
Halting Doomsday

Author Note: This is a kind of !!!CRACKISH!!! Fanfiction. I don't own Marvel and DC, nor I am some sort of loremaster.



2 hours later

Otto POV


I was suddenly woken up by the sound of an explosion. I got up alarm about what is going on and then I turn to the window and saw a winged human being. Flying out of a hole in the side of the building clearly looking irate. Then I recognize that person right there is Thanagarians and it must be Hawkman or HawkWoman.

I quickly got dressed and rushed out of my room, making my way down to the lobby to see what was going on. As I was running, I heard booming noises almost like someone is punching something extremely hard and it was causing a shockwave every time there was an impact.

And when I arrived at the lobby of the hotel, I saw a bunch of folks who were looking and watching intently at all the of the TV in the lobby. Upon a closer look, I saw a new report about the Justice League fighting a seemingly invincible monster, and what that Monster is made my blood run cold.

It was Doomsday. The same creature that I had narrowly escaped from in Cadmus. And he was now in Metropolis, fighting both Superman and Supergirl at the same time and both of them look ragged, exhausted, and bloody. Oh, Bollocks…I don't think the League can beat this thing without taking some serious Casualties.

I then saw on the TV Two Thanagarians, Hawkman and Hawkwoman swooping in with their Nth metal mace trying to pummel Doomsday. And even with their weapons, they were barely able to make a dent in his armor. It was then that I realized that I needed to do something. But then something happened that made me and everyone who was watching The TV cringe in horror.

Doomsday let out a loud roar and charged at Hawkman, and before the wings hero could react. Doomsday, one hand grabbing the hero by the neck and the other on his wings, there was an audible Crack as his wings got twisted at an awkward angle. Thankfully before Doomsday finished off the horribly injured Hero, The was a golden-looking lasso that wrapped around one of Doomsday's arms, pulling him back and away from Hawkman. Wonder Woman had arrived, and she was ready to fight.

I watched in awe as Wonder Woman engaged Doomsday in a fierce battle, using her strength, speed, and agility to dodge his attacks and strike back with her own. But even she was struggling to keep up with his relentless onslaught. I knew I had to do something and act fast before it was too late. Then a notification appears in front of me.

[Main Quest initiated! Halting Doomsday]

[Doomsday is rampaging through Metropolis and is causing widespread destruction. It is up to you to stop him and end this madness albeit temporarily.]

(Primary Objective: Stop Doomsday's rampage using whatever means necessary)

(Secondary Objective: Assist the Justice League in stopping Doomsday)

{Rewards: 5000XP, 10000$, Unlock classes, Improved relationship with the Justice League}

I took a deep breath and prayed that I could do this. But then an idea struck me and I quickly headed out of the hotel and towards the battle that was raging on in the city. While on the move I quickly open the shop menu to find what I need. This Idea is what you would say is completely insane and unlikely to work but with the plan, I have in mind it might be crazy enough to work.

♩ The Bourne Supremacy OST To The Roof♩

{Le Shop}

Affordable Selection:

(Flash Grenades)=125$

(Rocket Launcher)= 1000$

(Ballista)= 300$


[Item: Ballista added to Inventory]

Now I need to reach a high place overlooking the battle. I quickly scanned the area for any tall buildings that would give me a good vantage point. Spotting a tall construction site nearby, I raced towards it. I had to act fast if I wanted to save everyone from certain death. While I was running towards the construction site, I also purchased a bunch of other different items to make this plan work. I then pull out the Green Kryptonite Scalpel for my Inventory and began to inspect it

{Item: Green Kryptonite Scalpel}

(Description: A sharp and precise scalpel made from Kryptonite, a rare mineral that is deadly to Kryptonians. Can be used for surgical purposes or as a weapon against Kryptonians.)

