
Young devil gathering - II

Third Person POV

'Oh boy, Shalba sure is vengeful. He is shaming the Oriax heir infront of the whole devil world basically as they are future heirs. The future social life of the poor guy is over.' Cain thought while drinking the wine.

The Oriax heir finally had enough of this and finally decided to talk back but that was a bad move. Even if Shalba isn't the most hardworking guy his strength is far higher than Olive Oriax.

"Beezelebub heir this year due to a famine my family was not able to produce enough amount of resources that's why the gift was of low quality."

Shalba didn't like him talking back so he punched him in the face while taunting

" What the hell am I supposed to do if you dont have enough money."

The Oriax heir was bleeding from his cheek that last punch made a cut on his face and faced with the psychological and physical pressure he was about to do something dangerous like openly attacking Shalba. A certain redhead came between Shalba and Olive and protected Olive by shielding him with her own demonic energy.

Everyone in the hall was shocked by her brazen action. This was a direct upfront to the house of Beelzebub afterall someone stopped him. Shalba is very arrogant he won't let it end like this.

Shalba's face became twisted like he went mad and he spoke like a animal in frenzy

" What are you doing Gremory, don't get in my way. This can be seen as a upfront to me, the heir of the house of Beezelebub."

Hearing Shalba speak like that Zeaira remained calm and said

" Please calm down Lord Beelzebub, heir Oriax has given a sufficient reason for his lacking gift. You dont need to kill him for that. I think he has been punished enough."

But Shalba didn't care about he attacked both of the heirs opposing him with magic. Now every one was getting wary after all this can be said to be a very big event. But the satan heirs were looking like they were watching an interesting drama with interest.

All the attacks of Shalba were canceled by the Gremory heiresses by her skillful use of the power of destruction of Bael inherited by her mother. All Shalba was doing was wasting his energy as none of his attacks were causing any trouble to Zeaira.

But Shalba was getting more and more annoyed that he was not able to defeat the two worms and he was about to use his clan trait ' The king of flies' when a maid with silver hair came and stood between Shalba and Zeaira.

Now this became a three way clash. Shalba still in his arrogance spoke " Move Lucifuge or I will not hold back against you."

Grayfia ignored his threat and replied calmly like she was telling a child " Lord Cain is being disturbed by the ruckus that is being caused. So please settle this conflict after gathering."

Shalba was livid hearing that he was thinking ' A mere maid dares to speak to me like that and what does the Lucifer brat think he is, to tell me to stop because he is annoyed. I am going to teach his maid a lesson.'

Shalba did not give heed to Grayfia's warning a went on to activate his clan trait but suddenly a enormous pressure descended on the hall the weaker devils simply fell to their knees. The stronger ones were trembling and sweating profusely.

The barrier made by Zeaira was destroyed by this pressure and the Oriax heir fainted. Shalba was standing there like a statue, He slowly turned his head to find the source of this gigantic aura and his eyes met with Cain.

That day Shalba felt primal fear so much that even he was shivering his eyes went bloodshot there was only one thought going on his mind.

' HOW! He is the same age as me the-then why I am feeling the same fear I felt towards my father why !'

Then Cain spoke bring him back to reality

" Shalba. Quiet down, this a place for elegance and etiquette not for barbarians to show strength in a uncouth manner. And were you trying to attack my Lucifuge."

Shalba spoke with stutter " N-n-no I was not trying to." he was shivering and was pale like a vampire at this point.

' Hmmm looks like this is enough if I do more he may piss himself.' Thought Cain and retracted his aura and simply called Grayfia back. He was thinking about going back but he felt a hand on his shoulder and a presence near him.

Cain turned and found a face he definitely didn't want to see. It was Rizevim having a joyous smile on his face acting like a loving brother.

' Shit I need holy water. I need to cleanse my eyes due this abomination.' screamed Cain internally while appearing like statue outside.

Meanwhile Shalba went back to his brother to talk about something and Grayfia came back to Cain. Just as she was back at her position Rizevim clapped and attracted everyone's attention

" Young Lords and Young Ladies may I have your attention please. After seeing the conflict between the heirs of Oriax clan and Bezzelebub clan I have decided to make a event in the party which will help resolve any ongoing conflicts between the lords and help foster a healthy competition."

Cain not believing that his brother will help in creating a healthy competion asked "What event do you speak of Rizz just speak straight no need to sound like a commentator."

Rizevim surprisingly unperturbed by Cain's remark said "The event is quite simple actually first we will create a list based on strength for all the heirs and heiresses present then we will give everyone three chances to challenge anyone to a spar, the winner exchanges the rank with the loser if the winner is lower ranked. If the winner is the higher rank then there is no change in rank."

"And how exactly does this promote a healthy competition." Questioned Cain.

" Quite simple by the end of this every one will know there place, so they will be in line and not provoke anyone they know is stronger than them hence preventing futile conflicts between the pillars."

Even Cain was bit surprised that Rizz said it loud that this was simply to show the pillars there place not some everyday spar this will decide te hierarchy of the generation until some major changes happen in between.

The other lords were silent mulling about it in their minds the stakes are quite high, but the benefits are also good. If they rank high they will get recognisation and in the underworld might makes right.

The lords said in unison that they agree to the event. In between Ajuka Astaroth spoke " How is the list going to be made, I dont think anyone knows the strength of everyone present here."

