurai, A.J. also looked away and Jeanette raised her hands, "Don't look at me I barely know the guy."

Yellow puffed her cheeks as she got close to the railing with Pikachi and Chuchu next to her all cheering.

"You can do it, Ash!"



From the bottom Ash heard them so he turned and turned his stoic face into a smile and a peace sign, as his other hand grabbed his next Pokeball.

"Guess it's my fault for letting my guard down," Ash said as his eyes also started glowing blue, "Let's see who the bigger cheater is"

"Beedrill let's do this!" Ash said as he threw the ball high into the sky.

From the red energy of the figure of the large bee with a larger abdomen and more gold adorning her, Beedrill brandished her stingers, and a whitish-blue gem near her stinger.

Sabrina's face returned to her serious face and called out, "Slowbro [Scald] into the sky!"

Slowbro was still fast from the Trick room that was still up, so with a quick puff Slowbro shot out a spray of boiling hot water towards Beedrill.

Beedrill was sprayed with the hot water but it didn't get the burn as she fixed herself, "Beedrill [Toxic Spikes] and [Sticky Web]"

Beedrill's bottom stinger glowed bright purple as it shared shooting out spikes around the field; meanwhile, Beedrill prepared a web between her stingers before throwing it out on the floor.

Sabrina saw Ash setting up so she wanted to stop him, "Slowbro [Psychic] now."

Slowbro's eyes glowed a deep pink as all the rubble from before started footing and shooting toward Beedrill.

Ash smirked, "Beedrill show them how it's done [String Shot]"

Beedrill shot out multiple webs at the same time some latching onto the floating rubble and some on the ground and ceiling, because she wasn't as fast as normal due to the trick room slowing her down she redirected them instead.

The web created a larger silk web net making the pieces of rubble get trapped in each one unable to be shot further despite Slowbro pushing them to go forward making a web field with rubble covering the arena.

Ash raised his arm and pointed upwards, "Now Beedrill get in the sky"

Sabrina's eyes narrowed, "Slowbro give up on that and [Ice Beam]"

Beedrill buzzed in affirmation as she flew above the webs with Slowbro shooting out a light blue beam into the ceiling, but Beedrill used the rubble to hide and waste time, the end goal you may ask, to stall.

Eventually, as the last webs she had for protection dispersed, the room returned to normal ending the [Trick room]

Sabrina was about to command Slowbro to put it back up until Beedrill blitzed back in front with her stingers already glowing purple.

Sabrina frowned, "[Withdraw] now." 

Beedrill's two stingers came down aiming to stab into Slowbro, but Slowbro turned and directed his tail around his body to use the Shellder as a shield, which in combination with the reflect blocked the stingers.

But that wasn't the goal, now the reflection was visible again so Ash smirked, "Beedrill let's break through [Fell Stinger]!"

As Beedrill's hand stingers were preoccupied her lower stinger began spinning like a drill and stabbed forward colliding with the screens.

The time was almost up, although Mr. Mime had a light clay that didn't make the screens permanent so with a bit of force cracks started appearing on the screen with loud and audible cracks until.


The screens shattered allowing Beedrill to stab into Slowbro's arm, although she did receive some chip damage.

Slowbro didn't flinch but it did take damage, so Sabrina called out, "[Slack Off]"

Slowbro's face visibly relaxed as he managed to regenerate much to the frustration of both Ash and Beedrill.

"Beedrill now [Acrobatics]!"

Beedrill stabbed into the gem on her side releasing the flying-type energy into her as her speed increased and she faded into nothing, only appearing behind Slowbro and sending a barrage of light-blue stabs with her stingers hitting a gem-boosted base 110 move.

Needless to say, Slowbro lost all that extra health he regenerated and was sent face-first into the dirt and web and struggled to get back up. 

Sabrina was surprised but she didn't show it she just kept her stoic face and continued, "Slowbro [Stored Power] one more time."