I smirked at the thought of using this against the seemingly invincible Doomsday. It was a risky move, but I didn't have a lot of options. I know that in Zack Snyder Batman vs Superman, Superman used a Kryptonite Spear to defeat Doomsday, but I didn't have a spear, just a scalpel. So the next best thing I can do is to MacGyver a special bolt tip from the Kryptonite Scalpel that I have on hand.

When I reached the construction site, the places seemed empty. The construction workers of this place must have evacuated in fear of the battle spreading toward this site. Well good for me, this made my current task a bit easy to do. The gate of the construction site was locked but I was able to easily climb over the gate and into the construction site.

After looking around the site for a bit, I was able to find a lift going higher up towards the top of the construction building, turned on the lift, and rode it. I then had a moment of thought, I wasn't under any illusion that my plan would succeed that easily, I remember what my old training officer use to say No Plan Survives First Contact With the Enemy.

I damn well know Taking down Doomsday for good with a Kryptonite bolt was an impossibility and what I was accomplishing would be only a temporary solution. Doomsday was known for his unique ability of Reactive Adaptation and Adaptive Resurrection which makes him completely unkillable, and what I am doing is buying time for the Justice League to throw his body into the Phantom Zone before the Twat wakes up to cause chaos and destruction all over again.

(LUK=20 + 60 Point = 80)

For my plan to have more of a likelihood to succeed, I decided to spend all of my 60 Skills Points on LUK, my time in the S.A.S., and doing wetwork for MI6 has made me a pretty good shot, not to mention my high DEX thanks to my Czarnians Perks so instead, all I need is a better opportunity on my shots to make things easier for the sake of everyone else.

So it shouldn't be difficult for me to make this shot except for the fact that what I am shooting isn't a sniper rifle. In reality, what I am shooting is an archaic missile weapon that launches bolts or stones at a distant target. Regardless I will do my very best to make this shot count.

I arrived at the top of the construction building and I immediately set up my plan. I placed my new Ballista overlooking the battle and took out the bolt on the weapon, then with all of the tools and equipment leftovers from the construction workers including my own shop-bought items. I crafted the Kryptonite bolt tip, and I was able to attach a 20 Time scope on the ballista. I breathed deeply, calmed my nerves, and focused on the scope of the ballista, trying to get a good aim at Doomsday. And as I feared he was getting stronger.

(Doomsday LV 510)

(Wonder Woman LV 323)

I saw through my scope, Wonder Woman Struggles to keep up with him. Wonder Woman has her shield and swords, she is dodging and weaving His attack. Wonder Woman also had behind her back, what looks like a very familiar-looking battle ax. She was getting tired and weary, but then I saw Hawkwoman flying and charging into Doomsday shrieking. OH, SHIT, Hawkwoman looks Pissed, the wings heroine was about to strike doomsday with her weapons but then something unexpected happened.

(Hawkwoman LV 299)

I watched as Doomsday yanked and caught Wonder Woman in his arms, and before Hawkwoman could retaliate with her mace. Doomsday throws Wonder Woman into Hawkwoman, sending both of them tumbling far away for the battle.

(Superman LV 390)

Then a red and blue blur tackled doomsday into the earth creating a line of trenches. It was Superman, he and Doomsday are now exchanging blow after blow with one another and it looks like…Superman is losing. OH NO, YOU DON'T this is not going to be The Death Of Superman all over again.

I watched as Superman was being Hulk Smash into the ground, then Doomsday lifting both of his hands high in the sky ready to finally put an ending blow to Superman, BUT at the same time also gave me the perfect opportunity to release the trigger.




5 minutes earlier

Kara Zor-El POV

Kara was exhausted and sore. She and Kal have been going at it for the past hour now, and nothing they do seems to be working on the Monster. They have tried everything from laser blasts to punches, and Monster just keeps coming back for more.

After the situation has gone out of hand, Kal has to call in the League for assistance. And He had ordered Kara to stay back and to help and assist the remaining Leaguer's effort to evacuate and rescued the civilian who was caught in the crossfire of the battle.

