
The Test Part 3

Author Note: This is a kind of !!!CRACKISH!!! Fanfiction. I don't own Marvel and DC, nor I am some sort of loremaster.

I only writing this for fun nor I am British.


Our surroundings were back to looking like the dojo. Both Temptress and I were standing in the middle of a sparring ring, facing each other. Quintero in his human-size solid holographic form. He wore a referee uniform and was watching us from the sidelines, holding a Datapad.

"You did well on all three tests, admirably Temptress. But this is your final test, You have to face me in one-on-one combat." I proclaimed circling around Druuna. "Now I admit, it has been a while since I last sparred with anyone, and this is definitely my first time sparring with another enhanced like you so this is very much also a test for me than it is for you."

I then gesture to Quintero. "To keep things fair Quintero here is going to monitor our vital signs and abilities, and adjust them accordingly. He will also act as the referee and the judge. He will declare the winner and stop the fight if necessary. Do you agree to these terms?" I asked.

Druuna nodded, her eyes shining with excitement. "I agree, handsome. Let's do this."

Quintero then steps up between us and declares. "I want a clean and fair fight. No low blows, no eye gouging, no biting, no scratching, no hair pulling, no spitting, no cursing, no taunting, no cheating, and no running away. You dude can use any skill you have but no weapon, and no killing or maiming. The first one to get knocked out loses. If I see any foul play or excessive violence, I will stop the fight and disqualify the offender. Do you understand?" Quintero asked.

We both nodded, indicating our understanding.

"Good. Now shake hands and get ready," Quintero said.

We both shook hands and backed away to our corners.

Quintero pressed a button on the Datapad, and a buzzer sounded. The fight began.

Temptress was the first to make a move. She dashed towards me, using her enhanced speed and agility. She threw a punch at my face, aiming for my nose. I blocked her punch with my hand and countered with a kick to her leg, hoping to trip her. She dodged my kick and grabbed my leg, lifting me and slamming me to the ground. I felt a sharp pain in my back and hiss.

"Not bad but I can do better," I said as I quickly got back up on my feet.

Druuna smiled and circled around me, waiting for her next chance to strike.

I decided to take the initiative this time, closing in on her and throwing a punch at her chest. She blocked my punch with her arm, but I grabbed her arm and pulled her forward, slamming my knee into her stomach. Druuna doubled over in pain but managed to regain her footing and throw a quick jab at my face. I dodged her punch and landed a roundhouse kick to her head, knocking her to the ground.

Druuna landed on her back, gasping for air. I walked towards her, ready to finish the fight. But suddenly, Temptress kicked her legs out, sweeping mine and causing me to fall. She quickly got up and kicked me in the side, causing me to groan in pain.

But Thankfully I was able to recover quickly, blocking her next attack and landing a strong blow to her jaw. Temptress stumbled backward but managed to keep her balance and try to deliver an uppercut to my chin but I blocked her uppercut with my forearm and grabbed her wrist.

But in a show of agility, Druuna twisted her arm and freed herself from my grip. She then spun around and elbowed me in the face, making me see stars for a brief second. She tries to follow up with a kick to my chest but by then I had recovered enough to catch her leg and twist it, making her fall to the ground.

I try to jump on top of her but Druuna was able to roll away while also swinging her legs in an ax kick hitting me in the chest and knocking me back. I gasped for air as I felt the impact of her kick. Druuna got up and ran towards me, hoping to end the fight with one final blow. She raised her fist and aimed for my face, but I was able to block her fist with my hand and push her back. I then got up and faced her, ready for another round.

We both stared at each other, panting and sweating. We had been fighting for several minutes, and neither of us had gained a clear advantage. We were both bruised and battered, but we refused to give up. We respected each other's skills and abilities, but we also wanted to prove ourselves.

Quintero watched us from the sidelines, impressed by our performance. He checked our vital signs and abilities on the Datapad and saw that they were evenly matched. He decided to let the fight continue until one of us was knocked out or surrendered.

It feels like an hour has passed, but in reality, it was only a few more minutes. We both charged at each other again, clashing in the middle of the ring. We exchanged a flurry of punches and kicks, blocking and dodging each other's attacks. We moved with grace and speed, like two dancers in perfect sync. And I had to admit it has been exhilarating to say at least.

The fight went on for a few more minutes with me and Temptress exchanging blows and punches sending wave after wave of mini shockwaves, neither of us willing to back down. We were becoming exhausted and bruised but we also felt a surge of adrenaline and determination.

