

Archer fixed his gaze on her before explaining, "Leira, Imagine if an enemy were to conquer Pluoria. But then there's my kingdom, Draconia, a large island nation naturally fortified, along with the walls I've built. During times of war, it would remain relatively safe and will no doubt be a haven for all your family.''

He looked around and noticed the anger subsided. Archer knew they would become furious at his following words but went ahead anyway as it's what he wanted, ''However, the previous rulers would retain their titles and lands, albeit as provinces within the newly formed Draconia Empire. They would enjoy all the same benefits except for one thing: they wouldn't have their armies due to my soldiers providing the security over the lands and would fight any battles that pop up.''

Leira, Halime, and Llyniel looked horrified, but the cat girl quickly protested, ''You want to be a tyrant! You want control over everyone and everything like the old demon lords.''

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