
Bemo Joins The Pantheon

Bemo couldn't help but tilt his head, when he heard Adrian's question, causing his ears to flop about, "Oh! What do I look like this time! I love how comfy this body is!."

Filled with child-like wonder, Bemo hopped once before tapping his foot against the ground, and seemingly teleporting to the edge of the Temple's island.

This seemingly simple action sent chills down Adrian's spine… he couldn't sense Bemo's movements after the first hop, even with maximum omnipotence and his senses in overdrive.

Bemo had made no sound, left no scent, had no shadow, nor made vibrations when he moved.

While Adrian's mind raced with thoughts, Bemo curiously leaned over the edge of the shore into the hazy purple Mythos ocean below.

Not able to see a reflection, Bemo hopped up and down a few times before kicking out only a few centimeters above the Mythos, creating a thin mirror-like layer above the surface.

Bemo watched as a pudgy silvery-white rabbit wearing his favorite apron stared back at him through his ruby eyes.

Starry-eyed, Bemo looked back at the chibi Adrian before boasting, "I look so adorable! Do you see?!"

With a jovial smile, Bemo clumsily put his hands on his hips shouting to the top of the temple, "Thank you Mr. Contractor! … Oh, Right! I'm sorry for showing such a shameful appearance earlier! Can we please talk over this contract?!"

Watching the entire process, Adrian's face was plastered with a wry smile as he spoke, "Hey, Bemo… Don't wake Zero and the kids. I'm right here."

Hearing the child-like Adrian claim to be the predator-like contractor from earlier, Bemo laughed, "W-wha- HAHAHA~ Sorry, kid don't pretend to act like 'us' grown ups."

Hearing the dismissive tone coming from Bemo's mouth Adrian wanted to punch the stupid rabbit, before remembering what he looked like at the moment.

Adrian began to speak as the sound of bones crunching and flesh tearing filled the air as his voice slowly morphed into his usual deep stoic voice from the squeaky chiding of a three or four-year-old, "I might be a kid compared to some, but I'll have you know. I am well into my 100's at this point. AND! I am your contractor."

The horrific sound of Adrian's transformations was enough to scare the poor rabbit before, but once you add in the unsettling change from a child's friendly voice to that of a deep gruff war veteran, all Bemo could do was freeze in place.

After Adrian's soul body reformed to its original size, Adrian's sight became blurry, however, his voice remained certain, "So, Elder Bemo. What is it we need to talk about within this contract?"

Adrian's increasingly cold voice juxtaposed with his wide smile could send shivers down anyone's spine much less a cowardly and juvenile moon spirit.

Once Adrian bent down and stared into Bemo's eyes, with his gray lifeless eyes, the fear in Bemo's body unfroze him turning into a will to escape the area immediately.

In the time it would take to blink, Bemo had already hopped twice, while summoning an eclipse, by the time his four toes touched the ground light had already formed around him as space broke in front of him.

Before even a second had passed a crisp snack sounded throughout the entire mental realm followed quickly by an absolute command, "Return to Heavens and Earth!"

As this deep raspy voice called out the space Bemo was moments away from passing through instantly repaired itself, the sky returned to its normal azure blue, and the Mythos ocean regained its hazy appearance.

Adrian smirked, yelling back at the voice, "Morning, Zero! Thanks for the assist! You and the girls can go back to sleep, I can handle this guy!"

Zero's tired voice rang back as he waved his hand turning the sky into night, "Whatever. Hu~ Night then."

Without waiting for Adrian's response, Zero walked back into the temple ignoring the small conflict with their visitor.

Bemo's button nose scrunched as he cried, "I-I-I'm the best at escape techniques in my litter!!! How did you even… I want mommy!"

Adrian only wanted to tease the cute rabbit on his lawn, but in the end, all he did was make him cry.

Frantically, Adrian tried putting on his most friendly smile while comforting Bemo, "It's ok. We… are just freaks. I'm sure you're very talented. Is there anything I can do to make it up to you?"

In response to Adrian's comforting words Bemo, who at this point was barely four years old, sniffled, "T-Thank you! Sir, I'm sorry for causing a scene… but, can I ask, what happened to the kid from before?"

After Bemo's previous outburst, Adrian started to see him as more of a child than a spirit, thus changing his attitude accordingly.

Smiling warmly, Adrian tried to explain his power transformation and by extension the fact that the chibi Adrian and the current Adrian were one and the same.

This conversation ended up being dragged out, taking over 20 minutes to explain, before Bemo understood.

Bemo quickly realized that he had misjudged Adrian by only looking at his intimidating stature. Bemo wanted to offer something to Adrian but was too afraid to after the problems he caused before.

Adrian noticed Bemo's hesitation and fidgety actions, so he reached out rubbing Bemo's head flopping his ear in the process while muttering, "Why don't you stay here? Oh… and what about that contract you mentioned?"

Ecstatic, Bemo's face lit up as he shyly cooed before saying, "If you insist… The contract just promises that I will help you and you will provide me food, housing, and evolution ingredients."

In an exaggerated manner, Bemo snapped his fingers, summoning a chef's hat from the void before reaching into it and pulling out a pearl-white contract with only the stipulation that Bemo had listed.

Handing it over to Adrian, Bemo promised, "If you sign this neither you nor I can go against the terms. Just think of what you want added and it will change. I promise I will be useful to you… even if it's just as a chef."

Rolling his eyes, Adrian made a small edit to the previous contract adding the stipulation that both sides treat the other as family and that neither side could betray the other in any way.

Once the changes were made and looked over by both sides Adrian not thinking put his thumb close to his mouth slicing it across his unnaturally sharp k9 teeth, then proceeded to stamp his bloody figure print on the contract.

Bemo could only look at Adrian in awe and disappointment as he pulled a small ink jar from his hat… and signed like a normal person.

As soon as both names were printed onto the contract it split in half sending red-gold light into both of their brains, as a set of messages fed through Adrian's ears.

[Sa' Veri Innet, "Goddess of Contracts and The Slow" oversees this contract]

[The juvenile moon spirit: Bemo joins your pantheon]

[Original Pantheon Spirits are ecstatic to have a new family member]

I hope you enjoyed today's chapter!

Poor, Bemo only wanted to protect and look cool in front of his new friend... only to find that friend transform into the scary giant from before.

system_evolvercreators' thoughts
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