

Author Note: This is a kind of !!!CRACKISH!!! Fanfiction. I don't own Marvel and DC, nor I am some sort of loremaster.



Sea of Okhotsk


Near a secret Russian Laboratory Base

2 A.M

Otto POV

I stood at the edge of the small, rocky cliff overlooking the sea, my eyes fixed on the dark silhouette of the Russian laboratory base in the distance. Our mission was to infiltrate the base and gather intel on their latest projects, which were rumored to involve advanced biological weapons.

My team of elite black ops operators had been dropped off by a submarine a few miles from the base, and we had hiked through the rugged terrain under cover of darkness to reach our observation point.

I scanned the area with my night vision goggles, checking for any signs of movement or security patrols. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary, but I knew that the Russians were not to be underestimated.

"We have visual confirmation," one of my team members whispered over the radio. "The base is heavily guarded, but we can take them out quietly."

I nodded, signaling for my team to move out. We crept down the rocky slope and made our way toward the base, staying low and using the cover of shadows to avoid detection.

As we approached the base, we could hear the sound of guards talking and the occasional clanging of metal. We crouched behind a large rock formation, listening intently for any signs of danger. After a few moments, we were confident that the guards were not aware of our presence. "On my mark," I whispered into the radio. "Three...two...one...go."

We sprang into action, moving swiftly and silently toward the base. My team took out the guards with swift and precise strikes, knocking them out cold without raising an alarm. We made our way inside the base, staying alert for any signs of danger.

The facility was eerily quiet, with no sign of activity or personnel. We split up to search for intel, scanning each room and searching for any documents or computer files that could provide information on the Russians' latest projects.

"I've found something," one of my team members called out.

I made my way to his location, my heart pounding with anticipation. He was standing in front of a locked door, holding a small device in his hand.

"It's a biometric scanner," he explained. "I can hack into it and get us inside." I nodded, impressed with his skills.

"Do it," I ordered. Within seconds, the door slid open, revealing a dark room filled with computer equipment and lab equipment. We began to search through the files and data, trying to find any evidence of the rumored biological weapons. As we worked, I couldn't shake the feeling that something wasn't right. It was too quiet, too easy.

"Jackpot," one of my team members said, holding up a USB drive.

"This has all the evidence we need." Suddenly, an alarm sounded, and the room was filled with red lights.

"We've been compromised," I yelled over the radio. "Get out of here now!"

We sprinted towards the exit, but we were met by a group of heavily armed guards. A firefight erupted, and we fought our way out of the base, taking cover behind crates and barrels as we exchanged gunfire with the Russians.

Bullets whizzed past my head, and I could feel the heat of explosions as grenades detonated nearby. I knew that our mission had gone wrong, and we needed to get out of there before it was too late.

"Fall back," I shouted to my team. "We need to regroup and reposition."

We retreated from the base, moving quickly through the rugged terrain as we tried to put distance between us and our attackers. But the Russians were relentless, pursuing us with a ferocity that took us by surprise.

"Look like the Russian doesn't want us to leave," one of my team members said, ducking behind a boulder as he fired his weapon. "We need to call in an air strike to cover our escape."

I nodded, pulled out my radio, and said to the radio "This is Phoenix Leader How Copy ?"

A reply came through, crackling with static. "This is the USS Dead by Daylight, we copy. What's your status?"

"We've been compromised, and we need an air strike to cover our escape," I said urgently. "We have the intel, but we need an Airstrike."

"Copy that, Phoenix Leader. We'll send it in the Tomahawk missile just send us the coordinates."

"Roger sending coordinates now" I quickly relayed the coordinates to the USS Dead by Daylight.

"Copy that missile away ETA 5 mikes," the response came through. We huddled behind a boulder, waiting anxiously for the air strike to arrive. The sound of approaching helicopters filled the air, and we knew that the Russians had called for backup.

"Hold on tight," I yelled to my team. "It's going to get rough."

The ground shook as the Tomahawk missile hit its target, unleashing a powerful explosion that rocked the entire area. The sound of gunfire and explosions filled the air as we fought off the Russian reinforcements, taking cover behind fallen trees and rocks.

"We need to get out of here now," I said, gesturing for my team to follow me. We ran towards the coastline, sprinting through the marshy terrain as we tried to put as much distance as possible between us and the base.

"Look, there's a boat," one of my team members pointed to a small fishing boat anchored nearby. Without hesitation, we jumped into the boat. But then as the engine started there was an explosion, and I felt a sharp pain in my side. I looked down to see blood seeping through my shirt.

"Go!" I shouted, gritting my teeth against the pain. "I'll hold them off."

My team looked at me with concern, but I waved them off. The boat roared to life, and they sped away from the shore, leaving me behind. I stood on the beach, facing the approaching Russian troops with an unyielding determination.

"You won't get away with this," I said, drawing my weapon. "Not while I'm still breathing."

The Russians charged toward me, firing their weapons. I returned fire, taking out several of them before I was overwhelmed. Bullets tore through my body, and I fell to the ground, my vision fading to black. But as I lay there, dying, I knew that my sacrifice would not be in vain.

My team had the intel they needed, and our government would use it to stop the Russians' deadly plans. And that was all that mattered. and the airstrike had decimated the Russian laboratory base. The world would be safer, thanks to our mission.

And even though I was orphaned and had no family to mourn me, I knew that my comrades in arms would carry on my legacy.

Otto Gallahan was a hero, a man who gave his life for his country and the world. He had faced danger and death countless times in service to his nation, and he had always come out on top. But this time, he knew that he would not survive. His wounds were too severe, and his time was running out. As he lay there, he thought about his life and what he had accomplished. He had lived a life of purpose and meaning, serving his country and fighting evil wherever he found it. He had made a difference in the world, and that was all that mattered.

As his vision began to fade, Otto smiled to himself, knowing that he had done his duty. He closed his eyes, feeling a sense of peace wash over him. And then, with one final breath, he passed away...or is he?.

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