"Beedrill let's end this now, [Iron web (String Shot+Iron Defense)]"

Slowbro shot another beam towards Beedrill who used the silver webs to cut through the beam and grab onto Slowbro, although the residual energy did hurt Beedrill's side.

Slowbro was warped in metal webbing, so with a smile Ash snapped his fingers, "[Electro web]"

The webs ignited in a bright yellow electricity engulfing the trapped hippo and hurting extra due to the conductivity of iron, and when the light dispersed Slowbro was out with spirals in his eyes.

Sabrina didn't say anything as she returned Slowbro, but she did at least hold it close for a moment, then she pulled out her next releasing Mr. Mime again.

Mr. Mime came out and almost immediately got caught in the webs and stabbed his foot in the webs.

Ash looked towards the clown, "Beedrill you know the plan get in close."

As Mr. Mime was comically jumping holding his foot Sabrina spoke again, "Quickly [Duo screens] then [Calm mind]."

Mr. Mime let go of his foot and gave a thumbs up, and Beedrill took that opportunity to close the distance and aim her stingers.

Mr. Mime quickly put up a [reflect] to block most of the damage from the stingers, as they were close Mr. Mime gave a cheeky smile to the large Bee, but she just used her stinger and pointed down.

Mr. Mime and Sabrina both looked down at where Beedrill was pointing, and looking down at Mr. Mime's feet it was covered in steel webs, Mr. Mime and Sabrina both looked back up and saw Ash smirk and snap.

Mr. Mime lost his smile, "Mime-e–e—e-e-e-[Oh you have to be Fu-a-f–auf]"

Just like before the room was enveloped in bright yellow electricity, and when it dispersed Mr. Mime was left extra crispy and knocked out.

Sabrina returned Mr. Mime to his ball and looked up to see Beedrill looking tired and breathing heavily, so she pulled out her next Pokemon, a Hypno.

As soon as it was out Sabrina called the first move, "[Psycho Cut] now."

Hypno put the pendulum to its side as suddenly it dashed forward at a surprising speed barely giving either Ash or Beedrill time to react as the glowing fist got closer.

Ash made one command before the attack connected, "[U-turn] and get out of there!"

As Hypno's fist was coming down Beedrill's stinger came up, and both of them connected at the same time although Beedrill took significantly more damage, but in the end, she zipped back to Ash before anything else happened.

Ash already had her ball ready and the next one as well, so he threw out Scizor who brandished his claws.

From the stands everyone, especially Samurai, was shocked to see such a Pokemon, but that didn't stop the battle.

"Hypno, [Fire Punch]," Sabrina commanded

Ash smiled back, "[Brick Break]"

Hypno and Scizor dashed towards each other each with a glowing punch aiming to hit the other, before Hypno landed the punch however Scizor bit down on the Occa Berry he had in his mouth granting him resistance to Fire-type for a bit.

Then at the same time, both strikes connected, Hypno giving heavy damage and Scizor broke through the screens landing a clean hit to Hypno's face as well.

Both of them leaped away from each other and Sabrina noticed the orange juice dripping from Scizor's mouth, so with a frown she changed the strategy, "[Psycho Cut]"

Ash smiled as well, "Let's do the same, [Night Slash]"

Hypno made what seemed to be a purple glowing blade, and Scizor's claw opened forming a black blade as well, and as soon as they were ready they both dashed at each other again, clashing their energy blades.

Hypno and Scizor struggled against each other as they tried to overpower the other, in a swift motion they both kicked the other back and Hypno dashed forward aiming to stick at Scizor's legs.

Scizor leaped over the attack and in an aspining motion managed to chip Hypno's side, Hypno took the damage but in retaliation grabbed Scizor's arm and pulled him towards the Psycho blade that bashed into Scizor's armor.

Scizor used his leg to jump away but Hypno followed but that did leave an opening, so Ash called out, "Now [X-Scissor]"

While still in the air Scizor turned his one black blade into two smaller green blades each coming from one of his claws, as Hypno approached he used one to redirect the slash into the ground, and with the other, he managed to stab into Hypno's cheek.