To that Cain replied, " Grayfia can do that her sensing abilities are top notch."

Rizevim also said " Euclid can help her in that."

With that a big event was underway in the underworld with big stakes.

The list was made in a about half an hour while the lords were talking to each other and making teams so as to reduce the threat of losing their rank.

The heirs of the Gremory clan, Sitri clan, Astaroth clan and Glaysa-Lobolas clan were standing together showing that they are in a cooperative alliance.

The list that both te Lucifuges complied was as follows.

1. Cain

2. Rizevim

3. Shalba and Melan

4. Katerea

5. Creusery

6. Grayfia

7. Euclid

8. Zeaira

9. Ajuka

10. Serafall


37. Olive Oriax

38. Rex Zepar

39. Tiara Botis

40. Ariana Ronove

Out of the 50 surviving devil pillars from the great holy war, only 40 had their heirs at the age of 18 to 20. And as the list was presented to every one it was also projected on the air by the Lucifuge familiar. Everyone was shocked to see the top 10 the satan heirs and the lucifuges were understandable but the other three were quite surprising.

Seeing that the list was made Rizevim started the event by saying " So the arena has been prepared by the Lucifuge clan inside the hall with barriers, the Lucifuges will the judge of the battles."

" Also dont try to kill the others some lethality is allowed but there should be no deaths here." He added the last part with a joking voice but he was still a lucifer so many lords nodded their heads.

With that the event began many lords were challenging each other but no one tried to challenge the top 10.

' Looks like they are afraid of the strength shown by me and the other satan guys, well better if no one challenges me.' Cain was busy wondering about something else.

In the midst of this Shalba was about to challenge someone when Zeaira said

" I challenge the heir of clan Beezelebub, Shalba."

' Oof this girl has a pretty personality protecting someone at the cost of gaining enemity with one of the satans. Shalba was going to challenge the Oriax guy, even if he kills him as a satan nobody can do anything but now things will get interesting.' Thought Cain.

The hall was shocked as this was the second time Zeaira had openly opposed Shalba. But the Lucifuges simply started the spar when both of them were at position Euclid was the judge.

Another interesting thing that Ajuka challenged Melan to a battle and Grayfia was the judge for that. If any one had doubts now that has been clear that the four rookies are opposing the satans in an open way without fear.

' Well a civil war was supposed to happen in the underworld before Cannon these are just the trailers the movie will start later in the future.' Cain still was relaxed as he doubted any one will challenge him after he scared Shalba using his glare and aura alone. Oh how wrong was he.

In Zeaira's match Shalba went on the offensive from the start he was taking out his anger on Zeaira, even when Shalba was going all out without using his clan trait she was doing fine, just standing and creating a layer of destruction around her, destroying all the attacks of the Beezelebub heir.

Everyone was surprised by the dexterous control of Zeaira over the famed PoD of the Bael clan. On top of that she was not even sweating while continously using her power to defend. On the other hand Shalba was getting more and more frustrated over the situation.

(AN:- From now on PoD will be used for power of destruction.)

Finally getting enough of the stalemate Shalba raged and unleashed his clan trait King of flies.

" Let's see you acting calm now Gremory, this is the power of a satan tremble before me. Hahaha !"

With his word large amount of file materialized in the arena and circled around Shalba with a flick of hand they went towards Zeaira and started shooting aura bullets at her continously from all the sides.

Zeaira was surrounded by her PoD and kept on defending herself. Everyone had thought she was going to lose after the clan trait of the Beezelebub clan was activated. Cain all of a sudden started focusing on this fight.

' That is some serious amount of power she is gathering inside that little dome of hers.'

Just as Cain finished his 4th glass of wine the dome of PoD broke like glass. And an enormous amount of demonic energy rised tinged with the intent of destroying everything in it's way.

The aura continued to destroy the stage alongwith the flies and finally when it reached Shalba the arena blew up. By this time even Rizevim was watching the spar with great attention.

After the dust settled Shalba could be seen lying on the ground with his armour destroyed and bleeding profusely. While Zeaira was standing like she hadn't fought at all, she said " For a descendant of the satan you are quite weak."

And started walking away while Shalba was too shocked to retort, Grayfia announced " The winner is Heiress Gremory." With that one point went to the anti satan group.

Let's go back a little in time when the spar between Melan and Ajuka began of which Euclid was the judge the match was quite simple, both of them starting with basic magic then taking it a notch up it resulted in a clash of the two clan traits The king of flies of the Beezelebub clan and Seal formula of the Astaroth clan.

Unlike his brother Shalba who lost his cool and was defeated in a pathetic manner. Melan maintained his calm through out the spar and even after losing didn't create a seen. He even gave a handshake to the Astaroth heir after the result was announced.

With that the score between the unofficial matches of the satan and anti satan group was 0-2 in the favour of the anti satan group. The event was going smoothly when two voices rang out at once.

" I challenge Grayfia Lucifuge to the battle."

" I Magdaran Bael challenge Cain Lucifer to the battle."

' I really dont want to have a fight right now.' Cain was thinking of going back into time and killing himself for accepting the invite.

'Now I will have to fight Zekram's son and possibly either Serafall or Falbium if the trend is to be followed. Just great.'

AN:- Any ideas for the clan traits. I will create a aux chapter for the surviving clans and their clan traits in the near future. Anyways comment any ideas you may have.

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