Now she and the remaining League including The Flash, Green Lantern, Zatanna, Black Canary, Martian Manhunter, and other members of the League that she hasn't gotten acquainted with are now helping the civilians.

After Kara was done consoling a young girl who had lost her father in the chaos, and after carrying the little girl back to her mother who was waiting anxiously for her daughter's return. Kara was now flying back into the fray to help and assist her cousin and the rest of the League.

But when she was flying back, she spotted something strange at a nearby construction site. She saw with her enhanced sense, a man who was on top of the construction building setting up what looks like a ballista that Kara recognized from her time studying on Earth.

"What in the name of Rao are you doing?" Kara Questioned out loud to herself. But before Kara could come closer to investigate, She heard a loud and turned her head to see Wonder Woman fighting that monster, and she was struggling.

All of a sudden she saw her Thanagarian friend Shayera Hol charging in with her Nth metal mace screaming but before her friends could even land a hit, the monster all of a sudden grabbed and caught Wonder Woman in its arms, and before the Amazons warrior could react. The monster Throws the Amazons into Hawkwoman sending both of them far away from the monsters.

But then Her little cousin from out of nowhere tackles the seemingly unstoppable monster into the earth creating a line of trenches in the ground. Kara saw Kal and that monster then exchanging blows and punches before the Monster slammed Kal hard into the ground dazing him. Oh, Rao no…

The Monster roars at Kal and then raises both of its fists. Kara's eyes widened in horror and she was already on the move flying fast and quickly toward the Monster to intercept it before it was too late. But before she could get there, she heard a whistling noise, and the next thing she knew. A large arrow flew past her and struck the Monster in the head.


♩Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2(2022) Soundtrack The Bitten End from 5:33-6:26♩


At the same time

Otto POV

It was like everything was moving in slow motion. I saw through my scope, the Kryptonite bolt flying through the air toward Doomsday's head, and I held my breath, praying that it would hit its mark. And then, just as Doomsday was about to strike the final blow on Superman, the bolt struck him in the head, piercing through his tough skin and embedding itself deep in his brain.

Doomsday stumbled backward, his arms flailing as he tried to regain his balance. And then, with a final roar, he collapsed to the ground, dead but not permanently. The battle was over.

I exhale a sigh of relief, "Gotcha, you big ugly wanker," I muttered before I could begin to pack up all the stuff. I see through my scope Supergirl looking confusingly at the down Doomsday before turning her head and looking toward me. Well, looks like I've been spotted, deciding to be cheeky. I then give Supergirl a peace sign and a wave at her. To my amusement, She hesitantly waves back before turning around to tend to her cousin.

(Supergirl LV 257)

I know after this, I'm going to have to explain myself to the Justice League and warn them about Doomsday. But for now, I was just glad that the crisis was over for now and the city was saved. I packed up my equipment and headed back to the hotel, feeling exhausted but satisfied with what I had accomplished. As I sat down to rest and catch my breath, I got a notification in front of me.

[Main Quest Complete: Halting Doomsday]

[Doomsday is rampaging through Metropolis and is causing widespread destruction. It is up to you to stop him and end this madness albeit temporarily.]

Complete: (Primary Objective: Stop Doomsday's rampage using whatever means necessary)

Complete:(Secondary Objective: Assist the Justice League in stopping Doomsday)

{Rewards: 5000XP, 30000$, Unlock classes, Improved relationship with the Justice League}

I smiled a weary smile to myself, feeling proud and tired of what I had accomplished. But I also knew that this was really the dawn of my journey. There are still many more challenges and quests waiting for me in this world, and I am still unsure if I am ready or not to face them all. Then another notification appeared right in front of me.

{Massive Bonus XP for Defeating Doomsday LV 510}

Huh… Interesting.

(AN: I going to take a minor break to really or at least try to put in the effort to write this story. I want to take my time with it and really make the chapter just a bit longer so stay tuned for more chapters)


This story is free and if you want to donate to help a brother out. Here is me PayPal: https://pàypal.me/Phucbe200

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