Hypno clenched his teeth as he built up the strength and pushed Scizor away as it also retreated back to Sabrina's corner who was at the ready.

Sabrina raised her arm and with a bit more emotion commanded, "[Wish] then [Focus Punch]"

Ash smiled seeing this, "Scizor brace yourself and [Swift Blade Dance]"

Hypno clapped his hands together as he closed his eyes and concentrated, meanwhile, Scizor summoned 3 swords in the air and spun into formation raising his stats.

Hypno opened his eyes and shot what looked to be a star in the sky then in the next moment its fist began glowing a white aura as Hypno jumped forward with its fist extended out and clashing with Scizor's crossed claws.

Scizor's claws blocked most of it but the force still caused him to flinch back and clench his eyes, when he opened them he saw the Hypno taking a bite out of the leftovers for some recovery and he frowned.

Ash noticed this as well so he turned over, "Stop that, [Knock off]"

Scizor spun around and with his claw and delivered a hard slap to Hypno's side knocking him over to the side and making Hypno fall to a knee.

Sabrina looked worried but quickly fixed herself, "No matter it's only a matter of time, Hypno [Psych Up]"

Hypno smirked after seeing Scizor's power boost so it took out the pendulum and swung it in front of itself aiming to hypnotize himself and copy the stat boost.

Ash lost his smile as he quickly commanded, "You need to stop him, [Bullet Punch]!"

Scizor dashed forward at blinding speeds and appeared in front of Hypno who still had its eyes closed, then with his fists glowing silver began delivering a barrage of Technician boosted +2 [Bullet Punch].

Hypno couldn't dodge as it took all of it and was flung back into the ground and laid there motionless for a moment.

It was about to be called Ash's win, when suddenly the star from earlier fell down and landed on Hypno's chest, then in the same motion Hypno got up with a new shine to his eyes as he got the boosts.

Sabrina smiled, "Don't count us out just yet, we can go just a little bit longer."

But Ash smiled back, "I wouldn't dream of it, now let's end this."

"[Drain Punch]!"

"[Drain Punch]!"

Both Scizor and Hypno dashed into each other and punched the other both taking damage and healing a bit of it back.

Scizor jumped back first as Ash called out, "Let's keep it going, [X-Scissor]"

"Hypno [Future Sight] then meet him halfway with [Fire Punch]" Sabrina commanded

The Occa Berry was beginning to run out meaning that Scizor was starting to regain the weakness to fire again, but that didn't stop him as his claws extended with green energy with Hypno's flaming fist approaching him.

As they met in the center Scizor delivered a slash in an X form, Hypno allowed himself to be hit as he took the opportunity to look into Scizor's eyes and deliver a punch square to his side.

Both Scizor and Hypno were launched back, both of them were running on empty but they still got up to continue fighting.

Sabrina took the initiative, "Just a little bit more, consecutive [Fire Punch]!"

Ash looked towards them as he chuckled and looked towards Scizor, "Let's end this, [Steel Blitz Assault](Bullet Punch + Close Combat)."

Scizor's eyes shined as his fists began glowing red and light-blue then he dashed forward, Hypno was doing the same only its fists were glowing with fire.

As they met each other they both sent a barrage of punches each clashing with each other, for a moment it was even until slowly Scizor sped up, then eventually he started overwhelming Hypno until finally Hypno couldn't punch fast enough getting it caught in a savage beating.

When he was done Hypno was knocked flying back with spirals in its eyes finally being knocked out, leaving Scizor breathing heavily and barely up.

Takurou was about to call it when suddenly Scizor began screaming in pain then he also fell over and knocked out, it was the [Future Sight] that finally kicked in, meaning it was a double knockout.

But that didn't change one thing, Sabrina only had one Pokemon left.


Trafic killed me, last part coming out in a bit

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