
Fed Up

Earth Land, Ishgar, Kingdom of Fiore, Magnolia.

September, x781.

Shortly after the spar between Alfonzo, Gray, and Natsu, everyone had returned to the guild hall and resumed doing whatever it is that they liked to do In their free time. Meanwhile, Alfonzo headed to the kitchen immediately to fulfill his promise to Gray and Natsu. At the same time, the other young members of the guild sat around their usual table and chatted about the spar.

"Damn, getting hit by that last attack was no joke." Gray said while rubbing his chest, still feeling phantom pain from the strike.

"Yeah, it looked like it." Lisanna said. "But more importantly, you should put on your clothes, Gray."

"Damn it… Not again." Gray muttered as he started picking up his clothes.

"But seriously, for someone who hasn't fought in over half a year, Alfonzo is pretty impressive." Levy said.

"He's not that great." Jet said immediately after hearing Levy praise another guy.

"yeah, I bet Jet and I could have beat him if it were us." Droy added.

"Oh, you think so?" Mirajane said derisively. "Does that mean you could beat Gray and Natsu?"

"Yeah, of course." Jet and Droy replied simultaneously.

"Oh yeah?" Natsu asked while rubbing his right fist with his left hand. "Why don't we put that to the test?"

"The flame brain is right for once." Gray added, starting to get dressed. "We should see if you're all talk or if you can back up those lofty words."

"Ha! I can take them on my own." Natsu said. "I don't need your help, Ice Cube."

"Considering how fast Alfonzo beat you, I think you'll need all the help you can get." Gray shot back.

"At least I could move on my own after the fight!" Natsu shouted.

As Gray and Natsu's argument escalated, the rest of the young wizards could only look on in bewilderment.

"Weren't they supposed to be challenging Jet and Droy?" Elfman asked in a confused tone.

"Don't pay them any mind, Elfman." Elicia said with a smile. "Fire and ice never coexist together for long."

"More important than that, didn't Fonzie say he was going to take a quest?" Cana asked after chugging down half a mug of ale. "I wonder what quest he's gonna take and who he'll take with him?"

"If I know Fonzie like I think I do," Elicia said while supporting her chin with her right hand, "He'll take n A-Class quest and go alone."

"Aww… Seriously?" Cana whined. "It's been so long since I went on a quest with him."

"To be fair, it's been a while for everyone.'" Ultear interjected.

"Yeah, but Lici and Erza got to go on a quest with him before he got hurt." Cana said, a pout appearing on her face. "No one else has gone on one with him since last year."

"Well, I haven't been on a quest with him yet." Marin said with a shrug. "So, it's not that bad."

"Neither have I, ya see." Sun added.

Earlier this year, when Sun and Marin entered the guild, they were both tested to have a rank assigned to them. While Sun, who had been taught how to defend herself received a B-Class designation from Makarov, Marin was only given a D-Class designation.

Although Marin had quite the reservoir of magic power, on par with even elite B-Class wizards, she had no idea how to use it. So, she had to start with the basics. Luckily, she had everyone in the group to help her train. And now, eight months after joining the guild, she had raised her rank to C-Class.

"You really shouldn't worry about it." Elicia said with a smile. "Both of you are improving quickly. You'll be able to take quests with us in no time."

"Plus, with the way you're combining water magic with your swordsmanship, Sun, you'll be an A-Class wizard in no time." Erza said with a smile. "And when you master it, I'm looking forward to a spar."

"Yeah, the only issue that I can see is the rhythm of your breathing." Alfonzo said, approaching the table with two plates of food. "Once you get that ironed out, you'll really be a force to be reckoned with."

"Ah! The food is here." Natsu exclaimed, no longer bothering with Gray. "Oh man! I'm so hungry."

"You're gonna share, right , Natsu?" Happy asked while wearing a pitiful expression.

"Nope, I earned this with abut kicking." Natsu replied as he watched Alfonzo's every move.

"Natsu, you're so stingy." Happy said while flying into Lisanna's arms.

Naturally, Natsu paid Happy's complaints no mind. Instead, he was only concerned about the food that Alfonzo was placing in front of him. Shortly afterward, by the time Natsu had already started eating, Gray returned to his seat and Alfonzo put his plate on the table as well.

"Well, enjoy your meals." Alfonzo said before he walked away.

"Where are you going?" Mirajane asked with a slight frown.

"To take a look at the quest board." Alfonzo replied with a smile. "I still got rust to knock off."

"Can I go with you?" Sun asked. "I wanna take a quest together."

"We'll see." Alfonzo replied.

A few moments later, Alfonzo was standing in front of the quest board on the first floor. Unsurprisingly, Nab was also standing in front of it.

"Yo, Nab." Alfonzo greeted.

"Oh, hey, Alfonzo." Nab replied. "Good to see that you're all healed up."

"Yeah, sitting at home like that was a pain in the ass." Alfonzo said with a smile. "So, have you found the perfect quest for you, yet?"

"No, not yet." Nab replied. "I've taken a few that I thought were the one, but none of them were."

"Well, I really think you should take more quests." Alfonzo said while scanning the quest sheets. "I mean, you're still only at B-Class. But I know you're stronger than that."

"*Sigh* You just don't understand." Nab said without further explanation.

"I guess I don't." Alfonzo replied. "Well, even though Lici hasn't asked in a while, the off---"

Before Alfonzo could finish, a certain quest sheet caught his eye. In fact, no matter how hard he tried, he could not look away from it.

Investigate the Unknown Disease

Rank: A

Client: Pinako Rockbell

Objective: Investigate the cause of the disease afflicting the miners.

Location: Resenbool Town.

