
76. Son Of A… Luck 

If you want, you can read 30 chapters in advance on -patreon.com/misterimmortal.

[Announcement: This book will end by the end of this month or by the first two-three days of the next month. I will be putting Patreon on hold, so none of those who subscribed will be charged money for August.

If the month ends before the last chapter is posted on Patreon, you can find them on my discord server for free or right here, as I will post all remaining chapters the day it ends.

It was sort of a mistake to write this book while I was already busy with my original. Ultimately, I could not give this as much focus as I could have. But at least I will end it on the note I wanted to.

As I said in the first chapter, this was going to be a short one.

This Gorilla thanks all those who read this book.]


As the days went by, Happy lived a normal life for the most part of this year, as the threats were not yet within the school. Eating with friends, making new friends, or simply teasing Pansy while impressing Draco with his massive... wealth.

But the food wasn't satisfying enough. Happy wanted to test out a few more things and see the limitations of the Room of Requirement. So, with his stash of wine bottles, he arrived in the room and began testing.

"Ah, Chris is pretty good. He found a hundred-year-old wine in perfect condition. But this three hundred-year-one… it's more of an antique than real wine. Ugh, let's focus on what I can sell. The Ten-year-old ones are plenty in the market, and I can't copy them since they'll get caught. But hundred and fifty-year-old ones… I can try."

With a plan in mind, he placed the two bottles in the room and walked out. He strolled outside, contemplating what he wanted. 'Turn the room into a wine cellar that can preserve any wine perfectly. Replicate the bottles inside to the maximum number possible without losing any of their flavor or texture. Arrange all the bottles in secure racks and write down the quantity on a piece of paper.'

The door appeared, and Happy walked in. A pungent scent of wine instantly assaulted his senses, something he didn't really like. But, what truly astonished him was the ceiling touching wooden racks, spread around the entire room filled with bottles.

Happy walked to the end of the room and looked at the sheet of paper. The numbers were equal for both wines, ten thousand bottles each.

"I think I overdid it. Nobody would believe there would be ten thousand bottles of 100-year-old perfectly preserved wine showing up out of nowhere. Ugh… this was a bad business idea from the start. To make more drinks, I need to copy what's already out there, and that means stealing. Unlike good grains, I can't rebrand these, people can easily match them in a lab. Well, I guess I got a big stash of expensive gifts for muggles now."

Happy sighed and proceeded to try his next experiment. He came out of the room and wished for a new empty room to appear. This time, Happy placed a bunch of carefully planned materials inside, and then an intact MRI machine.

Once he came out, he made a simple request. 'Use the materials to construct a perfect replica of the MRI machine. Change all the brands with the initial LIB instead, and change the exterior color scheme to dark gray.'

In reality, Happy was more excited about this machine. Because medical equipment was too damn costly, and due to that, such life-saving machines don't reach poor nations. Now, if Happy were to provide it at a cheap price, things were going to change. Of course, he needed to have it examined by some muggles first, to ensure that no patents were being infringed upon, and if they were, how could they be changed?

He opened the doors and looked inside cautiously. Right in the middle of the room stood two majestic MRI machines. One was the old, white one, and the second one was his gray one.

"Hehe… Yeah, boy." Happy giggled and touched the smooth surface of the machine. "Even if this machine doesn't work, this trial alone shows that as long as I provide raw materials, I can replicate anything. From a car to a truck and even a jet engine… Sweet!"

Happy wondered how he could go about with this new idea of his. "I can't go with jet engines. If someday some plane crashes and they ask to look into the production line, there won't be any. But I can go with car engines, tractors even, and so much more. Hmm… What should I buy? A car company? Is my money enough for that?... Tucks, maybe?"

Happy was in a deep dilemma. On one hand, he wanted to remain in the food industry as that was what he truly loved. But on the other hand, to make true big money, he needed to expand in other sectors.

However, the problem was that there was only one Room of Requirement. Once the demand for food reached its peak, there would be no time for anything else.

"I'm hungry… better go and eat something first."

When Happy was thinking about money and food, his empire continued to grow bigger and bigger. His temporary publicist, Lucius Malfoy, had a task, which was to lure the pureblood wizarding families to Happy's side in the form of investments and financial contributions.

Today, he went to the Greengrass Family. A pureblood supremacist family, who rarely actively participated in Voldemort's activities, instead remaining as silent supporters on the sidelines. As far as Lucius knew, Greengrass was playing it safe and saving himself from the repercussions in case something went wrong, which unfortunately did, for which he nearly found himself in Azkaban.