Both I and Druuna were kneeling on the opposite side of each other with my hand holding onto my rib and on the opposite side of the ring Temptress was clutching her shoulder, which was bleeding from a cut. We both looked at each other, our eyes filled with respect and admiration. We had given each other the best fight of our lives.

But it was time to end it.



We both got up and charged at each other one last time, putting all our strength and skill into our final attack. We threw our fists at each other, aiming for the face.


Our fists collided in mid-air, creating a loud boom that echoed throughout the dojo. A shockwave of power radiated from the point of impact, shattering the windows and shaking the walls.

Both I and Temptress were sent flying backward by the force of the collision. We both crashed into the opposite walls, breaking through them and landing outside. Pain racks my entire being when my body landed on the ground hard then I black out...

When I came to, I saw a very concerned Quintero kneeling over me with one of his hands on my shoulder and the other holding the Datapad. He looked at me with a relieved smile and said, "Sorry boss dude...I wasn't able to stop the fight in time. You and Temptress hit each other too hard and too fast. You both knocked out each other and yourselves out of the dojo."

I blinked and tried to sit up, feeling a dull ache in one of my arms. I cringe when I look at it, it was the arms that I had used to block Temptress's final punch. It was all twisted and bruised, and I could feel a sharp pain whenever I moved it. But fortunately, it seems like it was healing fast to my Hybrid Czarnians physiology.

I looked at Quintero and asked, "What about Temptress? Is she okay?"

Quintero nodded and said, "She will be fine, boss. Druuna's arms aren't twisted like your arms...yet it is badly burned from the odd excess energy that was released when your fists collided. Thankfully she seemed to have a healing factor and should recover soon."

I sighed in relief and said, "That's good to hear. She's sure a tough one."

Quintero smiled and said, "She sure is. And so are you, boss. You both did great. You both passed the final test."

I smiled and felt a surge of satisfaction and relief. I passed the test. I had proven myself worthy.

"Thank you, Quintero. I appreciate your words," I said.

Quintero helped me get up and handed me a bottle of water. "You're welcome, boss. Now let's go check on Temptress. She's waiting for you."

I nodded and followed Quintero and while I walked to the other side of the dojo, where Druuna was lying on a stretcher I was also been checking me and Druuna's [Stats].


Name = Otto Gallahan(Jason Bourne)

Race = Human/Czarnians Hybrid

Gender = Male

Occupation = Vagabond

Level = 108 (LV UP +20)=128

Exp = 4000/12800

HP = 33947/43000

MP = 18000/18000


Damn...that whole fight took a chunk out of my HP and It is seen like fighting a higher LV opponent even though I got knocked out myself has still LV me UP.

Good to know.

I wonder how much damage I would have taken if I didn't have my Hybrid Czarnians physiology. I also wonder what caused that odd excess energy when our fists collided. Because it definitely wasn't me that caused any of that, I don't remember having any special skills or abilities that could do that. Maybe it was something to do with Druuna. Hmm...questions for a later time.


Name = Druuna(Temptress).

Race = Human?

Gender = Female.

Occupation = Femme Fatale.

Level = 280.

HP = 9991/12000



How in the bloody hell in that whole fight did she take so little damage? But if seen her MP has dropped significantly. Maybe she used some kind of skill or ability that drained her MP but boosted her HP or defense. Maybe that's what caused the odd excess energy when our fists collided. Maybe it has something to do with that mysterious ability at the bottom of Druuna's (ABILITIES) section.

I decided to confront her about these questions later when we were alone. For now, I wanted to see how she was doing.

I reached the other side of the dojo, where Druuna was lying on a stretcher. Her catsuit seems to be torn and burned in some places, revealing some of her…how do I say this… impressive assets. I tried to avert my gaze but it was hard not to notice. She was awake and smiling, despite her injuries. She saw me and waved.

"Hey handsome, you're awake! How do you feel?" she asked.

I walked over to her and smiled back. "I feel fine, Druuna. How about you?"

Druuna shrugged and winced slightly. "I'll be honest, that hurt...a bit. But Nothing a little rest and healing won't fix it."

"A bit?." Pointing at Druuna's burned arm which is now visibly healing slowly.

"Yea...I know...but strangely I feel numb all over my body after that punch."

I nodded and said, "That was quite a punch. You have a very powerful fist, Druuna. I'm impressed by your strength and skill."