Notes: Recently, several miners working in the black iron mines have come down with a strange sickness. Their skin has been taking on a metallic hue. At the same time, their skin, muscles, and tissues have been hardening, as if they have been turning into metallic puppets. Then, after only a few days of showing these symptoms, they die after the condition spreads to their vital organs.

Reward: 1,000,000 Jewels. 500,000 Bonus for finding a cure.

'Damn, just how many worlds are packed into this one?' Alfonzo asked himself as he pulled the quest sheet off the board. 'Either way, a disease that turns people into metal? This sounds like a perfect quest for my come back.'

"Anyway, like I was saying, Nab." Alfonzo said as he turned around. "Feel free to join us when we train in the mornings. I don't think you'll miss that perfect quest of yours if you spend a few hours training with us."

With that, Alfonzo made his way toward the bar and showed the quest sheet to Makarov.

"Hey, Gramps, what can you tell me about this quest?" Alfonzo asked.

"Hmm…" Makarov hummed as he took the quest sheet from Alfonzo , stroking his beard as he read it over. "The only thing I can tell you is that it hasn't been up for long. A week at most."

"I see." Alfonzo replied.

"But why are you bringing it to me?" Makarov asked. "You're an S-Class wizard, you only need my approval for 10-Years Quests and up."

"Oh, because Sun asked me to take her with me." Alfonzo replied. "But I'm not completely sure about doing that."

"If Sun's coming with you, so am I!" Gozaburo shouted.

"No way in hell." Alfonzo replied without even looking in Gozaburo's direction.

"What did you say, Brat?" Gozaburo questioned angrily. "You think I'm just gonna leave my precious Sun alone with you?"

"Seriously, Old Man, shut the fuck up." Alfonzo said in an irritated tone. "I get that you love Sun. but all you ever do is cause trouble when she's involved. And I'll be damned if I'm gonna fail a quest just because you couldn't keep your shit together."

Before anyone could react any further, Gozaburo lunged at Alfonzo. In response, Alfonzo swung his left arm back, backhanding Gozaburo across the face with is prosthetic, causing the raging father to fall to the floor.

"That was just a love tap, Gozaburo." Alfonzo said, looking at Gozaburo coldly. "I still haven't said anything about the way you ruined Cana's birthday party. So, don't make me get serious."

"You little bastard!" Gozaburo growled in rage.

"That's enough!" Ren shouted angrily. "Alfonzo is right. All you ever do is cause trouble."

"Tch!" Gozaburo clicked his tongue after Ren's interference. "Fine… But if she's missing even one hair when you get back, you'll have hell to pay."

"Whatever, Old Man." Alfonzo replied dismissively.

"Ahem! Anyway, I think it should be fine to take her." Makarov said now that the tension in the air was gone. "With your magic, the danger level should be minimal."

"The way you say that makes me think you know more about this than you let on." Alfonzo said while narrowing his eyes.

"You're thinking too much, Kid." Makarov said, waving off Alfonzo's accusation. Then, he pointed at the notes section of the sheet and continued. "It's just because of the symptoms stated here."

Continuing to stare at Makarov skeptically for a few more moments, Alfonzo eventually took the sheet and walked away.

"If you're withholding information, gramps, that would be really uncool." Alfonzo said as he walked back toward the table where his friends sat.

In response, Makarov could only shake his head. Then, he turned his attention to Gozaburo.

"I have a child o f my own, Gozaburo." Makarov said as Gozaburo picked himself up from the floor. "So, I know how much you care. But if you keep this up, you're going to alienate her from your life."

Rubbing the side of his face where Alfonzo's back hand struck, Gozaburo took his seat.

"I know that." Gozaburo muttered. "But…"

"No buts." Ren interrupted. "If you don't get your act together, not only will you alienate Sun, but you'll lose me, too."

Immediately, Gozaburo looked up with disbelief in his eyes. But when he looked at Ren, he knew that she was deadly serious. Unfortunately, he was not sure if he could correct his behavior before everything spiraled into an irreconcilable mess.

Meanwhile, Alfonzo had just arrived at the table where his friends sat.

"Hey, Sun, get packed up, I'll take you with me." Alfonzo said with a smile.

Sun, on the other hand, looked at Alfonzo in worry. She, like everyone else at the table, saw Gozaburo antagonizing Alfonzo… again… And for the first time, Alfonzo retaliated. Though Sun had no question that it was her father that started the conflict, she was concerned about Alfonzo's condition.

"Don't look at me like that, Sun." Alfonzo said with a wry smile on his face. "He insinuated that I wouldn't be able to protect you on my own if I brought you with me. Combining that with the irritation I've felt for the last eight months or so being locked up in the house, I lost my temper a little."

"Are you sure?" Sun asked. "Should I go and scold my dad for what he did?"

"Don't worry about it." Alfonzo said while looking over his shoulder. "Judging by the expression on his face, I bet your mom already did."

Looking over toward the bar, Sun also saw the expression on Gozaburo's face. Then, with a nod, she stood up.

"Okay, let's go home and start packing for the quest." Sun said excitedly as she started walking toward the guild hall's entrance.

Seeing the enthusiasm in Sun's body language, Alfonzo could not help but smile. Then, he turned toward the table with the same smile on his face.

"Well, we'll see you all in a few days." Alfonzo said before turning around and following Sun.

Meanwhile, several people at the table were wore dissatisfied pouts.

"Why didn't he take any of us with him?" Ultear asked.

"Because you didn't ask." Elicia replied.

"Besides, don't you mean, 'Why didn't he take me with him?'" Cana added with a roguish smile.

In response, Ultear could only blush at how easily she was seen through. Meanwhile, Mirajane simply watched Alfonzo until he was no longer in view.

Laki, on the other hand, was planning something completely different for when Alfonzo returned.


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