
The Oakheart Queen

Archer nodded as he started walking toward the main entrance and used Aura Detection to find the two princesses.

When it activated he knew where everyone was and found the girls. They were sitting on a balcony on the opposite side of the palace.

Summoning his wings, he took to the air, eager to reunite with the girls he wanted to see but had been busy.

As he flew above the palace, he observed a bustling scene below, with maids, butlers, and guards moving about their duties.

His flight led him to a balcony, where a cat girl and Wood Elf were peacefully sipping tea and engaged in a conversation.

Archer discreetly listened in, catching Llyniel's hesitant question, "Have you done it with our husband yet?"

Leira's ears perked up at the question, and she fixed Llyniel with an intense gaze. "He's not your husband yet, Llyn. Your mother seems to disapprove of the idea."

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