
My Song

Feeling alightttttt...

Into my minddddd...

Alone nighttttt...

I am! you are! we are...

All just fineeee...

I'm aliveeeee...

Feeling lightttttt...

No thoughts in minddddd...

I'm! always! right...

No need, go a sideeee....

It's my lifeeeee...

Don't need to fighttttt....

Because! today! I'm....


Leaving alighttttttt....

Nothing to finddddd....

I'm fineeee.....

I know! I'm! very lightttt....

No need your sideeeee...

Don't need your minddddd...

Just go and fightttttt...

Leave me aliveeeeeee....

I need my lifeeeee....

Not your adviceeeeee...

Go to your mindddddd...

Away from my sighttttt....

Because! today! I'm....


Nothing to fightttttt....

I'm lightttt....

Don't need your adviceeee....

Only my lifeeeee...

Just go to your nighttttttt...

Leaving my sideeeee...

As you always guyzzzz...

I know! you want! only.....

My timeeeee....

Wasting my lifeeee...

I'm now righttttt....

Away from your sighttttttt...

Try to sing it, if you could leave a comment below

Esha_Dar_creators' thoughts
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