Druuna smiled and said, "Thank you, handsome...You're not so bad yourself. You have a very fast and agile fist, Otto. I'm impressed by your speed and technique."

"Hmm, I think you do just fine l in this team despite your excessive flirting..."

"Hey, you can't blame a girl for trying to have some fun. Especially with a handsome guy like you." Druuna said, batting her eyelashes at me.

I rolled my eyes at the seductress's flirtatious remark and said, "Well, I'm glad you had fun at least..."

Druuna chuckle.

"But on a serious note, I wanted to talk to you about something. During our fight, I felt a surge of energy when our fists collided. Do you have any idea what that was?" I asked.

Druuna's expression turned serious as she sat up on the stretcher. "I will be honest…I have no idea what that was. One moment. I was throwing my punch, and the next moment I felt this surge of energy, and the next thing I knew I was knocked out. It felt like I was being hit by a wave of pure power. It was strange and unexpected."

I nodded, intrigued by her answer. "Hmm, that's interesting. I felt the same thing coming off you too. Maybe it was some kind of unique ability or skill you had Or maybe it was just a freak accident."

Druuna shrugged and said, "Who knows? But it was certainly an intense experience."

"Well for your first fight, you did very well, Druuna. You were able to match my speed and power, and you gave me a tough fight." I said, praising her.

Druuna smiled, clearly happy with the compliment. "Thank you, Otto. It was a great experience, and I'm glad we got to spar together. I'm looking forward to our future missions together."

"I am too, but get some rest Druuna you look tired. Meanwhile, I have something to discuss with Quintero"

Druuna nodded and laid back down on the stretcher. "Thanks, Otto. I appreciate your concern. You're a good partner."

I smiled and nodded, turning to leave the room. "You too, Druuna. Get some rest. We have a job to do soon."

But before I could turn around and walk away from Druuna. The seductress suddenly grabbed my face arm and pulled me towards her lips kissing me.

My mind blanked out for a brief moment as I felt her soft lips pressed against mine. But then I pulled back, feeling a bit surprised and awkward.

"D-Druuna, what was that for?" I stuttered, feeling my face flushed.

"You thought I didn't notice the way you were looking at these puppies, didn't you, handsome?" Druuna said while placing a hand on her chest and pushing it up to emphasize her point.

But instead of feeling embarrassed or flustered, I gave The seductress Doctor a flat look. "I admit that was on me. I should have seen it coming. But seriously I need to get that fix up and improve"

Pointing at her catsuit that looks like it was already barely holding on in some places. My mind is already thinking of ways to improve the design of the catsuit for better protection and durability.

Druuna pouted and said, "Aww, but I thought you liked these puppies..."

"Yea, I do," I admit not one bit of shame, making Druuna smile. "But I prefer to respect your boundaries and professionalism, Druuna."

Druuna nodded and gave me a sly smirk. "Fair enough. But don't worry, Otto. There will be plenty of opportunities for us to have some...fun..."

I rolled my eyes, but couldn't help but chuckle at Druuna's persistence. "I'm sure there will be. But for now, get some rest and let your injuries heal. We have a job to do soon."

Druuna smiled and waved as I walked out of the arena, heading towards the living room to discuss our next steps forward. By the time I reached the commanding corner, my hand have been fully restored to its full functionality, thanks to my Hybrid Czarnians physiology.

"So...I heard that you want to speak with me?" The UNSC smart AI asked. His avatar materializes on the holo table.

"Quintero, how is that investment and financial scheme of yours going?"

"It's going well since you have transferred all of your funds to me, boss, I have invested in many little-known companies that have shown potential in the market. I'm confident that we will see a significant return on investment in the near future."

"Oh? What kind of company did you invest in?" I said, intrigued by his words.

"Oh a little-known start-up company by the name of Facebook and Amazon," Quintero replied, smirking.

"Hmm...so how long is it going to take?"

Then Quintero's expression turns sour. "Too long for what we have in plan."

I hummed at that then after a moment of consideration, I said, "Hmm...I see. I think I may have a "solution" to our problem..."


"But I am going to need your help in creating the necessary tool for what I have in mind," I declared and it was also time for me to choose my classes anyway…

"Oh?" Quintero was instantly intrigued about what my solution was. "What do you have in mind?"

"We are going to Gotham."


This story is free and if you want to donate to help a brother out. Here is my PayPal: https://pàypal.me/Phucbe200

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