But without risks, there was no rise. Lucius had amassed a great deal of his wealth during the Dark Lord's reign, and other purebloods knew it. So while Lucius wanted nothing more to do with Voldemort, others saw it as an upcoming opportunity.

"Lord Greengrass." Lucius, despite being a salesperson at that moment, was not without his permanent smug look and prideful attitude.

"Lord Malfoy, please come in." The Greengrass patriarch wasn't very fond of Lucius but had to give face since the blond man was quite wealthy and influential. "I received your letter informing me of your visit."

Lucius, with a raised chin, took out some documents from his fine leather case. "I am here on behalf of Lestrange Investment Bank, Lord Greengrass. After extending his services to a select few families, Mr. Lestrange has agreed to grant the Greengrass family an opportunity. Here are the letters of intent for your pledged gold."

Lucius didn't rely on ordinary persuasion. His approach involved luring with bait. Instead of asking, he spoke as if it was an order, confusing the other party.

"Investment? I… I did hear about it but… I'm not interested, Lord Malfoy. Why did Mr. Lestrange 'select' me?"

"It's a privilege that our pure blood earns us, Lord Greengrass. Within the past four months, my entire wealth has doubled. I can't even fathom Mr. Lestrange's wealth, for he was the wealthiest in Wizarding Britain to begin with. I merely came here to present the offer, and once rejected, there is no possibility of joining later. So please think carefully, and perhaps read this letter written by Mr. Lestrange." Lucius placed the sealed envelope on the table and stood up to leave.

Greengrass didn't like those final words. They felt a bit too threatening. "I will discuss it with my wife."

Lucius said nothing further and walked out of the house, apparating back to Diagon Alley. He entered Gringotts and proudly ordered the Goblins. "Withdrawal of ten thousand galleons."

The teller Goblin turned into a smiling Buddha at the sight of Lucius. "Ah, Lord Malfoy… Of course, the money will be brought to you right away. How is your new business? Gringotts is quite interested in the way you doubled your wealth so quickly… perhaps a partne—"

"I am in a hurry." Lucius shut the Goblin up with his contemptuous expression.

The nosy bank had recently developed a keen interest in acquiring wealth, but they were kept out of the loop. Naturally, they were happy there was more money in the vaults, but at the same time, they wanted a piece of that big pie as well.

Lucius, however, was uninterested. He got his money and walked out of the bank. He gazed toward the sky, noticing that it was a brilliantly sunny day.

"A delightful day for lunch with Narcissa…"

Truly, life was good—or so he thought. Was his money even his anymore? Was he genuinely getting a piece of the pie and not the leftover crumbs?

With Lucius' ignorance of the muggle world, he wouldn't realize the missing pieces, even in a hundred years. Or so was expected.

Meanwhile, in the Greengrass family, it was as if a storm had risen. Lord Greengrass paced back and forth. His wife stood before him and read the letter aloud so her husband could calm down.

"Why would he write this if he didn't have it? What he claims is impossible."

Mrs. Greengrass had a different opinion, however. "I believe it. Looking at Mr. Lestrange's record, he has never lied, nor does he have a reason to lie. There is no harm in giving it a try—if it means Astoria can be healed."

"But it's incurable!"

"For now." Mrs. Greengrass responded. "Before anything is created, it remains a mere theory."

"What if he demands something we can't give in return? What if he's worse than the Dark Lord?"

"If that was the case, he wouldn't be in Gryffindor." Mrs. Greengrass said. "At least go and talk to him. He called you to neutral grounds."

In the end, even if minuscule, a hope was still a hope. To dismiss it without granting a chance would be foolish.

Finally, he looked at the letter once more.

[Dear Mr. Greengrass

I'm Happy Lestrange. I like the Statue of Liberty a lot, so why don't we meet there on October 10th? If you're in luck, I might just heal Astoria Greengrass.

Genius, billionaire, foodie, philanthropist,

Happy Lestrange.]

Meanwhile, back in Hogwarts, Happy had his small lunch and returned to the testing Room of Requirement. However, just as he began pacing back and forth, an idea struck him.

'Show me the way to make another Room of Requirement.' He requested.


And a gate appeared, almost taking Happy's breath away.

He opened the gate and walked in. The entire room was pitch-dark, with only a magical glow illuminating a book placed at its center.


He walked over and read the title. "Expansion Magic & The Art Of Magic Mechanization To Replicate Food — By Helga Hufflepuff."



Join the Monke family - Discord https://discord.gg/misterimmortal

Special thanks to *phong thanh nguyen* *andy cohen* *Martin Bosley*

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